6612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. JUNE 11, in the letter which was read here, or even 10,000,000. It seems ORDER OF BUSINESS. to me it is worthy of thorough discussion. Mr. HAY. Mr. Speaker-- Mr. STEWART. Very well; let it go over. The SPEAKER. For what purpose does the gentleman rise? EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. HAY. To call up a re olution of inquiry which has be- Mr. CULLOM. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid­ come privileged. eration of executive business. The SPEAKER. Is it a privileged resolution? The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the con- Mr. HAY. Yes, sir; a resolution of inquiry. sideration of executive business. After eight minutes spent in The SPEAKER. The Chair is of opinion, however, that the executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 5 o'clock and special order will now shut off such a resolution. The Chair has 35 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Thurs­ held back requests for unanimous consent and other requests this day, June 12, 1902, at 12 o clock meridian. morning, in order that the committee in charge of the floor may hold it. The rule requires that this be in order immediately CONFIRMATIONS. after the reading of the Journal on each day. The Chair, there­ fore, feels compelled under the rule to recognize the gentleman Executive nominations conji,.med by the Senate June 11, 190&. from Michigan. COXSULS. Mr. CORLISS. I move that the House resolve itself into Com­ Frank W. Mahin, of Iowa, now consul at Reichenberg, Austria, mittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. to be consul of the United States at Nottingham, England. The SPEAKER. Under this rule the House resolves itself into Silas C. McFarland, of Iowa, now consul at Nottingham, Eng­ Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union with­ land, to be consul of the United States at Reichenberg, Austria. out motion. Therefore the House will resolve itself into Com­ COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. mittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, in pursu­ William F. Stone, of Maryland, to be collector of customs for ance of the rule. the district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. PACIFIC CABLE. The House accordingly resolved itself into Committee of the SURVEYORS OF CUSTOMS. Whole House on the stttte of the Union, Mr. LACEY in the chair. James C. Ford, of Tennessee, to be surveyor of customs for the The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the Whole port of Knoxville, in the State of Tennessee. House on the state of the Union for the consideration of the bill Robert A. Ravenscroft, of Maryland, to be surveyor of customs the title of which the Clerk will report. in the district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. The Clerk read as follows: NAVAL OFFICER OF CUSTOMS. A bill (H. R. 5) to authorize the construction, operation, and maintenance of telegraphic cables between the United States of America and Hawaii, William T. Malster of Maryland, to be naval officer of customs Guam. and the Philippine Isl.a.nds, and other countries, and to promote com­ in the District of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. merce. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. Mr. CORLISS. Mr. Chairman, I would like to inquire just John C. Rose, of Maryland, to be United States attorney for how much time I consumed on yesterday? I understand, one hour. the district of Maryland. The CHAIRMAN. Sixty minutes. Mr. CORLISS. Mr. Chairman, I think I demonstrated yester­ APPRAISER OF MERCHANDISE. day from the evidence of experts that only one cable from our C. Ross Mace, of Maryland, to be appraiser of merchandise in country to M.anila at the present time was necessary, because the district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. there are two other cables in existence that can be utilized in case COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVEl'WE. of an emergency. I conclusively established the fact, from ex­ Phillips Lee Goldsborough, of Maryland, to be collector of in­ pert testimony and from parties who are competent to make a ternal revenue for the district of Ma1-yland. bid, that a cable can be built, including cable ships-two of them, MARSHALS. and only one is necessary-for less than $10,000,000; and I simply want to call the attention of members to the further fact that John F. Langhammer, of Maryland, to be United States marshal Great Britain is building a cable through the Pacific as long as for the district of Maryland. ours will be and the contract is only $8,900,000. William L. Morsey, of Missouri, to be United States marshal I have conclusively shown from the testimony of experts that for the eastern district of Missouri. this cable can be operated for about $350,000 per annum, not POSTMASTERS. taking into consideration the interest on the capital. Now, you George E. Sapp, to be postmaster at Pecos, in the county of gentlemen do not want to conceive that we are going to have a Reeves and State of Texas. great army of men employed by the Government through this. Addison H. Frizzell, to be postmaster at Groveton, in the county There are only five stations embraced within this project. Three of Coos and State of New Hampshire. experts can operate it twenty-four hours at each station. Fifty W. S. Waite, to be postmaster at Eastman, in the county of men employed will supply the necessary service to operate these Dodge and State of Georgia. five stations. So that it does not require a large number of Gov­ John Beaty, to be postmaster at Waxahachie, in the county of ernment employees. It is a peculiar utility; one that the Gov­ Ellis and State of Texas. ernment can take hold of without detriment to any other interest George G. Clifford, to be postmaster at San Antonio, in the in our country. county of Bexar and State of Texas. It does not infringe upon the right or the interest of any Amer­ Gomer S. Williams, to be postmaster at Cisco, in the county of ican capitalist. Unless the Government undertakes this work­ Eastland and State of Texas. and mark what I say-unless the Government undertakes this wo1·k you can not secure the erection of a cable plant upon the California shore, which is as necessary as a battle ship-as neces­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. sary as a navy-yard-more so, because there are navy-yM·ds that can, in case of necessity, repair battle ships, but there is no cable WEDNESDAY, June 11, 1902. plant upon the Pacific coast that can repair a cable during war. There are no cable ships owned by our Government at the The House met at 12 o'clock m. present time that can repair a cable in case it is cut in war or in Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. peace. During the Spanish war our Government was humiliated The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. to the necessity of asking a cable ship tb,at happened fortunately FUR-BEARING .ANDI..A.LS IN .A.L.A.SK.A.. in our waters to go down to Key West and lay a cable from Key 1\fr. McCALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to file West to Dry Tortugas, 60 miles. An English cable ship, at an the views of the minority upon the bill H. R. 13387, being the bill expense of $70,000, laid 60 miles of cable for our Government. relating to fur-bearing animals in Alaska. Could you do that if you were at war with Great Britain? The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Massachusetts asks Now, one word with reference to the cable between Hongkong unanimous consent to file the views of the minority on the bill and Manila, and the members here ought to think of that ques­ the title of which the Clerk will report. tion. I hold in my hand the Washington Post of June 2, in which :Mr. McCALL. And I ask that we may have leave to file this it is stated, upon the authority of the Commercial Cable Com­ at any time to-day. pany, that the only cable between Hongkong and Manila had been The SPEAKER. The gentleman couples with his request that broken. Do you know that not a word or a message can be sent he be permitted to file these views during this day. to om· people in the islands of the Philippines, that it is absolutely The Clerk read as follows: in darkness so far as cable communication is concerned. and has A bill (H. R.l3387) r elating to fur-bearing animals in Alaska. been since the 1st day of June? The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The The fact that the Commercial Cab le C.()mpany makes this an Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. nouncement shows to you, as it shows to me, that they are the 1902. 0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 6613 people in this country in touch with that great corporation. God But now I say to you that I have within twenty-four hours Almighty, for some cause, has severed that cable as an example received the information that not a solitary foot of the cable pro­ to the representatives of our people, showing to them the dan­ posed to be laid by Mr. Mackay's company from California to gers of interruption of cable communication.
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