Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 01088) OVERSEAS REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENT This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The "Announcement Regarding Resolutions at the 6th Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Board and the Change of Senior Management" as published in Chinese on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on 27 March 2021 is enclosed hereto as overseas regulatory announcement. By order of the Board China Shenhua Energy Company Limited Huang Qing Secretary to the Board of Directors Beijing, 26 March 2021 As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises the following: Mr. Wang Xiangxi, Mr. Yang Jiping and Mr. Xu Mingjun as executive directors, Mr. Jia Jinzhong as non-executive director, Dr. Yuen Kwok Keung, Dr. Bai Chong-En and Dr. Chen Hanwen as independent non-executive directors, and Mr. Wang Xingzhong as employee director. 1 Stock Code: 601088 Stock Short Name: China Shenhua No. of Announcement: Lin 2021-013 China Shenhua Energy Company Limited Announcement Regarding Resolutions at the 6th Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Board and the Change of Senior Management The board of directors and all directors of China Shenhua Energy Company Limited guarantee that the information set out in this announcement does not contain any false statements, misleading representations or material omissions, and severally and jointly accept responsibility as to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the content herein. The sixth meeting of the fifth session of the board of directors (the “Board”) of China Shenhua Energy Company Limited (the “Company” or “China Shenhua”), with the notice of meeting served on 11 March 2021 by email and paperless office system to all directors and supervisors, and meeting materials such as agenda and proposals served on 17 March, was held by way of on-site meeting and teleconference at No. 22 Xibinhe Road, Andingmen, Dongcheng District, Beijing on 26 March 2021. Eight out of the eight eligible directors (each a “Director”) attended the meeting in person. Wang Xiangxi (Chairman) and Xu. Mingjun (Director) attended the meeting by phone, and Yuen Kwok Keung (Director) attended the meeting via video connection. The meeting was convened and chaired by Wang Xiangxi (Chairman). Huang Qing (Secretary to the Board) attended the meeting. All of supervisors and senior management members attended the meeting as non-voting participants. The meeting was convened in compliance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, the listing rules of the listing venue and the Articles of Association of China Shenhua Energy Company Limited (the “Articles of Association”). The following resolutions were considered and approved at the meeting: I. RESOLUTION ON THE 2020 FINANCIAL REPORT OF CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY COMPANY LIMITED All independent non-executive directors expressed an independent opinion of “assenting” to this resolution. The resolution shall be subject to the consideration and approval at the Company's 2020 Annual General Meeting. Voting result: 8 ballots carrying voting rights, 8 assenting votes, 0 dissenting vote, 0 abstained vote Please refer to 2020 Annual Report of China Shenhua disclosed at the same time of this Announcement for details. II. RESOLUTION ON 2020 PROFIT DISTRIBUTION OF CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY COMPANY LIMITED The Board agreed on the following profit distribution plan and proposed to consider and approve the followings at the 2020 annual general meeting of the Company: 1 1. The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company for the year 2020 under the International Financial Reporting Standards amounted to RMB 35.849 billion, with basic earnings per share of RMB1.803/share (as the Company repurchased H shares in 2020, the weighted average share capital was used as the share capital in the calculation of earnings per share). Based on the total share capital of the Company as of 26 March 2021, 2020 annual dividend will be paid at RMB1.81 per share (inclusive of tax), and the aggregate amount of dividend paid is RMB35.962 billion (inclusive of tax), which accounted for 100.3% of the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company according to the International Financial Reporting Standards for the year 2020; 2. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the register of members for H shares of the Company for 2020 dividend distribution will be closed from 3 July 2021 to 9 July 2021 (both days inclusive). The record date for 2020 dividend distribution for H shares is 9 July 2021, that is, the dividend for H shares will be distributed to all shareholders of the Company whose names appear on the register as at 9 July 2021. The dividend declaration date for H Shares is on 27 August 2021; 3. Under relevant regulations of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch and in line with the market practice regarding dividend distribution for A Shares, the Company will publish a separate announcement in respect of its dividend distribution for 2020 to holders of A Shares after the Company’s annual general meeting for 2020 to set out the record date, ex-rights date of dividend and dividend declaration date; 4. If the total share capital of the Company changes during the period from the date of this announcement on the profit distribution plan to the equity registration date for the equity distribution, the Company shall maintain the proportion of distribution per share unchanged and adjust the total amount of distribution accordingly; 5. Proposed at the annual general meeting to authorize the chairman and chief executive officer of the Company to implement the distribution matters mentioned in this resolution, and to deal with all matters in relation to, among others, tax withholding and foreign exchange as required by relevant laws, regulations and regulatory authorities. All independent non-executive directors expressed an independent opinion of “assenting” to this resolution. Voting result: 8 ballots carrying voting rights, 8 assenting votes, 0 dissenting vote, 0 abstained vote Please refer to the Announcement of 2020 Profit Distribution Plan of China Shenhua disclosed at the same time of the Announcement for details. III. RESOLUTION ON 2021 ANNUAL CAPITAL BUDGET AND DEBT FINANCIING PLAN OF CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY COMPANY LIMITED Voting result: 8 ballots carrying voting rights, 8 assenting votes, 0 dissenting vote, 0 abstained vote IV. RESOLUTION ON ENTERING INTO FINANCIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CHINA ENERGY FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED FROM 2021 TO 2023 1. Agreed to submit to the general meeting of shareholders for consideration and approval of the Company's entering into Financial Services Agreement for the period 2 from 2021 to 2023 (the “new Financial Services Agreement”) with China Energy Finance Co., Ltd. (the "Group Finance Company") and the annual cap amount of transactions contemplated therein from 2021 to 2023. The new Financial Services Agreement will come into force upon approval by the general meeting of shareholders from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023. Meanwhile, the 2021 Financial Services Agreement entered into between the Company and the Group Finance Company on 29 December 2020 (the “original Financial Services Agreement”) shall terminate upon coming into force of the new Financial Services Agreement; 2. Agreed to submit to the general meeting of shareholders for approval to authorize the chief executive officer of the Company to sign the new Financial Services Agreement, handle other related matters at his/her discretion, and decide and take necessary actions to comply with the relevant requirements and procedures of Shanghai Stock Exchange and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on related transactions (connected transactions). All independent non-executive Directors have confirmed that none of them has interest in the related/connected transactions under the resolution, and that from the perspective of the Company, entering into new Financial Services Agreement with the Group Finance Company and terminating the original Financial Services Agreement as described in the resolution: 1. are conducted in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Company; conducted on normal commercial terms or better; the agreement, annual caps and pricing are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the shareholders of the Company as a whole, and will not constitute substantial reliance on the related/connected parties. 2. the voting procedures of the Board of the Company on such continuing related transactions (connected transactions) comply with the provisions of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company. Related Directors (connected Directors) Wang Xiangxi and Jia Jinzhong abstained from voting. Voting result: 6 ballots carrying voting rights, 6 assenting votes, 0 dissenting vote, 0 abstained vote Please refer to the Announcement of Daily Related Transactions of China Shenhua disclosed at the same time of the Announcement for details. V. RESOLUTION ON GRANTING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE GENERAL MANDATE TO REPURCHASE H SHARES 1. It was agreed to submit to the general meeting of the shareholders, class meeting of the holders of A shares and the class meeting of the holders of H shares for approval to grant the following general mandate to repurchase H shares to the Board: (1)Plan of Repurchase of H Shares a. Method of repurchase: repurchase on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Takeovers Code and other applicable laws and regulations.
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