Wednesday, Aag. 14.1991 Sravana 23,1913 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. III contains Nos. 21 to 30) LOB SABHA sEcRETAR~AY NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 6.00 %ORIGINALENGLISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISHVERSION AND 'OIUGINALHINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDIVERSION WILL BE TREATED AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.] CONTENTS [lietr th Series. I+l. 111. Ei'rst Se.ssisiotz. 1991/19J 3 (Saka)] No. 26. WcJnesJay. August 14. 1991JSravana 23. 1913 (Saka) Written Answers to Questions : Starred Question Nos. Unslarred Question Nos. 3009 to 3047 38-90 3049 to q56, 91-216 31 58 to 3203. 3205 and 216-3fi9 3207 to 7317 Staten1ent.s by Ministers (i) Incicictlt or violcncc in front of the house or Sllri Matlhavrao Scinciia at Ncw Delhi Shri S. B. Chavan (ii) Modalities for exempting the small ilntl marginill farnlersfi'om fertiliser pricc increase Shri Mullapally P.amachanclran Papers laid on the table Business of thc Ilousc Slatement correctirlp reply to Lok ~ab'haSq. No. 331 given on 7-8-91 re. %'ST Employees Constitution (Sche~lulcdTribcs) - Iutroduced Order (Second Anlenilmcnt) nil1 Stitutoly Resolution Re. Disapprovi~l of tonstitutioll (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Orilinancc. 1991 And Constitution (Schetluletl Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill M~tionto Consider Shri Girdllari La1 Rharpava Shri Sitaram Kesri Shri Syed Shahahuddin Shri Piyush Tirkey Shri Ram Nihor Rai Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri Shri Suraj Mandal Statutory-- Resolution Re. Disapproval of {Fbnstitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendmenr) Ordinance. 1991- Negatived Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill As passed by Rajya Sabha Clauses 2.3 and 1 Motion to Pass Fhri Sitaram Kesri Motion Re. Atrocities on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other Weaker Sections in the Country Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh Shrimati Bibhu Kunlari Devi Prof. Umnlareddy Venkateswarlu Shri Buta Singh Shri Shyamlal Kamal LOK SABHA DEBATES -- LOK SABHA that were there. They attacked all the people there, and tnany people were injured. The Personal Security Guard Wednesday, Aug. 14. 199I/Sravatra 23, of Shri Madhav Rao Scindia. one Shri 1913 (Saka) Balbir Singh, was also seriously injured. There were few other persons l7ie Lok Sabha met of Eleven qf the and visitors who were also injured, Clock This cannot ,be tolerated. (itrret.rzip- tiows} [MR. SPEAKER in tlw Chair.] We demand that the Leader of the Opposition should be called to the House. Shri La1 K. Aclvani should SMRI C. K. KUPPUSWAMY apologise to Shri Madhav Rae (Coimbatore) : Sir. we want to raise an Scindia. The Home Minister should Issue of privilege. (Inrernrprions) make a statement on this. (Inrerruprions) At [his stage. Shri C. K. Kuppuswotny The Government should arrest the came and sor on tlie ./loor tteor the people who are responsible for this. Table. The BJP should also take whatever SHRI MANORANJAN RHAKTA action they deem fit against the (Andaman-Nicobar) : This morning culprits who were there in the morning. at about 9.30 there was a murderous (Intemptions) attack at the house of Shri Madhav SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA : Rao Scindia. (Ititerruptiotls) We cannot allow it to go on like this. SIIRI MUKUL BAI<KRISI-INA SHRI MUKUL RALKRISI-INA WASNIK (Buldana) : The IIome WASNIK: Unless and until Shri Minister should come to the House Advani, the Leader of the Opposition and make a statement. (lrlrerruptiotls} apologises we are not going to allow The Leader of the Opposition any discussion here. Let the Home should come ind give an apology to Minister come and make a statement. Shri Madhav Rao Scindia. This is our basic right. This is a very (Iitterruptiorls) serious matter. (Internrprions) SHRI SAIFUDDI'E; CHOl J- At 9.30 in the morning today. more than one hundred and fifty BJP 131-IURY(Katwa): What is ihc Intel- workers went to Shti Maiihav Rao ligence doing in the country :' Where is Scindia's residence and tried to assault the Governlnent:' You support the Shri MadhavRao Scindia. They pelted sadistic elements ant1 they take stones. They smashed all the vehicles revenge for that. (Inrerixj)riotrs) 3 Wrinat Answers AUGUST 14, 1991 Written Answers 4 SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE about the religious shrines and (Bholpur) : What is happening in this monuments to maintain their status Country ? (Interniptiom) quo as on 15 August. 