1 1 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 2 CENTER FOR DRUG EVALUATION AND RESEARCH 3 4 5 6 ANTIMICROBIAL DRUGS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (AMDAC) 7 8 9 Thursday, July 26, 2018 10 8:30 a.m. to 3:52 p.m. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 FDA White Oak Campus 18 Building 31, the Great Room 19 10903 New Hampshire Avenue 20 Silver Spring, Maryland 21 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 2 1 Meeting Roster 2 ACTING DESIGNATED FEDERAL OFFICER (Non-Voting) 3 Kalyani Bhatt, BS, MS 4 Division of Advisory Committee and Consultant 5 Management 6 Office of Executive Programs, CDER, FDA 7 8 ANTIMICROBIAL DRUGS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS 9 (Voting) 10 Lindsey R. Baden, MD 11 (Chairperson) 12 Director of Clinical Research 13 Division of Infectious Diseases 14 Brigham and Women’s Hospital 15 Director, Infectious Disease Service 16 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 17 Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School 18 Boston, Massachusetts 19 20 21 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 3 1 Dean A. Follmann, PhD 2 Assistant Director for Biostatistics 3 Chief Biostatistics Research Branch 4 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious 5 Diseases 6 National Institutes of Health 7 Bethesda, Maryland 8 9 Michael Green, MD, MPH 10 Professor of Pediatrics, Surgery and Clinical & 11 Translational Science 12 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 13 Division of Infectious Diseases 14 Director, Antimicrobial Stewardship & Infection 15 Prevention 16 Co-Director, Transplant Infectious Diseases 17 Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh 18 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 19 20 21 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 4 1 Barbara M. Gripshover, MD (via phone) 2 Associate Professor of Medicine 3 University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center 4 Case Western Reserve University 5 Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine 6 Cleveland, Ohio 7 8 Vincent Lo Re, MD, MSCE 9 Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology 10 Division of Infectious Diseases 11 Department of Medicine 12 Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 13 Perelman School of Medicine 14 University of Pennsylvania 15 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 16 17 Ighovwerha Ofotokun, MD, MSC 18 Professor of Medicine 19 Division of Infectious Diseases 20 Department of Medicine 21 Emory University School of Medicine 22 Atlanta, Georgia A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 5 1 Peter Weina, MD, PhD, FACP, FIDSA 2 Colonel, Medical Corps, USA 3 Chief, Department of Research Programs 4 Walter Reed National Military Medical Center 5 Division of Education, Training and Research 6 Bethesda, Maryland 7 8 TEMPORARY MEMBERS (Voting) 9 Warren B. Bilker, PhD 10 Professor of Biostatistics 11 Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology 12 Perelman School of Medicine 13 University of Pennsylvania 14 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 15 16 Josh A. Mailman, MBA 17 (Patient Representative) 18 Oakland, California 19 20 Thomas A. Moore, MD, FACP, FIDSA 21 ID Consultants, PA 22 Wichita, Kansas A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 6 1 Michele J. Orza, ScD 2 (Acting Consumer Representative) 3 Chief of Staff 4 Patient-Centered Outcomes 5 Research Institute (PCORI) 6 Washington, District of Columbia 7 8 9 Kathrine R. Tan, MD MPH 10 Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria/ 11 Malaria Branch 12 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 13 Atlanta, Georgia 14 15 Julie M. Zito, PhD 16 Professor of Pharmacy and Psychiatry 17 University of Maryland, Baltimore 18 Pharmaceutical Health Services Department 19 Baltimore, Maryland 20 21 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 7 1 ACTING INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ANTIMICROBIAL 2 DRUGS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Non-voting) 3 Ercem S. Atillasoy, MD 4 (Acting Industry Representative) 5 Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs and 6 Clinical Safety 7 Merck & Company, Inc. 8 North Wales, Pennsylvania 9 10 11 FDA PARTICIPANTS (Non-Voting) 12 Edward Cox, MD, MPH 13 Director 14 Office of Antimicrobial Products (OAP) 15 Office of New Drugs (OND), CDER, FDA 16 17 Sumathi Nambiar, MD, MPH 18 Director 19 Division of Anti-Infective Products (DAIP) 20 Office of Antimicrobial Products (OAP) 21 OND, CDER, FDA 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 8 1 Yuliya Yasinskaya, MD 2 Clinical Team Leader 3 DAIP, OAP, OND, CDER, FDA 4 5 6 Sheral Patel, MD 7 Medical Officer 8 DAIP, OAP, OND, CDER, FDA 9 10 Xianbin Li, PhD 11 Statistical Reviewer 12 Division of Biometrics IV (DBIV) 13 Office of Biostatistics (OB) 14 Office of Translational Sciences (OTS), CDER, FDA 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 9 1 C O N T E N T S 2 AGENDA ITEM PAGE 3 4 Call to Order and Introduction of Committee 5 Lindsey Baden, MD 11 6 Conflict of