The Clinton Republican. VOL. XLVII—NO. 19 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905. WHOLE NO. 3595 VARIOUS TOPICS. HAPPILY MARRIED OWNSTHEWILDGAME SOME TALL CORN Miss Flora Church anti Fred G. IS A GREAT SUCCESS ALL ELECTORS VOTlf $25 FINE AND COSTS C. F. Clement, of Gunnlsonville, W. E. Howland, formerly of St. * ' ' ' ■■■■-- Johns, has been appointed store keeper Kills United Tuesday f Exhibits Two Stalks for the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley and Illinois Central Railroads, with head ­ Paid by B. G. Tripp for Sel­ State Proclaims the Fact in Colored Camp Meeting Had On Factory Whether Tax ­ Amid decorations of golden glow, From Lansing Journal, August 5tti: quarters at Memphis, Tennessee. The ling Tobacco daisies and palms, at the home of the New Law Republican extends congratulations. C. F. Clement, proprietor of the About 1,500 Sunday payers or Not bride ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbnr Maple Glen farm, at Gunnisonville, is *** T. Church, on Lansing street, St. Johns, averse to any city-grown corn carrying The old steamboat, City of New Or­ TO CHILDREN UNDER 17 Miss Flora Church was united in mar­ QUAIL CANNOT BE KILLED off the honors for tallness. As a result GOOD SERMONS AUD MUSIC MUST GARRY BY 2 TO I leans, which sank in the Missouri riage with Mr. Fred G. Ellis, of Y'psi- he came to Lansing this morning with River, near Bellevue, Nebraska, 53 years lanti, at 9 o ’clock Tuesday forenoon, two stalks that made the “beanstalk ago, has just come to light by the shift ­ Officers Determined to Break up the Angnst 8 th, by Rev. R. 8 . McGregor, Until October, 1007 ••Some Impor ­ cornstalk ” F. W. Moore grew in his A Celebrated Preacher Engaged for Sec That You Are Registered, and In ing of the channel, and contains $100,- of the M. E. church. Mr. S. H. Brown, Practice tant Changes Made garden almost look like a dwarf variety. Next Sunday the Proper Ward 000 worth of whiskey in barrels. of Y'psilanti, was best man, and Miss Mr. Clements ’ cornstalk measures 11 Margaret Merrill, of St. Johns, brides ­ feet and 8 inches, and lie makes the *** maid. Miss Olive Manger and Mr. William V. Smith, a prominent at­ Every tobacco dealer or other person A new doctrine in this state was statement that he has twenty acres of The colored camp meeting in Geo. The attention of Thk Republican has selling tobacco to children under 17 Ellis delighted the company with sing ­ the corn, the height of which runs from been called to the report that only tax ­ torney of Oleau, N. Y’., was in St. Johns ing. A wedding breakfast was served enunciated in the general game law- W. Emmons ’ grove, which began lust Sunday and Monday, the guest of the years of age will be promptly prose ­ enacted at the recent session of tbe nine to eleven feet. He calls the va­ week, is proving a great snccess. Rev. payers could vote on the factory pro ­ cuted. The law provides a penalty of to abont 50 guests. The newly wedded riety the “King of the Glen. ” position. That is a mistake. All quali­ editor of The Republican . Mr. Smith pair left on the 11:08 train east for legislature. It is stated in the first J. T. Hill, of Lansing, who has charge went to Coldwater Monday to look over $50 fine and costs or 30 days in the section, which contains bat three lines : Mr. Clement had with him a hand- oi the work, says they had abont 1,500 fied electors at city or general elections connty jail or both for this offense. Whitmore Lake, where they will re­ somo ear of corn, which he said was a may vote on the question of buying the a newspaper plant. He contemplates main a few days and then return to St. “All wild animals and wild birds, both present on Sunday. A number of col­ locating in Ohio or Michigan, prefer- The law is fonnd in sections 11,534 and resident and migratory, in this state, fair specimen of the crop he secured ored people came from Lansing, and factory buildings. In order to vote, 11,535 of the Compiled Laws of 1897, Johns. The last of the month they will last year from a field of the tall corn. however, all must be registered in the the latter, if he finds the right kind of a remove to Omaha, Nebraska, where Mr. shall be, and are hereby declared to be, other points. The services were toll business opening. and reads: the property of the state.” No more of sbirit, and the singing inspiring. proper wards. The board of registra­ “Section 1—The people of the state Ellis will sing in the temple. Mrs. tion