cigar,” he said. The pay-off, he gotten the kicks I .got out of COUNCIL THE EVENING STAR A-13 continued, is an art bora of bookmaking.” And now he’s Washington, D. C, Tutiday, August 4, 1959 facing charge murdering long experience, knowledge of a of THE LYONS DEN hla grandfather. That appreciation wlfe’a By LEONARD LYONS the field ami of wasn’t in the odds—not the Girl Wants the psychological difficulties: kind of kicks he felt he needed, “There are $lO men. s2s men, except for the money angle. SI,OOO men. You can get into “It’aimportant to have money.” To Marry ... Bribery DEAR’- A88Y Os Odds and as much trouble giving SI,OOO were his final words to me be- ’' * . _ 4 NEW YORK.—When Harry he once told me. “And what a to a $lO man as by giving $lO fore he went to Jail. "Iintend By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Orou was New York's No. 1 cinch this bookmaking racket to a SI,OOO man. Maybe more never to be without money Divorcee for me. I was a trouble, because a $lO again.” ' bookie and boasted of his $l- was All needed when THE PROBLEM 1 - .w - graft to cops, he pencil, some paper, a telephone man suddenly sees a lot of you." DIET: David Ogilvy, the New MRS. M. E We have would have taken fantastic odds —and I was in business.” money, he may go wild on given her everything advertising agency and against his ever winding up on He discussed the matter of dross believed he could have York man she ruining It's Time to Call His Bluff, Dear! complete frank- legitimate is her life. a murder charge. He was an bribery with been a success in who created the man-wlth-the- ISABEL ready and “The mistake cop “I miss. E.—l’m DEAR ABBY: I love my “Reckless Driver’s Wife” at tHe neighborhood grocery. expert on odds. "At schools I ness. first a business. couldn’t But. eye-patch idea for a shirt ad willing to work. was always good with figures,” makes Is accepting that first of course, I wouldn’t have husband and I know he loves would read this. Maybe she’d 3he runs there every eve- as well as the fizz-water ad. THE DETAILS me. We have five children think twice before she let her ning and asks him for a ride checked into the Hotel Rltz in Mrs. M. E.—My husband from the ages of 2 to 12 yeaj-s. husband drive again. home in the market truck. and I are heartbroken about My good pro- a spin Paris with his wife. For two husband Is a Five months ago my hus- He takes her for ~ vider. We’ve never fought band was by reckless around the block and then days they dined ravenously. Tk# killed a MORE\ j Family Council contists of a over anything, but now I have driver. He left me with three home. She doesn’t even If ‘dfvW'''fiET they g I? OUT 0F LIFE Then set off. from the judge, piychiatriit, three a problem. He plays cards al- children, ages 5, and 3 and 1. know his last name, but- clergymen, a newspaper editor, o night—so he says. firmly believes she’s in lovg ~ elegant suite, in blue denims most every I am 23 years old. go out women's editor and two writers. m r tor a bicycle tour. Ogilvy ex- But the men he says he The reckless driver who hit with him. jak-r/^ to < ryf * Each article is e summary of an plays cards with say they him is She won’t listen her a Moviti/Or j 4 Zf plained: “You to bicycle now serving time in to have actual case history. Tha council don’t play with him. I am prison. But that doesn't bring mother. (Bhe says she’s day, problems at least 20 kilometers a reports on that have very confused. Should I ask my husband back. No mother “old-fashioned.”) Please say- between meals, if you want to boon dealt with by responsible for the truth or should I try enjoys telling her children something in your column More Than Routine Merit ogoncias Films of PRIVE-m ond counstlors. to keep home together why Daddy coming (she reads it faithfully) be- GlßL”—Shirley per* THEATERS eat well in Paris.” our isn’t "ASK ANY MacLaine'* Cannea award gets our 20-year-eld daughter Is- and be quiet? home any more. fore this crush out of formance sparks lively comedy. ' a romantic UNDECIDED. hand. AUNTIE. HAPPENED TO JANE”—Doris Day and Jack Lemmon MISTAKE: Another David abel. She has decided she Believe me, I have suffered “IT laihfort Ogilvy—from A in order to be This crush cannot get eat in a comedy much enlivened by Ernie Kovacs. 