Why have thousands of golfers gladly paid the higher price for Spalding Executive Clubs ? First. (liey look like the finest should look. And— utives' vertical framing aliens the ball and club head they perform like (lie fines! should perform. as precisely as a gunsight. ' Take (lie design of the wood heads, for example. The Executive clulis are so perfectly matched and They're unique. They're concave. This lowers the cen- balanced lhat all clubs in a set swing alike, feel alike. ter of gravity, gets the w ood into the halt faster, con- And. they're truly registered. Only Spalding offers cenlrates power with control. these important advantages. * Moisture never affects those Hydrosealed11 persim- There are many golfers in your club who would mon heads. Face inserts are precision filled without happily pay the slight premium for perfection. Show screw s to insure the perfect hitting surface. them ihe Executives, The face scoring of the irons is deep and the Exec- Sold through golf professional shops only. LD?/V(J On TV see the world's greatest golfers play the world's greatest courses! * * 11 new matches-Starting Jan. 20-Every Sunday-NBC-TV in color • Watch as 22 outstanding pros are SCHEDULE "SHELL'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF GOLF" challenged by 11 of the world's most BROADCAST famous and difficult courses. nArutt LOCATION DATE Gene Littler Eric Brown • Gene Satazcn and George Rogers Gleneagles (Scotland) Jan. 20 Dow Finsterwald Peter Allies describe the play and finer points of Tryall [Jamaica. B.W.I.) Jan. 27 0,.? Ragan, Jr. Cclestino Tugol ihc game. In every program, pros Wart-Waek (Philippines) Feb 3 demonstrate, in slow motion, helpful Art Wall. If. Stan Leonard Royal Quebec ICanada) Feb. ID tips on technique. Doug Sanders Arne Wei ken Harmstad (Sweden! Feb. 17 • View local color and customs of Jack Nicklaus Sam Snead Pebble Beach (California) Feb 24 p. •• Nelson faraway places from your easychair. Gerry lie Wit Hague 1 Holland) Mar. 3 A different course, a different country Phil Rodger s Frank Phillips Royal Singapore (Singapore) Mar. 10 every week, Bill Casper. Jr. Harry Brad&haw Portmarnnck (Ireland) Mar. 17 Ektb Goalby 0Db Charles Paraparaumu Beach (New Zealand) Mar 24 Bob Roajurg Roberto tie Vicenzo Lm Leone; (Chile) Mar. 31 SHELLS WONDERFUL WORLD OF 60LF STARTS SUNDAY, JAN. 20, NBC-TV, 4 PM EST, 3 PM CST, 2 PM MST, 4 PM PST. Alio to be i«n on CTV Nstwork In Canada. GOLFDOM February tHE BUSINESS MAGAZINE OF COIF 1963 i Consultant describes chaos that ' can result when authority is divided and nobody knows what the other member is doing 4 Talent Available for Reorganization But Coordination May Be Lacking By LORNE A, CAMERON organization or reconstruction of a club. Why indeed, then, should they go outside Tpacli ol the 621 new private country for help? clubs opened for play in the last 10 The sad fact is, as someone once so years started with an important factor in succinctly put it: "The country club is its favor — the embryo membership knew everybody's business — and nobody's it needed expert help to gets its project business!" successfully underway. Can't Afford Time Not all succeeded in getting the help Rare is the private club member who 1 needed in anticipating and overcom- can afford to contribute the time and real ing the problems involved in a new club effort required to effectively apply his venture. But they knew there would be specialized knowledge and experience to problems and so they moved with caution, do the job as it should be done. The mem- seeking out advice and help wherever ber who does allow himself to be inveigl- available. ed into, or himself proposes to take on the This is not true of the older club faced job as a regular business deal for a fee, with the necessity of reorganizing, rebuild- soon discovers that he and the club have ing or expanding because of overcrowded a poor deal on their hands. or obsolescent facilities. It is unfortunate that too often a mem- Older clubs are psychologically reluct- bership of successful businessmen will lay ant to admit their need for competent pro- aside its collective good business judg- fessional help and to seek it out. Tlie aver- ment and common sense in tackling a club age membership usually includes some project on its own. Certainly, all the sepa- a shite businessmen, attorneys, financial ex- rate skills involved in planning, organiz- perts, contractors, etc. — all the talent ing and operating a private club are" simi- obviously necessary to accomplish the re- lar to those employed in business. There About the Writer Lome A. Cameron is a graduate of the School of Hotel and Restaurant Ad- ministration of Michigan State Univer- sity and has returned to that school on many occasions in recent years as a guest lecturer. He has specialized in club man- agement and development in the capacity oF resident manager