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OPINION ACCENT SPORTS INDEX Ar.cent ................•......... 13 Wrong message Zine showcase Offensive outburst Classifieds .................... 20 Comics ......................... 21 Mayor's comments unfairly Students show off their Field hockey team records 3 Opinion ......................... 10 target an coJlege students 1 underground publications 13 three hat tricks ,... · Sports ........................... 23 The ITHACAN The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community VOLUME 64, NUMBER 3 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 28 PAGES, FREE SUNSHINE DAYDREAM Faculty defies board in presidential search By Alex Leary Ithacan News Editor Ithaca College professors voted Staff, students agree to send yesterday to continue with the presi­ dential search by sending three requested number of nominees nominees for the search committee of Trustees' wishes by submit­ By Andrew Tutino ting three candidates, one of rather than the six requested by the Ithacan News Editor Board of Trustees. which will be chosen to serve It is a move that disappointed the The presidential search pro­ this week by the Board of Trust­ board but reinforced the faculty's cess has finally moved forward. ees, to represent them in the presi­ belief that they should choose their The Student Government As- dential search process. own representation. sociation has forwarded two can­ The Staff Council decided to "I am ... decply disappointed by didates to the Board of Trustees, submit three candidates because the faculty's decision to submit who will select one to represent all were highly qualified, said fewer nominees than we asked for the estimated 5700 students who Michael Miller, chairperson of and not follow the process we out­ attend the College on the Presi­ the counci I. Originally, the Board lined," Board Chair Hennan E. dential Search Committee. of Trustees had asked for a pool Muller, Jr., said in a written state­ The candidates are Craig of two candidates. Miller said he ment. Bloem '97, president of Student could not disclose the names of Muller said he will contact Linda Home Pages, and Scott Wexler the candidates. McBride, chair of Faculty Council '97, vice president of campus All staff members interested , and associate affairs for the SGA executive in being the lone representative : professor of board. on the committee could have 1 psychology. 1breestudentsappliedfotthe applied for the position by sub­ 1 He·had no fur.a• position, said SGA. President mitting a resume and a state~nt · · f ther comment Rashaand Sass '97. of interest, the Staff Council Plans for the The students created their decided. 13-member own application, which asked The staffs decision on how to committee potential candidates to answer chose their representative dif­ ,,were an­ five questions, submit a cover fered from how the Faculty Coun­ Strengthening . nourrced last letter and resume, Sass said. cil decided to fill their respective February to Darrow The Ithaca College Staff slots on the Presidential Search help select a re- Council complied with the Board Committee. 'the presidents placement for President James J. Whalen, who will step down after of the breadth this year. The committee will be THE VOTE that is repre­ composed of seven trustees, three sented by the Study questions shared governance · faculty members, one staff member Faculty Referendum Results candidates and said. a,nd one student. 199 ballots received thus what I'll By Alex Leary Shared governance is a process The. faculty, staff and students think they'll be Ithacan News Editor that includes faculty members in we~asked to send a pool of appli­ Should faculty provide the able to contrib­ Board of Trustees with a list College professors across the administrative decisions. · canlS•from which the board would ute to the com­ of nominees: nation, fighting;(or increased voice 1be report comes at a time when" ch006e; Faculty Council was asked Yes89% mittee. in governing~ institutions, may ltha~_Celle~ is looking at its cur- to s_~it six possible candidates.. No11% "These are be pushing too hard. In fact, they rent SDV~ment structure. TbqMefused. 