<, <. ., .'!.! ,'- . , q b, ; ,.. .-. ' 1. I. ,. , . ' e :l . , , 1'. '. April 25, 1988 - . I '. cr Volume 15 Issue 11 .7 2 The Chronicle hril 25. 1988 GZJ waves g~odbye cz# waves goodbye k l i l bp row, fmm left: Ryan Sellick, Mike Lutz, Paul Hutchison, Allan Paterson, Don Findlay, Trevor Glasser, Pete Zaver. Bottom row, from left: Teaching lasteh Bill Merriott, Chrls ~arm,~,~ethknOlMdley. Cindv Stewart. Claudla Salarar. Jeff Hamitton. MiMhg: Karen Jsqullh; Sue Codcell, Tracy BU~WI \ I luss Jones. , t The Chronicle A~ril25. 1988 Paae 3 d l Summer will wait for hygienist class \ : By Tracey Cavanagh the hygienist& at work once a ham that the hygienists would and our year has gone to waste," sphere for our exam and they. Chronicle Staff year. The students were told* in fact be taking this exam and said one of the hygienists who know what each one of us is capa- i The dental hygienists at everything was good and to their the teacher evaluation idea was preferred not to be identified. ble of ahd if we deserve to pass 1 knowledge, the exam was not go- " cancelled. This cancellation or4 fail," said the student. Durham College this year will I 41 - be undergoing an exam that will ing to be taken this year. The will cause the hygienists to meeting held teachers would perform their spend a considerable amount of A meeting was to be held on enable them to hold a license as own evaluation. on weekend a practicing hygienist. Alt- extra time in school compared to -z the weekend between %the@a- is the other students. The idea of a teacher evalua- chers qnd the Dental College ta hough it a regular procedure I ' to take this exam, it came as a school year tion came after it was establis- determine an oubome to this surprise to the students. - extended "The Dental College comes hed that the Dental College was controversy; however, the tea- down for our exam and evaluates far too critical. "Having our chers did not attend and the stu- The Dental College visits Approximately a week ago, us on one day's wdrk. If there teachers evaluate us would dents will take the exam as in Durham to inspect and observe the Dental College notified Dur- is the slightest mistake we fail create a more comfortable atmo- other years. l Ryerson Impression courses of upgrading- at Durham students wrong,/ says By Donna Donaldson Chronicle staff manag,er - Ryerson may 'have the go- By Angus Scott ahead to start offering co\irses at Chronicle Staff Durham College in the fall, as The Faculty of Skills Devel- long is there is available space opment is a misunderstood part on campus, said Don Michie, of Durham College and needs to dean of continuing education at be better understood by the rest Durham. of the college, says the head of "If they (Ryerson) want a the vocational testing centre. small number of rooms it is not Many people in .the college a problem," said Michie. He ad- have the mistaken impression ded that Trent is Durham Colle- that the students attending ge's first client, and is experien- skills development courses are cing growth in enrollment and not as intelligent as they ai-e. will be given first priority for This impression could not be available space. further from the truth. Michie said Durham does Many of the students atten- not .know what space will be ding skills development are far available for Ryerson, but the more educated than those taking college looks forward to enhan- part in the regular curriculum. cing the pdst-secondary educa- 'We have a great group of tional service to the community people over here," said Sheila In- by cooperating with the Toronto fusini, manager of the vocational school. l assessment and testing depaft- " Universities such as Trent, ment of the faculty. "There are York,0ttada. Central Michigan people over here that have docto- and Queen's all offer courses rates and university degrees." complimentary to what Durham With the support of various College offerS. ' funding agencies, students come We would have a problem to. the faculty for many different if Ryerson were to offer courses reasons. Some take retraining competitive to ours," said Mi- courses because they have su- chie. stained an injury that prevents them from continuing their old Phi1 Schalm, under contract jobs. Plant closures and layoffs with Ryerson, has . presented also force some to seek training Ryerson his final report on the in new professions. There are, surveys he conducted in Durham also those who wish to keep up Region. The .surveys were done with new forms of technology, to study the feasibility of setting have recently entered Canada as up