The Texas Observer JULY 26, 1968 A Journal of Free Voices A Window to The South 25c Political Intelligence Presidential Politics V A few weeks ago Texas delegations president. He says he will not vote Re- revived. Their new strength centers to the national conventions seemed publican if Nixon is the nominee but will on a rather enthusiastic struggle sewed up for Hubert Humphrey and go fishing or vote for third party candi- against the unit rule in party conventions. Richard Nixon. However, some unravell- date George Wallace. "Reagan unquestion- The fight was sired not so much by Tex- ing is becoming evident. Gov . John Con- ably could carry Texas against Hum- ans as by the national campaign staff of nally, the Texas Democrats' favorite son, phrey," Hazlewood says. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, who evidently is being challenged by a coalition of Hum- V Reagan is more outspokenly con- have just about decided to make opera- phrey, McCarthy and former Kennedy cerned about the candidacy of Wal- tions of the Texas Democratic party a supporters who want an open conven- lace than any other Republican has been. major issue at the national convention tion. Meanwhile, a sizeable contingent of At Amarillo he said Wallace will hurt the next month in Chicago. Probably it is the state's Republican delegates, freed by GOP more than the Democrats this fall, figured that any aspersions cast on the Sen. John Tower from their favorite son particularly so if the former Alabama gov- Texas party will reflect badly on Presi- commitment to him, is embracing Ron- ernor throws the presidential election dent Johnson, Connally, and Hubert Hum- ald Reagan. Tower had been expected to into the house of representatives, which phrey, whom LBJ supports to succeed hold the Texas delegation until the na- the Democrats now control and probably him. Further, one national McCarthy tional convention. He changed his mind will still control next January. campaign worker recalls that Steve Mit- when it began to appear likely that Nixon V It is still disputed whether Wallace chell, McCarthy's convention arrange- would win enough delegate support be- will win more support from Demo- ments chairman, was involved deeply in fore convention time. Thinking to put crats or Republicans. Wallace's Amarillo national politics in 1952 (with Adali Ste- Nixon over the top and thus have some campaign manager says about 65% of venson), the year when the Texas delega- influence on the likely nominee, Tower Wallace's present backers voted for Presi- tion to the national convention was suc- released the Texas delegation and public- dent Johnson in 1964. The Potter county cessfully challenged by Eisenhower back- ly announced his support of Nixon, which Democratic chairman disagrees, saying ers, an occurance that was crucial, per- support had been generally known for that "Many people that are Wallace peo- haps decisive, to Ike's taking the conven- the past year. ple now were May Democrats and Nov- tion from Sen. Robert Taft, who went to IV Reagan visited Amarillo last week to ember Republicans." The Wallace candi- that convention evidently assured of nom- campaign for himself and Republi- dacy depends to a great extent on the two ination, as Humphrey appears today. can Bob Price of Pampa. It was orie of major parties' nominees; the more liber- Reagan's few out-of-California campaign al are the Democratic and Republican McCarthy Work appearances of late. Price is the only Tex- standard bearers, the better are Wallace's as congressman who has endorsed Rea- chances. g# Five workers have been dispatched gan. A Reagan nomination would be the to Texas by the McCarthy people; In Amarillo Reagan conferred privately most serious threat to Wallace hopes of their presence has infused new life into with some 70 GOP delegates from Texas, having some say in naming the nation's the ranks of the dispirited liberals of the New Mexico, Colorado and Oklahoma. He next president. Reagan, should he get the state and centered current liberal inter- promised them he would, if nominated, GOP nomination, may envision persuad- est around an issue that, as one McCarthy "run like hell." ing Wallace to get out of the campaign, staffer puts it, "is the lowest common J. R. (Butch) Butler, Houston, chair- just as the Alabamian did in 1964 because denominator so that even the fractious man of Texans for Reagan, says that a of the candidacy of conservative colleague Texas liberals can unite in opposing it." number of Texas delegates were swayed Barry Goldwater. Reagan said in Amaril- V The McCarthy strategy is essentially in Reagan's favor at Amarillo. He guesses lo, "if Wallace is as opposed to the pres- to show that undemocratic processes the state's 56 delegates are now split ent administration as he says, he should are used by the Texas