. IICYCUNG CENT!. 4>cotion-Dot._ Timo e.low ~$P~~ . Home of th, New, IUOO wIIfj, SdMoI: ~.":10 ., ........ .."'7'" .. , • .. C~N$ ~ e- c..... " • 1 Milo IoiI ~Soo~. 10 ., ..... 4 " .. :' ICO-UNt 879.1333 10.,... I.) p.... rosse Pointe e~s ....,.-IrioM~. Complete News Coverage of All tl~e Pointes Vol. 34-No. 3 Entered as Seconl1Clau lIhtter at the >,OSI UIt'C~ at OctroI!. Mlchlf.n GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973 lS1l Per Copy ".00 Per Yeu 24 Pages-Two Sections-Section One HEADLINES Whole Court 01 the Will Rehear WEEK M Compiled by the Vital Case Groue Pointe New. I Decision on Roth Ruling Thanday, Juuary 11 Handed Down by Three ELLIOT RICHARDSON, Judges Preempted by President Nixon's new choice Ordinance Passed Authorizing City Manag~r to Newest Action as Secretary of Detense, Negotiate with Hill Merchants Interesting firmly squelched outgoing Secretary of Defense Melvin in Leasing Spaces By Kathy Duff Laird's peace program, when The Farms council on Monday, January 15, at On the basis of a Sixth he told Congress ye"terday a called public hearing, authorized City Manager Court of Appeals decision that Mr. Nixon does not want to simply accept a Andrew Bremer, Jr., to negotiate with Hill Dis. in Cincinnati, Tuesday, peace deal in Vietnam that triet merchants for leases on parking spaces in the January 16, School Board would require the U. S. to "free parking" strip at the rear of the Muir road President Wi I 1ia m F. puD out in exchange for the property line. An ordinance to that effect was Huetteman and Attorney return of POWs. He said th;;t drawn up by City Attorney George McKean, and I?ouglas H. West are ~on. the President wants to get adopted by the solons at the hearing. flde,nt that a metropolitan more out of the talks now Bremer is scheduled to ."; busing pla~ has been de- goillC on io Paris, including meet with the merchants and C A !..J layed unbl September a cease.fire tbat would ex- by tomorrow, January 19, ar ccment /1974, at the earlIest. tend to Laos and Can\bodia, should bave allocated i'ipaces The basis of their optimism and reasonable assurance ot to those who want them. The Cl e Lef is tbe January 16 decision ~ace throughout So'.Itheast merchants had requested that. almS "e of the Circuit Court to rehear Asia. parking facilities be made . en banc the appeal of the available for themselves and Of Resident Detroit Desegregation Case. • .. • for their employes. The . rehearing, scheduled Friday, lanuary 12 The city manager said that for Thursday, February 8, ~l,PRESlDENT NIXON the outcome of the meeting . I will preempt the C i r cui t icrn"ped 'most wage and Parents, teach~l's and students at 51. Paul's for adults, $1.50 for students. Profits from the will determine. which mer. Woods Woman Dies Court'smid.December ruling price controls ill favor of vol. On.the-Lake School have been busy the past week dinner will equip learning centers for the 81. chants want to parlici>pate in S which upheld the principle of untary guidelines', !lnd in preparing for a Chicken Dinner to be held Friday, Paul students. The centers will prOVide. tape hitthe leasing oi spaces, and after Failing to top cross-distrieth. hseboolI busing Michigan, Gov. Milliken has January 19, at 5..30 p.m. HI.ghlightl'ng the .JI'nner records, ear phones, overhead proJ.ectors and. ow many will be a located at St Clair-St Paul 0 ac leve sc 00 integration .. - -----'sted the Legislature for tax U to each establishment. There • • ill tbe Detroit area. cuts with the ,target date set is an art show of student work as exhibited here instructional packets allowing a student. to pro- are 72 spaces in the strip. InterseetionWas Panel DeelaioD for January I, 1974. Mr. Nix. by students (left to right) CLAIRE TOENJES, ceed at his own pace. Turning the hallways and To Display Emblems The mid,December deci- on announced that controls PETER TOENJES, CATHY OLDHAM and JOHN rooms of St. PnuI into a young Whitney Museum Under the ordinance, vehi. sion was handed down by a will be kept in economic ar. WAGNER, Serving as co.chairmen of the event are Mrs. Edward Monahan and Mrs. Paul Gracey, des us~g such leased. spaces There was a fatal accI- panel of three judges, Chief eas where inflation was are MRS. GERALD TOENJES (left) and MRS. chairmen of the art show. shall disJ?lay a valid and dent at the quiet