2001 Jeff. Davit Hwv., Arlington Texas—chanced wants to marry a divorced hojpe, many sleepless nights because Just Over the 14th Stroot Rrldga registered “kept together” a of hand if she leaves the “I WANT TO LlVE”—Susan Hayward’s melodramatic Oscar- to be at the Rltz at man twice her age with two must have of a reckless driver. Thanks, SHIRLEY MacLAINE. DAVID the time the ad man sturdy foundation. grocery on foot. Ask tha winning portrayal of a convicted murderess. NIVEN, "ASK ANY OIRL." same was young children on his hands. Mutual Abby, for letting me tell my iC’Scop*), at 9:04. Cirtoona. Their phone honesty is the cornerstone. Romeo at the market to co- HANDS WITH THE DEVlL”—James Cagney vs. there. calls and Isabel is our youngest child story to millions of people. “SHAKE "LEFT HANDID’ 3UN," PAUL mail became confused. The cli- You’ll never get rid of ter- operate by explaining to her the hated Black-and-Tans during Ireland’s “Troubles.” NXWMAN. at 19:65. Box Office and we have done everything It’s true. Every heart-break- Open, at 7:30. max came when the concierge many mites by ignoring them. Nor that he isn’t allowed to have “SHANE”—Jean Arthur, Van lleflln and Alan Ladd in a to give her advantages. ing word of it. phoned the Texas Ogilvy to She is very pretty and intel- will you solve your problem riders in the track. superior Western directed by George Stevens. YOUNG WIDOW. * * * say, “Your two bicycles are ligent, so naturally we hoped by closing your eyes to it. 4i PACIFIC”—Mitzi Gaynor and -Rossano Brasil in • * *, • “SOUTH . What’s your problem? For LEE HWY ARL RLVD. waiting here for you” . “Bi- for big things for her in the Lay all your cards on the a gaudy film of the Bodgers-Hammerstein musical hit. DRIVE-IN THEATER. JE. 3 9300 a personal reply, write to cycles?” replied the Texan. My prob- table . and ask hus- 10 COMMANDMENTS"—CecU B. DeMiUe’s big Biblical Batwotn 7 Corner* and Fairfax way of a marriage. She met your DEAR ABBY: “THE Hwy. or “I’m waiting for a Rolls- lem is a sweet niece ABBY in care of The Eve- spectacle, all about Moses and his life and times. Circle. Entrances laa this older man on a train band to do likewise. Now little Arl. ihrd. (Via Gallows Hoad). Royce.” coming home from a week- that he’s dealt you a full who is 14 (almost 15). She ning Star. Inclose a self- Funniest op the Laugh MtUr. trip thinks she is in love with addressed, stamped envelopt. end and she has known house—call his bluff. by MacLil'ne, ..DUEL: The story is being ** * * Distributed Stanley Warner Theaters KB THEATERS SH?RLEY him about six months. We a 24-year-old man who works McNaught Syndicate, Ine.l . AIL ARE AIR CONDITIONED AIR CONDITIONED “ASK ANY GIRL” told of two French authors who are sure he is looking merely DEAR ABBY: I wish levy 48,8 Max. Ave. WO. 6-4600 In Color, 8:30 and 12:16. argued and then challenged Jfie ™ “A for a mother to take care of woman who signed herself Free ParWnp Something Diflerent in Murder each other to a duel. All the AMBASSADOR To'*?™ First Washington Showing! Myitcrlu his children. She is ruining Audrey Hepburn in "THE NUN'S "THE MAN IN THE NET' arrangements were made. On STORY" u.ui Peter Flncn, i:IO, VITTORIO DeSICA’S With ALAN LADD. 10:30. her life. u:50;h::).-.. the morning of the duel a »:26, “THE Open Isabel E.— My parents ROOF” 7:3o—Modern Cafeteria. frightened, anonymous voice RlflHU WO. 6-2000 “Ranks Among the Finest!”—Time Children Under 12 Free. think I don’t knov anything FAMOUS FABLES niAleVn 5412 Conn. A»e. N.W. Mayaitne. "A Triumph!”—N. Y. phoned the police and revealed By E. E. EDGAR Matinee 2:00 PM. "IT HAPPENED Post Presented at 1, 2:45, 4:30, at all, that I’m just an Irre- 6:10, the story—the time and place TO JANE," Doris Day, Jac.. wm- 11. 1 i. M. lOEW'S SO. 84722 sponsible child the idea mon, 2:40. 5:00, 7:20, 9:40. Wait ""Disney’s • of the “Yes, Iknow," lind Sabbath: The elder John SHAGGY DOG.” duel. said my taking care of two raiWBT EE. 3-6055. 2324 Wls. Start! Friday! MT. VERNON OPEN AIR the prefect of police, of D. Rockefeller was a devout bftlafLlll „ „ , “and our A N w Pr par ki„B NH:A , ,lvd- Kichmowd Hwy.—Saqth of Alga.
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