193 total votes not any fac- McBride may be distracting their presidents Tfte report says, "What some Instead, Faculty Council voted ulty-these are from focusing on the challenges academic insiders take pride in as:., last March not to send a pool, opt­ If yes, should faculty send among our best faculty," she said. lbat face higher education, a report democratic decisio~-making is, in ing to select their own representa­ three or six nominees: Whether they are the best people concluded this week. reality, a web of inefficiency that tives. Later that month, amid wide­ Three60% for the search committee is now up The Commission on the Aca­ severely limits the ability of some, spread criticism that the makeup of Six40% to the board.Nominees for the com­ demic Presidency released the re­ colleges and universities to address ·the committee was inequitable, 196 total votes mittee were due today. Aside from port "Renewing the Academic the urgent issues they now face. Muller suspended the search and the faculty, the staff and students Presidency: StrongerLeadership for "Presidents must resist met with campus leaders to discuss chose to send three names. submitted a pool ofcandidates. 1ney Tougher Times," suggesting that academia's insatiable appetite for their concerns. Despite optimism In total, 199 votes were counted. will be interviewed Sept. 16, and college presidents should be given the kind of excessive consultation that Muller would reconsider the Some professors chose not to vote the committee wm convene the fol­ more power and the current model that can bring the institution to a original stipulations of the commit­ on certain issues. lowing day. of"shared governance" undermines standstill." tee, he resumed it in May un- Dana Wilson, professor of mu­ While it may appear to some that their role. The report suggests that profes- changed. sic, Frank the faculty has confronted the board, "Colleges and universities are sors should have their strongest Faculty Council, unsure of how Darrow, asso­ Warren Schlesinger, associate pro­ unable to meet today's challenges voice in decisions such as the cur- to act, decided to let the faculty as a ciate professor fessor of accounting and .former because presidents too often are riculum. It was published in the whole decide by holding the refer­ of chemistry, Faculty Council chair, said if the stymied by onerous regulations, aftennath ofa 14-month study con- endum. and Paul faculty had wanted a confrontation endless negotiations with trustees ducted by the commission, which Last week, Faculty Council is­ McBride, pro­ they would have voted against par­ and faculty and poor lines of com­ was created by the Association of sued a referendum asking faculty fessor of his­ ticipation in the search. Only 16 munication," said Gerald L. Baliles, Governing Boards of Universities members if they wanted to continue tory, received voted against participation. a former Governor of Virginia and and Colleges to look at ways to with the search and whether they the most votes. "I think the faculty want the leader of the CQmmission on the improve higher education. would like to send three or six "These are search process to go forward-they Academic Presidency, in a state­ They identified several main names. They were asked to approve people who WIison are not looking to pick a fight," he ment quoted· in the "Chronicle of concerns: diminishing funding and any or all of nine candidates listed know about the said. Higher Education." increasing costs, the need for new on the ballot. The top three were institution, who care about the in­ Moreover, the faculty remains "Our presidents have to be technology and the ramifications of selected. stitution and thus I think would optimistic that the candidates they nimble; they have to be able to a diversifying campus. But, central Out of I 93 who voted on the benefit the search committee," said selected will be named to the com­ advance their vision and agenda to tackling those concerns was stron- issue, 89 percent of the faculty voted Linda McBride, associate profes­ mittee. and they have to be empowered to ger presidential leadership. to continue with the search. In a sor of psychology and chair of Fac­ "I hope that the board, in making capitalize on the opportunities of separate question, in which 196 ulty Council. "I'm very pleased with their selection, recognizes that the today's changing world," Barnes See PRESIDENT, next page votes were counted, 60 percent the way the election went in tenns See REFERENDUM, next page '_.A:, . ~ ~ ------- ---- 2 THE l111A.CAN -1 · SEPl'F.MBER 12. 1996 · PRESIDENT REFERENDUM nance study."' Continued from previous page "I think it shows that there is Continued from previous page Whalen said it would be "ambi­ some distrust that we have to work "With all those daunting chal­ tious" if the report is finished within very hard to dissipate," she said. goal is to get the best committee THE RESULTS lenges facing higher education, it a year. 'The report gives a kind of a view because we want to get the best was clear that stronger leadership is Linda McBride, associate pro­ of higher education as not being candidate, and thus they will re­ Approval voting breakdown needed," said Holly Madsen, liai­ fessor of psychology and Faculty involved in what's been created.
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