Ome Kaido Ave. Ogawaeki-Nishi St. Nakajuku Dori Ave. Ome Kaido Ave. Nakajuku Dori Ave. 1 (Near the Kodaira Ichisho Mae bus stop) 2 (In front of the municipal housing complex) 3 (Kodaira Ogawa Nishi Post Oce) 4 (Suiren Animal Hospital) 5 (Near the Royal City Kodaira apartments) Kodaira Maru-Post Map Issued by:Kodaira Tourism and Town Promotion Assoc. HP:https://kodaira-tourism.com TEL: 042-312-3954 e-mail:[email protected] 1-2095 Ogawa-cho, Kodaira 4-18 Ogawa-cho, Kodaira 3-7-12 Ogawa Nishimachi, Kodaira 1-783 Ogawa-cho, Kodaira 4-29-1 Ogawa Nishimachi, Kodaira Takano Kaido Ave. Takanodai Eki-dori Ave. Gas Museum Fuchu Kaido Ave. Josui Honmachi-dori Ave. Gakuen Chuo-dori Ave. 6 (Across the street from the Ueki Dental Clinic) 7 (Near the Sekine Shoten) 8 (In front of the East entrance) 9 (Across the street from the Kodaira Fureai Sewerage Museum) 10 (Fuji Family Shop) 11 (Across the street from the Sosoya Animal Hospital) 13-17 Takanodai, Kodiara 4-10 Takanodai, Kodiara 4-31-25 Onuma-cho, Kodaira 2-9-3 Josui Honcho, Kodaira 6-15-17 Josui Honmachi, Kodaira 2-18-1 Gakuen Nishimachi, Kodaira Ome Kaido Ave. In front of the Kodaira Kodaira Dai-san Junior High School Hikarigaoka Street Association Kihei Bridge, North side Tokyo Kaido Ave. 12 (Suzuki-en) 13 14 (On the West side of the St. Maria Catholic Church) 15 Hirakushi Denchu Art Museum 16 (In front of the school gates) 17 (Yamazaki SunRoyal) Maru-Post Red 522 Nakamachi, Kodaira 1-10-28 Kihei-cho, Kodaira 2-29-8 Onuma-cho, Kodaira 1-7-5 Gakuen Nishimachi, Kodaira 1-311 Suzuki-cho, Kodaira 6-47-3 Hanakoganei, Kodaira 3.2021 Southeast of the Musashino municipal housing complex Megurita Naka-dori Ave. Municipal housing Ogawa 1 Chome Near the Ogawa housing complex Onuma-cho Dai 5 Park Nana-shou Higashi Park City of round postboxes Kodaira 18 (Inside the triangular park) 19 (South of the Suzuki Inari shrine) 20 21 22 23 (East of building #12) Starting in 1949 after WWII ended and the nation’s distribution networks began to stabilize, round post boxes, ocially known as “郵便差出箱 1 号” (Mail Box No. 1), were established as the nation’s new, steel post boxes. Since then, the number of round post boxes around the country have gradually decreased. However, there are still 37* of them in Kodaira as of 2021, which is higher than all other Tokyo municipalities. Only 5 remain in the 23 wards. 1-371 Suzuki-cho, Kodaira 1-498 Suzuki-cho, Kodaira 2-13 Ogawa Higashi-cho, Kodaira 1-9-4 Onuma-cho, Kodaira 7-1-16 Onuma-cho, Kodaira 7-5-18 Onuma-cho, Kodaira To promote interest in round post boxes, Kodaira has been implementing various projects such as constructing Japan’s tallest round post box (2.8 meters tall) and designing round post box shaped products. Ome Kaido Ave. Ome Kaido Ave. Ome Kaido Ave. Inside the Showa General Hospital In front of the Kodaira Japan’s largest Maru-post (Tama Electric Industry) (South of the Showa General Hospital, near the Awano Shoten) (Near the Tenjin-cho 1 Chome bus stop) Furusato Mura (In front of Rune Kodaira) 32 round post boxes are still in service (30 owned by the post oce, 2 privately owned) and 5 are no 24 25 26 27 28 29 longer in service. Seibu Tamako Line Kodaira City Hall Kodairashi Social