\ "E~···· VIeekly Newspaper .,. Omaha's Greatest. l and Best DIATOR ~ ITH' ELL ~ THEI.TIO'IAL LI.BERTY BE'RNIEBOYLE PLANS LEAGUE IS ORGANIZED I RECORD FIGHT CARD Plan Intensive Campaign for Mo4ifi­ Three All-Star Bouts ScHeduled for cation.of Volstead Act Next Friday Night WilE AID BEER PROGRAM FAVORED - .... BIGIEST EVENT IN LOCAL HISTORY j~od ~ Men and Women Wh~ Have Seen Folly of Present Act Uniting to An~ Liberalize Enf~rcementAct-People Prominent in All Walks ~"hIULf ~ ,'\ - Greatest Crowd in Nebraska Ring to Witness Fight Be­ tween British Champ and Buffalo Boxe1"-Puggy Martin-Ted of Life Lend Support-Success Spells Doom of Bootleg­ f~ ~~., Meyers Go Attracts Nearly as Much Interest as Main gers--Would Reduce Taxes and Minimize Crime. ; r~~~~ Event-Clean Cut Referee to Be on Job. The Eighteenth Amen~ent has The hundreds of thousands of good \ ~.~~ had the effect of aligning, very Eiefi- clean citizens of Omaha and Nebras- One week from tonight at eight andihas heaten Harvey Thorpe, Alva Trom- nitely. onOlle side'Qr the other the two ka who after experiencing the evil sf- one-half bells, some six or seven thou-l bities, Oharley Tait and Eddie Shan- forces that are for or against the fects of the presenUaw should, in fact j "and ,\ild eyed fans will be craning non. This bird has been fighting main present Volstead EnfQrcement Act, the are organizing in an effort to modify their necks ringward for an eyefull of events out on the coast for many real bOlle of contention as it concerns the law that has made itself a laugh- fight. They will get it if ever a bunch moons. Those in close touch with the prohibition. Now as a matter of fact ing stock and an object of all but of fight fans did, After the first boxing game know that Ever Hammer -the Anti-Saloon teague and others of universal ridicule. fight is over, and it will not be a pre- absolutely refused to meet Morton and their kind have had a smooth running, The time has come when it behooves liminary in the usual sense of the everyone knows what a boxer he is. .closed organization for these many ~~ery good citizen to make hi~ stand word, the great crowd iJjlat is expect- Teddy Meyers is a stable mate of years, and through their organizations openly and join -forces with one side ed to be on hand at the classic cow Frankie Schoell and 'has been a main have been able to create and control or the other so that the all important shed will be in for twenty rounds of event fighter for the past year in the legislation so far as it coneems pro- iSS!le may be settled in the least pos- boxing that should appease the fight East. Just last week he fought and hibiti6n. .- sible time, During the past two ~~CAIl1DOH Co II. ~ 4e4vteHe appetite of the caviest cave man. defeated Charlie O'Connell at Buffalo. Until just recently·the millions op- months a movement has been on foot --",- Boyle had originally announced a Before that he decidedly beat Sid Bar- posed to the Volstead' Act have floun- here to consolidate the great mass of . semi-final that appealed very strongly barian who fought Rocky Kansas to a. ~nable modifi~on: dered abo.'ut unorganized and to people who favor a of the FOITEIELLE HOTEL DON'T PAY TO THROW THE BULL to the local fight populace. He had draw. Meyers is considered one of the .do anything- except talk idly of what Volstead Act so as to penmtthe manu- signed up Homer Sheridan and the classiest lightweights in the country. they would ljke to do and see done in facture_of light wine and beer, to do HAS 1.0'. BOOnE.SEIS One beer manufacturer operating "Cave man," Lambert of St. PauL He is a Bohemian and ought to attract the matter. This Condition is rapidly away with the bootlegger, put the sale here in Omaha has been about town Sheridan had his mug broken in sev- a lot of the local settlement. Teddy :changing for tp.e better and before the of these light drinks under the careful telling his friends how he seared this era! places last week which was tough fights best at 135. year il:; o'(el'~itis thought that the supenision of the government and paper into "laying off him". This is on him but a good thing f.or Omaha Right here we want to say a word i'orceflO~ to 1!heahnoxious act· thus greatly red~ 1'he burden of ~- Judge Woodrough in the, federal good and if; going to get better. He fans. When it became known that about the first fight and we are not . win be ~ in such effective ation. ~ ill court ThursdaY 1I!ornlng put tlIe Foil.; 'will learn something to his advantage Bernie would have t.Q substitute for going to call it a preliminary either, manner that they can go .before. the The National Lt"berty !..eagtle has teneHe hotel on its good behavior forpf reading the next issue. "Bull" is this match he lost no time in hooking simply because these two heavies are next' g~. ~ 'J;ll~.. 