WITH SHADOE STEVENS TOP!C,:\L PROMO$ TOPICAL PROMO$ FOR SHOW #36 ABE LOCATED ON Q!SC 4. TRACKS 10. 11 & 12. PO NOT USE AfTER SHOW 136 AT40 ACTUALITIES ARE LOC'\TED ON DISC 4. TRACKS 13 & 14. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING TOPICAL PROMOS ****AT40 SNEAK PEEK. LOCATED ON DISC 4. TRACK 15**** t ' LUCKY AMY AND SOUNPGARPEN'S CORNELL :22 Hi, Shadoe Stevens, AT40, where the stars come out as we count down their latest h~s. Last week, we talked to an exc~ed Amy Grant, back w~h a new album, "House Of Love," and new song, "Lucky One." And we met the lead singer of Soundgarden, Chris Cornell; Told us how he got into music when he was about five years old, because of the Beatie's "Hey Jude." Hey, we've got music's hottest stars and more • every week. right here • on American Top 40! [LOCAL TAG] 2. SUPERCALI-COUNTPOWN FUN :31 Hi, Shadoe Stevens, wkh an invkation to hk music and more on American Top 40. Last week, we looked at the Disney album that hR Itt, 30 years before 'The Lion King' was ev<m a cub ... "Mary Poppins"; We heard a special medley of music from that movie. We also took an AT40 Flashback to the year 'The Pride of East Los Angeles' howled at Itt • Los Lobos w~h "La Samba," in t987. And we had an AT··40 Sneak Peek from Prince. "Let~go· recorded before his Symbol sw~ch. Join me this week, won't ya? • for al the hk·fun • on American Top 40! [LOCAL TAG] 3. FIBEFIGHTING COOLIO AND LISA'S 11 :31 Hey-hey, I'm Shadoe Stevens, with radio's top songs across the U.S.A., all the hit-facts, the stars, their stories and more! Last week, we found out about the rapper who beat drugs by becoming a fire fighter! That's the story of Coolie, in the countdown with his first h~. "Fantastic Voyage." A~d we looked at women who've written their Itt's by themselves· Lisa Loeb is the latest still on top w~h her g1oup, Nine Stories, doing "Stay." Will they 'stay' at lit another week? D'Shadoe knows and you will too • just join me • 1ight here • tor American Top 40! [LOCAL TAG] 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W, Suije 390, Los An~Jeles, CA 90068 • ABC Radio Networks Ill p II II VOICE: 213.850.1003 FAX: 213.874.7753 ~T40 Int. ACTUALITIES w. SHOW 36 DISC 4 TRACKS 13 & 14 1. Amy Grant's last album "Heart in Motion." was her biggest ever -- Quadruple platinum! So we asked her if she was nervous heading back in the studio to record the follow-up album, "House of Love." AMY GRANT ACTUALITY "The only thing I was nervous about was, 'Will the songs be there when it's time to go into the stuciio ?' And, you know, that process happens with every recording and you just have to be patient and not rush in too soon. And then once we went into the studio I thought, 'I like this better than the last one,' which is a good feeling." 2. Recently, we talked to Soundgarden lead singer Chris Cornell and he told us he first really got into music when he was a little boy -- because of a Beatles' record written for John Lennon's little boy. CHRIS CORNELL ACTUALITY: "Actually. it was 'Hey Jude.' When I was going to record, you know , a child's record , of course, and they would play that record and ·generally, you know, it was some Disney style theme or something. And when it was _... my day to bring in a record I'd heard this single and it really moved me and I thought it was really great. So I brought it in and, you know, I was six years old. I didn't know. It wasn't something to do. So I brought it in and I played it and instantly took it off and I was punished , or whatever, for bringing that thing in. That was like this big moment for me to figure out how powerful it could be, you know. That that music could actually like, intimidate someone or make someone uncomfortable , or be something that wasn't necessarily OK to sing or to play." 