SHIRE of MEEKATHARRA MINUTES of a COUNCIL MEETING held AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MEEKATHARRA on SATURDAY MARCH 20TH 2010 COMMENCING AT 9:30AM MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD SATURDAY MARCH 20, 2010 Page 1 1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS ............................... 2 1.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING ................................................................................... 2 1.2 DISCLAIMER READING ............................................................................................. 2 2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE ........ 2 3 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE ..................... 2 4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME .................................................................................................. 2 5 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE ................................................................... 2 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS ........................................ 3 6.1 ORDINARY MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 16, 2010 .............................................. 3 6.2 HEALTH, BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING ............ MINUTES HELD FEBRUARY 10, 2010 ...................................................................... 3 6.3 MEEKATHARRA FESTIVAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING ............. MINUTES HELD FEBRUARY 16, 2010 ...................................................................... 3 7 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS/SUBMISSIONS .................................. 3 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING PERSON WITHOUT DISCUSSION .......... 3 9 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES & OFFICERS ..................................................................... 4 9.1 OFFICERS MONTHLY REPORTS .............................................................................. 4 9.1.1 WORKS & SERVICES MANAGER’S REPORT – FEBRUARY 2010 .................. 4 9.1.2 AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT – FEBRUARY 2010 ...................................... 9 9.1.3 YOUTH CENTRE REPORT – FEBRUARY 2010 ................................................ 11 9.1.4 RANGER’S REPORT – FEBRUARY 2010 .......................................................... 12 9.1.5 STATUS REPORTS ................................................................................................ 14 9.2 FINANCE ..................................................................................................................... 21 9.2.1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2010.... 21 9.2.2 OUTSTANDING DEBTORS .................................................................................. 54 9.2.3 LIST OF ACCOUNTS PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 2010 .............................. 59 9.3 ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................... 65 9.3.1 COMPLIANCE AUDIT RETURN..........................................................................65 9.3.2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM – MINISTERS REQUEST........................102 9.4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................120 9.4.1 KIDS AFTER DARK – REQUEST FOR FEES TO BE WAIVED……………...120 9.5 HEALTH, BUILDING & TOWN PLANNING ..... ...................................................125 9.5.1 TENDER FOR RENOVATIONS – LOT 87 MAIN ST & LOT 208 HILL ST.....125 9.5.2 COVERTING UV RATING ON MINING ACCOMMODATION VILLAGES AND PROCESSING PLANTS TO GRV ..............................................................163 9.6 WORKS & SERVICES..........................................................................................166 9.6.1 WORKS COMMITTEE ESTABLISHMENT.......................................................166 9.6.2 TOWN MAINTENANCE CONTRACT...............................................................170 9.6.3 CONTRACT MECHANIC – WORK ARRANGEMENTS..................................173 10 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE – INTRODUCED BY RESOLUTION OF THE MEETING..................................................................................................................176 10.1 PROPOSED MISCELLANEOUS LICENCE 52/116 ............................................. 176 10.2 GOLDFIELDS HIGHWAY MEEKATHARRA WILUNA SECTION .................... 182 11 ELECTED MEMBERS MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN .......... GIVEN.................................................................................................................................184 12 CLOSURE OF MEETING..................................................................................................184 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD SATURDAY MARCH 20, 2010 Page 2 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS: 1.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING The Shire President, Cr TR Hutchinson, declared the meeting open at 9:30am 1.2 DISCLAIMER READING No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Meekatharra for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during this Meeting. It is strongly advised that persons do not act on what is heard at this Meeting and should only rely on written conformation of council’s decision, which will be provided within fourteen (14) days of this Meeting The Shire President, Cr TR Hutchinson, read the disclaimer aloud. 2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/ APOLOGIES/ APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Members Cr TR Hutchinson (Shire President) Cr NL Trenfield (Deputy Shire President) Cr HJ Nichols Cr JE Burgemeister Cr PS Clancy CR AG Burrows Staff Roy McClymont Chief Executive Officer Alan Haslett Works & Services Manager - From 9:35am to 9:45am Apologies Cameron Watson Corporate & Development Services Manager Approved Leave of Absence Cr RK Howden Observers Nil 3 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE Nil 4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Nil 5 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD SATURDAY MARCH 20, 2010 Page 3 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 6.1 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD FEBRUARY 20, 2010 Council Resolution: Moved: Cr NL Trenfield Seconded: Cr HJ Nichols That the minutes from the Ordinary Council Meeting held Saturday, February 20, 2010 be confirmed. CARRIED 6/0 6.2 HEALTH BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD FEBRUARY 10, 2010 Council Resolution: Moved: Cr NL Trenfield Seconded: Cr JE Burgemeister That the minutes from the Health, Building and Town Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday, February 10, 2009 be received. CARRIED 6/0 6.3 MEEKATHARRA FESTIVAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD FEBRUARY 17, 2010 Council Resolution: Moved: Cr PS Clancy Seconded: Cr JE Burgemeister That the minutes from the Meekatharra Festival Management Committee Meeting held Wednesday, February 17, 2010 be received. CARRIED 6/0 7 PETITIONS/ DEPUTATIONS/ PRESENTATIONS/ SUBMISSIONS Nil 8 ANNOUNCMENTS BY THE PRESIDING PERSON WITHOUT DISCUSSION Nil MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD SATURDAY MARCH 20, 2010 Page 4 Alan Haslett entered the meeting at 9.35am 9 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND OFFICERS 9.1 OFFICERS MONTHLY REPORTS 9.1.1 WORKS & SERVICES MANAGER’S REPORT – February 2010 Construction & Maintenance Programme. Hereunder I have listed the works to be undertaken and time frames for completion. These are only indicative and may not be met due to the loss of employees and the extreme difficulty in engaging skilled Plant/Machine operators. Landor Road Construction and Sealing of 5.9 kilometers has been completed. Another 4.6 Kilometers has been constructed to subbase and gravel sheeted with waterbinding in progress. A further 1.10 Kilometers of subbase construction and gravel sheeting is also in progress. If there is sufficient unexpended funds remaining after the completion of the above a further 500 meters at three floodways will be constructed and sealed. Sealing of these sections is anticipated towards the end of this month. Yoothapina Station Road. A light reformation of this road has been completed. Further works are required by way of gravel sheeting in places with the addition of water and compaction. Sherwood Road. Realignment and construction is to be done as soon as some plant and equipment and operators are available from the Landor road and recruitment. Ashburton Downs Road. To commence upon the completion of the Landor road. Town Footpaths Remedial repairs of the footpath in Hill/McCleary Streets is in progress. Town Streets – Seals & Reseals. The only remaining work to be done on the town Streets is the widening and sealing of the western side of Marmont Street. The aim is to have this done within the coming month with the laying of approximately 1000 meters of kerbing to follow between then and the end of the financial year. Maintenance Grading. A “Hit and Miss” grade has been be done on the Youno Downs Road from Sandstone to Murchison Downs Road and then along the latter back to Meekatharra. A maintenance grade has been done on the Landor road from the end of the section being constructed to Bellele. I believe this is approximately another two days grading to complete the section. Little grading is being done as Michael has been away for many days. MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD SATURDAY MARCH 20, 2010 Page 5 Town Crew. Monthly Report Finishing 12 March 2010 Graffiti and broken bottles on roads are still a problem. Graffiti has been removed from the bins, rocks and signs on the lookout trail. Town signs were subject to graffiti. Peace Gorge has not been subject to a great deal of litter. Old scrap metal is being removed. The maintenance of town streets is continuing
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