Women, Churches, Books, Schools and Features VOL. XLI PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORXIXG, JANUARY 15, 1923 no. a BROWN AND RED RICH COLORS OF AUTUMN FASHION'S PET HUES Fancies of Fashion for These Two Colors Are Sudden and Frenzied, While Other Shades, Blue, Green, Yellow, Mauve and Taupe, Are Used All of the Time. A. V; - , ,,,yyv :N' :'- ;;. - 1 ' 1, V .U It fi';: f " ",,- - sa4 .''tv"- - , f 1 ' ' ' - and red the rich colors fashion is "seeing red" you might al- color, or a lurid pumpkin tone. Even and the sleeves big and flowing. picture of that costume as it will look but red she uses with more restruint. trimmed with black fox. But most of .solid hunks; red in Fiurklini? dashes. BROWN are fashion's pet most say. Between brown' and red, the dyer has to take a chance and he These large sleeves and set-i- n panels when put together. Were red used the way brown is this the red is in gorgeous splashes and This midwinter turn (9S17 of black hues this midwinter season. winter styles are a perfect panoply and you can thank your lucky stars at either side of the draped skirt are Plaiij brown velvet dresses, with a season one fears to think what the daring dashes on otherwise somber panne velvet has a red ostrich feather all-ov- er on sani- posed one side red Either brown or red is tremendously of autumn glow. when everybody is pleased. of the brown velvet printed in an touch of gold lace sleeve, skirt result would be. Very likely raiment. at to match tho autumn-lea- f pattern soft and panel and sash, are very smart and tariums for a lot of people; for red For instance, a little one-pie- duvetyne vestee and pipings in her mart; but, curiously enough, the When you wear brown you must Nevertheless dyers are very busy blurred, in of red, rich looking for afternoon affairs. is a nerve-stimulati- color and Is trotter frock of dark blue serge is frock of black broadcloth. And smart ehades are seldom to- and rich shades used wear all brown, and the combined just now turning white and flesh high-strun- g gether. may nasturtium, rust and masses of color More elaborate and formal are frocks excitable in effect to extremely embroidered on the skirt with broadcloth in another midwinter One wear all brown or brown fabrics frock and hat and pink and faded gray evening frocks and are easier to manage than elabo- of brown lace and georgette over persons or so 'tis said by sprawling red floss flowers and fancy lots of it is going to be used red discreetly mingled with black to stockings and handbag must make a into brown afternoon costumes, and rate embroideries in which a multi- slips of brown satin these for indoor color experts. scrolls, and piped at sleeve edge and In tho coming season. tone down. off-ton- oc- It symphony of tones. Anything c in every dyeing establishment win- tude of painstaking stitches achieve affairs, or for informal evening At any rate. Fashion uses her red down the bodice fronts with red Women simply must have feathory Brown and red are colors that fash-Io- n is as excruciating as anything dow Is a stunning brown blouse that a similar effect of color and rich- casions. A simple but stunning this year with nice control; in cheer- duvetyn. A little vestee ot red duve-ty- n aigrettes and, since real ones, rather off-tun- ness. afternoon bridge frock is of brown shows slashed has sudden and frenzied fancies e in a symphony of music. And has come out a success. ful little red hats that make black between the cruelly obtained from real birds, am with self-ton- e embroidery in soft-tone- d fronts, and the narrow belt has a persons, for. Other shades blue, green,- yel- -' are expensive. The brown lace afternoon frocks Boxed velvet frocks were popular satin costumes blithe; in masses under the ban with humane harmonious browns across .bodice pip- piping red baccalite buckles. low, mauve, taupe she uses all the are wonderfully attractive, and be- as Christmas gifts this year. Several silk floss the and skirt, of embroidery on black; in gay red and fashion has set to work and achieved The brown shades are beautiful , in just above and below the girdle. With A tarn of plush, ac- satisfactory ai- time, sometimes one cause they are so smart you pay a yards of velvet in each box, with dot- ings and buttons on dark blue black hatter's perfectly imitation putting, a. little rich materials, but hideously on showing this frock goes a brown velvet hat frocks, in gorgeous linings companying frock has a red un- grettes which givo grace and dusb. ahead upon little more for them than for