1947. He was threatened and the Government had SHRI MUKUL BALKRISI-INA to provide him security. The same for- WASNIK : Shri Aclvani should come ces are operating because Shri and apologise. (Itlten.uptions) Madhav Rao Scindia has charac- SHRI SOMNATH. CHATTER- terised certain activities as anti- JEE : This House has been held to national and unpatriotic and, there- ransom. The House was held to ran- fore, has been attacked upon. Can this som. (Inrerruyrio~s) be tolerated ?The Leader of the Nouse who was eloquent in supporting the This House was held to vnsom. election of the Deputy Speaker yester- Then, some arrangement was inade. I day should tell us how.this has hap- am not going into that. They have pened. Are we not free to say whatever withdrawn it. Yesterday. the purpose we want inside the Parliament. within has been fulfilled. I am told just now the bounds of Parlialnent propriety ? that thesecurityguard of Shri Madhav IInrer7vptior?s) Rao Scinclia. the Minister in his House has been beaten up. (I!~!lrerrtrpriorts) \ They entered Shri Scindia's House.. SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOIJ- (Intenupriorts). Whpt is happening? DHURY : Sir. the Government The ~overnmkntmust tell us what is should take action first. If t he Govern- the security? In future shall we speak ment is not taking any action. lci thcre in the country only to keep them in be a House Conmittee. We cannot goodahurnour and as also to speak in allow sadistic forces to continue like this ~ousewith their permission '! Will this. They may for their political they decide what the Members will expediency support this party or that do ? . (Interruptions). pa rly. (Irttemrpriotis). SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOU- SHRI SOMNATH C1IATTF.R- DHURY: I demand that the Prime IEE : Sir, what remains of the freetlom Minister should make a statement. of speech of the Members? . (/ti- terruptions). This is t heir right. SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA WASNIK : Shri La1 K. Advani should SHRI MURLI DEORA (Bombay be called to the House. Shri Advnni South) : The Government nlust.con~e should be summoned to ihc IIousc out with the facts in the mattcr. We immediately. (Inter~wptions). request the Prime Minister to nlakc a statenlent in the Iiouse.. /l~~!lrerruptiotts). SHRI GEORGE FERNANDEZ (Muzaffarpur) : Through you. Sir. I SHRI NlRMAL KANTI (:IIAT- request the Hon. Prime Minister to rcs- TERJEE: The House has to be pond to this. (Ittterrtrptiotis). i~djourned. It cannot function like this. (lt~rerruytiotts). SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CIIAT- TERJEE (Dumdum) : Shri Abedin SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA Zainal has been threatened because he WASNIK: Sir. the Iiouse hi~sto be had moved a Rcsoiution in the House adjourned. Shri Advatti has to be sum- moned. The IIonic Ministcr has to make R statement. IJnless and until this is going to happen. there will he no functio~iingof the Ilouse. !Jnlcss and SIIRI RAM VlLAS PASWAN : Sir. until Shri Atlvaniji is sum~noncdto the what is the (iovernment ~loing'! If House and the Ilomc Minister is;~sked R. J. P. wants to liqui(latc somconc. to makc a statcmcnt. thcrc cannot he will the Governnlcnt let it tlo w'? lItrrcr~-~~ption.s) iIny business. (lt~rc~rri~ptio~~s).This is not only an assault on one Mcrnhcrof /Etl~lis/l/ thc House. This is ;In ;1ss;iu1t on the MR SPL4KF.R. Well. 1 ;iIn tlcmocratic rights ofthc Members. You i~tljourning the Ilouuc to nlce1 ;I[ will have to give your own ruling. Rut. 120'clock and I will rcquc'.;t tlle we arc very clear in our thinking that lcarlers of tliffcr-ent pi~~-tic$.Ilo~nc unless antl until Shri Atl\irni Minister i~ndParli;~mc~lt;~l-y 4ff;rir.s ;~pologiscs. we will not allow this Minister to come to rn) ch;1111hc1-to I-Iousc to function. discuss this issue. .-Itr11isst(~geShri C. K. Kirpj~u.sw.~~nj~ NWI~ bock ro his .sc.n/. SHRI NIRMAI. KANTl (1IIAT- TERJEE : Sir. the terrorists function- ing in Kashniiror in Punjab. whatc\/c~ WKITTEN ANSWERS 1'0 he their reiigion. arc ~ryingto disrupt QrJE:S7I'I0NS the country. Ihrer7upriot1\.). /E~rgIi.sh] SIIRI RAM VIIAS PASWAN ExtcnsionIRe-Emplo~mcnt to Em- (K0scl-a) : Sir. il it .I 1niltlc.r of ployccs of Public Sector Ihder- shame for the Govcrnnicnt. Onl) yes- takings terday you hat1 gi\.cn ;r ruling Ihilt $427. DR. ASIM RAIA. Will the Mcml~crs should hc provi~letl fd1 PRIME MINISTER he plcirsctl to security. The lion. Ilomc Ministcr. state : who is prcscnt hci~.ill50 filVC ill1 ;Issurance ycstcrd;~~th;~t Mcmhcrs (a) whether the <'Iiairnl.~~i-cu~ii- woulJ he provitletI Su ll .sccurit>. This Managing Dircc~orof a Puhlic Sector Undertaking is empowered untlcr the is ;I oiattcr which rcl;~tc.ito ;I Minister-. Sir. you are our custotli;~ni~ntl gUiIF existing orders to allow cxten\ioti/re- clii~n.The hoti. Pri~ncMinistcr is prc- employment to an) ol' thc cmp1o)ces sent herc. This matter has ken raised hevond superannuation provitletl his in the qucstion hour. So the Go\crn- pay including pension ant1 pen- ~nc~itshould at Icilst cliirify thc poci- qionary equivalent ofgratuity docs not exceed Rs. 2500/- p m. without refer- tion. (1t1terr11prim1.s)' cnce to the Ci~binct: SIIRI M1lKilI. RAI.KRISIIN.4 WASNIK : Sir.' tion. Shri P;~sw;~nis (b) whether the cilse of extcnsionl right in saying th;~tthe hon. Ilomc Ipcmploynlcnt h;~\cto hc inSoxnctl Miuistcr llas given ;in ilssurancc yes- illuch ill ad\nncc to th~(;O\.~'~-ilIllc'll~ tcrtlay that ;\I1 hon.
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