NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF IRELAND Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives ' 9906 (185 Wt.5333--66.4000.12jl4.A, T. &Co.,Ltd. (655 I Wt.3:!.0~96.20,000.8 J 15. -· s 11 Telegrams: DAMP, DUBLIN." + ,:. :.t' . Telephone No. 22. METROPOLITAN . POLICE~ • lDepartment, .. · • . * ' ' beg to report that on the 18th. the undermentioned extremist·s ere observed .. moving about and associating with ~ach other • • r ' . 0 0 as follows :-· · ·- /t, " With Thomas J. Clarke, 75, Parnell ~ John McGarry from 6 p. m. to 6. 15 . ' ,:.. ~ ... ' ... Thomas Byrne, Pierce Beasley and M. • utes ' . Bulmer Hobson, William Mellows, · O'Connell, Michael in Volunteer Office, 2 Dawson St. together for an hour from 12 William Mellows left Broadstone by 5 The Chief Commissioner. Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives \ c~ I j u 1 ':L i \3'1 1..) . en • route to Carrick-On-Shannon • R. I. C. informed. \ ~· . .Attached is a Copy of this weeks issue of The Workers Republic which, with the ex- ception of a few paragraJ>ha ,· do~s not appear . ' . \ ~ . to contain anything d~seFving parti~ular attention. .. Superintendent .• • + ... .. .. c • .. I I· r I I I r l • Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced T without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives OR LATE NOTES SEE PAGE TWO. ONE PENNY. u The great only appear great because we are on our knees : let us rise." Vol. 1., No. 26. DUBLIN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1915. ,Weekly. But l1 the e ountains of Irish dead, all these Notes on the Front "How beggarly appear words before a corpses mangled beyond all recognition, all • defiant deed !" these artns, lets, eyes, ears, fingers, toes, bands, all these shivering, putrefying bodies and "' TILL CELEBRATING. The Fenians of Manchester rose superior to portions of bodies once warm, living and tender This week we are celebrating another anni­ all the whines about prudence, caution, and parts of Irish men and youths-all these horrors versary. But it is of a different order to the restraint, saw only two of their countrymen buried in Flanders or the Gallipoli Peninsula, anniversary of which we spoke in our last. struck at for loyalty to Freedom, and seeing are all items in the price Ireland pays for being this struck back at the enemy with blows that That anniversary was of one of Ireland's part of the British Empire. are still resounding through the heart of the thinkers-a defiant rebel, and preacher of world. All these widows whose thusbands were torn rebellion, but one whose rebellion never got from their sides and forced to go to war, their further than the spoken or written word. A The echo of those blO\ys have for a genera­ prayers and tears for the ones who will return thinker and initiator amidst mindless slaves-a tion been as a baptismal dedication to the soul no more are another part of the price of scorner and hater of orthodox formulas amidst and life of thousands of Irish men and women, Empire. men who could not think even of rebellion consecrating them to the service of Freedom. All those fatherless orphans who for the last except according to formula, and who refused Had Kelly and Deasy been struck at in ot:r time have heard the cheery laugh of an to rebel because some of the ingredients of their time we would not have startled the world by affectionate father, and who must for years formula were lacking. the vehemence of our blow in return; we would suffer all the biting hardships of a childhood This week our Anniversary is not of thinkers, not have sent out the call for a muster of our poorly provide for against want and hunger­ but of doer ~ , of In'! Yho wl-.en a duty was to hosts to peril all in their rescue. • all those aml their misery are part of the price be done dtd not stop to think, but acted, and No, we would shnply have instructed our Ireland pays fo Ernpire. y their action vtolated every rule of prudence, typist to look up the office fites and see if they All those shattered, maimed and diseased of sanity, of caution, and in violating them all had paid up their subs-ription in the Cumann wrecks of humanity who for years will crowd obeyed the highest dictates of wisdom and Cosanta, and were entitled to their insurance our poorhouses and asylums, or crawl along our achieved immortality. benefit. roads and streets affronting our health by their The Manchester lvlartyrs ~ \ Vho were they ? Thus we have