Lynihurat p.; 1 U l i r a r y V *U # y Br SAVPLE - y n i h u r s : • • V , M in it-E d m cMorio iiw y dl<«^cr!L:h2^ ^ di,C*y ,r- •*"* * ’ 00,000 * " • *•<•••• »♦ w a s t h . M m . c £ # f L tanlTl **' h>"nd «y»*«D Ac coring to th. I.w ro n th. only pmaity for pot “ * ’ io n •* * * " •'■•••I n o i* e m a k e n i i a m ild f i n . taJT * yMr *»" "•"* »• •Ed — V-^90 rf *» * * " 9 »• (Sonmierrial J £ e a b w wind up? Exploding on your front lawn or In £ u r backyard! How about tha fact th. lethal 5 "^ r**. c*rt*d throo9h r**id*ntial street., and SOUTH-BEHGEN REV IEW •loag bodgw and through tunnels? That it was 1 5 C *n t* por copy ™ * pUc. where If could haw* exploded with danger to an ontlro neighborhood? It apparently wai an iitfentate ihipment — and the FB I ought to tak. cogniiancol Vol. 56, No. 42 T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 24, 1*77 *ubt.»K#d ot 251 ft.dqr Rd irndNxs. Svcond CIom pos>o<M poid o* >u>Wo>d Subsrr.pt.on *4 V) WaHly m e m o r i a l d a y p a r a d e a n d s e r v i c e s MONDAY, MAY 30, 1977 SPONSORED RY TOW NSHIP OF LYNDHURST, NJ. [Honor Society Inducts 401 ARRANGED RY LYNDHURST VETERANS’ ALLIANCE PROGRAM astor Control Unit, Sabr. Cadat* Drum and Ball and Valley Bro o k A w n . Corp., Lyndhunt Youth Council, St. Michael'* FHe Assembly - 10:10 a.m. and Drum Corps, G irl Scouts ef Am erica, Bergen Ir­ Parade -11:00 a.m. ish Marching Accordian Band, Boy Scouts of Amor- Invocation ■ Th* Raw. Em **t Lindner, Pastor, St. •ea, Lyndhunt Po lk. EnMrgm cy Squad. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church. National Anthem ■ M r*. Em il Blasko. Pledge of Allogianca Led by Girl Scout*. Welcome - Hon. JoM ph A. Carucci, Jr., Mayor of LINE OF MARCH L y n d h u n t . East on Valley Brook Ave. to Ridge Road to Sec­ Placing af Wreath* at World War II, Karoa and ond Ave. to Stuyvesant Avo. to Court Avo. te Web­ Viatnam M n a ria l at Town Hall - 10:35 a.m. ster Ave. Past Ravi .wing Stand at Veterans' Me­ VoHey and Tap* ■ Votorans' Rifle Squad and Bug- morial Park. The Memorial Service will be held ■ Thomas J. Gash, Former Commissioner, Town*hip of Lyndhurtt. GRANO MARSHAL - EDWARD QUIST. AIDES TO MARSHAL + James Ferriero, American Le­ _______ Officer rf HonTwTJTtT Juni#,MCto“ '** * * + S<hoot — » >"«'«»•<» i"*o the Notional gion; Frank Ferrara Jr., A.VETS; Conrad Michael PROG RAM Society at a ceremony held at the school an May 11, 1977. the Day - Fred Helmich, Past Commander, Am eri­ son. Veterans of World War I; Patrick Ferrie, The lyndhurst Chapter of the National Honor Society was founded in 1929. Its membership it can Legion. V.F.W . : Salvatore DoCario, Catholic W ar Veterans. chosen on the basis of outstanding scholarship, leadership, character and service. Each year 15 Introduction of Guest* - O fficer officer of the day. per cent of the junior dass is elected to membership. Roll Call - Command.rs of Veteran*'* fl*st*. New members inducted into th. society are shown above. From left to right, row 1 : F ra n c e s Jo*eph A. Caggiano, Commander, Veterans of Fer- PARADE FORMATION Cog. Charlene Bogk, Anna Bogle, Victoria Anderdain, Carmel Galixia. Angelo Morello, Donna *•9" W ars, William Quist, Commander, American Navarro, Karen McSherry, Mercedes Fontelo, Birth* Hansen ond Tim Upinsky Row 2: Gooraette Legion, Joseph Ouastella, Commander, AM VETS, Giaquinto, Cora Araenault, L iu , Young, Patricia Fabrixio, Jodi Unxo, Felicia loMorte, Karen Ci- John A Senna, Commander, Kingsland Barracks, nordo, Cam e Ftffi, Julie Richmond, and Undo VanHom Row 3: Jane Dougan, Judi Gowe Vivian Lyndhunt High School Band, Grand Marshal and W W I, Salvatore Do Carlo, Commander, Catholic W ar Fojvan, Adnanne Mochcinski, Maureen Stone, Dorothy Ketrucha, Petra Tepper. Diane Ryan and Aides, Lyndhurtf M ice Department, Board of Com- Veterans, Anthony J. Celia. Commander, Lyndhunt lor, Guardabasrio. Row 4: Jam es Volpe, Mark Spina, Edward Jinks, Gregory Woertx, Scott Kelso mkaioen. Board of Education. Fire Deportment, Veterans Alliance. Auxiliary and Apparatus, Can GoM Star Me thon Stephen Stypulkowski, larenco Porter, Richard DeMartino and Michael DeMarco Not pictured Ser- Volley . Veterans' Rifle Squad. gio Doming ooz. awdVtarM Wfar I Votorano, lo— * Pin Deport Taps - Bugler. The peegrem Included choral selection. ptos.nt.d by Mr. Crart and the OM,' ^ ,VI. L* wi*n - American Veterans of Benediction - The Rt. Rev. Henrjr Bock. Paster, Thomas Oosh, principal, p