1;~' .' .~~~ •.~ 0 ::.:t1tl~~~j in sixty {lays. In other words he1lecid ight in the stook yards but don't up two boys who are sure to outshine carded first. ll (~t. ~ ~t~~;>;tf; =~~¥h =ki::e::a~liqU~: ~. ~dac::e:o~ ~~~;t~e~~ b::~oh~ ~~~: bi e4 . .. ..•...' ';g had .. the'middle weights he If A ~~, ". .." ·"fitJt··~~t'spurpose the platfl>nD. 'J,'his cost the Nonpariel promoter a, chopping in Omaha now has won 11 of forwhaWyou '~i;IJk is rigll:t.· Ynuare -outlined above. When it is fully 01'- ~ee;:a.:0:::e:: 4~: ~~teIth:u:eI:~:r~ IBLIFFS OFFICIAL nice additional wad of dough but he' his last 13 fights b~.. the knockout ~l''''''-~ for or <>~inst the... Volstead En- .gam.'zed and ",""ipped to handle the I said he didn't care what it cost as he route, which isn't so worseI'. But next ... .....,~ .....- - ..~ without either the consent or approval. DlEAIS UP HOME fo-emen'." . t A""".,.,. '·Those .,,,--:<'.... are for it .nroblems it has to work out, this lea- of. the management. T.eh'-ooun .de- is out to please the populace, a feat Friday he meets tbe toughest boy he and believe that it is and has been a gue will join with a national organlz- med tb.e government's demand that tIle he has never as yet failed to do. So has yet faced in the person of Emil ~..t "":-.g f'or the·l..,"":..ho.Tsh..auld' and.. ation to make its work more effective. th h t ' at an almost prohibitive expense he Engberg, the Terrible Swede that 6VVU wuu ""'~=J . place be closed, but gave e 0 e" ..,. Council most (Jf them do belong to or support It is \lP to you to support the organ- management sixty daYS to show that A certain, City of~cIal of signed up no less a card than Puggy knocked out Andy Schmader in one the Anti-Saloon league.; 'Dhosethatizafion both morally and financially. it was not in the whiskey business. Bluffs don t know Just how near he Morton of Los Angeles and Ted Mey- round, which is going some. When believe the bootleggeris a betterthingIVolunteer membets will be about with It was a clean cut vlcto:ry for Mr•. eanIe getting his 'head shot off by a ers of Buffalo,' lig'htweights of the the Swede met Homer Lodge he knock- for these United States than a cllange' petitions and membership cards. When y lDst- h tlIe ha been' man whose home was ruined by this first calibre. ed him down five times in six rounds. d ~mCY nondd~An-pt, hd~e to a light wine an '---....,.," program1=-vuey come, SlgIl. up, pay the small ;fEppleee, an apparen, agat consprraw tore takse thQ~ ~ . but he. did not miss" it very! NeI'ther ~. ever been "'e"n~ - in .....nA_ 'I He also~. knocked• outda'thethheavyweightdB openly and unitedly SUPP()rtthe efforts but, do n..ot let YOllr efforts end ther.ahotel away from. He came clean, with far. This .o~cial is a mamed ~an tion here bu: their records are wortll champIon ;>f ~ana . In . re~ roun . of Wayne Wheeler's personally "con- It IS your duty to talk and work ill h mg' +,-_" n=red to nlease the but sees fIt to do a lot of chasing while repeatrng. Morton has boxed li The ScandinaVIan will weIgh ill around a & .QW ........L8j~ J:"' hin h . .P t) ducted league. !. (Continued on Page, Four) court, and much to the discom.!iture of "ithout weig g:- e consequences. the only Charley White to a draw. He (ContinUed on age Eigh a half sCOre of lawyers. It was proven i H: broke u? one Mina ~usa home: de- _ I IiG 18·0··UT TH"E 8O··P··£ :e:-~~1edb:~x~ca~~:gbl~:~0:1~::t.°f~~~0~r::=ki:s~i:~:~1 DRY LEADERS IN .. CONGRESS ARE SOMETHIIt .' ..., '" AIIDIt :::but not with the approval or knowl-; the Omaha woman at the .home of BOOZE SeAPlOAL II "HIGH SCHOOLSI~~::~~~:~P:~::~~f:u~::nh~~~,f:~e~~~=san~u::h;~;~~~~eB~~ AMONG THE WORST BOOTLEGGERS . Icustomers. apparently expectI~g!In sensclOus revelry. ~ ~vorc: re- leniencv from the court. MeanwhIle i suIted and another may re"ul~ a:s me &hool Board and School Authorities Claim No Dope Peddled to the.
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