The May 1, 2019 American Indian Tribal News * Ernie C. Salgado Jr., CE0, Publisher/Editor San Manual Band of Mission Indians Contributes That’s correct, $25 Million Benja- Although San Manual is one of the min Franklins is the amount of smallest land based tribes it is one money the San Manual Band of of the most profitable gaming tribe Mission Indians donated to the in the Nation. Since it has the three Loma Linda Hospital for the ex- basic requirements needed for a pansion of the children's ward. successful business venture, loca- tion, location and location. The San Manual Tribal Council has also contributed millions of Located adjacent to the City of dollars to advance the education of Highland CA and within walking the tribal youth. distance of the freeway with an On -Ramp and Off-Ramp providing And although San Manual sets the easy access to their casino. bench mark for the American Indi- an Gaming Tribes in the Country San Manual has been a leader in by give back to their neighbors and the American Indian Gaming busi- communities they remain humble. ness since the Bingo days in the 80’s. Their Tribal Leadership and The next time a political fool like excellent management consistency former Calif. Governor Arnold have been two of their greatest Schwarzenegger (RINO) says that assets. “...the American Indian Tribes need to pay their fair share,” In honor of San Manuel’s latest gift, the fifth floor of Loma Linda Uni- Besides telling them to kiss your versity Health’s new adult acute A- -, tell then to call Loma Linda, care hospital and Children’s Hospi- the University of California at Riv- tal facility will be named the San erside or food panty’s just for start- Manuel Maternity Pavilion. ers. Sacramento, CA, – On Tuesday, Bo Mazzetti - Chairman of Rin- “The California Tribal Chair- Garth Sundberg - Chairman of 93-638, the Indian Self Determi- April 9, 2019, the Southern Cali- con Band of Luiseno Band of persons’ have united to create an the Trinidad Rancheria was elect- nation and Education Act of fornia Tribal Chairmen's' Associ- Indians was elected Chairman of association that represents every ed Treasurer of the CTCA. 1975. ation, Central California Tribal the CTCA. region of the State of Califor- Dale Miller - Chairman of Elk The primary mission of the Chairpersons' Association and the ·“The mission of the CTCA is to nia.” Michael Hunter, said. · Valley Rancheria was elected CTCA is to protect and promote Northern California Tribal Chair- promote unity and strength by Member at Large of the CTCA the tribal sovereign government persons' Association joined forces advocating for all California ·Kevin Day - Chairman of Tu- rights, advocate for the general to formally establish the Califor- Indian people. As my father olumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians welfare of California Tribes and nia Tribal Chairpersons' Associa- taught me, it is important to im- was elected Member at Large of cultural identity and interests. tion( CTCA). a state-wide organi- prove the lives for future genera- the CTCA. The CTCA is organized as a trib- zation established to collectively tions and to pursue a path that al resource and recognized as a address critical issues facing younger tribal leaders can fol- central point for the issues in Cal- Tribes in California. low, like our tribal elders did for ifornia. For more information us.” Mazzetti said, At its inaugural meeting, the contact Erica M. Pinto, Secretary CTCA met in Sacramento to at [email protected] adopt bylaws, vote and elect the Denis Turner, Executive Director Executive Board consisting of the of the Southern California Tribal following members: Chairmen’s Association was very Erica M. Pinto - Chairwoman of active in the formation of CTCA. the Jamul Indian Village of Cali- fornia was elected Secretary. “CTCA represents a majority of Kevin Day the sovereign tribal governments throughout the state. And with The California Tribal Chairper- one voice, the collective influen- son’s Association (CTCA) was tial of the organization will be a formally established earlier this Michael Hunter . positive. CTCA will work collab- year with the adoption of its legal oratively on all fronts with other organizational documents. Michael Hunter - Chairman of the tribal organizations to find solu- Coyote Valley Band of Pomo tions, promote Tribal sovereignty CTCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Indians was elected Vice Chair- and bring needed resources to Federally recognized Tribal Or- ganization as defined under P.L. man of CTCA. Tribal nations.” Pinto told AIR. Denis Turner DISCLAIMER: By Ernie C. Salgado Jr.: The American Indian Reporter is based strictly on my humble opinion of the numerous tribal matters and is- sues. It is not intended to represent the views or positions of any American Indian Tribal Government, American Indian organization, community organiza- tion or private sector sponsor of the American Indian Reporter. The