EDF GROUP PRESENTATION Decommissioning & Waste Treatment Lokala säkerhetsnämnden 9/12/2016 AGENDA 1. EDF GROUP, THE WORLD’S LEADING ELECTRICITY COMPANY 2. OUR AMBITION IN THE NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING & WASTE TREATMENT MARKet EDF 2016 I P.2 EDF GROUP, THE WORLD’S LEADING ELECTRICITY COMPANY All electricity-related activities 38.5 MILLION CUSTOMERS — Generation — Transmission & Distribution 158,200 EMPLOYEES — Trading and Sales & Marketing — Energy services €75.0 BILLION SALES EDF ranks: €17.6 BILLION EBITDA among the top 100 largest companies in the world (Fortune Global 500 2014) €12.7 BILLION NET INVESTMENTS EDF is a leader in low-carbon generation: ELECTRICITY GENERATION 102 g/kWh, of which 87% 623.5 TWH carbon-free generation — World’s No. 1 nuclear operator — European No. 1 in generation from renewables — European No. 3 in energy services EDF 2016 I P.3 EDF GROUP IS THE WORLD’S LEADING NUCLEAR FLEET OWNER AND OPERATOR WITH 73 OPERATING UNITS . 72.9 GW installed capacity, 54% of the Group’s net generation capacity . 477.7 TWh generated, 77% of the Group’s output . 58 reactors operated in France, 15 in the UK 5 NEW NUCLEAR PROJECTS . 3 EPR under construction: - 1 in Flamanville (France) - 2 in Taishan (China) . 2 EPR in project phase EDF has a long track record of safe reliable nuclear generation and has a bright future ahead EDF 2016 I P.4 AGENDA 1. EDF GROUP, THE WORLD’S LEADING ELECTRICITY COMPANY 2. OUR AMBITION IN THE NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING & WASTE TREATMENT MARKET EDF 2016 I P.5 DECOMMISSIONNING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ARE KEY TO EDF STRATEGY IN THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY EDF, the efficient and responsible electricity company, the champion in low-carbon growth Energy Rene- Generating low-carbon electricity from Thermal Nuclear Grid Trading & wables nuclear power and renewables is a Supply top priority of the CAP 2030 strategy 77% of the Group’s power output Operating Decommissioning and As a responsible nuclear operator, New Build NPPs Waste Management (DP2D) demonstrate our full control along the entire life cycle, by efficiently • 3 EPRs under • 58 reactors in 9 NPPs under managing decommissioning projects decommissioning construction in France, 15 in in France and waste generated by our power France and the UK plants in operating or dismantlement China • 73 GW installed Waste treatment : Socodei, Cyclife phase. • Others in capacity project phase • 478 TWh Development of generated solutions for HLW … | 6 FAVORABLE MARKET OUTLOOK IN THE NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING AND WASTE TREATMENT Europe USA Japan In the USA In Europe Japan Dismantling market size Dismantling market size Waste treatment market size Dismantling market size x 4 x 2 x 3 x 2 . In the UK : 14 AGRs to be stopped by 2030 . In Germany : 7 PWRs and 2 BWRs to be stopped by 2022 . In Sweden : 1 PWRs and 3 BWRs to be stopped by 2025 | 7 OUR AMBITION and COMMITMENTS The European leader in nuclear waste treatment & decommissioning Corporate Social Responsibility & Value Creation • In control of the whole • Develop a customer- lifecycle of nuclear power oriented mindset A responsible generation Customer nuclear firm satisfaction • Provide differentiating • Best-in-class for safety solutions and security standards • Develop sustainable and A responsible • Attract and develop skills Innovation to cost-effective solutions employer • People-centered stay ahead • Promote innovation within the organizations • Technical excellence A responsible • Transparent and reliable Quality & social partner for all stakeholders Efficiency • Sustainable and profitable business The acquisition of Studsvik Waste Treatment business division is a key | 8 milestone in The EDF Group’s strategic plan INTRODUCING , PART OF THE EDF GROUP A strong player with a European footprint… …with 900 dedicated and well trained staff to handle all of your decommissioning and waste treatment requirements… …and an ambition to grow into the blossoming decommissioning and waste treatment market Decommissioning Services Waste Treatment Decommissioning Scenario & Costing Melting : up to 8 500 t/year Scrap and metallic large components Waste management strategy Incineration : up to 5 600 t/year Waste Characterization Metal Recycling Facility : up to Transition Management 2 500 t/year Training Pyrolysis : 50 t/year | 9 CYCLIFE CYCLIFE is a portmanteau word built with « cycle » and « life ». Sounding The name is brief, impacting, modern, positive, almost militant. Background - cycle, circle, and associated symbols (round, generous, community) - sequence repeated, revolution - character related with the beginning, the original state -life, energy, movement, dynamic - recycling - resources, sustainability - continuity Welcome home - 08/2016 EDF 2016 I P.10 OUR REFERENCES ON THE NUCLEAR VALUE CHAIN + Waste management / Treatment / Recycling to support operations and decommissioning EDF 2016 I P.11 EDF HAS A LONG EXPERIENCE IN DECOMMISSIONING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT EDF plants under decommissioning : 2- Brennilis 1- Chooz Heavy Water Reactor Commission date: 1967 Commission date : 1967 Shut-down date: 1985 Shut-down date: 1991 Pressurized Water Reactor UNGG Reactor Fast-neutron Reactor More than 15 years experience : EDF has taken 9 units from operating 3- Saint Laurent A 5- Bugey 1 Commission dates : Commission to decommissioning : 1 Pressurised 1969 & 1971 date : 1972 Water Reactor, 1 Heavy Water Shut-down dates: Shut-down 1990 & 1992 date: 1994 EDF is a also in preparing AGR decommissioning that will begin by mid 2020s - all closed in early 2030s 4- Chinon A Commission dates: 1963, 1965 & 1966 Shut-down dates: 6- Creys-Malville 1973 , 1985 & 1990 Commission date : 1986 Shut-down date: 1998 Waste treatment operations More than 25 years in waste treatment through Socodei (our waste treatment subsidiary based in France created in 1990) Melting, incineration, onsite waste treatment operations Recently created a dedicated division to accelerate its development in the waste treatment and decommissioning market. EDF 2016 I P.12 OUR AMBITION IS TO DEVELOP AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM IN DECOMMISSIONING & WASTE TREATMENT Objectives for our clients : . Use The EDF Group’s skills and assets to offer competitive waste treatment and decommissioning services . In the long-term, improve overall industrial capacity to match growing market needs . Develop innovative cost effective solutions for waste treatment and decommissioning . Answer growing incitation to recycle nuclear waste in order to preserve storage capacities The acquisition of Studsvik Waste Treatment business division is a milestone in The EDF Group’s strategic plan. EDF 2016 I P.13 EDF’S DEDICATED DIVISION TO DECOMMISSIONING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT DP2D Division created in 2016 EDF CEO Directly linked to the executive committee of EDF Now 900 people working on Decommissioning & Waste Management EDF Group Executive Director for Nuclear In charge of EDF’s nuclear dismantlement & Thermal generation (DPNT) program worldwide In charge of : Decommissioning and — EDF’s nuclear dismantlement program worldwide Waste Management Division — Managing waste generated by EDF’s nuclear (DP2D) power plants — Managing and developing waste treatment assets Existing waste treatment assets in France, Sweden and UK EDF 2016 I P.14 EDF CONTACTS Mats Fridolfsson Managing Director, Cyclife Sweden [email protected] Mobile : +46 76 00 09 201 EDF 2016 I P.15 CYCLIFE SWEDEN AB Lokala säkerhetsnämnden 09/12/2016 MYNDIGHETSÄRENDEN . Tillsynsaktiviteter genomförda under perioden 1 juli – 8 december 2016 Verksamhetsbevakning från SSM inom Transport 25/10 Inspektion inom Safeguard 27/7 . Kommande tillsynsaktiviteter Inga datumsatta SSM-tillsyner . Remisser Ny föreskrift för fysiskt skydd Föreskrifter om konstruktion, analys och drift av kärnkraftsreaktorer Studsviksfondens avskaffande . Övriga ärenden Diverse övriga ärenden Lokala säkerhetsnämnen | 12/2016 | 17 HÄNDELSER 1 JULI – 8 DECEMBER 2016 . Mindre barriärbrott, askfat Denna händelse har ej medfört något utsläpp Lokala säkerhetsnämnen | 12/2016 | 18 PYROLYSANLÄGGNINGEN . Status, går enligt plan (31/5/2017) Fortsatt provdrift Optimering av anläggningen Lokala säkerhetsnämnen | 12/2016 | 19 DOSSTATISTIK JULI – NOVEMBER 2016 Ackumulerade Doser, mmanSv Individ max dos, mSv doser (jan-xxx) Juli 1,51 1,51 (29,04) 0,33 Augusti 4,12 5,63 (33,16) 1,10 September 13,07 18,7 (46,23) 1,42 Oktober 4,07 22,77 (50,30) 0,91 November 2,94 25,71 (53,24) 0,30 Lokala säkerhetsnämnen | 12/2016 | 20 ÖVRIGA PUNKTER . Avvikelse gällande ytkontaminerade göt . Aktivitet inför 2017 (om SSM beviljar) Vi har ansökt om medel för rivning av R0 komplexet (3 byggnader) Lokala säkerhetsnämnen | 12/2016 | 21 THANK YOU EDF 2016 I P.22.
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