^ The Notre Dame Scholast/c i^,;,-.-ii-.:.;.:« •*> ^?^ '^iS^ • M The taste folksjtake to ((mdtaffc about )..m^mM iwmam ^ You'll like the extra good taste of Winstons, too! And the way that exclusive Winston filter — snowy-wMte and imve — really lets the rich flavor come through! So, if you aren't already enjoy­ ing today's most talked-about flavor-filter combination, get your­ self a pack of Winstons right now — for flavory filter smoking! R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO..WINSTON-SALEM. N.C. Smoke ITOM ...ergoy the snow-white filter in the cork-smooth tip! • -^rri:Vff^<-^>t^.T--«?.a-}P:tfV-47,'^-^.^^»^gft^'3VIL%fi^ What's it like to be AN IBM SALESMAN? Selling to management is perhaps the best training for management, and it's the reason Gene McGrevf joined IBM. Today, he possesses a :;i^ thorough practical Business Administration education, responsibility, an excellent income—all at age 27. Read about an unusual career. You're Gene McGrew ... high school Makes first sale equality, because they respect my footballer and class officer. You won a Gene's first sale, to a bank, required training and my business judgment." scholarship and went through Prince­ thorough study; consultations; a writ­ Future wide open ton in the top third of your class . ten recommendation. The climax managed varsity track... commanded "I'm getting married soon, and I was came, Gene remembers, when he amazed to realize how much security an artillery battery in Korea . submitted his analysis to the vice "When you put a lot of preparation m- IBM's growth (sales have doubled on president and received that gentle­ the average every five years since to your career," Gene McGrew feels, man's signature. "you should expect a lot of opportunity 1930) and benefits represent. But I ill return." think my real security lies in the chance to use my own ability fully Meets IBM representative and freely. There are nearly 200 Out of the Army in 1953, Gene met Branch Managerships, 15 District an IBM representative. It sounded Managerships and executive positions like opportunity. A few interviews in 5 other divisions ahead of me. IBM later, Gene was sure. Although sales is introducing new machines, systems was only one of the many jobs he felt and concepts so fast that, every Mon­ he could handle, this kind of selling— day, we have a 'new idea' meeting (IBM machines are as much an idea just to keep up." as a product)—promised to occupy IBM hopes this message will give every talent he possessed. Besides, you some idea of what it's like to be a he's learned thai "no other form of salesman at IBM. There are equal training produces so many top busi- opportunities for E.E.'s, I.E.'s, .7iess managers." Discussing customers installation M.E.'s, physicists, mathematicians, and Liberal Arts majors in IBM's Gene's latest sale was to a large many divisions—Research, Product industrial corporation. He's now pre­ Development, Manufacturing En- paring this customer for the installa­ tion of an IBM electronic system designed to simplify financial pro­ cedure; inventory and other systems problems. At 27, Gene finds himself top man on an important account. He's educator, salesman, administrator. How would Gene define selling? "We feel the best way to sell is to be able to consult. The best way to con­ Gene outlines programming lest sult is to know something of value Then began a 13 months' training your customer doesn't. IBM's 'some­ program marked by merit salary in­ thing of value' is profit through creases. First—3 months' schooling automation." Checking out new client's system and observing operations in Pitts­ Gene's thoughts on competition: burgh (Gene's hometown). Next—2 "The entire Office Machine Industry gineering. Sales and Technical Serv­ months' studying the applications of feels the lead pencil is the biggest ice. Why not drop in and discuss IBM IBM's electronic data processing ma­ competitor. You've no idea how many with your Placement Director? He chines in business, science, govern­ time-consuming clerical jobs can be can supply our brochure and tell you ment, and defense. Followed by 7 mechanized, thus freeing people for when IBM will interview on your months' practical training in the field, important, creative jobs. IBM's suc­ canipus. Meanwhile, our Manager of with customer contact. Followed by cess in the field is due to service, College Relations, Mr. P. H. Bradley, IBM's famous course in selling meth­ knowledge, 'know-how'." will be happy to answer your Ques­ ods. Finally, assignment to a sales tions. Write him at IBM, Room 9401. territory near Pittsburgh, responsible Does Gene find his youth 590 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. for about 14 companies and their ex­ a handicap? ecutives who used IBM equipment, "It's what you know—not how old INTERNATIONAL and a dozen or so more who were you are—that