primary purpose of this newspaper is to provide information to the American Indian population and general public on American Indian affairs at the local, state and national levels. Any reproduction or posting of any data herein in any form is strictly prohibited unless authorized or used for educational purposes. Violators will be sub- ject to us creating an effigy of you and stick it with pins and needles. James Ramos May 1, 2019 Page 2 of 16 California Assembly Member 40th Congressional District Th Although, the original intended was Chemehuevi Indian Reservation lo- for the paper to be an educational non cated in the remote eastern region of -profit endeavor. But because of the San Bernardino County bordering on tribal political views, the support for the Arizona border on the Colorado Tribal Sovereignty and the promotion River to the Santa Ynez Indian Reser- of Self-Governance is offensive to vation in Santa Barbara County to the some folks it was a no go issue. east San Diego County Indian Reser- The one and only objective of the vations of Campo, Manzanita and La American Indian Reporter is to pro- Posta. vided the tribal community with his- The distribution of the printed copies torical facts and current information to the tribes, organizations and urban Ernie C. Salgado Jr. of political issues that are vital to the tribal communities is by U.S. mail. survival of our Tribal Sovereignty. Individual copies are also mailed to WELCOME to the American Indian I believe a well informed, educated subscribers. Assembly Member , James Ramos Reporter’s first year anniversary of pub- and knowledgeable tribal community The American Indian Reporter is post- lication. Appointed to Key Committees: gives us the power to meet the chal- ed on two websites: The American Indian Reporter (AIR) (Sacramento, CA) -- Assembly member James C. lenges we face. AmericanIndianReporter.org Ramos (D-Highland) was appointed by Speaker published its first newspaper on May 1, The American Indian Reporter also CALIE.ORG. Anthony Rendon to the following committees: 2018 consisting of 16-colorful pages and allow the non-tribal community to printed 1,000 copies and has expanded to The American Indian Reporter ex- better understand our plight. • Chair of the Select Committee on Native 5,000. pects to print and distribute 10,000 to American Affairs For the first six-month the American 15,000 copies per month this year. The American Indian Reporter is sole • Budget Indian Reporter provided the south- owned and published by yours truly, In summary, the reality is that like all • Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and ern California American Indian Human Services Ernie C. Salgado Jr. good things it cost to produce publish tribes, Urban Indian Tribal Communi- and distribute the American Indian • Health I am a tribal member of the Soboba ty and American Indian Organiza- Reporter. And without the support of • Jobs, Economic Development, and the Econ- Band of Luiseno Indians, a tribal el- tions with a monthly publication to the American Indian Tribal Commu- omy der, and was born and raised on the share their news and promote their nity the American Indian Reporter • Local Government Reservation. I am also a veteran. And services and business. will have been a great idea. • Rules as a tribal member I have been active We have expanded the news coverage in tribal affairs my entire life. Respectfully, CONTACT INFORMATION FOR and distribution to a national level Assembly Member, James Ramos Over the years I have had the oppor- that include ever tribe in the nation Ernie C. Salgado Jr. State Capitol tunity to work in a wide range of including Alaska. American Indian Reporter, CEO jobs, as a farm laborer (Before Mr. Sacramento, CA 95814 For the past 6-months the American Phone: (916) 319-2040 * Fax: (916) 319-2140 Caesar Chaves), a California profes- Indian Reporter has expanded its dis- sional licensed barber, businessman District Office tribution to ever Tribal Government and served as the CEO of a non-profit 10350 Commerce Center Drive, Suite A-200 in the Nation through social media. Tribal organization for over 40-years. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Printed copies are currently mailed to Phone: (909) 476-5023 The education of our people was and the 27-Tribes located in the seven still is my life's work. Which brings Chief of Staff, John Nam (916) 319-2040 counties areas in Southern California. us to the primary objective of the Communications Director, Brendan Wiles American Indian Reporter. The geographical area is from the American Indian Reporter TEAM “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” Ernie C. Salgado Jr., CEO Publisher/Editor Tribal Member, Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Phone (951) 217-7205 * Email: [email protected] Shayne Del Cohen, Publisher of “Shayne’s Journal” A Nevada based daily Internet blogger publication.
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