Interest Statement 7 Kalyani Bhatt, BS, MS 16 8 FDA Opening Remarks 9 Yuliya Yasinskaya, MD 19 10 Applicant Presentations – 60 Degrees 11 Overview and Background 12 Development of ARAKODA 13 Geoffrey Dow, PhD 26 14 Unmet Medical Need for ARAKODA 15 Military and Civilian Travelers 16 Stephen Toovey, MD, PhD 41 17 Mark Reid, MBA 50 18 Efficacy 19 Jonathan Berman, MD, PhD 55 20 Safety 21 Bryan Smith, MD 72 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 10 1 Neuropsychiatric Safety 2 Geoffrey Dow, PhD 84 3 Future ARAKODA Use 4 Stephen Toovey, MD, PhD 99 5 Clarifying Questions 106 6 FDA Presentations 7 Presentation of Clinical Efficacy 8 Xianbin Li, PhD 114 9 Presentation of Nonclinical 10 Pharmacology and Toxicology 11 Owen McMaster, PhD 130 12 Presentation of Clinical Safety 139 13 Sheral Patel, MD 162 14 Clarifying Questions 199 15 Open Public Hearing 217 16 Clarifying Questions (continued) 269 17 Questions to the Ccommitee and Discussion 307 18 Adjournment 19 20 21 22 A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 11 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 (8:30 a.m.) 3 Call to Order 4 Introduction of Committee 5 DR. BADEN: It is now 8:30. Good morning. 6 I would first like to remind everyone to please 7 silence your cell phones, smartphones, and any 8 other devices that go bleep, if you've not already 9 done so. I would also like to identify the FDA 10 press contact, Theresa Eisenman. She's waving in 11 the back. 12 I'm Dr. Lindsey Baden. I'm chairperson of 13 the Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee, and 14 I'll be chairing this meeting. I'll now call this 15 meeting to order. We'll start by going around the 16 table and introducing ourselves. We'll start with 17 the FDA to my far left. 18 DR. COX: Good morning. Ed Cox, director of 19 the Office of Antimicrobial Products, CDER, FDA. 20 DR. NAMBIAR: Good morning. Sumathi 21 Nambiar, director of the Division of Anti-Infective 22 Products, CDER, FDA. A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 12 1 DR. YASINSKAYA: Good morning. Yuliya 2 Yaskinskaya, clinical team leader, Division of 3 Anti-Infective Products, CDER, FDA. 4 DR. PATEL: Good morning. Sheral Patel, 5 clinical reviewer, Division of Anti-Infective 6 Products. 7 DR. LI: Good morning. Xianbin Li, 8 statistical reviewer from FDA. 9 DR. FOLLMANN: Dean Follmann, head of 10 biostatistics at the National Institute of Allergy 11 and Infectious Diseases. 12 DR. OFOTOKUN: Ighor Ofotokun, a member of 13 the committee from Emory University, infectious 14 diseases. 15 DR. LO RE: Vincent Lo Re from the Division 16 of Infectious Diseases in the Center for Clinical 17 Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of 18 Pennsylvania. 19 MS. BHATT: Dr. Gripshover, could you please 20 introduce yourself? 21 DR. GRIPSHOVER: [Inaudible - audio 22 gap] -- infectious disease, Case Western Reserve A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 13 1 University. And unfortunately, my flight was 2 canceled, so I'm on the phone. 3 MS. BHATT: Thank you. 4 Kalyani Bhatt. I am the designated federal 5 officer for this advisory committee. 6 DR. BADEN: Lindsey Baden, infectious 7 diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital, 8 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Harvard Medical 9 School in Boston. 10 DR. WEINA: Peter Weina, infectious disease, 11 Walter Reed National Military and Medical Center. 12 DR. GREEN: Michael Green, pediatric 13 infectious diseases, The Children's Hospital, 14 Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh School 15 of Medicine. 16 DR. ORZA: Michele Orza, the 17 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute in 18 Washington, D.C. 19 MR. MAILMAN: Josh Mailman, FDA patient 20 representative. 21 DR. MOORE: Dr. Tom Moore, infectious 22 disease physician in Wichita, Kansas, University of A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 14 1 Kansas. 2 DR. TAN: Kathrine Tan, chief of the 3 domestic response unit, malaria branch, CDC. 4 DR. BILKER: Warren Bilker, biostatistician, 5 Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and 6 Informatics, University of Pennsylvania. 7 DR. ZITO: Julie Zito, University of 8 Maryland, pharmacoepidemiology. 9 DR. ATTILASOY: Good morning. Ercem 10 Atillasoy. I'm vice president at Merck research 11 labs for vaccines and infectious disease, 12 regulatory affairs. 13 DR. BADEN: I would like to thank the 14 committee and all presenting for being able to make 15 it here despite the weather. And, Dr. Gripshover, 16 we feel your pain, as the weather in Washington 17 yesterday made travel for all extremely difficult. 18 But I appreciate everyone's effort to be here to be 19 able to have this meeting. 20 For topics such as those being discussed at 21 today's meeting, there are often a variety of 22 opinions, some of which are quite strongly held. A Matter of Record (301) 890-4188 15 1 Our goal is that today's meeting will be a fair and 2 open forum for discussion of these issues and that 3 individuals can express their views without 4 interruption.
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