as well as consultant to some of the nation's leading country clubs. He is president of Coif Club Man- agement Co., which he formed in asso- ciation with other golf club development specialists. His headquarters are al 75 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, III. is one important difference; These factors ings. For example: The club purchased all come together and operate in a unique table service for 500, including 500 silver pattern foreign to the normal experience of 'supremos.' (a 'supreme' is the bowl-like a businessman. piece that carries the liner containing the Insurance Eel I Short shrimp or fruit cocktail served at dinner.) A few years ago we were called in by The dishwashing section of the kitchen a substantial 400-member Midwestern couldn't handle 500 supremes in less than club to rescue it from a situation into an hour! which it had worked itself in rebuilding Five Different Directions its clubhouse. The old building had Although the dining areas could ac- burned down and the directors immediate- commodate 600 people at a single seating, ly proceeded on their own to plan and the kitchen and other service facilities contract for a new structure that eventu- were set up to serve a maximum of 250 ally cost them $550,000. This was to be diners at any one time. However, because built with the fire insurance money that the expert's connection in the hotel sup- they had not yet received. ply business enabled him to get the larger Not having had periodic appraisals quantities of equipment at only cost plus made on the old building during its ex- r> per cent, he bought double. istence, they had no real idea of its true There were five committees operating worth. When the fire insurance settle- simultaneously and trying to keep the ment was made it amounted to only club operating while rebuilding was go- $250,000 — far short of the club's opti- ing on. All five ordered materials, equip- mistic guess. ment and supplies on their own, but no Several committees were formed to otic person or committee seemed to know work out ways and means of financing what the others were doing or buying. while the building committee proceeded Everyone seemed to take it for granted with the new plans as agreed upon. The that the insurance money would take care member-expert on food and beverages was of everything. a local hotel man and he was assigned to Looked Good on Paper that department. By the time he was It was the hotel man who called me in, through they had four dining areas with saying; Were in real trouble and we total seating accommodations for BOO need help. Its all my fault and I'll nay diners— for a membership of 400! yon to straighten us out!" Ah, Those Dealsl I spent my first three days on the site This same food and beverage expert checking everything out. The project was made some wonderful "deals" for the too lar along to change its physical make- club in obtaining equipment and furnish- (i.nntinuerl on page 90) Manufacturer of the largest Line of Electric Cars In the World the new Jafier t963... ITlds ic r pie c c Note: unretouched photo NOW... LOW SLUNG AND SWANKY! MORE SAFETY, MORE COMFORT, MORE BEAUTY, MORE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THAN ANY OTHER GOLF CAR MADl SPECIFICATIONS ARE "THE HEART OF A GOLF CAR!" BEFORE YOU BUY, COMPARE LAHER SPECIFICATIONS WITH ALL OTHERS DUAL SHAKES: ioptional} FAMOUS LDB-D-MATIC DUAL USE: Can be "ydraultc plus a me- Switch: Exclusive sonnet carrier or •i hanical emergency LAHER; every wear- per too! Goif bag hoi brake. Fatty enclosed ing part runs in a bath lifts out easily (no b< internal brakes on each of oil. eliminating wear to remove) leaving cl wtftel, not exposed So and service. fleck with plenty moisture and mud. Just for boxes, packages.t as safe and efficient as yoyr finest passenger car, LAHER AIR-VAC SPRINGS: HINGED TIP-UP HDDT: FULLY ENCLOSED A spring <md shock-ab- For fast, easy service UNIT: A LAHER sorber all in one. for anytime, anywhere. StVE DESIGN In soft easy riding and nation with a "SPTC safety. (The DREAM axle - runs InI oilnil . RIDE - America's finest service ftee as the 1 1de) est auto. Mm- • Special BUILT-IN CHARGER; also equipped to charge with portable charger • 6" wider tread at rear, no danger tip-overs • Plenty of room for six-footers, not a "ktddi-kar" • Large 8" of soft tires-easy riding and easy W, also available with 12" or 15" TERRA TIRES * MOST POWERFUL BATTERIES-made by LAHER exclusively for el 'c carS' 190 amps,, good for 36 to 45 holes • Unitized body with alloy steel pressed channel frame strongest ct Slructroci of any golf car • Powerful GENERAL ELECTRIC MOTOR more power than you'll ever need • LAHER cars ; WRITE TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION: LAHER SPRING & ELECTRIC CAR COR Advice from 6 Pros: Know Your Pupil..
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