Mecklenburg Historical Association May 2015 Dinner Meeting Monday, May 18, 2015 Dinner at 6:30pm, Program at 7:15pm Fellowship Hall, Trinity Presbyterian Church 3115 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Upcoming Dinner Program Humpy Wheeler and the 1975 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence “Humpy” Wheeler, retired president and gen- Congress in Philadelphia, an achievement he eral manager of Charlotte Motor Speedway, described in his book as “one of my most suc- will be the speaker for the May 18 dinner cessful publicity stunts.” A lawsuit alleging meeting. A consummate showman and animal cruelty to the horse brought the Decla- raconteur, Mr. Wheeler is best known for his ration more extensive national coverage than business acumen promoting auto racing. He it had probably received since 1819 when published his memoirs in 2010 with the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson intriguing title Growing Up NASCAR: exchanged letters about its authenticity. Racing’s Most Outrageous Promoter Tells All. We look forward to Mr. Wheeler’s Mr. Wheeler also lent his talents to promoting reminiscences about his role in the 1975 the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ- Meck Dec bicentennial. ence. As vice chairman of the Mecklenburg Bicentennial Committee in 1975, he arranged Those not having dinner are welcome to enjoy the program at no charge. To make a reservation for dinner use the to recreate the ride of Captain James Jack to form in this Newsletter or contact Robin Brabham at deliver the document to the Continental (704) 543-7519 or [email protected]. Inside this issue: Remarks from the President 2 Congratulations to our Docents 2 May 20th Events 2 Site News 2 Brief History of the MHA Docents 3 Membership Renewals 3 Meeting Reservation Form 3 The MHA meets in the Fellowship Hall at: MHA Docent Programs 4 Trinity Presbyterian Church In Memoriam 5 3115 Providence Road The History Calendar 5-8 Charlotte, NC 28211 PAGE 2 MHA NEWS | MECKLENBURG HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Remarks from the President Miriam Smith for their hard work to make this happening – particularly when the cannon and happen. muskets fire! Join us on Wednesday, May 20th Thanks to all of you who renewed your MHA at 11:30 am and come in colonial dress if you membership for 2015. Because of you, we can Our May dinner meeting should be extremely can. continue the work of protecting and proclaiming interesting with our guest speaker, Humpy Mecklenburg’s rich history. I wish for each of you a restful and happy Wheeler. Please make your reservations now summer. Our first fall dinner meeting will be on to attend on May 18th at Trinity Presbyterian. I am happy to report that the Mecklenburg Monday, September 21. Mark your calendars now and I will see you then! County Commissioners voted unanimously to If you have never attended a May 20th Meck correct the road signs misspelling Alexandriana Dec celebration at the Square uptown, you Linda Dalton in northern Mecklenburg County. Our thanks to should plan to come this year. It is a colorful MHA President Commissioner Jim Puckett (a direct John and moving ceremony. I always enjoy watch- [email protected] McKnitt Alexander descendant), the Olde ing the office workers and uptown visitors (704) 661-8470 Huntersville Historic Society, and descendant walking by trying to figure out what on earth is Congrats to Our Docents! May 20th Events Site News The MHA Docents Receive Special Get out your historic clothing and get The Museum of Western York County in Recognition from NCMC ready for “fun on the square.” May 20th the village of Sharon, SC is open falls on a Wednesday this year and all Sundays from 3 to 5 pm from April On March 30, at the annual meeting of the events will be on that day. At 11:30 am through November. North Carolina Museums Council, the the event at the square will include mus- Here visitors can gain insights into local MHA Docents were one of two volunteer kets and cannon, fife and drum and ad- history and the culture and heritage of groups to receive an award of special dresses by politicians and other VIPs. Western York County through a wide varie- recognition for service given to local There will be a reading of the Mecklen- ty of memorabilia ranging from rough plows museums and sites. This was not the first burg Declaration of Independence fol- to delicate glassware. time our Docents have been so recog- lowed by traditional toasts with Huzzahs! nized. In 1992 the docents received an and musket and cannon fire. Then we Summerfest, a Street Festival in York, award from the American Association for will parade to Settlers’ Cemetery with a SC, Showcases the Town’s History and State and Local History, and in 1998 re- wreath of native plants and herbs to Charm, Saturday, August 