March 2014 The Official Magazine of Sun CompassCity Lincoln Hills 2014 Board of Directors... page 2 Remembering Rosie... page 7 What's New at Kilaga LH Women of Military Springs Café... page 10 Service, We Salute You... page 17 Association News Board of Directors Report ActivitiesIn News & HappeningsThis ................................. Issue 5, 44 Marcia VanWagner, Director, SCLH Board of Directors Ad Directory / Compass Advertisers .......................... 103 n February 20, about 20 residents wants this to be the best Aging Well: Do You Sleep Beautifully? ......................... 9 attended the Annual Meeting of community we can have and An Opportunity to Enrich Your Life: Lincoln Wine Fest .... 19 OMembers of the Lincoln Hills Com- that we all work very hard to ARC/Architectural Review Committee ...................... 10 munity Association. And we even had free achieve that goal. Association Contacts & Hours Directory ...................... 102 coffee! Because there was no quorum, the Part of our work is serving as liaisons Board of Directors Report........................................... 2 meeting was adjourned as no business to the Association committees. Jim Le- Bulletin Board ..................................................... 39 could take place without a quorum. The onhard, as Treasurer, will represent the • You Are Invited ............................................... 39 Special Board Meeting was convened and Board on the Finance Committee, Marcia • Community Perks .................................................... 41 the Board took care of annual require- VanWagner will work with the Properties Calendar of Events ............................................ 3 ments and then moved on to an unusual Committee, Marty Rubin will attend the Classes, Activities Department ................................... 58 occurrence: appointing new Directors to Clubs & Community Organizations Com- Classes, WellFit .......................................................... 81 vacant seats on the mittee, and Denny Club Ad: Community Chorus ............................. 11 Board: Ken Silver- “This is the second year in a row that Valentine will be Club Ads: Garden Group, Neighborhood Watch ........ 12 man, Gay Mackin- new Directors were elected to the the liaison to the Club Ad: Senior Softball League, tosh, and Marcia Communications Writers & Authors Resource Groups ......................... 13 VanWagner. This is Board by acclamation. This 2014 Board & Community Rela- Club News ............................................................... 23 the second year in a of Directors is the first Board since tions Committee. Committee Openings ......................................... 5 row that new Direc- transition to have every Director ap- We have some Community Forums .............................................. 100 tors were elected pointed, rather than elected by you, the challenges ahead Connections .......................................................... 3 to the Board by this year. Water has Day Trips & Extended Travel ........................................ 48 acclamation. This membership. I’ll assume that all of you been a big concern Did You Know? ....................................................... 37 2014 Board of Di- think this Board is doing a great job.” for the past few Entertainment .......................................................... 45 rectors is the first years and now the Finance Committee ................................................... 15 Board since transition to have every Direc- drought has certainly brought us face-to- Food & Beverage Department ................................ 10, 64 tor appointed, rather than elected by you, face with new issues. The Board, relevant Go Green: Association's Electronic Payment Program ... 15 the membership. I’ll assume that all of you committees, and staff are planning a coor- Golf Cart Inspections ........................................... 42, 85 think this Board is doing a great job. Your dinated response that makes sense for you. In Memoriam .................................................... 43 2014 Board of Directors is shown below. The interface between the Board, staff, and It's the Law ........................................................... 39 At our Organizational Meeting, the committees is very positive, making the Library News ..................................................... 15 2014 Board elected its officers. Ken Sil- job of keeping this community what we Lincoln Hills Foundation ..................................... 17 verman returns as President, John Snyder have come to expect almost easy. Thank Lincoln Hills Women of Military Service .................. 17 as Vice President, and Gay Mackintosh as you for the privilege of serving on the Neighborhood Watch ................................................ 