Democratic party. about evenly between Nixon and Reagan. review his situation in the light of the It will be on that basis generally that the Peter O'Donnell, state party chairman, fact that he could keep the administra- delegation the Connallycrats send to Chi- argues that delegate strength has not tion in office." By "review his situation" cago will be challenged by supporters of changed since the Texas Republic conven- Reagan clearly seems to be saying to Wal- the Minnesota senator. McCarthy people tion last month. At that time O'Donnell, lace: step aside. go off the record in discussing the exact who favors Nixon, estimated that Reagan nature of their. Texas research on which had only about 14 Texas votes. Liberals' Activity their challenge will be based. They fear V Not only Republicans attended the that steps would be taken to impede their $100-a-plate barbecue dinner in Amarillo. go. Texas liberals, who went into a coma work if Texas party leaders learn what's Conservative State Senator Grady after failing once again this year to up too soon. Hazlewood, Canyon, introduced Reagan. win Democratic party control from the V Alan Reed, Austin, who ran as an Hazlewood, who says he voted for Demo- forces of Gov. John Connally in the May anti-Vietnam war candidate for presi- cratic candidates during the 27 years he primary and losing to Lt. Gov. Smith in dent of the national Young Democrats was a legislator, has endorsed Reagan for the gubernatorial runoff, have been last year, is heading the state McCarthy organization now. He replaces Don All- student group for McCarthy in Dallas, young people entering. Texas politics," ford, also of Austin. Allford says he needs didn't like Mitchell's remarks saying they she said. "In Houston they went into pre- to return to making a living. were a snub to supporters of the senator cincts we'd given up on. They shook Gene Pokorny, a recent graduate of the there. them up and sometimes they even won." University of Nebraska, is working out V Reed, said the reorganized McCarthy V Mrs. Carr said Houston liberals are of Oklahoma City as national McCarthy readying themselves for the national liaison man for Texas, Oklahoma and committee will try to keep opposition to the war and to 'Hubert Humphrey alive convention, pouring over the minutes of New Mexico, Nick and Joan Acocella head precinct meetings, trying to prepare a the campaign in Houston. Dave Mixner in Texas. A McCarthy Day rally will be held in Houston August 15 in conjunction case to prove that anti-Connally Demo- is working with latinos in San Antonio crats were treated unfairly in many pre- and the Rio Grande Valley. with other McCarthy rallies throughout the nation. The McCarthy people are part cincts. She said the rump delegation will V Pokorny and Mitchell visited Austin, of Texas Citizens for an Open Conven: be broad-based including a fair represen- Houston, San Antonio and Dallas tion, a coalition which is gathering troops tation of Latins, Negroes, Anglos, Mc- earlier this month to plan and publicize and ammunition for the fight against the Carthy, Humphrey and uncommitted de- the unit rule fight. Mitchell says McCar- unit rule. The group is headed by old legates. "Our delegation will be in keep- thy probably will visit Texas in August, guard Texas liberals such as Mrs. Billie ing with the feelings of the people in stopping in Austin and possibly Hous- Carr and Ed Cogburn of Houston. Texas," she said. "It won't be heavily pro- ton, San Antonio and El Paso. Austin is McCarthy. If our delegates ever get to the senator's prime target, Pokorny tells the point where they vote, we probably the Observer, because "it is in the presi- A Bit of Friction will split between McCarthy and Hum- dent's back yard." V Earlier in the year there seemed to be phrey." V While in Dallas Mitchell upset some some friction between the inexperi- Mrs. Carr personally favors McCarthy of the McCarthy supporters there by enced but zealous McCarthy supporters for the nomination, but she thinks that saying that the senator definitely would and the established Texas liberal leaders. Humphrey has more support among not visit Dallas. Asked why, he said, "You Mrs. Carr, however, credits the young Houston Negroes and Latins than does know all about Dallas. Why should I tell McCarthyites with breathing life into the McCarthy. Most of the black precinct you? There are some cities more prefer- state's liberal movement. "The most ex- workers in Houston preferred Humphrey red than others and Dallas is last as far citing things that have happened here to Kennedy, she said. Humphrey prob: as I'm concerned." Mitchell is a former this year have happened in McCarthy ably would lose Latin support, if he chairman- of the national Democratic headquarters," she told the Observer.
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