Welfare and Public Health Center Gakuenzaka Kodaira Tourism and Town Promotion Association Gakuen Chuo-dori Ave Higashi-Murayama Station Hitotsubashi-gakuen Station The Kodaira Tourism and Town Promotion Assoc. is a 4 minute walk from the Hitotsubashi-gakuen Station, North exit 5-21-36 Hanakoganei, Kodaira 6-1-1 Hanakoganei, Kodaira 2-12 Tenjin-cho, Kodaira 8-1 Hanakoganei, Kodaira 3-9 Tenjin-cho, Kodaira 1-8-5 Misono-cho, Kodaira Hagiyama Station Kodaira Station Narita Airport Higashi-Yamatoshi Station Currently Train Access Map out of service Hana-Koganei Station Inside the grounds of Ogawa Station Megurita Hon-dori St. City Terrace Koganei Park École de Pâtisserie et de Seibu Haijima Line Kodaira Post Oce Kodaira Dai-roku Elementary School Kodaira City Hall Shin-Kodaira Station Yamanote Line 30 31 (Dwelling Saito 13 apartments) 32 (Near the entrance) 33 36 37 Cuisine Kokusai Keisei Main Line Ome-Kaido Station 3-1-2 Ogawa Higashi-cho, Kodaira Takadanobaba Station Ueno Station Currently Hitotsubashi-gakuen Station out of Narita Express service Shinjuku Station Inside the grounds of Takanodai Station Tokyo Station 34 Kodaira Dai-shichi Elementary School Shibuya Station Hamamatsucho Station 1-22-1 Onuma-cho, Kodaira Currently Kokubunji Station out of Nishi-Kokubunji Station Shinagawa Station Inside the grounds of service Currently Currently Keikyu Line out of out of Kodaira Dai-juuyon Elementary School service service Shinjuku ⇆ Kodaira 35 minutes (by Yamanote Line and Seibu Shinjuku Line express) Haneda Airport 35 5-16-1 Ogawa Higashi-cho, Kodaira 255 Megurita-cho, Kodaira 1-3 Hanakoganei Minami-cho, Kodaira 2-1333 Ogawa-cho, Kodaira 5-21-14 Ogawa Higashi-cho, Kodaira Shinjuku ⇆ Kokubunji 30 minutes (by Chuo Line rapid train) 33 Nakamachi-cho, Kodaira Shinjuku ⇆ Kokubunji 22 minutes (by Chuo Line special rapid train) This green way was constructed above the Kodaira Sta. L aqueduct connecting Lake Sayama and the Sakai Yasaka Sta. F Water Purication Plant. The central part of the Hagiyama Sta. greenway is a cycling and pedestrian path. You can A enjoy cherry blossoms during spring along the B C D E greenway near Hanakoganei. E Sayama-Sakai Green Way F G G L H ⅩⅤ Kodaira Furusato Mura ⅩⅣ Takenoko Park K ⅩⅨ Kudonotsuji Park Hanakoganei Sta. Ogawa Sta. B I J D M N O ⅩⅩ Nobidome Canal P C ⅩⅢ Umanose Higashiyamatoshi Sta. This irrigation canal was built by Matsudaira “Izu no Kami” Nobutsuna, a member of the Tokugawa shogunate Council of Elders in the early Edo period. I ⅩⅩⅠ The canal starts as a diversion o the Tamagawa Josui Aqueduct in Tachikawa City and connects to the Shingashi River in Saitama Prefecture. The canal is Tokyo Metropolitan Medicinal Plants Garden ⅩⅥ Ajisai Park ⅩⅧ Bridgestone Innovation Gallery Kodaira Sta. Saito Sogan’s Sculpture Walk J K N P approximately 24 km long. ⅩⅦ Japan’s Largest Maru-Post H M O Yasaka Station Higashimurayama City トイレ Kudonotsuji Park ⅩⅨ 20 Higashikurume City 小平グリーンロード Seibu Shinjuku Line Kodaira Cemetery Nakajuku Brdg Tennou Brdg 8 Gas Museum DainiFujimi Brdg 3 Hagiyama Station Higashiyamato City yakitori Kodaira Ogawa Nishi FC Tokyo Kodaira Ground Misono-cho NobidomePost Canal Oce 5 Shin-Ome Kaido Ave Fujimi Brdg ⅩⅩ 萩山公園 