July 8, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1071 medics in performing hundreds of lifesaving HONORING SOPHIE SEPTOFF FOR agencies to address stewardship issues—not surgeries for our service members. HER SILVER KNIGHT AWARD have farmers fear that documents and sam- As Colonel Crozier embarks on a new chap- ples provided to regulators will be acquired by ter in life, it is my hope that he and his family HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ third-parties and used against them in these may recall, with a deep sense of pride and ac- OF FLORIDA ‘‘double-jeopardy’’-like lawsuits. This common- complishment, the outstanding contributions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sense legislation will clarify Congress’ intent on this statute, and work to restore a relation- he has made to the William Beaumont Army Friday, July 8, 2016 Medical Center and to the United States Army. ship of trust and confidence between farmers I would like to send him my best wishes for Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, and regulators. continued success in his future endeavors. I rise today to recognize the achievements of f Ms. Sophie Septoff, recent graduate of the TRIBUTE TO CAROL AND GARY f Nova Southeastern University School and re- cipient of the Miami Herald’s Silver Knight BARRETT PERSONAL EXPLANATION Award for the category of Music and Dance. Sophie, who is legally blind, founded the HON. DAVID YOUNG ‘‘Dance in the Light’’ program at the Light- OF IOWA HON. ANNA G. ESHOO house of Broward through which she teaches IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES blind and visually impaired children the art of OF CALIFORNIA Friday, July 8, 2016 dance. Her love for the arts and passion to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help others succeed has helped countless Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise children in our community. today to recognize and congratulate Carol and Friday, July 8, 2016 Sophie is a talented, smart and poised Gary Barrett of Hamburg, Iowa, on the very Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I was not young woman with a kind heart. I applaud special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- present during roll call vote numbers 382 and Sophie on her achievement and I am grateful versary. They celebrated their anniversary on 389 on July 7, 2016. I would like to reflect how for her compassion to those around her. She May 29, 2016. I would have voted: On roll call vote no. 382 represents the best in our community and has Carol and Gary’s lifelong commitment to I would have voted NO. On roll call vote no. set forth a stellar example for other young each other and their family truly embodies 389 I would have voted NO. adults on how to be a caring citizen. Iowa values. As they reflect on their 50th anni- I am confident Ms. Septoff will be incredibly versary, I hope it is filled with happy memo- f successful in her future endeavors at George- ries. May their commitment grow even strong- town University and wish her all the best. er, as they continue to love, cherish, and GULFPORT HIGH MARINE CORPS f honor one another for many years to come. JROTC NATIONAL TITLE I commend this great couple on their 50th INTRODUCTION OF THE FARM year together and I wish them many more. I REGULATORY CERTAINTY ACT know my colleagues in the United States HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO House of Representatives join me in congratu- HON. DAN NEWHOUSE lating Carol and Gary Barrett on this momen- OF MISSISSIPPI OF WASHINGTON tous occasion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Friday, July 8, 2016 Friday, July 8, 2016 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to introduce my legislation, the Farm Regu- recognize the following students of the Gulf- HON. CARLOS CURBELO latory Certainty Act. In 2015, a federal judge port High School Marine Corps JROTC who OF FLORIDA ruled in a citizen suit that dissolved manure ni- recently won the Civilian Marksmanship Pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trates constitute a ‘‘solid waste’’ under the Re- gram’s Three Position Air Rifle National source Conservation and Recovery Act Friday, July 8, 2016 Championship in Camp Perry, Ohio: Rebecca (RCRA), and held four Washington State Cook, Katy Nevins, Gabrielle Phelps, and Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on dairies culpable of ‘‘open dumping’’ due to Jillian Tyler. These outstanding young women roll call No. 385, had I been present, I would their nutrient management practices. A farmer brought the national title home to Mississippi, have voted ‘‘yea.’’ myself, I firmly believe farmers have and must and I am proud to honor their achievement. f continue to lead the charge on good steward- Under the leadership of Lt. Col. John ship and conservation. While I agree there are IN CELEBRATION OF AMBASSADOR Owens and team coach Tammy Smith, the a number of statutes that do govern nutrient MARION H. SMOAK’S 100TH Gulfport High School rifle team is no stranger management practices, Congress never in- BIRTHDAY to the national stage, but the win serves as tended for RCRA to be one of those statutes. the program’s first national title. Moreover, the EPA’s regulations confirm that HON. JIM COSTA These four young women have dem- agricultural wastes, such as manures and crop OF CALIFORNIA onstrated that hard work and dedication will residues, were not intended to be governed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES achieve success. As the team competed in a under RCRA. This misguided ruling has Friday, July 8, 2016 series of events, they defeated 30 other teams placed farmers across the country in a legal from across the United States. gray area. It is unfair for agricultural nutrients Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to This team has continuously shown true to be exempt from law, then have a court find recognize the service and career of Ambas- leadership and commitment when the team farmers at fault for non-compliance with the sador Marion H. Smoak as he celebrates his finished first in their regional competition by very law they are exempt from. Farmers need 100th birthday. Ambassador Smoak has dedi- shooting a record-setting two-day total. At the certainty as to what rules apply to them. cated many years to public service and de- competition, Rebecca Cook earned medals for The legislation I introduce today would clar- serves to be commended for his service and placing third on the first day and placing fifth ify and reaffirm that RCRA was not intended dedication to our country. on the second day. Katy Nevins received a to govern nutrient management activities. Ambassador Smoak received a bachelor’s bronze medal, finishing third in her age divi- Moreover, this bill would prevent farmers who degree in English and History from The Cita- sion. Jillian Tyler holds the highest score for are already engaged in legal action and who del in 1938. He went on to receive a law de- the entire match. are diligently working with the state or federal gree from the University of South Carolina government to address nutrient management Law School in 1941. Shortly after receiving his On behalf of the United States Congress, I issues from being targeted by citizen suits. law degree Ambassador Smoak served in the would like to send the entire Gulfport High We want to continue to encourage farmers Army and was stationed in Berlin and New School Marine Corps JROTC team my con- to be good stewards, and create an environ- Caledonia, Japan, holding the title of Judge gratulations. ment where farmers can feel comfortable Advocate with the 11th and 82nd Airborne Di- Semper Fidelis. working with state and federal regulatory visions. Following his tour abroad, he began VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:44 Jul 09, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.020 E08JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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