21 Secretary. Jim Leonhard was elected Trea- Board. We all look forward to our work Properties Committee ...................................... 9 surer. I can tell you that the entire Board for 2014. Remembering Rosie ..................................................... 7 The Spa at Kilaga Springs ...................................... 11, 94 Tips for Online Registration .......................................... 5 Upcoming Association-Related Meetings .......... 3 Use Your Association's Electronic Payment Program ...... 9 WellFit Grids.......................................... 97-99 WellFit News .............................................................. 9 WellFit Wellness Days: Rejuvenate Your Lifestyle ..... 80 On the cover Rosie (far left) and her singing, dancing “Rosettes” are poised to entertain and inspire in the upcoming “Remembering Rosie” show in OC Ballroom April 3, 4, and 5 This is your 2014 Board of Directors, from left: John Snyder, Ken Silverman, Marcia ~See the article on page 7~ VanWagner, Gay Mackintosh, Marty Rubin, Denny Valentine, and Jim Leonard 2 March 2014 Compass www.suncity-lincolnhills.org/residents Association News Connections Calendar of Events Jeannine Balcombe, Senior Director of Lifestyle and Communications March 15-April 30 Date Event Page # The Home, Health and Business Are you among the 03/17 Cosmology: “Dark Matter and Dark Energy” 23 Showcase will be held Thursday, April many who are tired of 03/17 Cosmology: “Cosmic Geometry” 23 17, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM throughout driving in circles or 03/17 “Internet Education for Genealogists” 29 Orchard Creek Lodge. This is your op- arriving early to get a place to park your 03/18 Lincoln Organization: “Lighthouse” 31 portunity to visit with over 80 vendors vehicle at Kilaga Springs Lodge? Being 03/18 Forum: It's Saudi Duty Time! 100 providing services and products that are an active community has its drawbacks 03/18 -21 Multi-night Palm Springs 58* of interest to you and beneficial to your when every person drives to participate 03/20 Book Discussion: A Being So Gentle 25 home maintenance. Most of the vendors in a class, meeting or game. Please coor- 03/20 Speaker Sierra College Veterans' Ctr. Coordinator 36 are Compass advertisers and this provides dinate with your friends and classmates 03/25 Concert: Tom Rigney and Flambeau 45 you a good opportunity to meet with to share a ride. Besides the obvious 03/26 Forum: Don't Lose Sleep Over It ! 9, 100 them in person as well as thank them for benefit of making more parking spaces 03/26 Bus Trip: Peter & the Starcatcher, Harris Center 51 their continued financial support of our available for others, ridesharing saves 03/27 “Plant Communication!” 28 monthly magazine. Come on out, fill up gas and brings people together. Aside 03/27 Day Trip: Off to the Races 48 on vendor goodies and visit with neigh- from building a three-story parking lot, 04/01 Bus Trip: Speaker Series — Ina Garten 58* bors and friends you see. It’s always fun our only other options may be to cancel 04/02 “Looking for Galaxies, Nebulae and Star Clusters” 23 and interesting. or reduce hours for your various favorite 04/02 Bus Trip: San Francisco for the Day 54 programs of interest. While there are 04/03 Speaker Joe Quinlan, Chief Strategist, Ivy Funds 30 The first day of spring is March 20, parking challenges every day, we find 04/03 Bus Trip: Ironstone Winery 58* and our regular hours are now in effect. that Wednesdays between the hours of 04/03-05 Tap Co. sponsored “Remembering Rosie” 7, 45 The Activities Desks are staffed from 8:00 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM are especially tight. 04/07 KS at the Movies: Breakfast at Tiffany's 41 AM until 9:00 PM Monday through Satur- Thank you for your cooperation. 04/08 Needle Arts Speaker: Stories with Dolls & Quilts 32 day and 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sunday. To 04/08 Bus Trip: Broadway Series — Sister Act 58* attend to administrative end-of-day busi- Be sure to check out the Community 04/08-09 Auditions for Vaudeville Troupe July Show 36 ness, no sales are made one hour prior to Perks listed on page 41. These perks are 04/09 “Android & Internet Security” 26 the close of the Lodge. Online sales are generally free of charge and provide you 04/09 “Basics of Shooting HD Video” 33 available 24/7 at www.suncity-lincolnhills. with interesting and fun things to do in 04/09 Bus Trip: Ring of Fire, Eldorado Hotel, Reno 53 org/residents. the community. Happy Spring! I look for- 04/09 Forum: The Donner Party: Weathering the Storm 100 ward to seeing you in the Lodge. 04/10 The Latest in Low Vision Technology 28 04/10 Riding Wave of Evolving Low Vision Technology 28 Upcoming Association-Related Meetings: Date,
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