* - ' f i NET PRESS BUN ' THE VnBA'ie|ttP.-'( 4VEBAGB DAILY CIRCULATION Forecast of U. & Westbv Bareaa, for the Month of December, 1980 H aiiford :m 5 , 5 9 3 Mostly clou^ and slowly rMaf Members of the Audit Bureau lianthpHtpr Surtifttg l|rral& temperature tonight and Friday. of Ctrculations. (Classified (dvertising on Page 10.) VOL. XLV., NO. 97. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1931. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS AS REDS STAGED “HUNGER RIOT” IN N. Y. SAYS POLITICS CONNECTICUT FLAG 4>. PRESIDENT LEAVES ARE INVOLVED FOR ARCTIC TRIP IN CONTRACTS DOORS STILL OPEN GOLDEN EAR LOBES Assembly Bill Would Make NEXT BEAUTY STUNT Hartford Paper Asserts Fa­ FOR DRY REVISION Los Angeles, Jan. 22— (AP) — ; Wilkins' Commander a I Green evebrows, silver-tipped ; J eyelashes, golden ear lobes. i voritism Was Shown In That's what the men may ex- ALMA RUBENS DEAD; This I$ the Word of Senator Naval Aide Who Would ' pect from the women in the near : : future, B. H. Myerson, Chicago | Purchase of Building Ma­ beauty-ologist, told a convention 1 ONCE NOTED STAR White Carry Pennant To Pole. of hairdressers here yesterday, j terials For State Hospital. ' And that’s not all. He said ! House In Conference With i fingernails would be painted to | State Capitol, Hartford, Jan. 22. ! match the color of the gown and | Hartford, Jan. 22— (AP) — The — (AP)—The possibility of Con­ j the hair, with a quick mysterious Victim of Opium Habit She President — Party Lead­ I dye yet to be made. Hartford Times today said political necticut’s flag being carried to the (.N------------------------------ ------------------- favoritism in the purchase of build­ North Pole or at least far north, ers Consider Statement ing materials for the new $8,000,000 Makes Valiant Fight To was seen today in the resolution of­ Fairfield State hospital at Newtown fered by Senator Cooney, of Hart­ STUDENTS RIOT was a factor in the appointment of Come Back and Fails. Significant— Fess Will Not ford, authorizing the governor to three new members of the board' of appoint Captain Sloan Danenhower, trustees of the institution by Gover­ Commit Himself On What of Lyme, a naval aide on his staff. AGAIN IN SPAIN nor-Cross. Los Angeles, Jan. 22.— (AP) — The governor also would be called The disclosure reported by the Death has ended the valiant fight of upon to present a state flag to his Times cited particularly the con­ Alma Rubens to conquer narcotic Revision Hoover Favored. new naval aide to carry with him tracts for lumber and cement given A Communist “hunger demonstration,” starting peacefully in front of New York’s City Hall, turned to State Senator Harold B. Senior addiction and make a comeback in as commander of Sir Hubert Wil­ About 3,000 of Them On motion pictures. kins’ expedition by submarine, to into a desperate battle between police and 2000 rioters. Pictured above is one of the numerous sidewalk of Bethel, chairman of the building Washington. Jan. 22.— (A P.)— melees which marked more than an hour of fierce confl'ct. Note a woman Communist defying police night committee of the proJect and a ma­ Miss Rubens died last night of the North Pole. pneumonia, but « the coming of Emphasis was made today by Sena­ The resolution was referred by Strike In Madrid — May sticks to go to the aid of three fellow rioters who were felled in the fighting. The riot began when Reds terial dealer. Reports that Senator Senior was tor Fess, Republican, Ohio, to the the Senate to the committee on mil­ charged a cordon of police after their demands for free food, wage doles and reduced rents for the unem- taking a dual role in the construc­ point that President Hoover in ob­ itary affairs. Its text was as fol­ ployed had been refused by city officials. Spread To Other Cities. tion of huge insane hospitals as Jecting to the Wickersham commis­ lows : supervisor of the proJect in the Whereas, Sloan Danenhower, of sion’s substitute 18th Amendment capacity of chairman of the build­ Lyme, Conn., is to be the command­ Madrid, Jan. 22.— (A P )— Dis- i ing committee of the trustees and bad not closed the door to all revi­ er of the submarine which will bear as source of supply for various ma­ sion proposals. orders broke out among students in LIBERIANS OPPOSE Sir Hubert Wilkins’ expedition to I FLAPPER DISAPPEARING terials used by Abbadessa and Party leaders looked significantly the North Pole, and the University of Madrid today and | Brothers of New Haven, general Whereas, the designer and con­ at this statement of Senator Fess, student leaders in fiery addresses j contractors, and by subcontractors w'ho is chairman of the Republican structor of the submarine and prac­ HEALTH EDUCATION culminated today with the admis­ tically one half of the crew are demanded the establishment of a j COLLEGE SURVEY SHOWS National committee and an adviser republic in Spain. sion, by the New Haven firm, that of Mr. Hoover's. He was at the Connecticut men, and , Senator Senior’s company had sup­ Whereas, it is desired by the Gen­ Despite the continuation of mar­ White House yesterday. tial law which was proclaimed dur­ plied all lumber and cement for the eral Assembly to recognize the The Ohioan, one of the staunch ing recent revolutionary attempts, Dr. Smith On Return Says He Job. courage and enterprise of the citi­ •Cli- R„ A, S,,.