Annual Report 2010-11 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya 1 bfUnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya okf"kZd izfrosnu Annual Report 2010-11 fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ij lqJh lqtkrk egkik=k }kjk vksfM+lh u`R; dh izLrqfrA Presentation of Oddissi dance by Ms. Sujata Mahapatra on World Environment Day. 2 bfUnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; okf"kZd izfrosnu 2010&11 Annual Report 2010-11 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya 3 lwph @ Index fo"k; i`"B dz- Contents Page No. lkekU; ifjp; 05 General Introduction okf"kZd izfrosnu 2010-11 Annual Report 2010-11 laxzgky; xfrfof/k;kWa 06 Museum Activities © bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] 'kkeyk fgYl] Hkksiky&462013 ¼e-iz-½ Hkkjr Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Shamla Hills, Bhopal-462013 (M.P.) India 1- v/kks lajpukRed fodkl % ¼laxzgky; ladqy dk fodkl½ 07 jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; lfefr Infrastructure development: (Development of Museum Complex) ¼lkslk;Vh jftLVªs'ku ,DV XXI of 1860 ds varxZr iathd`r½ Exhibitions 07 ds fy, 1-1 izn'kZfu;kWa @ funs'kd] bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] 10 'kkeyk fgYl] Hkksiky }kjk izdkf'kr 1-2- vkdkZboy L=ksrksa esa vfHko`f) @ Strengthening of archival resources Published by Director, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Shamla Hills, Bhopal for Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Samiti (Registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860) 2- 'kS{kf.kd ,oa vkmVjhp xfrfof/k;kaW@ 11 fu%'kqYd forj.k ds fy, Education & Outreach Activities For Free Distribution 2-1 ^djks vkSj lh[kks* laxzgky; 'kS{kf.kd dk;Zdze @ 11 eq[k i`"B% ujcnk th izn'kZuh esa iznf'kZr dy'k ,oa iwoksZrj Hkkjr ls ,d tutkrh; ;qorh dk QksVks dksykt Cover Page: Photo collage of Kalash displayed in the exhibition Narbadaji and a tribal girl from northeast India 'Do and Learn' Museum Education Programme vafre i`"B% laxzgky; dh osclkbV% www.igrms.com Back Page: The website of Museum: www.igrms.com -page view 2-2- dykdkj dk;Z'kkyk,a @ Artist Workshops 12 2-3- izf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkyk,a @ Training Workshops 14 Nk;kfp=% Nk;k vuqHkkx Photographs : Photography Section 2-4- laxksf"B;kWa @ Seminars 14 lkexzh ladyu ,oa vuqokn% lw;Z dqekj ikaMs]Jherh vpZuk JhokLro] lqJh fpUe;k O;kl 2-5- laxzgky; yksd:fp O;k[;ku @ Museum Popular Lecture 18 Text Compilation & Translation: Surya Kumar Pandey, Smt. Archna Srivastava, Miss Chinmaya Vyas 2-6- okf"kZd baxkajkekla O;k[;ku @ Annual IGRMS Lecture 18 vkdYiu dEI;wVj vuqHkkx]baxkjkekl Designed and composed at Computer section, IGRMS 2-7- izLrqfrdkjh dykvksa dk izn'kZu@ Performing Art Presentations 19 Vad.k dk;Z% vkbZ- oku[ksMs+] jkts'k R;kxh 2-8- izdk'ku @Publication 28 Text keying : I. Wankhede, Rajesh Tyagi 2-9 vU; fo'ks"k xfrfof/k;kWa @ Other Special Activities 29 eqnz.k% Printed at : 4 bfUnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; okf"kZd izfrosnu 2010&11 Annual Report 2010-11 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya 5 lkekU; ifjp; @ General Introduction laLd`fr ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj dk ,d Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Lok;Rr'kklh laLFkku bfUnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)/ (National Museum ekuo laxzgky;] ¼us'kuy E;qft+;e vkWQ of Mankind), an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Culture, Government esudkbaM½ dky ,oa LFkku ds ifjizs{; esa ekuo of India is engaged to portray the story lwph @ Index tkfr dh xkFkk dks n'kkZus esa layXu gSA 1970 of mankind in time and space, conceived ds n'kd ds izkjaHk esa baxkajkekla ds fopkj in the early 1970s, the IGRMS began its dk lw=ikr gqvk vkSj blus 1977 esa viuh activities in 1977 by opening a nucleus fo"k; i`"B dz- xfrfof/k;ksa dk izkjaHk ubZ fnYyh esa ,d vk/kkj office at New Delhi. The establishment Contents Page No. dk;kZy; izkjaHk dj fd;kA 1979 esa laxzgky; was shifted to Bhopal in early 1979 on allotment of necessary land for ds fodkl gsrq vko';d Hkwfe dk vkoaVu developing the Museum. The main 3- vkijs'ku lkYost@ Operation Salvage 37 gksus ij bls Hkksiky LFkkukarfjr fd;k x;kA Museum of the IGRMS is being developed baxkajkekla dk eq[; laxzgky; Hkksiky dh in a 200 acre campus allotted by the State Salvage Through Collections 37 3-1- ladyu }kjk lkYost @ izfl) >hy ds lkeus e/;izns'k jkT; 'kklu Government of Madhaya Pradesh in front 3-2- {ks=dk;Z }kjk lkYost @ Salvage through Field Work 37 }kjk vkcafVr 200 ,dM+ ds ifjlj esa fodflr of the famous Bhopal lake. A Southern fd;k tk jgk gSA baxkajkekla dk nf{k.k {ks=h; Regional Centre of IGRMS is functioning since 2001 at Mysore from a heritage dsanz] eSlwj esa dukZVd 'kklu }kjk vkcafVr ,d 4. nf{k.k {ks=h; dsUnz] eSlwj @ Southern Regional Centre, Mysore 41 building 'Wellington House' allotted by /kjksgj Hkou *osfyaxVu gkml* esa o"kZ 2001 ls the Government of Karnataka. dk;Zjr gSA 5- iwoksZRrj Hkkjr dh xfrfof/k;kWa @ Activities for North Eastern India 43 laxzgky; ekuo laLd`fr;ksa dh ledkfyd The Sangrahalaya is involved in oS|rk rFkk ekuo laca/kksa esa oSdfYid cgqyrk generating a new Museum movement in 6- lqfo/kk bdkbZ;kW @ Facility Units 47 India, to demonstrate the simultaneous ds izLrqfrdj.k gsrq Hkkjr esa ,d uo&laxzgky; validity of human cultures and the vkanksyu ds lw=ikr esa layXu gSA laLFkku ds plurality of alternatives for human 7- ys[kk ijh{kk ifrosnu ,oa ys[ks (2010-11) @ 49 vfHkuo i{k fofHkUu lkeqnkf;d lewgksa ds articulation. The Sangrahalaya is also ikjaifjd dkjhxjksa rFkk fo'ks"kKksa dh lfdz; working for national integration, and Audit Report and Annual Accounts (2010-11) lgHkkfxrk ls fufeZr eqDrkdk'k rFkk varjax promote research and training and inter- izn'kZfu;kWa ,oa foyqIr izk; ijarq organizational networking for salvage and 7-1- o"kZ 2010&11 ds ys[ks ij ys[kk ijh{kk izfrosnu ,oa izek.k i= 50 revitalisation of vanishing, but valuable Audit Report and Audit Certificate on the accounts egRoiw.kZ lkaLd`frd ijaijkvksa ds iquthZohdj.k cultural traditions. The innovation aspects for the year 2010-11 gsrq 'kS{kf.kd] vkmVjhp vkSj lkYost of the organisation are its open air and xfrfof/k;kWa gSaA laxzgky;] jk"Vªh; ,drk indoor exhibitions, built with active 7-2- o"kZ 2010&11 ds fy, okf"kZd ys[kk 53 ,oa foyqIr izk; ijarq egRoiw.kZ lkaLd`frd involvement of traditional artisans and Annual Accounts for the year 2010-11 ijaijkvksa ds lkYost vkSj iquthZohdj.k experts drawn from different community gsrq 'kks/k ,oa izf'k{k.k dks c<+kok nsus rFkk groups: and the Education, Outreach and Salvage activities for revitalization of varj&laLFkkfud lEca/k