r+ * * n t* 6 th o pint and c«rfiF>cot*t during tho Candlo lighting C«r«mony W oridW ar II, Veterans af World War I, Veteran* of Soared Heart R .C Church. where the new members were officially inducted. After the ceremony, Mr. Eli A. Kane, tuperin- FenJgn W an. Catholic W ar SpanW. War Veteran., Lyndhunt M ice Reserves will take can af traf­ JtogBa * Marching Band, Lyndhunt Starling* A. AS. tendent of Schools, was the guest speaker. After the induction, refreshment* were served in the fic . cafotorio. [Hw.tr'srMl Oub, Lyndhunt UNICO. B.P.O .E. Elk* and Emblem Speakers Platform courtesy of M Giammet*e t Qub, Noglia'* Marching Band, PoUsh-American Clti Son s. zen*'Club. Lyndhunt Masons, Knitfds ef Columbus, In the event of rain, services w ill be held in the ” »'* Oub, Ovil Dofonoo and Dis- Town Hall chambers. Coast Guard D epartm ents A re Assigned G raduate Michael S Kuahla. son of As Com m ission Reorganizes Mr and Mrs John Kushla of 405 Lake Avenue - Lyn­ By Am y Divine Parks and Public Property Guida said, “ I am had offered their services dhurst. was graduated from The new board of com­ Carucci retained the title humble and gratful and will to the township and those the U.S. Coast Guard Aca­ missioners was installed in also of Director of P u b lic work tirelessly for the good on the board who have demy - New London. Conn official ceremonies in the Affairs, a big and fhpor- of the townrfiip " served well in public office on M a y 2S, 1977 upper room of the Lyn­ tant job he also had carried Bogle, remarking he was before He also cautioned The graduation exercises dhurst firehouse last on the past four years, and the youngest commissioner the audience lo be careful were witnessed by hia par­ Tuesday with an overflow which he wished to continue ever to serve in Lyndhurst. in criticism Said Monsig­ ents. his brother Gregory audience of citizens with doing said. I am deeply honored, nor, "Officials can t please and Mr. and Mrs William Township Clerk Herbert Carucci lauded former and depend on you to help all the people all the time Smith of Lyndhurst Perry swearing in the offi­ Mayor Anthony Scardino. us serve you ” They deserve an awful lot A fte r a 30-day leave. E n ­ cials. Jr., for “ a conscientious job Russo thanked the voters of consideration Tliey are sign Kushla will report to Joseph A. Carucci was done for Lyndhurst," and and all for their confidence five men of character The the U.S.C.G Icebreaker proclaimed mayor and will presented plaques of appre­ in him and promised coop­ town should give them a North wind (WAGB 2(2) at serve for the next four ciation to Scardino and to eration between his office, fair deal, they are men of Baltimore. Md. years Peter J. Russo was former commissioners W il­ the police department and honesty and integrity Don’t The North wind has been named Public Safety Com­ liam Smith and Angelo the citizens. blow off your moiths Often assigned to ice breaking pa- missioner, Walter Ja­ Checki. Jr. Janowski said he would those who have the least up trols in the Arctic. Ensign nowski. Public Works Com­ Carucci noted, "The fu­ continue his job of service above let the most out be- Kushla will participate in missioner. the position he ture of Lyndhurst lies east to the community and low-through their mouths ” On M ay 17, 1977, Columbus School PTA held installation of officers, at lyles Res­ the re-supply of Loran and held the past four years. at Polito Road, where 50 thanked all who supported Ralph A. Polito was ap­ taurant. The officers were installed by principal of Columbus School, Mrs. A.J. Do- DEW Line stations and Es­ James Guida was named fi­ percent of our area lies in ­ him in his bid for reelec­ pointed township attorney foul. The officers for lhe year 19 77-19 70 are: president, Mis. Richard Oallo, first kimo villages in the Arctic nance and revenue director developed. in the Meadow­ tion. and Joseph Neglia was vice president, Mrs. Richaid Perrota, second vice president, Mrs. Anthony Celen- and to keep the harbor open and Kona Id Bogle, youngest lands We must see to ils Monsignor Henry Beck reappointed township engi­ tano, recording secretary, Mrs. Joseph Hague, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Don­ to shipping in Thule, Green­ member of the board, was orderly development and to gave a short address, con­ neer w h ile Bogle was ap- ald Blake, treasurer, Mrs.
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