a campus here. immigrants, or simply wish to upgrade their present skills in The report will remain an order to attain a higher standing internal document, although of living. Ryeraon has provided Durham with some of the results of what courses are. in demand. Students found -. "For the fall of 1988, we will guilty of QSAP have' a relatively limited. pro- gram, if we initiate it," said fraud charges I Schalm. Three people in Ontario , If it gets the go-ahead, Ryer- were found guilty recently of son will offer courses in degree baming prddmt DmU, He did. note that a oooparative hud and other related c nulpsing, a supplementary pro- Sewell. is a &mar student of adrmovltra tfon is helpN. stemming hm falsified h"ape80 AP gram for a certificate in nursing loan applications. , management, a degree program Debra McGee, Kathryn in ECE, and possibly courses in Smythen, and Michael Leger the business management area were all found guilty of defrau- that will be applicable toward a ding the government of student degree. All courses will be li W. &, whet's in+~m for next +more faculty irrvdmnt ib loan money. I to what Durham College alpIted dy ye& ~lsven~, McGee was given a suspen- has to offer. W'BN~p4&hI&w8~'~ M L d> *8ACW mkt&& &&lte ' ded sentence after pleading gu- bg -W. Thtlt is, no one rpd to m rogd *the ofprb~$@::~~).-&,; *an ilty to one charge of fkaud over If ~Ryerson canndt attain ;~ow~*,~fchefihdda- W:to arbitrarJr ?0ckker~~~$1,000. Snythen pleaded guilty available space at'Durham Col- .-ti@El-Eorciny of ~~i~n~.~ cation > 3. to one charge of fraud and was lege, they will discues alternati- *an earlier Orimtstioa week ts sentenced to three months con- ves wikh Durham Regional '3%~new ~-cfl'*o- ptmibrg inpl* a:mad-@ilita ~~yonMayland.tRu1be Jm geme,.a Mqptq C& * current in custody. Leger plea- chairman Gary Herrema. / jxNm4m spirit* mve- ,,a& ded guilty to contravening Sec- :Pwmm3 for #v@ntfJ 2,- I*@ *@JWOUwgnd**19 "Durhain College has been linchb# Last'Blast and tion 14(1) of the regulations un- - der Canada Student Loans Act positive, aqd I am quite optimi- 4md*ti9fl* game) get peopldtoc meet stic. I can't speak for Ryerson or m~rem~le,* Sewell efxews that them and was conditionally dischar- Durham College, but there is so- ged. He was placed on one'year's mething alive," said Schalm. probation and commanded to serve 100 hours of community Michie said Durham Region service work. is growing, and if the growth in Though all were dealt with Trent couraee ia indicative, there leniently by the judges, none will is a definite need for extension be accepted as firture loan appli- of come. t 1~fs* i , L>, : t. L \ld , ::: I S ;l'! i 9 . The Chronicle A~ril25. .lQ88 Pabe 5 v .. .. I Single? Unattached andseeking a mate.9 "There she is, the girl for If you were sure enough that you me," thinks Joe Single to himself. fit this criteria, then maybe you'd be "Well it's kind of obvious, she been ready to move on to the next stage. Cal- looking at me all night. She must1be ling the number. crazy about me." . If you called the Humanist Insti- "I guess 1'11 go do that comb thing tute, you'd be able to book an interview in the bathroom then ask her for a in your first step towards meeting that dance." . special partner: As Joe walks towards the mirror, Then you'll be asked to fill out a y + memories of The Little Rascals flash que~tionnaire'whi~hwill give the staff through his mind as his eyes focus on gn indication of your preferences, inter- a definite bundle of hairs pointing to- ests, likes dislikes. , .wards the ceiling. The questions range from your phy- This is known as the wondedul sical 'and psychological characteristics world of college dating foul-ups. and the corresponding preferences for You browse through the newspaper the opposite sex. and come upon another dating service The information is then analyzed ad, and wonaer to yourself, "This stuff by the staff and potential companion is l l is for the totally desperate and wimpy." selected; l If you were to actually go ahead Your then given the persons name and find out more about dating services, and phone number, which leads to the maybe you'd be intrigued by the many date, which Frigault says should be ca- advantages over the bar scene. sual, such as meeting over a cup of cof- First of all, lets figure out what fee. kind of people turn to the dating service One of the most important parts of for their mate hunt. the program involves the feedback of According to Ray Frigault, regio- each person following the initial mee- -.
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