Dobashi Brdg Human Resources Development Polytechnic University 2 Ogawa Station Kodaira Bridgestone Mae Post Oce 14 Konara Brdg Kodaira Catholic Church Onuma-cho Kodaira Station Front Post Oce Saiwai Brdg ⅩⅧ Bridgestone Innovation Gallery National Institute of Mental Health Tama Shinkin Bank Honobono Brdg Kodaira Station Donguri Brdg Inari Shrine Higashi-Nobidome Brdg 21 Senzo-in Temple Nobidome Brdg Fureai Brdg Ogawa Nishimachi Ogawa Higashi-cho 33 23 Kodaira Hanakoganei 5 Post Oce Kobushi-dori St Japan’s Largest Maru-Post 29 Tokyo Kaido Ave Seibu Haijima Line Kodaira Shiritsu Kodaira Dairoku ES 34 Ome Brdg Sakae-cho Rokusho-dori St 37 Rune Kodaira ⅩⅦ Kodaira Dainana ES Higashiyamatoshi Station Ajisai Park ⅩⅥ 22 YURAKU CHOCOLATE SHOP 35 Sayama-Sakai Green Way Keyaki-dori St Fujimi dori St 30 7ES East Park ⅩⅩⅠ Kodaira Shiritsu Kodairadaijushi ES Kodaira Shinmeigu Shrine Kodaira Post Oce Tokyo Metropolitan Medicinal Plants Garden Fuchu Kaido Ave Midorikawa-dori St Kodairahie Shrine New Tokyo Driving School Hanakoganei 4 Nakamachi Kodaira FurusatomuraFurusato Mura Nakajima-cho Kodaira Kotsu Shin-Kodaira Station Nakamachi Terrace Ⅰ Kodaira Kamijuku Animal hospital Omekaido Station Kodaira Fire Department Showa General Hospital Ome Kaido Ave 1 Post Oce Shosen-ji Temple 26 28 27 Tachikawa-dori St 12 Enmei-ji Temple ⅩⅤ 24 Ⅱ Suzukien 回田道 Saito Sogan Starbucks Kodaira Tenjin Location 25 Tamagawa JosuiKomorebi Aqueduct Footbath Kodaira Nakamachi Post Oce Sculpture Valley Ogawa-cho Kodaira Fire Station Ome Kaido Ave Kodaira 1st ES Kodaira City Hall �s SculptureⅩⅣ Takenoko Walk parkPark Josuiko Brdg 36 Kumanogu Shrine Hanakoganei Branch Kodaira Police Station Tenjin-cho Ⅲ Morita Open Garden Central Library Tobu Park Junisho dori St Meguritado Ave 十二小通り Musashino Art University Kodaira Tenjin Post Oce Kodaira Chamber Ofof CommerceCommerce Central Community Center Nishitokyo City Ⅳ 17 Takanokaidoたかの街道 Ave 16 Nishinakajima Brdg Hana-Koganei Station Post Oce Ogawa Brdg Higashi Takanomichi あかしあ通り Chinese restaurant Koganei Kaido Ave Shiraume Gakuen 6 Kodaira Daisan JHS Hanakoganei Station JA Tama Shinkin Bank Gakuen Higashi-cho Josui Shinmachi Takanodai Tsuda Machi Hitotsubashi-Gakuen Station Post Oce Higashiogawa Brdg Kunugi Brdg Kodaira CentralCentral ParkPark Takanodai Ekimae Post Oce Ave Akashiadori か Seibu Shinkin Bank Ⅵ 11 Kodaira Suzuki-2 Post Oce Hyakkoku Brdg Ⅴ Tera Brdg Takanodai Station Gakuen Chuo-dori Ave Hitotsubashi-Gakuen Station Tsuda University Animal Clinic Suzukikaido Ave Ikoi Brdg Soka Elementary School 7 GakuenNishiGakuen Nishimachi machi Kodaira Gakuen-Nishimachi Suzuki Inari Shrine 19 Ⅷ Hitotsubashi University Suisya Brdg 9 Post Oce Hanakoganei Minami-cho Tachikawa City Ⅶ Kodaira International Campus Umanose Takano Brdg Shin-Ogawa Brdg Kodaira Fureai Swerage Museum Kaetsu University ⅩⅢ Suzuki-cho 32 Kodaira 8th ES Higashi-Takano Brdg Kanto District National Police Academy Kyuuemon Brdg Ogawa Suieijo 15 In service postbox Kodaira Kihei Post Oce 1 Ⅸ Ⅹ Kodaira Hirakushi Denchu Art Museum Suzuki Artifacts Museum Itsukaichi Kaido Ave Kamakura Brdg Kihei Library 18 Kodaira Jōsuihonchō Post Oce Koganei
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