will be in session in the several Ellis is also a fine singer and a popular has the disoverer, nor the owner of the Crop Notes Rev. Hiil preached in the morning, and of Michigan enact, That it shall not be land upon which they may be found, was paid High compliment on his ser­ wards Saturday. Mrs. Stuart H. Perry returned from lawful for any person by himself , his young lady in St. Johns society. Mr. Frank Bartlett, of Section 25, Bing ­ There is some opposition to the ques­ Alrerdeen, Washington, Monday. Her Ellis is well known and well liked here, any rights of ownership in even a chip ­ ham, has five acres of sugar beets that mon. Rev. Max, of Greenville, clerk or agent, to sell, give or fnrnish munk or a chickadee. They are the preached a good sermon in the after­ tion; how much remains to be seen. daughter will return sometime this fall any cigar, cigarette, cheroot, chewing where he has given vocal lessons. promise a yield ef 15 tons per acre. It is hoped that there will be a full vote, with Mrs. Perry’s mother. Mrs. Perry Their union is a blendin g of sweet property of the state, to ‘ be molested noon. or smoking tobacco, or tobacco in any or appropriated by individuals only Varney Pearce, of Olive, raised be ­ Two services are being held daily that the question may be settled by all is enthusiastic over the growth of form whatsoever, to any minor under harmony. The young people who as­ tween 600 and 700 bushels of wheat, the the voters, and not by a small fraction. Aberdeen and the development of sembled at the train could not neglect upon permission of the state, and ac­ this week. Next Sunday Rev. W. H. 17 years of age, unless upon the written cording to rales which the state shall yield being over 30 bushels per acre. Brown, of Saginaw, aud Rev. W. P. Q. Every man who believes it to be for the Gray’s Harbor country. St. Johns order of the parent or guardian of said so great an opportunity to show their best interests of St. Johns to buy these esteem, and the young couple were pre ­ prescribe. Wm. Green, of Price, threshed 40 Byrd, of St. Joseph, will be here. They people have considerable interests in minor. are powerful speakers. buildings should not only take enough timber lands there. sented with a goodly shower of rice. The act divides the birds into class­ acres of wheat and got 809 bushels. “Section 2—Any person who shall es, game birds, and non- game birds. One peice yielded 26 bushels per acre interest in the matter to vote, but try *** wilfully violate any of the provisions They were also presented with nu ­ and induce othdrs to vote. It is pretty merous beautiful and useful gifts. The game birds are embraced in four State Land Commissioner Rose, of General O. L. Spaulding is home from of this act shall be deemed gnilty of a families, the first consisting of geese, certain that those who opj>ose it will misdemeanor, and upon conviction Bath, has a large field of corn that POMONA GRANGE vote. Washington a few days this week. brant and ducks; the second, rails, stands very even on the ground, and Capt. O. L. Spaulding, Jr. and wife of thereof, shall be punished by a fine of All kinds of sewing machine needles coots and gallinules; the third, snipe, Regarding new industries, the follow ­ not less than five dollars nor more than at Parker ’s Jewelry Store . will average 10 feet in height. It pro ­ Will l>e Held in the Victor Church ing letters may be of interest: Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, Attorney woodcock, plover, sandpipers, tatlers mises a very large yield. Jack Spaulding, of Detroit, and Tom fifty dollars or by imprisonment in 50-tf. _________________ and curlwes; the fourth, tnrkevs, August lO Copy of letter received from Harmon the county jail for a term of not less J. Hunt, of Detroit, Mich., Sec’y of the Spaulding, who has just graduated pheasants, grouse, prairie chickens with high honors from West Point and than ten days nor more than thirty and quail. These may be killed for Waterman fountain pens at Allison ’s. Reid Mfg. Co. Mr. Hunt is the party days, or by both such fine and imprison ­ ASKS $15,000 DAMAGES Pomona Grange will be held in Vic­ who proposes to instal an Automobile been assigned to the Third Battery at personal use at time in manners aud Fort Myer, across the Potomac from ment in tlie discretion of the court.” numbers prescribed for each species tor church August 16, two miles north plant in this city.
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