counts. I deal with BUSINESS MACHINES logical prospects for it. executives tAvice my age on a basis of IBM CORPORATION DATA PROCESSir4G ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS TIME EQUIPMENT MILITARY PRODUCTS The Notre Dame Scholastic VoL 98 March 15, 1957 No. 18 Disce Quasi Semper Victurus BASKETBALL Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus CHAMPION, SAYS: Founded 1867 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. .Accepted fur mailing at special rate of \l postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized VICEROY HASTHE June 23, 1918. n CHARLES McKENDRlCK Editor SMOOniESriMOFALL! JOE NORTON SMOOTH! SUPER SMOOTH! Associate Editor From the finest tobacco grown. Viceroy Only Viceroy smooths each puff through selects only the Smooth Flavor Leaf... Deep- 20,000 filters made from pure cellulose- DAVE THOMPSON Cured golden brown for extra smoothness! soft, snow-white, natural! Associate Editor JIM STEINTRAGER News Editor ^ JAMES MCDONALD copy Editor DAVID KUBAL Feature Co-Editor JOHN QUAGLIANO ...Feature Co-Editor FRANK SPIERING Assistant Features GEORGE CLEMENTS Assistant News JIM DULAN Assistant News BOB WILLIAMS Assistant News HARRY McKEE Assistant Copy<«^ MARSH PIDGEON Assistant Copy ^ DON STUHLDREHER...Circulation Mgr. HARRY CONLON Business Mgr. JOHN GLAVIN Sports Editor BOB EARLY Assistant Sports MIKE FITZPATRICK Assistant Sports NEWS STAFF: Tom Banchoff, Mark Bradley, John Fitzpatrick, John Ford, David Kar- nath, Jim Lenox, Gerry Leppek, Rogeri^ Leto, Ed Plumly, David Schwartz, Don Shouldcrg, Pete StafTord, Jim Sutter, Jim Yoch. SPORTS STAFF: Pat Defoe, Jim Goethals, Jack Grady, Roger Laur, Jim Merz, Greg Rogers, Ed Rohrbach, Ted Thompson, Doug Zilliox. SPORT 1 FEATURES: Joe Bride, Tom Ed­ wards, Bruce Huot, John McMahon. BUSINESS STAFF: Loran Sheffer, MikeW. Kuras, Pete Hasbrook. : Member of Catliolic School Press Association, As­ sociated Collegiate Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the school vear, except during vacation and examina­ tion periods at the University of Notre Dame. Ad­ OI9ET, Braini £ WinUmson Tobacco Carg. dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Box 185, Noire^ Dame, Indiana. <' The Scholastic Projecl Engineer, Miuiles Proi«t Engineer, Fighters In which one of these fields of Engineering would Electronics Engineer you do your best work? FOLLOW THE LEAD OF CHARLES BIXLER B.S.M.E., CLASS OF '51 Chance Vought offers \ the graduate engineer a wide range of opportunity V-'HUCK BiXLEB knows how variety helps the young engineer find that has since proved invaluable. Frank counseling, a versatile, a career field that suits him best. In Chance Vought's missile and growing company — everything that helped Chuck can help you. fighter activities, he discovered every specialty he'd considered in As a starter, ask our campus representative to point out the special­ school. He found others he hadn't known existed. Vought measured ties you're qualified to enter. (You'll be surprised at the length of him for all these fields, and together they selected a perfect fit: struc­ the list.) Your Placement Office can arrange your appointment. Or tures and preliminary design work, where Chuck has advanced to you may write for immediate information to Mr. C. A. Besio. Super­ lead engineer in about five years time. The same variety can be visor, Engineering Personnel Dept. CX-3, Chance Vought Aircraft, found at Vought by graduates from every field of academic training. Incorporated, Dallas, Texas. \ g. Electrical, civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineers alike find a rich selection of avenues for growth. Moreover, they find the guidance they need to make a wise choice. Chuck, for example, was selected Our represcnIaliTe will be in jrour Placemcnl Office lUonday and Tue§day, for Chance Vought's nine-month program of job rotation. After March 18 and 19, to describe firsthand Chance VoufEht's projEraci for ;oan|E engineers. Reserve time for your own interview bv making your working in six different groups he gained a backlog of experience appointment todajr. GHAMGB March 15, 1957 Parker-Wiiterrowd Inc. TAILORS-CLOTHIERS 115V2-117V2 No. Main St. At the Movies UPSTAIRS Phone CE 3-6318 GRANADA Battle Hymn (A-1). Rock Hudson, Martha Hyer, Dan Duryea. This is the true story of Col. Dean Hess, the Air Force officer who gave up the pulpit for the cockpit of a jet fighter. Hess was a minister in a small Ohio toAvn, and when the Korean War came along he re-enlisted. He was assigned to train ROK air force officers in Korea. There are several action sequences involving the jets, but the real stoiy is the Korean orphans. Rock Hudson does a good job as the Colonel, and Martha Hyer is veiy good as his wife. Summing up: A true stoi-y slightly distorted in Hollywood tradition.
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