Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 55: 15-24, 2019 BRC www.brc.amu.edu.pl DOI 10.2478/biorc-2019-0012 Submitted 25.01.2019, Accepted 30.09.2019 A new finding of a uniquely large population of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) on the Left-Bank Ukraine Vasyl L. Shevchyk1, Igor V. Solomakha2, Oksana V. Shevchyk1, Tetyana S. Dvirna3*, Volodymyr A. Solomakha4, Taras V. Shevchyk1 & Tetyana V. Fitsailo3 1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, NSC Institute of Biology and Medicine, Hlushkova Avenue 2, 03127 Kyiv, Ukraine; ORCID: VLS – http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3696-1968, TVS – http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6898-8623 2Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Mikhail Omelyanovich- -Pavlenko 9, 01010 Kyiv, Ukraine; IVS – http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8853-2973 3M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Tereshchenkivska 2, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine; TSD – http:// orcid.org/0000-0002-9279-9766 4Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, 600-Richchya 21, 21000 Vinnytsya, Ukraine; VAS – http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3975-5366 *corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract. The paper presents the results of the research of local population of Anacamptis morio (L.) R. M. Bateman on the territory of the Left-Bank Ukraine. The size of this population was estimated at about 250-300 thousand individuals. The average density of individuals per 1 m2 is 12, while in terms of age structure, dominate individuals in the generative stage (70- 75%). A. morio inhabits fresh, forest-meadow biotopes. Its populations are found in fresh eutrophic and moist mesotrophic meadows and in coastal floodplain forests. This species is a part of vegetation of the Koelerio­Corynephoretea and Molinio­ Arrhenatheretea classes. Considering the characteristics of the investigated A. morio population and its habitat we assert that the studied territory is unique, valuable and perspective for the creation of a nature reserve. Key words: vulnerable species, orchid, new location, ecological scales, biodiversity protection, Ukraine 1. Introduction over the past decades, it has become a critically endan- gered species. Populations of this plant have become The studied species was first described by C. Lin- almost extinct in Austria and Central Europe (Jersakova naeus in 1753 from Europe and called Orchis morio et al. 2002; Jacquemyn et al. 2005; Kull & Hutchings L. In 1997, R. M. Bateman, A. M. Pridgeon and M. 2006; El-Heliebi 2015). It also has an international W. Chase reclassified it according to new molecular- protected status under the Convention on International phylogenetic data and moved to the genus Anacamptis Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Rich. (Bateman et al. 1997). A. morio is widespread – its status is near threatened (CITES 1973, 2017; throughout Europe, its range covers Scandinavia, Cen- Anacamptis 2011; Stroh 2014). In Ukraine, this species tral and Atlantic Europe and the Mediterranean Region occurs at the eastern boundary of its range and is catego- (Sobko 1989; Evans 2011; Gaponenko & Ivannikov rized as vulnerable. It is distributed in the Carpathian 2013; Stroh 2014; Paušič & Kaligarič 2015). However, region (Gorgany, Volcanic Carpathians, Chyvchyny, CHOROLOGY ©Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved. 16 Vasyl L. Shevchyk et al. A new finding of a uniquely large population ofAnacamptis morio (Orchidaceae)... Chornohora), Roztochhya-Opillya, Southern Polissya floodplains between the rivers Uday and Sulytsya (tribu- and Forest-Steppe natural zone, and the Crimea). The taries of Sula). This area extends in a sub-latitudinal plants grow in moderately damp meadows, on mountain direction and has the triangle-like shape, with an acute meadow slopes with southern and southwestern expo- angle in the west. sures, and rarely in the grassy forest clearings and at the The area of the study has the shape of an irregular forest edges (Protopopova & Orlov 2009; Gaponenko & oval, narrowed in latitudinal and elongated in the longi- Ivannikov 2013). Due to the species rarity, the negative tudinal directions. Its approximate boundary coordinates tendencies in the dynamics of many of its populations are indicated for the boundary points according to the and the threat of their disappearance, A. morio was regu- data from Google maps (https://www.google.com.ua/ larly included in the lists of all editions of the Red Data maps/preview). The central point of this area has the Book of Ukraine (Sytnik 1980; Didukh 1996, 2009). following coordinates: 50.112003N and 33.144376E. The status of the protected species, first of all, deter- The studied territory belongs to the Ichnyansko- mines the need for the most complete information on A. Lokhvytskyi physiographic region situated within the morio distribution, phytocoenotic role and condition of North Prydniprovsk lowland of the Left-Bank Pridne- its populations in the area of Ukraine. This is especially provsky region (Popov et al. 1968). It is a terraced true for these populations that are isolated in