- LAU m ^SlXED;; Other Reports supporters of National prohibition zens of this state in embarking upon about 3,000 student members of the himself, would not say that Mr. University Scholars f'ederation Another report, to the effect that this expedition. Has Little Hope Work Will Mr. Senior is also involved in the Hoover favored any other revision Be it enacted by the Senate and struck as a protest against the gov­ cuse Held For a Year ernment. supplying of brick for the proJect, or had any other idea for modifica­ House of Representatives in Gen­ Heywood Brown’s Wife Got tion in mind. Meetings were held in the uni­ Continue. could not be verified today. R. O. eral Assembly convened; Some Weird Messages Until Clark of East Berlin, whose Eastern Door Not Closed Section 1—The governor is au­ versity buildings and the monarchy Makes Some Interesting denounced. | the Mystery Was Solved. Brick Company is manufacturer of “I Just simply say,” explained thorized to appoint Sloan Danen­ the brick being used in the build­ hower to the staff of the governor Despite the disorder no serious! Fess, "that Mr. Hoover did not c^ose fighting w'as reported. Discoveries About Girls. New York, Jan. 22,— (AP) — Washington, Jan. 22.— (A P )—Dr. ings, refused to say whether or not as naval aide with thr. rank of cap­ Howard F. Smith, Public Health the door to any revision when j»e Heavy police detachments were A laundry sure enough had the Bethel yard operated by Mr. tain. Service surgeon who spent the past reJected this substitute amendment rushed to the university to prevent Ruth Hale’s number. But she Senior is handling the brick. Section 2—The governor is fur- year in tumultuous Libera, return­ because it would throw prohibition manifestations outside the tkuild- Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 22.— (AP.) got it back. The three Republicans whom .Ylma Rubens thei authorized to present Captain Governor Cross dropped from the forever into politics.” ings. —A “ Clinic for Co-eds” at Syracuse That’s why the wife of Hey- ed to Washington today without j ------------- ——----------------- - --- Sloan Danenhower a state flag to Fifl, his chimpanzee, but with an commission are Mrs. Alice W. Russ | death ai.er a sixty hour coma served The law enforcement commission Cause Of Disorders University has discovered that the w'ood Broun had been getting said in its conclusions; accompany the expedition. strange telephone calls from impressive record of accomplish­ of Shelton, former Republican Na- i to remove the darkest cloud ever to Primary cause of the disorders flapper is no more. “All the commission agree that if See Contest Ahead irascible parties; “Come over ment. tional committeewoman, Albert F. j shadow the black haired actress. was said to be the demand of stu­ The clinic is the office of the dean the amendment is revised it should The likelihood of a contest in the and get the wet wash.” “When Dr. Smith, recalled from Liberia Hanlon of Greenwich and Harry O. I Two weeks ago she was arrested dents for release of about 50 of of women, and the acting dean, Eu­ be made to read substantially as Ansonia court was seen in the reso­ you gonna send back those because his yellow fever eradica­ King, of Fairfield. In their places I in San Diego on a Federal charge their colleagues and six professors, genie Andrus Leonard, spent nearly follows; lution for Albert B. Gardella. Other shirts?” “My collar buttons tion3$ campaign was not supported by i are named Dr. Daniel T. Banks of ' of smuggling and possession of nar­ in Jail as the result of a govern­ a year studying the thoughts and resolutions are in foi Carlos H. are missing again.” the\recently-fallen Liberian govern- j Bridgeport, Caroline Rutz-Rees of cotics. She was taken ill with a “ Sectton 1. The Congress shall ment. roundup of several thou-and reactions of freshman girls to aca­ .Srorrs and-AIilton C. Isb,sll. The telephone company ex­ menL Jiad complained of enforced J Greenwich, former Democratic Na­ colc^.ivhich developed into pneu­ have power to regulate or to pro­ Both branches adopted a resolu­ alleged Republican suspects in De­ demic pursuits, friendships, recrea­ inaction which gave him time to tional committeewoman and Frank monia, shortly after being released hibit the mantifacture, traffic or cember.
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