ASSESSMENT OF DEVELOPMENT RESULTS EVALUATI ON OF UNDP CONTRI BUTI ON SOMALIA Evaluation Office, July 2010 United Nations Development Programme REPORTS PUBLISHED UNDER THE ADR SERIES Afghanistan Egypt Peru Argentina Ethiopia Philippines Bangladesh Georgia Rwanda Barbados and OECS Guatemala Serbia Benin Guyana Seychelles Bhutan Honduras Sudan Bosnia & Herzegovina India Syrian Arab Republic Botswana Indonesia Tajikistan Bulgaria Jamaica Turkey Burkina Faso Jordan Uganda Cambodia Lao PDR Ukraine Chile Maldives Uzbekistan China Montenegro Viet Nam Colombia Mozambique Yemen Republic of the Congo Nicaragua Zambia Ecuador Nigeria EVALUATION TEAM Team Leader Carrol Faubert Team Members Abhijit Bhattacharjee Daudi Ekuam Evaluation Office Task Manager Azusa Kubota Research Assistant Chelsey Wickmark ASSESSMENT OF DEVELOPMENT RESULTS: SOMALIA Copyright © UNDP 2010, all rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. The analysis and recommendations of this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Development Programme, its Executive Board or the United Nations Member States. This is an independent publication by UNDP Evaluation Office. Cover photos provided by © UNDP Somalia/Noor Khamis/2010. Design: Green Communication Design inc. Production: Consolidated Graphics ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABER Area-Based Early Recovery project ADR Assessment of Development Results AMISOM African Union Mission in Somalia AU African Union BCPR Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery CACAS Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia CAP Consolidated Appeals Process CBO Community-based organization CISS Coordination of International Support to Somalia CPD Country programme document CSO Civil society organization DDR Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration DEX Direct execution DFID Department for International Development (United Kingdom) EC European Commission EGER Employment Generation for Early Recovery project ERM Enterprise Risk Management ETA Emergency Technical Assistance Project FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FPRM Fiscal Policy and Reforms Management Unit FSANU Food Security and Nutritional Survey GFATM Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria HDEU Human Development and Economics Unit IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee ICG International Contact Group on Somalia IFCC Independent Federal Constitutional Commission IGAD Inter-Governmental Authority on Development ILO International Labour Organization IOM International Organization for Migration JNA Joint Needs Assessment JPLG Joint Programme for Local Governance MDGs Millennium Development Goals NEX National execution NGO Non-governmental organization OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ODA Official development assistance OECD/DAC Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development/ Development Assistance Committee ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS i i i PAC Policy Advisory Committees PRSL Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods QUESTS Qualified Expatriate Somali Technical Support Project RBAS Regional Bureau for Arab States RC Resident Coordinator RDP Recovery and Development Programme RSL Recovery and Sustainable Livelihoods programme ROAR Results-oriented Annual Report ROLS Rule of Law and Security programme SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SIDP Somali Institutional Development Project SPF Somali Police Force SPU Special Protection Unit SSS Somali Support Secretariat TFG Transitional Federal Government TNG Transitional National Government UIC Union of Islamic Courts UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund UNCT United Nations country team UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEG United Nations Evaluation Group UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services UNOSOM United Nations Operation in Somalia UNPOS United Nations Political Office in Somalia UNSOA United Nations Support Office for AMISOM UNTP United Nations Transition Plan USAID United States Agency for International Development WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization i v ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS FOREWORD This is an independent country-level evaluation to take strong leadership in its core corporate called the Assessment of Development Results areas of work. In the recent past, however, UNDP (ADR) in Somalia, conducted by the Evaluation Somalia has strived to address this image-related Office of the United Nations Development challenge by diversifying its portfolio in favour of Programme (UNDP). This evaluation examined UNDP traditional areas, such as pro-poor and the relevance and strategic positioning of UNDP Millennium Development Goal support activities. support and its contributions to the country’s development results from 2005 to 2010. It assessed The evaluation found that the UNDP contribu- the UNDP Somalia interventions under the three tion to development results has varied considerably main programme areas and cross-cutting themes, depending on the region where activities were with the aim of providing forward-looking recom- implemented. The regional diversity of Somalia mendations that are useful for the formulation of was not sufficiently reflected in UNDP pro- the new UNDP country programme. grammes and, oftentimes, UNDP corporate instruments were not suitable for program- The UNDP Somalia programme is unique in ming in Somalia. Also, policy and operational many respects and UNDP is implementing guidance provided by UNDP headquarters programmes under extremely challenging circum- was often insufficient or untimely. Despite the stances. Almost two decades after the collapse challenges and shortcomings in programme man- of the State, Somalia continues to experience agement, UNDP Somalia continued to seize violence, political instability, governance and opportunities as they emerged through the peace human security challenges. Enhanced security process and enjoy a privileged relationship with measures, as a consequence of grave incidents that the authorities and donors. UNDP has initiated affected UNDP staff members in 2008, present a process of change that should transform the challenges to UNDP operations on the ground. institutional culture by emphasizing more cohesion Some of the unique characteristics of the UNDP and synergy between programmes, a results-based programme in Somalia, such as the full direct management as well as the mainstreaming of implementation and remote management of its a rights-based approach and gender in projects from the head office in Nairobi, reflect programming. The evaluation strongly endorsed the very special operating environment. In ana- these approaches. lysing the UNDP contribution in Somalia, it was important for the ADR team to take into account The evaluation identified a number of important these special contexts. lessons and recommendations for UNDP pro- grammes operating in a complex and challenging The complex political process, continued armed environment. In a context of remote manage- conflict in many parts of the country, and general ment of programmes, UNDP needs to ensure instability influenced decisions made by UNDP sufficient capacity to analyse and manage risks and its donors. The evaluation concluded that associated with reduced access to beneficiaries UNDP assumed responsibility for certain tasks and to information, hence, addressing challenges and services, which have, as a result, reduced of accountability and efficiency, as well as poten- the credibility of the organization as a neutral tial consequences of decisions and actions taken. and impartial development partner. A notable UNDP should also focus its activities on the portion of UNDP expenditure has concerned organization’s core activities promoting human activities that eliminated opportunities for UNDP development. Such transformation is possible F O R E W O R D v only through a transparent dialogue with donors. society, international development community, Despite the challenging circumstances, UNDP the UN family, and members of the communities. should stop working in an emergency mode by Special thanks go to partners who participated in focusing on quality and long-term sustainability the ADR at the stakeholder workshops held in of efforts and results achieved. Moreover, UNDP March 2010 in Nairobi and have shared written corporate programming instruments, guidance comments on the draft evaluation report. and support need to be more responsive to the realities faced by UNDP Somalia. For example, The evaluation would not have been possible there should be clearer corporate guidance on without the commitment and leadership demon- ‘remote management’ approaches or the stated strated by UNDP Somalia senior management: role of UNDP as a ‘provider of last resort’, Resident Representative Mark Bowden, Country a notion that has considerably influenced the Director Alvaro Rodriguez, Deputy Country country programme in Somalia. The Evaluation Director (programme) Marie Dimond, Deputy Office sincerely hopes that this evaluation will Country Director (operations) Sergio Valdini. generate meaningful discussions which can lead All programme and project staff in Nairobi, to concrete actions both at the headquarters and Hargeisa and Garowe provided the ADR team country levels and help improve UNDP efforts in with invaluable support. In particular, members conflict-affected,
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