progressed in the path of wounds, and our comfort by their appeals for A few words will ~ell. civilised methods far, far away from the undis­ ·harity-all, all are parts of the price Ireland Two members of the Fenian Organisation, ciplined hatred and reckless fighting of the '67 pays for the glory of being an integral part of Kelly and Deasy, were trapped in Manch~ster, men. Moryah. the British Empire. and lay a waiting trial in an English pnson. Allen, Larkin and O'Brien died that the right Buv OuR REPUI LICAN SouvENIRs, 0 ... ·E PE. NY. The Fenians in that city resolved to rescue of their small nationality to independence might them. be attested by their blood-died that some day And for what do we pay this price? Answer This they did by stopping the prison van an Irish Republic rniaht live. ye practical ones ! Ye men of sense, of pon the road between Manch.ester and ?alford, The song of their martyrdom was written by prudence, of moderation, of business capacity breaking open the van, sl~ootmg a . pollee ser­ a man who had laboured hard to prevent the Ireland is rotten with sl urns, a legacy of geant in the act and carrymg off theu comrades fruition of their hopes ; the prayer of their last Empire. The debt of this war will prevent us before the very ~yes of the English authorities. moments has become the hackneyed catchword getting money to replace them with sound, clean, Out of a number of men arrested for compli­ of every political Judas seeking to betray their healthy homes. Every big gun fired in the city in the deed three were hanged. These cause. Every thing associated with them has Dardanelles fired away at every shot the cost of three were Allen, Larkin and O'Brien-the been stolen or corrupted, except the imperish­ building a horne for a working class family. three Manchester Martyrs whose memory we able example of their " defiant deed." Ireland has the most inefficient P-rl11cational honour to-day. Of that neither men, devns, nor doubters can system, and the poorest schools in Europe. deprive us. \Vhy do we honour them? Empire compels us to pay pounds for blowing 0, the British Empire is great and strong and out the brains of others for every farthing it We honour them because of their heroic powerful compared with Ireland. 'Tis true allows us with :which to train our own. -souls. Let us remember that by every test by that compared with Germany the Empire is a An Empire on which the sun never sets which parties in Ireland to-day measure politi­ doddering old miser confronted with a lusty cannot guarantee its men and women as much cal wisdom, or personal prudence, the act of youth, a miser whose only hope is to purchase these men ought to be condemned. They were comfort as is enjoyed by the every-day citiz:en the limbs and bodies of others to protect her of the smallest, least military nation in Europe. in a hostile city surrounded by a hostile popu­ stolen properties. 'Tis true tnat ·the Empire lation; they were playing into the hands of Nations tl at know not the power or possessions cannot stand up alone to atty European power, of Empire have happier, better educated, better the Government by bringing all the Fenians out that she must have allies or perish. 'Tis true that in broad daylight to be spotted and remem­ housed, better equipped men and women than even with allies her military and financial system Ireland has ever known, or can ever know as an bered ; they were discouraging the Irish people is cracking at every point, sweating blood in integral part of the British Empire. by giving them another failure to record; they fear at every pore. But still all that stolen The British Empire is a piratical enterprise had no hopes of foreign help even if their property that England possesses our Irish fore­ brothers in Ireland took the field spurred by in which the valour of slaves fight for the glory fathers have helped to steal, and we are helping and profit of their masters. The Home Rule their action ; at the most their action would to defend. ·only be an Irish riot in an English city ; and party aspire to be trusted accomplices of that Was it wise then or commendable for the piracy, the l\lanchester :Martyrs were its finally they were imperilling the whole organisa- men of '67 to rebel against the Empire their ion for the sake of two men. unyielding foes even to the dungeon and the and our fathers have helped to build or steal? scaffold.
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