inter- Judge Harry Phillips oI Nash •. worst, such as food, health THEODORE OLDHA.M (right). The tariff is $2 <permane~t affixed ~dentifying section of 81. Clair and ville, Judge George Edwards .care and construction. He ----------------_____________ emblem m a locallon on the S1. Paul avenues Satur- of Detroit and Judge John also abolished the Pay Board Clr, designated by Police day afternoon, January Peck of Cincinnati. Due to aDd Price Commission, turn. U.L School PT A at MailoeHaQ Unique Symphony Ch.iet . Robe~t .Ferber, tor 13. the heavy. case load of the ing over their remaining du- .. ~ qUick Id.entifIC~t10n. The em. Dead an arrival at Bon Sixth Circuit Court, cases are ties toa beefed-up Cost of S H ld RIP C S blem will be ISSUed by the S H.t I t 1.45 P m orten reviewed by .1 panel Living Council. As for Gov. et to 0 ecreationa rogram. oncert et ~~~a::enager or his repre. w~~ourivOO~~Pl:es~de~t Airs: of three ,judges. instead ot Milliken's proposals, he paint. I In th' t tb t th .ty Sophia Hornov'ch 60, 20743 the e n t 1r e DIne-member ed a rosy picture for a ma. 0 H F St d t d P t F J 21 . e e~en a e Cl Marter road ;rt~r her car bench. j(lrity af the State's taxpay. pen ouse or u en s an aren s or an. shall enter: mto a le;Jse of all, ran the St. Clair stop sign, Pointe school system at. ers. If the Legislature ap. ! or a portion of the Jot, no hit a car traveling west on torney Mr. West received I proves his plans, it would P bl --d Thr t- S t d M • S • S "t f I II O---:-d GPHS person, other ~an the lessee St. Paul, and collided into I permission from the School provide tax relief totaling u ic Invite to Tour ee- lour a ur ay orn'"9 eSSlon, p I or Wi jam aVI . shall be permitted to ~ark in b.' k h t ~ St CJa.1r IBoard to file for a rehear. $;140mi!!ion to $260 million in Both Campuses and I Different Ag.e ~roups~ ~raws Many . Graduate and Teacher the leased slJaces durmg the a nc OUsea . ing bef 11. dg 1974. with most of the cuts Meet Headmaster \ EnthUSiastic PartiCipants t at Iowa. State, Will period such time is eUective. D OU d~y EC~~ sergenntt Once g~~~t~ :Jn~~~Sg lDvolvinl( incame And prop. ------- Signs will be posted jodicat. UDUP _ac ..... ern .wa. 41 . b ' th d I erty taxes. ..- Robbins January 28 By Kathy Duff Be Piano Soloist ing the spaces leased accord. the scene immediately tiS he ~; anc ~s;:res t e. e en~ttant .. .. • ing to the new law. ' lives in the lIrea. Attempting. recelv g wo, wrl .en (. Sat1lJ'day, Jauuary 13 Un i Ve rs i t y • Liggett Parents have long wondered how to tear away A Grosse: Pointer, who The spaces will be Jeased to revive the woman with JU~B!'Ients. the ~ajo~ty , THREE SUSPECTS in the School's Open House will their kids from a Saturday morning TV diet of The decided at the age of nine at $10 a month, for a perIod mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, op~~on and Ithe . dlS~nting December 4 and 21 shootings b h I Jetsons, Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan, Sealab of three months fof' a total the crash vkUm gave no reo oPIn!on , as a dl nlne Judges of four STRESS policemen uarye e28d onfromSunday,2 p mJan-to 2020 and Captain Burb. %----------- ishe wantedthe soloistto be witha pianist,the of ..,.."". ,""~ app'lication .''0"• sponsE!c.City Corporal Rich- onare thenotdeCISionex.p.ecte to concur and two Detroit patrolmen > •• However, the PTA of Maire I' up the tab for the additional renewal of a lease must be ard Clarke and Patrolman . came out of hiding yesterday ~:3~ p.m. The public. ~s School seems to have come insura.nce. Grosse Pointe Symphony made every three months, Dale van Dale answered the " Requests Arg~mel1ts after six weeks of one ot De- l!lVlted to tour the iacI11- up with a successful plan by The p~ogram .h.as had only Orchestra Sunday, Janu. Failure to do so will mean accident can and rushed Mrs. One encouraging aspect troit's most intensive man- h~s C!f both campuses of providing a free three.hour one major reVISIon, that of ary 21, at 7:30 p.m. in that the auto owner is no Hornovich to the hr,spilal. lof the rehearing is that the hunts. The {hree staged a Michigan's oldest inde- recreation program at Maire dividing it into two sessiol1s, the Performinl{ Arts Cen. longer interested and the Rail Stop Sip .Court asked for further argu.
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