frocks ted lines the material tailored this of another but relying. all in cheap ones. It is always (which is where to cut out the sections for with brown feathers, and there is a of evening raps; in feather fans curled ostrich feather drooping at enough to please anybody. Masses of Indispensable of the same type in blue as etandbys. But when a problematical experiment, too, to not' especially smart this winter) or blouse, sleeve, sash and skirt dra- wonderful handbag of gold and and in merry scarlet heels on black one side. these aigrettes trim this (9963) panne fashion takes a notion to brown ehe have fabrics dyed brown. Your frock in gray (which is now a bit passe). pery, and gorgeous color printings so brown brocade mounted on an amber dance slippers. Here and there you Red or brown. And you are cor- velvet hat, and the brim is rolled back plunges, as It were, on brown. She may come out a veritable dream of A distinguished brown bridge frock placed that the pattern will come at frame. meet a Burgundy or garnet velvet rectly in line with tho season's color In front under a cunning little feather wants brown In masses and quanti- soft tones, and again it may turn out Is of velvet, beautifully draped and the right spot on the costume. With Brown is loaded on lavishly in frock; or a1 flame crepe evening scheme which has borrowed from the ornament which suggests a saucy ties and, as for red well, this year a horrid mud shade or a rusty mink all soft lines: the skirt quite loni? each boxed embryo gown comes a Fashion's scheme of winter costume. gown; or a cardinal duvetyn coat hues of autumn. Brown is used in cockade the most comforting he claims to be eystem is well exemplified in the fact and repeat these 2 rows until there music, the appreciation of good music, that the music of a band will carry are 10 decreasing rows. Knit plain BEING ABLE TO PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT with some little skill on a musical .in- marching men along with a swing, KNITTED SOCKS ARE PLEASING on all 4 needles until the foot meas- strument. whereas without the band they drag ures ! inches from 'the back of the "Music along with a dispirited gait. It is a heel. DECLARED LACKING IN MOST WOMEN is indeed a most salutary TO DEVOTEES OF OUTDOORS ' medicine," he says, "because its com- distinct stimulant, as even the hurdy-gurd- y To narrow for the toe: Knit S ponent regular vibrations, has proven to you timo and Fitches, knit 2 together, 6 and Something tones are knit Ability at Piano Is Regarded as Adding Charm to Any Young Woman; Feminine About Music even auditory waves, precisely so again. It tones up the nerves and Directions Following Specifications of Red Cross Provide for Putting repeat for 1 round. Knit 6 rows Increases Its Appeal. many to each note; being thus unlike gives courage. New flecls and Toes. without narrowing. Knit 5 stitches, cacophonies, noises that are made up then narrow by knitting 2 together, vi- Closet Prevents Sneezing. 5 BT ANTOINETTE DONNELLY. (nodding in the direction of his wife), tribute anything to such occasions in of Irregular, dissonant, conflicting By CLOTILDE. these directions until you have nar- knit and continue once around. Knit 5 rows narrowing. Y O R K. (Special she used to be able to play and sing. a musical way. However, I never brations. Thus is the pleasing sense Popular Science Monthly. open rowed for 5 rows. Now knit plain un- without Then knit of perception good conveyed who are in the a great 4 same as At a dinner party In fact, that's how I fell in love with thought of it so much as a beauty of music Sneezing is a warning of a cold. are to til the sock measures 10 '4 inches. stitches and narrow the NEW to the brain, benignancy MEN certain find 4 rows plain. Keep on following the usual her. But now she won't do a thing asset as a feature of education, which where its is At Wellesley college there Is a little more satisfactory for their To begin heel use tho needle on before. Knit in turn transmitted to the sympathetic zinc-line- narrowing this way until thero aro lull after a big dinner and coffee, the with her music, and I often long for It were decidedly too bad to neglect. white, d room that is guar- feet than knitted socks. It is pos- either side of the seam stitch, and nervous system, . 24 aro hostess, whose apartment boasted a the old days, when she would play But the host's comment recalled to which directs the anteed to make one sneezeless and of socks from now the scam stitch is not used.
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