22 from 9 am ceived an NCMC Service Award for out- place on the grave of Col. Thomas Polk. to 5 pm. standing contributions to historic sites. Interpreters should arrive at the square at Hosted by the Greater York Chamber of Barbara Taylor, director of the Matthews 11:00 am, or earlier if possible, mingle Commerce, the 32nd annual Summerfest Heritage Museum, nominated the Docents with the crowd and hand out Meck Dec will attract 40,000 to 50,000 visitors with a for the recent award. She, along with do- copies while the soldiers play music and craft and food fair, classic car show, chil- cent co-chairs Audrey Mellichamp and march. Parking is available on the dren’s activities, musical entertainment, Janet Dyer, attended the Council’s streets around the square – 8 quarters health fair, tennis, golf, 5k and fun runs, Awards Luncheon in Durham where they for 2 hours. antique shows and art exhibits. received a plaque of commendation. -Ann Williams The May 20th Society tradition returns Re-Dedication of the Confederate Navy with a speaker on the evening before Yard Plaque, Sunday, May 3 from 2 to 4 Mecklenburg Declaration Day. Neil pm, Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte. Howe will speak on Tuesday, May 19, This iron plaque was originally installed on at the Morehead Inn, 1122 E. More- a building on west Trade Street. It was head Street. Lecture begins at 6:30 rescued from the wreckers by Tom Han- pm, followed by a 7:30 pm Reception. chett of the Levine Museum of the New 18th and 19th clothing, military or civilian, South and kept in storage for many years. will be appropriate. Neil Howe is a histo- Now it will be displayed in the Confederate rian, economist, and demographer who Section of Elmwood Cemetery, 700 West writes and speaks frequently on genera- 6th Street, Charlotte. The UDC will have a tions, the economy, and social change. re-dedication of this plaque in conjunction He is the author of nine books on Ameri- with the Confederate Memorial Day Service can generations including Generations, at the cemetery. The Fourth Turning, Millennials Rising, and Millennials in the Workplace. The Pictured left to right: Audrey Mellichamp, event is free but you must reserve your Barbara Taylor, Janet Dyer seat at [email protected]. V ISIT U S O NLINE @ WWW. MECKDEC . ORG PAGE 3 MHA NEWS | MECKLENBURG HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION A Brief History of the MHA better communicate with each other and This self-directed organization of MHA volun- share resources. That group just celebrated teers has been a treasure for Mecklenburg Docents and Their Work its 20th year. County for 25 years. There is no other organiza- In 1976 the Charlotte Museum of History opened tion in the country that has done so much to to the public and a core group of docents was In 1997 a small group of docents got togeth- educate the local community on history. Con- trained to conduct tours. In 1990 a management er to learn open hearth cooking. They gratulations on their recent recognition! change at the museum led the docents to be- became the Historical Cook-ing Guild of the -Barbara Taylor Catawba Valley and a committee of the MHA come a part of the Mecklenburg Historical Asso- ciation. They began taking programs into the Docents in 2003. schools. These volunteers have continued to The North Branch MHA will meet on To encourage the public and school children faithfully serve the Charlotte community provid- Tuesday, May 12th, at 7:00 pm at Mt. Zion to visit multiple local sites, the Passport to ing historical information in a variety of ways. In United Methodist Church in Cornelius. 1993 Historic Rosedale opened as an historic His-tory booklet was developed in 1997. The site. A committee of docents spent a year re- docents developed a training manual for The program will be Remembrances of searching and writing a training manual and Charlotte Mecklenburg teachers at the re- Confederate Soldier Events and will be present- training do-cents. This experience led to docent quest of the schools. ed by a panel of experts, some of whom are training classes to cover all of Mecklenburg’s members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. history, soliciting new docents. The newly trained Another unique under-taking is a newsletter. This will be North Branch MHA's last meeting do-cents would then select a site at which to Currently “The Dandelion” goes out free to before summer and they will resume monthly volunteer. Those training classes continued for 1,000 email sub-scribers five times a year. events in September. The docents offer a biennial series of schol- approximately 10 years. For more information, please contact Sarah Sue arly history lectures to the public, as well as informative monthly programs.
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