![Hainan Airlines Inflight Entertainment Magazine Sep. 2019](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Hainan Airlines Inflight Entertainment Magazine Sep. 2019 200+ 600+ 1300 Movies TV Shows CDs 主 题 THEME director Robert Rodriguez. The first thing that hits “ 逆水行舟,不进则退。” “Swim against the tide, and don’t look back.” you is the exceptional energy in the action scenes, and having the great James Cameron as co-producer provides 我们可能没有机会成为超级巨星或者超级英雄, a guarantee of top-class special effects and cinematic 但是在影视剧中,我们能看到和体会到巨星和英雄 world-building. The story is set in the 26th century, 们从不言败的人生。一个人的人生不论取得的成就 at a time when danger lurks around every corner and 大与小,都需要经历各种各样的挑战,人生就是一 the lives of cyborgs hang in the balance. Alita is one of them. With the help of Dr. Daisuke Ido, Alita must find 场战斗,有时候不仅需要越战越勇,更需要越挫越勇。 herself in this unfamiliar world, while also doing battle 本期电影中的主人公们都在同命运做抗争,也都各 against a powerful enemy in order to build a future for 有各的不凡之处。 cyborgs. Alita has incredible fighting abilities and, after We may not get the chance to become superstars or unlocking her strength, goes on to change the face of superheroes in our own lives, but on TV and in the the whole world. movies, we get to see and experience the indomitable spirit of both kinds of people. No matter whether an 才艺不凡——《波西米亚狂想曲》。这部皇后 individual’s accomplishments are great or small, they still 乐队的传记片为我们重现了摇滚巨星佛莱德·摩克瑞 have to face up to many different kinds of challenges. 的心路历程。家庭普通、外貌丑陋,但一副好嗓子, Life is a battle, and sometimes it’s not enough to face 以及对音律的敏感,让他从机场的打工仔摇身一变 battle with bravery. What’s more important is to face 成为了音乐界的天之骄子。生活上,他情感经历曲折, failure with bravery. The protagonists in this season's movies are all battling against their destinies, and each 又饱受艾滋病的困扰,但只要站上舞台,生命便能 one possesses their own unique characteristics. 科技不凡——《阿丽塔:战斗天使》。改编自 日本漫画《铳梦》的本片让詹姆斯·卡梅隆筹备了 十几载,此次交给《罪恶之城》的导演罗伯特·罗 德里格兹指导,最直观的感受就是动作场面异常生 猛,而有了“卡神”作为监制,首先特效和世界观 的构建便有了强有力的保证。在故事发生的26 世纪, 到处充满了危险,机械改造人的性命也是朝不保夕, 阿丽塔就是其中一位。在依德医生的帮助下,她得 一边这个陌生的世界寻找自我,一边迎战强敌,为 机械改造人打出一条生路。拥有强大战斗力的阿丽 塔,在唤醒力量之后,她将要改变这个世界的模样。 Extraordinary Technology: Alita: Battle Angel. Adapted from the Japanese manga series Gunnm, this movie was under development by James Cameron for over 10 years, before he handed over the directorial reins to Sin City 战斗吧 ! 从不言败的人生Keep Fighting! People Who Never Give Up 1 THEME 主 题 in recent years (“Don’t Mess With Keanu Reeves’ Dog”) 绽放无限光芒。《波西米亚狂想曲》的片尾30 分钟, ushers in its third chapter. If the first two movies in 完美复刻了“拯救生命”演唱会的盛况,当年那场 the trilogy proved anything, it was that no matter how 空前的慈善义演,现在看来仍旧令人心潮澎湃。不 strong the opponent, John Wick won’t give up and he 知不觉,佛莱德·摩克瑞已离开人世快 30 年了,让 won’t lose. The subtitle for this film is Parabellum, 我们在影片中与他重逢。 which is derived from a Latin phrase meaning “If you Extraordinary Talent: Bohemian Rhapsody. This want peace, prepare for war.” This time the entire High biopic about the music group Queen allows us to Table are out to get him and John Wick has no other reimagine the inner workings of rock 'n roll superstar choice but to fight back. As the biggest highlight of Freddie Mercury. He had a normal upbringing and an the franchise, the action in this movie has had an all- unremarkable appearance, but his powerful voice and round upgrade, featuring close combat with various musical ear enabled him to completely transform from trick moves and styles, flying dagger effects and expert a lowly airport employee to a sensational rock music shooting skills that will dazzle and amaze. It just goes superstar. He had a turbulent love life and suffered the to show that even in his fifties, Keanu Reeves still packs burden of living with AIDS, but as soon as he stepped a punch, while the rich detail and glorious use of color out onto the stage, he radiated brilliance and light. The greatly add to the artistic aesthetics of this movie. 