VOLUMELXI, NO. 33. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1939. PAGES 1 TO IS Dr. Ticehurst New Church Dedicated Monmouth Boat Republicans To Hear Council Promises Appointed To Club's Dinner To Health Board/ Eclipse All Others Michigan Congressman Dog Catcher Soon; Succeeds Edward Obre The Price of the Ticket Representative Albert J. Engel To at Shrewsbury—Is Also Includes Lots of Turkey Situation Worse Named Poundkeeper and Everything Else Address Lincoln Day Gathering Dr. Harry Ticehurst of Sycamore From present Indications tho an- Congressman Albert J. Engel from five to eight days and always avenue, Shrewsbury, was appointed nual Washington's Birthday dinner STICKER CANDIDATE.' Muskegon Michigan, represent! So Says Board of Health, ends In death. poundkeepor and a member of tho of the Monmouth Boat club will sur- tho ninth congressional district "Dumb rabies—The most marked Shrewsbury board of health by pass any previous slmlllar affair of that state, will be tho speaker at t. in Urging Action, But symptom Is paralysis of the lower Mayor Frederick W. Robinson. Tues- the organization. ninth annual Lincoln day dinner < jaw and structures of the mouth. As day night at a regular meeting of the the Red Bank Young Men's Repu R^ayor Expresses' Doubt a rule the dog does not become ex- Shrewsbury governing body. President Georgo W, . Bray soma Mean club Saturday night at tlras ago appointed tho „ necessary Elks club. citable or nervous but gradually be- Dr. Tlcehurst's appointment as committees for tho annual dinner, —New Victims comes paralyzed. They-are usually poundkeeper was made in conjunc- and ot Monday night's meeting of Tho selection of Mr. Engel not Vicious and may attempt to eat tion with the' new dog ordinance approved by the dinner committee I and drink, which is impossible due to tho club tho various commlttco a meeting last week. The speak which was amended and approved on About 300 persons attended the*" chairmen reported that everything paralysis of the , mouth. The eyes first reading. Dr. Ticehurst succeeds was working like clock work and was obtained through the effort* i present the same change in expres- dedication of the new Trinity Lu- E. Donald Sterner, state hlghtt Edward Obre as a member of the theran church on'East Front street they wcro preparing for a rocord- Appointment To Be sion as in the furious form." board of health. Mr. 'Obre was pro- Dr. Newman To breaking attendanc. commissioner, and Congressman. Dr. -Ticehurst alsn announced that sldont of tho board The. appoint- Sunday afternoon. The act of dedi- Lane Powers of Trenton, Mr, I cation was performed by Rev. Ellis . In talking with a. Register repre- er will be toastmaster. copies of a. health, department book- ment of Dr. Tlcehurst, as explained B. Burgess, president of the United sentative about thjp >comihg dinner Made In Near Future let entitled ''Rabies" might be ob- by Mayor Robinson, was because he Lutheran synod' of New -York, and Be Speaker At President Bray stated that there Congressman Engcl is a men., tained at the borough hall. was a veterinarian. Other members tho sermon was delivered by Rev. were several members who had mis- of the House Appropriations CO Bed Bank's dog ordinance, which of the board of health who were re- Paul A. Kirsch, assistant executive Quad Meeting interpreted tho reason for tho club mittco and the war veterans' legls , A promise that a dog catcher Mayor English at Monday's meeting appointed were Dr. L. S. Ylvlsaker secretary of. tho United. Lutheran spplvlns: to tho Stato Alcoholic Bov- tlon committee. He Is a lawyer an said would be enforced, "provides /or and Fred-Burst. Dr. Ticehurst's ap- craRo Commissioner for a 1 Iconcs was graduated from the Northwai would be appointed in the "near fu- pointment was for two years, Mr, church In America, who spoke on crn Univorslty law school In 1810. ture" was given by Mayor Charles a license of $3 for female and $2 for tho subject, "Know Ye Not That To Tell of World Cruise for tho club on Washington's birth- male dogs. -When attempts to en- Burst for three and Dr. Ylvlsaker for Ye Are a Temple of God?" • Greet- day. EnllstlnR to servo in the • Wo R. English at a meeting of the bor- four, . war In 1017 Mr. Engel was. pron ough council Monday night In the force this ordinance were made twp ings were extended by Rev. Walter — Realtor, Speaks on Mr, Bray stated that' tho purpose years ago therp . were .many com- Cowen, pastor of the church. cd to lieutenant and captain borough hall. The promise came af- of haying tho club license for tho rapid order. He