The Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Campuses Vol.Advance-Titan 129, No. 9 April 15, 2021 advancetitan.com Do you prefer your gummy bears boneless or bone-in? By Amber Brockman many other conditions, but there is directly and indirectly to deforesta- [email protected] no good scientific evidence to sup- tion, water pollution, air pollution, port these uses,” according to med- greenhouse gases, global warming, Unless you seek out the vegan al- lineplus.gov. desertification, erosion and human ternative, you prefer gummy bears Gelatin is notable for its low obesity,” according to the Smith- bone-in. nutritional value and poor protein sonian Magazine website. “The This applies to other commonly quality, and is one of the few foods global scope of the livestock issue enjoyed sweets as well, like Jell-O, that has a negative protein efficien- is huge.” marshmallows, fruit snacks, ice cy ratio, according to the FDA. According to a report published cream and candy — all of which “Despite its low nutritional val- by the United Nations Food and can contain the ingredient gelatin. ue, gelatin is not considered haz- Agriculture Organization, 26% “Gelatin is a protein substance ardous by applicable government of the Earth’s terrestrial surface is derived from collagen, a natural regulations,” according to the FDA. used for livestock grazing. protein present in the tendons, liga- Gelatin isn’t only found in foods “Globally, 18% of greenhouse ments and tissues of mammals,” ac- as its properties have made it use- gas emissions can be attributed to cording to Encyclopedia.com. “It is ful in a variety of other products as the livestock industry,” according produced by boiling the connective well. to the report. “And in the United tissues, bones and skins of animals, “Gelatin’s ability to form strong, States, livestock production is re- usually cows and pigs.” transparent gels and flexible films sponsible for 55% of erosion, 37% Although animal products, like that are easily digested, soluble in of all applied pesticides and 50% of meat, are common in most diets, hot water, and capable of forming a antibiotics consumed, while the an- it might seem a bit strange that the positive binding action have made imals themselves directly consume parts people typically avoid are eat- it a valuable commodity in food 95% of our oat production and 80% en as dessert. processing, pharmaceuticals, pho- of our corn.” “Some people are worried that tography and paper production,” A report from the Worldwatch unsafe manufacturing practices according to Encyclopedia.com. Institute said “the human appetite might lead to contamination of gel- Gelatin’s prevalence in a wide for animal flesh is a driving force atin products with diseased animal range of products is reflected by the behind virtually every major cate- tissues,” according to medlineplus. more than 300,000 metric tons of gory of environmental damage now gov. gelatin produced annually world- threatening the human future.” Despite this common concern, wide, according to a ScienceDirect Considering the low nutritional gelatin is generally recognized as article. value and negative environmental safe by the FDA, and many fitness Considering its mass production, impacts, limiting the production magazines even suggest that gelatin gelatin, as a slaughter product, cre- and consumption of gelatin, as well can provide various health benefits. ates a number of environmental as other animal products, has the “Gelatin is used for aging skin, impacts related to meat production, potential to benefit human and en- osteoarthritis, weak and brittle according to the USDA. vironmental health. bones, brittle nails, obesity and “Livestock species contribute 2 | AdvanceTitan.com April 15, 2021 Advance-Titan State pauses Johnson & Johnson vaccine Phone: 920-424-3048 Email: [email protected] By Sophia Voight [email protected] Website: www.advancetitan.com Wisconsin is temporarily sus- pending the single-dose Johnson & Editor in Chief Carter Uslabar Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine [email protected] after six cases of a “rare and severe” type of blood clot were reported in Ad Manager Jon Woodall the U.S. [email protected] This comes after the Centers for 414-519-6639 Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Ad- Distribution Manager ministration (FDA) recommended a Peter Herrmann pause in the J&J vaccine Tuesday. [email protected] “This action is really focused on increasing safety and making sure Managing Editor we know how many of these cases Cory Sparks are actually out in the nation,” Wis- [email protected] consin Department of Health Ser- vices (DHS) Deputy Secretary Julie News Editor Willems Van Dijk said. Amber Brockman Officials are pausing the J&J vac- [email protected] cine to assess if any more cases of the blood clot have been found and Assistant News Editor prepare healthcare providers for Sophia Voight treating them if they occur. “This is