separate lowland that is slightly raised and divided by the rivers regions. The purpose of our work was a comprehensive Sula and Uday. Most of the interfluve surfaces of this study of the local population of A. morio. area lie between 150 and 190 m a.s.l. (Marinych & Shishchenko 2005). Within the watershed, the base- 2. Study area ment bottom is uneven and covered with diluvial loam, modern alluvial and lacustrine-alluvial sandy loam and A new area of A. morio occurrence was found ancient alluvial sandy sediments (Vernander & Tyutyun- between the villages of Tyshky and Vysachky in the nik 1986). Lubny district of Poltava region (Figs. 1-2). It is located The climate of this area is subcontinental. The sum on the left bank part of the Uday River, in the terraced of active temperatures above 10° is 2600-2800°, aver- Fig. 1. The distribution of Anacamptis morio in Ukraine and location of its newly discovered locality Explanations: , – species localities according to the Red Data Book of Ukraine (Protopopova & Orlov 2009), – a new locality discovered in 2018 Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 55: 15-24, 2019 17 Fig. 2. The location of the studied area age annual precipitation is 500-550 mm, while effective In addition, in 2018, the herbarium collections rainfall is 210-220 mm (Logvinov & Shcherban 1984). of the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW), Taras The surface of the studied flood plain is elevated Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KWU) and about 92-97 m a.s.l. Dominating soil types comprise The Poltava Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl meadow-peat and peaty soils. The depth of groundwater Krichevsky (PW) were critically reviewed. Reference is determined by the level of surface runoff and mostly materials on the distribution of this species and ranges from 0.5-1.5 m. characteristics of its localities are summarized. Vegetation is represented by the spectrum of different Using conventional field and relevé methods, we grassland and swampy meadow communities and, to a have completed full geobotanical description of the lower degree, by forests and wetland forests. Wet and discovered locality. Investigations were performed marshy meadows and thickets of coastal vegetation in the standard plots of 4 × 4 m and covered all best are distributed along the ancient oxbow landforms developed variants of A. morio phytocoenoses in an area (Solomakha 2008). In this area dominate such associa- of about 2 hectares. Coenotic relationships of the species tions as: Caricetum gracilis Almquist 1929, Caricetum were analyzed based on the principles of the Braun- acutiformis Sauer 1937, and Phragmitetum communis Blanquet school (Braun-Blanquet 1964; Solomakha (Game 1927) Schmale 1939, while shrub and forest 2008). vegetation occur only fragmentarily. In particular, com- The following indicators of 12 ecofactors according munities representing the classes: Alnetea glutinosae to the scale developed by Didukh & Plyuta (1994) and Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Westhoff et al. 1946 and Franguletea Didukh (2011), were estimated: soil humidity (Hd Doing ex Westhoff in Westhoff et Den Held 1969, can = 23 marks), soil humidity variation (fH = 11), soil be found scattered everywhere. The forest communities aeration (Ae = 15), content of nitrogen (Nt = 11), soil of Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958 occur in the areas acid regime (Rc = 15), salt regime (Sl =19), carbonate with strongly varying water supply (Solomakha 2008). content (Ca =13), thermoregime (Tm = 17), ombrore- gime (Om = 23), cryoregime (Cr = 15), continentality 3. Material and methods (Kn = 17), insolation in coenosis (Lc = 9). Unlike the scales of Ellenberg et al. (1992) and Landolt (1977), The object of our research is a new locality of Ana­ these indicators do not reflect mean quantities but their camptis morio, which was discovered on 10.05.2018 ranges (max-min), however, for the further calcula- during the routine floristic and geobotanical surveys tions, we took the mean values for all species present of the floodplain located at the confluence of the Uday in the studied coenosis along with the degree of their and Sula rivers. Space images from the Google Earth participation (1 mark – up to 1%; 2 – 1-5%; 3 – 5-20%; Pro database were used to determine this location. GPS- 4 – 21-50%; 5 – 51-100%). coordinates of the studied population were removed The relevés are stored in the TURBOVEG database when the Status GPS program was used. and integrated with the database of ecological scales 18 Vasyl L. Shevchyk et al. A new finding of a uniquely large population ofAnacamptis morio (Orchidaceae)... ECODID. This allowed us to use the synphytoindica- 3. Results tion analysis and apply a range of different mathemati- cal methods. Moreover, on the basis of calculations 3.1. Location and size of the population of indicator values for every relevé according to the In terms of environmental protection, the vegeta- scale of Didukh (2011) and using the STATISTICA 8 tion of the studied grassland meadow, is of particularly program (StatSoft Inc 2005), we created the graphical great value.
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