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W. Suite 390 AIR DATE WEEKEND: 09103/94 Los Angeles, CA 90066 SHOW#:3§. HOURS: J....!..;! VOICE: 213.650.1003 Wtrtt SHAJOf: STf:Vf:N5 .... I II FAX: 213.674.7753 ABC RADIO NETWORK Theme and Opening of P•rt 1- AI Capp/Ron Hicklin/ Sound:learr Theme •nd Opening_of Part II Music, BMI AI CapptRon HicklirVSoundbeam Music. BMI #40 GIRLS AND BOYS (A) Blur #30 HARD LUCK WOMAN (A) Garth Brooks #39 COME OUT AND PLAY ( ) Offspring #29 FANTASTIC VOYAGE (A) Coolie #28 DECEMBER '63 IOH WHAT A NIGHTI (A) Four Seasons HRl mK 1 RUNT.. E: 8:10 mK 2 DoocUit: 2:00 (LOCALINSERT3:00 HR2mK 1 RUNT111E: 11:39 mK 2 o.dAir 2:00 (LOCALINSERT3:00) AT40Jingle #38 ALL I WANT IS YOU () U2 #27 LUCKY ONE (A) Amt Grant #37 GAMES PEOPLE PLAY (8) Inner Circle #26 YOU LET YOUR HEART GO TOO FAST (B) Spin Doctors #36 I'M THE ONLY ONE (A) Melissa Etheridge #25 100% PURE LOVE (A) Crystal Waters It QI":.A.l INSFJ:IT 3:00\ STATION() :TO AT40Jingle AT40 Jlnglo #35 FAR BEHIND (A) Candlebox #24 I'LL REMEMBER (A) Madonna #34 I'LL STAND BY YOU (A) Pretenders AT40 SNEAK PEEK· CIRCLE OF LIFE () E~on John #23 THE WAY SHE LOVES ME (A) Richard Marx IHRl mK 5 RUN TlME: 9:29 mK 6 o..:t AJr: 2:00 (LOCAL INSERT J:oo HR 2 TRK 5 RUN nilE: 14:50 mK 6 .,_ AJr: 2:oo (LOCAL INSERT 3:00) AHOJingle AT-40Jingle #33 LETITGO (A) Prince AT4Q FlASH BACK· TOp FIYE HITS FROM SEPT 12 1981 #22 BACK AND FORTH (8) Aaliyah #32 RETURN TO INNOCENCE (A) Enigma #21 COME TO MY WINDOW (A) Melissa Etheridge #31 I'LL BE LOVING YOU (A) Collage (LOCAL NSERT 3 00) TRK RUNT111E: 15:49 mK DoodAir. :60 (LOCAL NSERT 3:0C HR 2 mK 7 RUN T.. E. 9:06 TRK 8 Dood Air. :60 lHRl 7 8 STATION 10:10 • STATIOO 10:10 14444 Betwood Pane-way /lMr::"""' A~· TOP 40 "HT DISC CO'S" _....._.by TM century Dalas, Toxas 54244-3228 ~, uses !-"'...,........_,_. INC (214) 9J.4-2121 or (800) 937·2100 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W, Surte 390 AIR DATE WEEKEND: 09/03/94 Los Angeles, CA 90068 SHOWt: ;3§. HOURS: 3....&...± I VOICE: 213.850.1003 WtTH SH:,['CE STE.VE.NS ....... FAX· 213.874.7753 ABC RADIO NETWORK The.,. end Opening of Pert Ill The.,. end Opening of Pert IV AI Capps/Dain Blair/Jeff Koz/Mark Leggett/Who did that Music AI Capps/Oain Blair/Jeff Koz!Mark Leggett/Who did that Music· BMI BMI •20 I SWEAR (A) AII-4-0ne ., 0 YOU BETIER WAIT (A& B) Steve Perry •19 UNTIL I FALL AWAY (A) Gin Blossoms #9 IF YOU GO (B) Jon Secada HRJ TRK 1 RUN nilE: 8o33 TRK 2 0.. Air. 2o00 (LOCAL INSERT 3JJO JlR 4 TJIK 1 RUN TliiE: eo08 TJIK 2 Dood Ai 2o00 (LOCAL INSERT JoOO) AT40Jingle #18 YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME (B) Toni Braxton #8 CRAZY (A) Aerosmith #17 ANYTIME YOU NEeD A FRieND (A&B) Mariah Carey #7 WHEN CAN I see YOU (B) Babytace #16 ANY TIME, ANY PLACE (A&B) Janet Jackson HRJ TRK 3 RUN TliiE: 12:32 TJIK 4 Coed Air. o60 (LOCAL INSERT 3o00 JlR 4 TRK 3 RUN TliiE: 8:12 -K 4 ~ Ai o60 (lOCAl INSERT 3o00) STATION 0:10 '" ~ STATION I) :10 .&TMI Jl~4o8 A1«JJ6ngle #15 BLACK HOLE SUN (A) Soundgarden #6 CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT (A) E~on John I DO· IMAGINe ()John Lennon #14 All I WANNA DO (A) Sheryl Crow #5 SHINE (A) Collective Soul AT40 JlfiVIe AT>MI Jingle #13 ALWAYS (A) Erasure AT4Q MUSIC News #4 I'LL MAKE LOVE TO YOU (B) Boyz II Men (;10! SONG /NTRQ FOB LOCAL/.0. (6:13-6:231 #3 DON'T TURN AROUNQ (A) Ace Of Base #12 ROUND HERE (B) Counting Crows #1 1 PRAYER FOR THE DYING (B) Seal HRJ TJIK 7 RUN TNE: 1So• 1 TJIK 8 Dood Air. o60 LOCALNSERTJOO HR4TRK 7 RUNTNE·8o51 TJIK 8 DoodAit: o60 LOCAL NSERT 3:00 STATION 10 :tO • STATION 10:10 #2 WILD NIGHT (A) John Mellencamp w/ Me'Shell Ndegeoce.lo #1 STAY (B) Lisa loeb and Nine Stories -·TOPICAL PROMOS LOCATED AT END OF DISC 4, TRACKS 10,11 & 12- -AT40 ACTUALITIES ARE LOCATED ON DISC •• TRACKS 13 & 1·- 'AT•a SNEAK PEEK LOCATED ON DISC •• TRACK 15' CLOSE: So until- ....t~ein, thil I• Y!)Ur beat friend, D'Shedoe. By•bye out there. THEME IN AND UNDER WITM TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 47:31i THEME 59:59 (AI Capp/Ron Hicldin/ Soundbeam Music, BMI) HOUR 4 TRACK 9 RUN T111E: 8o29 i AT40 Song Publishing Rights Data ForWcxkEnding:-1-P-/iv, ':," trn. Act Nowne !.All* Song w~•·,. P'ublhlhJnv R'f>ll ..,(I..._..T.. U. U.MII',__..- - ACA U•L... F..._"""- .. 1 WIN..,... Jdn/ r. ,.,........_. ........., v.. ....,.... cr••• ...,..., AeCN' J 0...1J.. ._.. "-01- ,.,.._ DIIIII•W....-............,.. ,._.........,, .. , ......... ,E.......... I ...,.uc:AP 4 rl .... l ... TeY• ..,. • ._ Mel-.. I~ ~8erf_~ 5 ..,_ c.-......
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