served 23 montl ter the mayor had subtley inferred plaints. Unlicensed dogs, tho mayor Year-Round Club day was so that thoso who pur- explained, will be picked up and im- The, procession was led. by mem- in France and Germany before that news' of Red Bank's dog prob- bers of the visiting clorsy, compris- chased n tickt-t for tho dinner could turning to this country in 1810. lem had been "played up" in the pounded for 48 hours. If not re- enjoy a cocktail, or somo other bev- deemed by the owners, they will be ing Rev. Edwin Knudten, chairman Dr. Eugene W. Newman of Red served four terms in tho Mlchi_ press. • of the home mission committee of erage with tholr dinner without bc- stuta legislature before being sent I destroyed. Licensed dogs .will be Bank will bo guest speaker at a ns In a short lecture, which newspa- I picked up and returned to their own- the New Jersey conference; Rev. mcetlng of the Red Bank Quadrangle'' «ompellodto be a -law-breaker EUGENE S, MASSEY congress, i permen covering the.meeting deemed ers. Mayor English said he advised Georgo Tamke, president of the cqn- club next Monday night at 8:30, «>eca.u». o tho club had notmado prop- Reservations for tho annual i_ to be addressed ot them, the mayor frence; Rev. John Wagner and-Revs o'clock'lk . HiHis topiti c wilill bo "Round"Rdo, ro r Provision for too club »•»»>•ineinbor» —s havo been coming in steadily anfl all dog owners to procure licenses Burgess, Klrsch and Cowen. * said he and the council had given immediately," " the World KicnnHonrn.,." and tho legal safeft of their guests. Lincroft Man Seeks It was announced,yesterday that th* considerable thought and study to Tho buildlnR contractor, Harold A As usual tho ticket for tho dinner number of tickets has beon Ilmlte4l the dog problem. He said he didn't Hendrlcksoiv and the architect, Her- will include tho hot turkey dinner School Board Post to 300. ' • -J know just how serious the problem bert Matz of the firm of Cherry & wlthdll of tho fixings, a program of This year's program Is expected 1 was, for all the information he had Sioux Indian Mats of, Now York, wore next in vocal and Instrumental music, mono- Eugeno S. Massoy oC Brookdalo surpass any of tho previous even gotten on the subject had been ob- line. Then came members of the logue selections and story telling farm, Lincroft, manager of Maneon hold by the club. A feature of ' tained from newspaper accounts. He church council, consisting of Henry and whatovor beverages ono would & Son Monument company, haa sig- entertainment portion of the- said he had not received a single To Be Speaker F. Franz, Georgo Ploger, Erich liko to enjoy, whether It be a soft nified his intention of conducting a gram will bo the appearance of i complaint from a resident of the bor- Kaeks, Clarence Maxson, Fred drink or something stronger with "a atlckor campaign for membership on ry Foster Welch, the "voice" of Pop ough, either personally or by. tele- Pagenkdpf and R. Theodore Blxler. stick in it." Tho cost of tho ticket tho Mlddlctown township board ot cyn in the animated screen carlo phone, and he construed this as a At Local Schools Tho vested choir followed. covors everything from tho rlso of education at thd annual school elec- Dunce musio will bo furnished good sign for, he said, the people of Arriving at tho door of the church tho curtain right through tho ontlro lon next Tuesday. H. Lawrence William Good's orchestra. Red Bank generally had a way of Isaac Grayearth Is Se" MrJ, Hendrlckson handed the key to program of tho day. '• Scott of Bolfoid and Schuylcr Sick- - making their desires, known to. the the architect, who In turn placed It In previous years when no pro- les of Navcslnk are candidates for . borough officials. , vision was mado for tho protection ro-eloclion. Ward Thomas of Mld- . cured by Y Secretary to in tho hand of Dr, Burgess. Tho dlotown, whoso term on tho school Local Camera Cli Expressing the hope that the prob- latter delivered it to tho pastor, who of tho club's guests the local police force or tho hand of tho law higher board expires this year, will not run lem was not as serious as It had been Address Pupils opened tho door,.' Tho latter, upon for ro-clcctlon. •made out to be, the mayor Bald that crossing tho threshold, said,. "Peace up' could: havo stepped In and Now Making Firsts under tho state law the boa*d of be to this house," nnd the congre^ stopped tho entire show bscaiiso of Mr. Massey, who graduated from health had power to take emergency ThrougH the. efforts of Wilmer A.
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