Described Taxa of Immature Cetoniidae

Described Taxa of Immature Cetoniidae

Described taxa of immature Cetoniidae. This table is a part of the seminary thesis: Šípek, P. 2003. Nedospelá stadia zlatohlávku (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) - Literární prehled a metodika chovu /Immature stages of the rose chafers (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) - literary review and breeding methods./ pp. 83 Unpubl. Bsc. thesis Dept. Syst. Zool. Fac. Sci. Charles University, Praha - in Czech Publication Described as. pages (pp.) / figures V L L L P Number and the way of determination of described (figs.). 1 2 3 material. Taxon Distribution Subfamily Trichiinae Tribe Incaiini Archedinus relictus Morón et al., 1990 Neotr. Morón 1995. Archedinus relictus Morón et al., 1990 pp. 237 - 241, figs. 1 - + + 8 larvae, one cast skin of 3rd. instar larva, associated 13. with remains of adulf female. Inca bonplandi (Gyll., 1827) Neotr. Costa et al. 1988. Inca bonplandi (Gyll., 1827) pp. 127 - 128, pl. 43: + + 9 larvae of 3rd.instar a 2 pupae (det. ex evolutione). figs. 1 - 21, pl. 150: figs. 4 - 6. Inca clathrata sommeri Westwood, 1845 Neotr. Morón 1983. Inca clathrata sommeri Westwood, 1845 pp. 33 - 42, figs. 1 - + + 1 larva , 2 cast skins of 3rd.instar (det. ex evolutione), 11, 14 - 16. 1 larva a 2 cast skins of 3.instar , 2 pupae. Tribe Osmodermini Osmoderma LePelletier et Serville, 1825 Pal. Perris 1876. Osmoderma LePelletier et Serville, 1825 pp. 360, figs.146 - 148. + Unspecified. Hurka 1978. Osmoderma LePelletier et Serville, 1825 p. 109, fig. 13/16. + Unspecified. Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch, 1801) Nearct. Hayes 1929. Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch, 1801) pp.154 - 155, 161, figs. + Partly determined ex ovipositione, parly collected in 62. fied and associated according to ecological Böving & Craighead 1930. Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch, 1801) p. 55, pl. 87 fig. Z. + Unspecified. Peterson 1953. Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch, 1801) pp. 102, 108 figs. C + 9C, C12M Ritcher 1966. Osmoderna eremicola (Knoch, 1801) pp. 169 - 170, figs. + 10 larvae,10 cast skins of 3rd.instar larvae (det. ex 398, 401, 422, 438, evolutione). Carlson 1991 Osmoderna eremicola (Knoch, 1801) fig. 34. 348 + Unspecified. Klausnitzer & Krell 1996. Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch, 1801) figs. 133, 135. + Unspecified. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) Pal. Erichson 1848. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) pp. 581 -582. + Unspecified. Chapuis & Candeze 1853 Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p. 457, pl. 3, fig. 9. + Unspecified. Mulsant 1870. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p. 450. + Unspecified. Schøidte 1874. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) pp. 272 -273, 286 - + Unspecified. 287, 297 - 300, pl. XI: figs. 1 - 12. Golovianko 1936. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p.31, figs. 30, 50. + Unspecified. Korschefsky 1940. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p. 50. + Unspecified. Schaerffenberg 1941. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) pp. 35, 40, fig. 22 + Unspecified. van Emden 1941. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763). pp. 181, 192 - 193. + + + 8 3rd.instar larvae , 1 larva of 2nd.instar, 1 larva of firstinstar. Collected in field. Janssens 1947. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p. 12, figs 22, 28. + Unspecified. Medvedev 1952. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) pp. 159 -161, figs. 337 - + Unspecified. 341. Giljarov 1964. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p.321, fig. 247: 1 - 3rd + Unspecified. Tauzin 1994. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p. 228 - 232, figs. 57 - + Unspecified, larva only depicted not, described, det 60. ex ovipositione. Remaining data of only biomomic character. Klausnitzer & Krell 1996. Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) p. 85, figs. 134, 136. + Unspecified. Osmoderma opictum Lewis, 1887 Pal. Sawada 1991. Osmoderma opica Lewis, 1887 + 1 larva of 3rd.instar. Osmoderma scrabra (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) Nearct. Chapuis & Candeze 1853 Osmoderma scraber (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) p. 457. + Unspecified. Ritcher 1966. Osmoderma scrabra (Palisot de Beauvois, p. 170. + 1 larva and 5 cast skinsof 3rd.instar larvae (det. ex 1805) evolutione) Osmoderma subplanata Casey, 1915 Nearct. Ratcliffe 1977. Osmoderma subplanata Casey, 1915 pp. 365 -367, figs. 1 - + + 6 larvae a 2 pupae (det. ex evolutione) +5 larvae 6. collected in field. Tribe Platygeniini Platygenia barbata (Afzel, 1817) Eth. Jerath & Unny 1965. Platygenia barbata (Afzel, 1817) p. 61, fig 9. + 3 larvae of 3rd.instar (det. ex evolutione). Tribe Trichiini Clastocnemis quadrimaculatus (Afzel, 1817) Eth. Publication Described as. pages (pp.) / figures V L L L P Number and the way of determination of described (figs.). 1 2 3 material. Jerath & Unny 1965. Clastocnemis quadrimaculatus (Afzel, pp. 60 - 61, figs. 1, 4, + 3 larvave of 3rd.instar associated with imago. 1817) 10, 12. Gnorimella macullosa Casey, 1915 Nearct. Ritcher 1966. Gnorimella macullosa Casey, 1915 p. 168, figs. 405, 437, + 2 larvae of 3rd.instar. 