cukus gsrq fdz;k'khy 8- vuqyXud @ Annexures 75 vanishing but valuable cultural traditions. gSA laxzgky; Hkkjrh; ikjaifjd thou'kSfy;ksa Through its exhibitions and salvage 8-1- jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; lfefr ds lnL; 76-77 dh lkSUn;kZRed fo'ks"krkvksa] yksxksa ds LFkkuh; activities, the IGRMS demonstrates the Members of Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Samiti(RMSS) Kku ,oa uSfrd ewY;ksa ds vk/kqfud lekt ds aesthetic qualities of India's traditional life izfr lrr izklafxdrk dks izn'kZfu;ksa rFkk styles, and the continued relevance of the 8-2- jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; lfefr dh dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn ds lnL; 78-79 lkYost xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls iznf'kZr local knowledge and mores of its people to the modern society, and caution the Members of the Executive Council of djus ds lkFk tuekul dks ikfjfLFkfrdh rFkk Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Samiti people against uprecedented destruction i;kZoj.k] LFkkuh; ewY;ksa vkSj ijaijkvksa ds of ecology and environment, local values 8-3- dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn dh foRr lfefr ds lnL; 80 vHkwriwoZ fouk'k ds izfr lpsr dj jgk gSA and customs. Members of the Finance Committee of the Executive Council laxzgky; ds dk;Zdze ,oa xfrfof/k;ka rhu The programmes and activities of the izeq[k mi;kstukvksa ds varxZr lapkfyr gksrh gS% organisation are carried out under the sub-schemes namely: 1- v/kks lajpukRed fodkl % (A) Infrastructure Development ¼laxzgky; ladqy dk fodkl½] (Development of Museum Complex), 2-+ 'kS{kf.kd ,oa vkmVjhp dk;Zdze] rFkk (B) Education and Outreach, and 3- vkijs'ku lkYost A (C) Operation Salvage. ujcnk th izn'kZuh dk ,d n`';A izLrqfrdkjh dykvksa ds izn'kZu dk n`'; ¼cjkd ?kkVh½ A A view of Exhibition Narbada Ji. A view of Performing art Presentations (Barak ghati). 6 bfUnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; okf"kZd izfrosnu 2010&11 Annual Report 2010-11 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya 7 laxzgky; xfrfof/k;kWa @ Museum Activities o"kZ 2010 & 2011 ds nkSjku fdz;kfUor The report of activities carried out in the xfrfof/k;ksa ij izfrosnu fuEukafdr gaS % year 2010-11 is given below: (Development of % ¼laxzgky; ladqy Infrastructure development : 1 v/kks lajpukRed fodkl dk fodkl½ @ Museum Complex) ¼1½ v/kks lajpukRed fodkl % (1) Infrastructure development: (Development of Museum Complex) ¼laxzgky; ladqy dk fodkl½ 1.1. Exhibitions: Members of the 1-1- izn'kZfu;kWa % D;wjsVksfj;y foax ds lnL; Curatorial wing were engaged fofHkUu eqDrkdk'k izn'kZfu;ksa tSls in updating and maintenance tutkrh; vkokl] fgeky; xzke] rVh; of different open-air exhibitions xkao] e: xzke] fo'o cks/k ,oa dFkk iFk] entitled Tribal Habitat, Himalayan 'kSydyk /kjksgj] unh ?kkVh laLd`fr;kWa] Village, Coastal Village, Desert Village, ikjaifjd rduhd] ,oa iquhr ou ds Cosmology and Narrative Trail, Rock la/kkj.k ,oa mUu;u rFkk ohfFk Art Heritage, River Valley Cultures, Traditional Technology and Sacred ladqy&varjax laxzgky; esa Hkh uohu Groves and also in developing new izn'kZu LFkyksa o LFkk;h nh?kkZvksa ds fodkl display spaces and permanent esa layXu jgsA galleries in Veethi Sankul- the indoor museum.
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