a pause, not the end of [email protected] J&J,” Van Dijk said at a press con- ference Tuesday. “And we’re really Sports Editor Cory Sparks hopeful that it will be a fairly short [email protected] pause.” All six cases of the blood clot oc- Opinion Editor Owen Peterson curred in women between the ages [email protected] of 18 and 48 with symptoms occur- ring six to 13 days after vaccination. Arts & Entertainment Editor No cases of the rare blood clot have Lexi Langendorf been identified in Wisconsin. [email protected] Adverse side effects of the J&J vaccine include severe headache, Graphic by Amanda Hollander Copy Desk Chief leg pain, abdominal pain, shortness She said there have been zero re- verse side effects at vsafe.cdc.gov. of the blood clotting disorder. Heidi Docter of breath or new vision problems. ports of these adverse events in the “It is also important to know that As of Tuesday, the state has ad- [email protected] These are all signs that could indi- Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. this pause is evidence of our safety ministered roughly 3.5 million dos- cate a blood clot forming. This blood clotting disorder from protocols working,” Van Dijk said. es of all the COVID-19 vaccines, Graphic Designer Van Dijk recommended that in- J&J is the same one seen in the As- More than 6.8 million doses of with over 1.4 million people having Amanda Hollander dividuals who had already received traZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in the J&J vaccine have been admin- completed their vaccine series. [email protected] the J&J vaccine and experience Europe, Ryan Westergaard, Chief istered in the U.S. with Wisconsin Everyone in Wisconsin ages 16 these issues within three weeks of Medical Officer for the state’s Bu- administering roughly 156,000 dos- and older is currently eligible to get Photo Editor April Lee getting the shot contact their health reau of Communicable Diseases, es of the vaccine. the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost. [email protected] care provider. said. Van Dijk said it may seem like a UW Oshkosh students can sched- Flu-like symptoms, such as fever, Cases of the rare blood clot were small number of cases to suspend ule their vaccination appointment body aches, chills and a mild head- identified using the CDC’s Vaccine the vaccine over, but these are very at uwosh.edu/titans-return/vaccina- Web Editor Olivia Ozbaki ache are common in the 24 to 48 Adverse Event Reporting System severe cases. tion/ [email protected] hours after the vaccine. (VAERS) which accepts and ana- Of the six cases, one person died “Vaccination is the newest tool “If you’ve received the [J&J] lyzes reports of adverse side effects and one is in critical condition, the we have and the newest way to Social Media Manager vaccine over a month ago, don’t after a person has received a vacci- FDA said. do your part,” Van Dijk said. “But Grant Hunter worry about anything, because nation. Van Dijk said pausing the J&J please remember to continue do- [email protected] these symptoms seem to happen in Anyone who received the vaccine will allow officials to re- ing your part to stop the spread by the one to two to three week peri- COVID-19 vaccine in the last view the cases and determine if the washing your hands and physical Copy Desk Editors: od,” Van Dijk said. month can sign up to report any ad- vaccine has caused any more cases distancing.” Kira Moericke, Aaron Beecher Staff Writers: Mackenzie Sey- Webster Hall to become weekday residence housing mour, Andrew Hansen, Jonathon By Katie Pulvermacher advantage of taking up this op- Samp, Cassidy Kennedy, Katie [email protected] portunity as well. They will have Pulvermacher, Megan LaFond, flexibility to purchase this space Mattie Beck, Kylie Balk- UW Oshkosh has offered up a as a single, and the room will be Yaatenen, Tom Antrim, Jalen new option for student housing assigned at the single rate minus Dixon next school year, as Webster Hall the above-mentioned discount. will become a weekday residence All students are still required Faculty Adviser Barb Benish hall for those who do not choose to have a meal plan and they will [email protected] to stay on campus over weekends. need to choose from the existing “With a new initiative, we are meal plans offered. About the Newspaper unsure of its popularity,” Director Residence Life would also like The Advance-Titan is an in- of Residence Life Robert Bab- to inform students that next year, dependent student newspaper cock said. “We wanted to take microwave ovens and mini re- published on campus since 1894. one of our small halls to gauge frigerators offered in each of the The paper is written and edited interest for the first year to not residence hall rooms, apart from by students at UW Oshkosh who interfere with the use of a larger Horizon Village, will no longer be are soley responsible for content building.” provided.
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