30-minute final scene of Bohemian Rhapsody perfectly captures the ambiance of the Live Aid charity concert, 从电影中回到现实,揭开千年的古寺的神秘面 which was unprecedented in its time and is recreated in 纱,纪录片《功夫少林》带你寻访真正的武林高手, all its glory. It is already 30 years since Freddie Mercury 揭秘功夫背后深藏着的中国人的生存智慧与哲学, passed away, but through the magic of cinema we come 这里是武学的集大成之所。现实中的中国功夫与电 face to face with him once again. 影中的动作特技相比也毫不逊色。今年的爆款国剧 技能不凡——《疾速追杀 3》。好莱坞近年来 《破冰行动》打开了警匪剧的新局面,国产警匪剧 最爽的动作片系列之一——“别惹基努·里维斯的 一样能给予观众震撼十足的效果;动画剧集《猫和 狗”迎来了第三部,前两部告诉了我们一点,任凭 老鼠》也是陪伴了几代人成长,百看不厌的经典, 对手多么强大,约翰·威克绝不认输,也不可能输。 汤姆和杰瑞争斗不休,汤姆猫从不言放弃的精神, 本片副标题“ Parabellum”源于拉丁文,意为“汝 也是值得人们尊敬的。 欲和平,必先备战”,此番面对整个“高桌”组织 From cinema to reality, the documentary The Kung Fu Shao Lin shines a light on a mysterious 1000-year old 的追杀,约翰·威克别无选择,唯有一战。作为这 temple, taking you to meet real martial arts masters and 个系列的最大看点,影片的动作戏进行了全面升级, revealing the secret Chinese wisdom and philosophy 各种招数派别的近身格斗、凌厉的飞刀特技以及专 behind Kung Fu. This place is the true heart of martial 业的枪战技巧绝对能看得你眼花缭乱、酣畅淋漓。 arts training and shows that real-life Chinese Kung Fu 事实证明五十多岁的基努·里维斯依然能打,而丰 is no less impressive than the choreographed stunts 富的细节、绚丽的色彩运用更大大提升了本片的艺 in action movies. This year's explosive Chinese police drama The Thunder set a new marker for the cops- 术观赏性。 Extraordinary Moves: John Wick: Chapter 3 - and-robbers genre and proves that even Chinese- Parabellum. Hollywood’s coolest action movie franchise made crime shows can have a mind-blowing impact on audiences. Several generations have grown up with the classic cartoon series Tom and Jerry Tales, which never gets old, just as Tom and Jerry never stop feuding. The unconquerable spirit of Tom, who refuses to give up, is also worthy of respect. 2 时 光 影 评 疾速追杀 3 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum 导演 Director: Chad Stahelski 查德·斯塔赫斯基 主演 Cast: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry 基努·里维斯 哈莉·贝瑞 时光评分 Mtime Score: 7.8 2014 年的《疾速追杀》是一部简单、流畅、 这些人当中包括酒店经理温斯顿(伊恩·麦柯 成本适中的动作电影,由基努·里维斯担任主演, 肖恩 饰),他是一个神秘的人,可能黑白通吃; 他在片中饰演一位前职杀手,在车子被盗,已故 还有一个地下犯罪之王,大家叫他鲍威瑞·金(劳 妻子留给自己的比格犬又被人杀了之后,他展开 伦斯·菲什伯恩 饰)。第三部的故事发生在第一部 了一场暴力血腥的报复行动。该片上映后,评价 之后不到三个星期的时间内,片名 Parabellum 在 很好,票房收入虽然只有 8800 万美元,但在衍生 拉丁语中是“备战”的意思,这一次,约翰·威克 品和家庭录影带市场中收益特别好。后来在 2017 被驱逐并追杀,要他命的悬赏金高达1400 万美元, 年,续集《疾速特攻》上映,票房几乎翻倍,在 他要想活命就得拼命。 全球收获了 1.72 亿美元。 “高桌”(“High Table”)是一个大型犯罪组织, 这个不走寻常路的动作系列片最近又有了一部 威克曾宣誓永远忠于该组织,现在,组织派遣“审 新续集——《疾速追杀 3》,叙事更加宏大,已经 判者”(艾莎·凯特·狄龙 饰)到酒店去处理那些 冲出了大陆酒店——一个专门为地下犯罪世界服 帮助过威克叛逃的人,让他们尝到惩罚的滋味。审 务的奢华机构,但却不允许自己这片地盘上发生 判者又招募了一个杀手“零”(马克·达卡斯考斯 饰), 任何不光彩的“事件”——有一些人,生活在酒 想除掉威克。 店里,却又徘徊在边缘。 与此同时,威克找到自己的老朋友(安杰丽卡· 3 义风格房间里与威克决斗,过程中两人还向威克 表达了敬意,告诉他他们有多崇敬他本人和他的成 就——特别是在他这个年纪而言。 如果说菲什伯恩再次回归却依旧只能悲催地饰 演一个“宽泛概念”(一个莎士比亚式的底层英雄 之王),而不是一个真正的角色,相比之下,《疾 速追杀 3》中的其他角色就显得相当扎实了。达卡 斯考斯在有限的角色身上发挥出了令人印象深刻的 演技,给“零”这个人物赋予优雅、自控的感觉。 这恰恰跟里维斯在私下的性格很相近,银幕之外的 他是一个很不羁的演员,常常沉默,即便讲话也非 常简洁直接,很少发表长篇大论。 最后,《疾速追杀3》给观众带来了一段好时光, 而且让人们期待故事的继续发展,想知道这个危机 斯顿 饰),他需要治疗自己的伤口,并且找到安全 重重的约翰·威克还会遭遇什么。电影有意做得非 的路子,最终,他联系到了另一个朋友,曾经跟他 常色彩鲜明,用一点点恰到好处的模糊加以平衡, 一起做过杀手的索菲亚(哈莉·贝瑞 饰)。