440. Gnorimus LePelletier et Serville, 1825 Pal. Hurka 1978. Gnorimus LePelletier et Serville, 1825 p. 109. + Unspecified. Gnorimus bartelsi Faldermann, 1836 Pal. Kurtscheva 1958. Gnorimus bartelsi Faldermann, 1836 pp. 366 - 367, fig. 6 A - + 22 larvae associated with imagoes, collected E. previously at the same place. Giljarov 1964. Gnorimus bartelsi Faldermann, 1836 p. 322 - 323, figs. 249: + Unspecified. 1 - 5. Tauzin 2000. Aleurostictus bartelsi (Faldermann, 1836) pp. 262 - 264, fig. 45. + Unspecified. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) Pal. Erichson 1848. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 584 - 585. + + Unspecified. Chapuis & Candeze 1853 Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 457 - 458. + Unspecified. Mulsant 1870. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) p. 455. + Unspecified. Golovianko 1936. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758.) p. 31 - 32, figs. 31, 56 + Unspecified. Korschefsky 1940. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) p.49, fig. 21. + Unspecified. Schaerffenberg 1941. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 31, 40, fig. 13. + Unspecified. van Emden 1941. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 126, 187, 191. + + 2 larvae of 2nd.instar, 4 larvae of 3rd.instar collected in field. Determination not specified. Janssens 1947. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) p. 12, fig. 27. + Unspecified. Medvedev 1952. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 161 - 163, figs. 342 + Unspecified. - 346. Giljarov 1964. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) p. 323, figs. 248: 1 - 4. + Unspecified. Klausnitzer & Krell 1996. Gnorimus nobilis (Linné, 1758) p. 85, figs. 137 - 141. + Unspecified. Tauzin 2000. Aleurostictus nobilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 262 - 264, fig. 43. + Unspecified. Gnorimus subopacus viridiopacus Lewis, 1887. Pal. Sawada 1991. Gnorimus viridiopacus Lewis, 1887 + 1 cast skin of 3rd.instar (det. ex ovipositione). Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, Pal. 1758) Erichson 1848. Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, 1758) p. 584. + Unspecified. Mulsant 1870. Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, 1758) p. 453. + Unspecified. Perris 1876. Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 360, 363 fig 149. + Unspecified. Korschefsky 1940. Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, 1758) p. 49, fig . 20. + Unspecified. van Emden 1941. Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, 1758) pp. 126,187, 191 - 192. + + 1 larva of 2ndinstar, collected in field (But larvae mentioned in the key are belonging to third instar.) Medvedev 1952. Gnorimus octopunctatus (Fabricius, 1775) p. 163, figs. 347 - 349. + Unspecified. Giljarov 1964. Gnorimus octopuntatus (Fabricius, 1775) p. 323, figs. 248: 5 - 6. + Unspecified. Klausnitzer & Krell 1996. Gnorimus variabilis (Linné, 1758) p. 86, figs. 142 - 144 + Unspecified. Tauzin 2000. Aleurostictus variabilis (Linné, 1758). pp. 262 - 264, fig. 44. + Unspecified. Iridisona acahuizotlensis Delgado-Castilio & Morón, 1991 Neotr. Delgado-Castilio & Morón 1991. Iridisona acahuizotlensis Delgado-Castilio pp. 183 - 185, figs 5 - + One cast skin of 3rd. instar larvae, reard into adult. & Morón, 1991 14. Lasiotrichius succinctus (Pallas, 1871) Pal. Sawada 1991. Trichius succinctus (Pallas, 1871) + 3 larvae of 3rd.instar a 2 seconsd instar larvae. Paratrichius doenitzi Pal. (Harold, 1879) Miyatake 1951. Paratrichius doenitzi (Harold, 1879) pp. 1 - 4, pl. 1 figs. 1 - 2 larvae of 3rd.instar (det ex evolutione). 16, fig. 1 A - B. Sawada 1991. Paratrichius dönitzi (Harold, 1879) + 8 larvae of 3rd.instar. 2 cast skins of 3rd.instar larvae reared into adults. Paratrichius duplicatus Lewis, 1895 Pal. Sawada 1991. Paratrichius duplicatus Lewis, 1895 + 3 cast skinsd of larvae reared into adults. Paratrichus septemdecimgutatus (Snellen von Vollenhoven, 1864) Pal. Sawada 1991. Paratrichus septemdecimgutatus (Snellen + 5 larvae. von Vollenhoven, 1864) Trigonopeltastes delta Nearct. Ritcher 1966. Trigonopeltastes delta (Forster, 1771) pp. 170 -171, figs. 412, + 2 cast skins of 3rd.instar larvae, reared into adults. 420. Trichiotinus affinis (Gory nad Percheron, 1833) Nearct. Ritcher 1966. Trichiotinus affinis (Gory nad Percheron, p. 172. + 1 larva and 1 cast skin of 3rd.instar larva (det. ex 1833) evolutione). Trichiotinus assimiliis (Kirby, Nearct. 1837) Ritcher 1966. Trichiotinus assimilis (Kirby, 1837) pp. 172 - 173. + 2 larvae collected in field. Det. unspecified. 3 cast skins of 3rd. Instar larvae reared into adults. Trichiotinus bibens Nearct. (Fabricius, 1775) Ritcher 1966. Trichiotinus bibens (Fabricius, 1775) p. 173. + 4 cast skins of 3rd.instar, det.unspecified. 4 larvae and 5 cast skins of 3rd.instar associated with reared Trichiotinus lunulatus (Fabricius, 1775) Nearct. Ritcher 1966. Trichiotinus lunulatus (Fabricius, 1775) pp. 173 - 174. + 2 larvae of 3rd.instar, det. unspecified. Trichiotinus piger (Fabricius, Nearct. 1775) Publication Described as. pages (pp.) / figures V L L L P Number and the way of determination of described (figs.).

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