小团队 程度维持得刚刚好。 集结起来之后,威克开始考虑能够一劳永逸彻底除 作者:Brent Simon 掉“高桌”组织的行动。 针对这部电影(以及《疾速追杀》系列)的批 评毫无疑问都集中在已经让人免疫了的暴力和大量 的肉搏戏上。吴宇森和其他在设计动作戏方面逐渐 乏力的导演们都受到了同样的批评。 虽然片中某些时刻多而密的暴力戏份确实会令 人想起电子游戏的感觉,但这部电影里,他们努力 塑造出了一个细致、高度特殊化的环境,背景设置 也自成风格,这就令人产生了一种距离感,使得这 部电影成为了单纯的供人逃离现实的娱乐片。 另外,仅仅因为一部电影取悦了大众却没能满 足你,就大加指责,这种行为就像夏天穿棉袄,还 嫌天气不够凉快,没法满足你的喜好一样。 只针对目标受众而言,《疾速追杀 3》还是相 当成功的。庆幸的是它弥补了《疾速特攻》的一些 不足,《疾速特攻》里有大量的拳拳到肉的打斗戏, 但还是过于依赖 CGI 制作的枪战血浆效果,削弱了 原片有的那种情绪感染力。 《疾速追杀 3》里也有一处类似的场景,但片中 的动作戏设计却有创意得多。威克和索菲亚对战一 小队袭击者的那场戏里,狗狗也参战了,在预告片 中还重点突出了这段戏,这就很好了,而其他亮点 戏份还包括在一个装满利器的房间里展开的激烈的 刀战戏,一场摩托车上的剑斗戏,还有一场穿过马 厩的戏,威克弄到一匹马,骑着马去踢飞了他的敌 人们。 影片中最激动人心的打戏应该是跟“零”的两 个徒弟(雅彦·鲁伊安和塞塞普·阿里夫·拉赫曼饰) 之间的决斗,这两人在一个全是镜面玻璃的现代主 4 seeks treatment for some wounds and safe passage from an old friend (Anjelica Huston), and eventually connects with Sofia (Halle Berry), another friend and fellow former assassin. As the bodies pile up, Wick ponders actions which could topple the “High Table” once and for all. Most criticisms of this movie (and the John Wick franchise more broadly) will undoubtedly center on the desensitizing effect of its violence, and high body counts. These have been the same criticisms levied at John Woo and other filmmakers trading in choreographed bloodletting. While it’s true that the rapid-fire presentation of violence recalls a videogame aesthetic in certain passages, the care and effort put into establishing a detailed, highly idiosyncratic setting and stylized backdrop provide a distancing effect, letting the film connect n 2014, John Wick, a simple, streamlined, modestly- as pure escapist entertainment. Besides, denouncing Ibudgeted action movie starring Keanu Reeves as a retired a movie purely for meeting crowd-pleasing objectives hitman who cuts a violent swath of revenge following the with which you may not agree is akin to wearing a heavy stealing of his car and the murder of a beagle puppy given coat outside during the summer, and then complaining to him by his late wife, was released. It was well received that the weather should have been colder, to suit your by critics and grossed $88 million theatrically, but became internal preference. an especially robust performer in the ancillary and home video marketplaces. This birthed a sequel in 2017, John Wick: Chapter 2, which nearly doubled its predecessor, grossing $172 million in theaters worldwide. The most recent film in this unlikely action series, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum, extends even further the franchise mythology of the Continental Hotel — a luxury establishment which caters exclusively to the criminal underworld, but permits no unsavory “business” on its hallowed grounds — and some of the citizens both populating it and living on its fringes. This includes hotel manager Winston (Ian McShane), an enigmatic gentleman who may be playing both sides, and an underground crime lord known as the Bowery King (Laurence Fishburne). Taking place less than three weeks after the events of the first movie, Parabellum (which in Latin translates as “Prepare for war”) finds an excommunicated Wick, with a $14 million bounty on his head, fighting to stay alive. The “High Table,” the big organized crime syndicate to which Wick once pledged his undying loyalty, sends an Adjudicator (Asia Kate Dillon) to the Continental, to dole out punishment for those who have assisted Wick in his previous escapes.
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