Cocaine Conspiracy Cocaine donations are tax deductible and appreciated! and deductible tax are donations Conspiracy The November Coalition is a 501(c)(3) organization; your organization; 501(c)(3) a is Coalition November The 21 years 21 Conspiracy Marijuana .org moreinfo@november • (509)684-1550 Phone: Jeffrey Reid Jeffrey Jeffrey Reid Jeffrey Cocaine 795 South Cedar • Colville, WA 99114 WA Colville, • Cedar South 795 12 1/2 Years 1/2 12 14 Years 14 Zuniga Zuniga ( Students $15.00 • Prisoners $6.00 ) $6.00 Prisoners • $15.00 Students ( Dale Hill Dale Dale Hill Dale Dues are only $25.00 a year! a $25.00 only are Dues Daniel Daniel fill out the enclosed membership form. membership enclosed the out fill To join The November Coalition, simply Coalition, November The join To Please support our efforts! our support Please for drug law reform; groups vigil near federal courthouses, federal near vigil groups reform; law drug for receive a petition in the mail. the in petition a receive through this growing network of citizens-turned-activists of network growing this through and download a copy today; or write or call our office to office our call or write or today; copy a download and the Coalition newspaper, is distributed is newspaper, Coalition the Razor Wire, Wire, Razor Crack Conspiracy Crack .org .November www system as a drug war tool. Visit Visit tool. war drug a as system tional network of volunteers and regional leaders. leaders. regional and volunteers of network tional The an end to the socially destructive federal/state informant federal/state destructive socially the to end an year sentence year ing efforts of two sisters of drug war prisoners to a na- a to prisoners war drug of sisters two of efforts ing release, allowing our members to educate, and call for call and educate, to members our allowing release, plus a 5-year and a 4- a and 5-year a plus The November Coalition has grown from the launch- the from grown has Coalition November The It’s a sensible call for dramatic increase in earned, early earned, in increase dramatic for call sensible a It’s simply less free. less simply two 20-year sentences, 20-year two lief from Drug War Injustice in their local communities. local their in Injustice War Drug from lief be to create a safer country, and safer world, not one not world, safer and country, safer a create to be two 40-year sentences, 40-year two outside prison walls, are circulating our Petition for Re- for Petition our circulating are walls, prison outside able underground economy. The intent of any law should law any of intent The economy. underground able Two life sentences, life Two to end. Volunteers around the country, both inside and inside both country, the around Volunteers end. to prohibition do nothing but stimulate an ever more profit- more ever an stimulate but nothing do prohibition We want the government-sponsored, racist drug war drug racist government-sponsored, the want We Hasan We are convinced that the war on drugs and drug and drugs on war the that convinced are We Hasan Meth Conspiracy Meth ing but dance to the drug war beat. war drug the to dance but ing early release. early 25 Years 25 Hamedah Ali Hamedah process of forfeiture and intimidate you into doing noth- doing into you intimidate and forfeiture of process the mid-1980s, no reason to improve self or prepare for prepare or self improve to reason no mid-1980s, the Hamedah Ali Hamedah Rudy Howell Rudy Rudy Howell Rudy kill those inside, take your home and other property by property other and home your take inside, those kill mandatory sentences with no parole, no parole since parole no parole, no with sentences mandatory military powers which can assault your home, wound or wound home, your assault can which powers military letting them tell how they got where they are — doing — are they where got they how tell them letting eral powers unleashed in the name of fighting drugs — drugs fighting of name the in unleashed powers eral our drug policy defenders, showing victims’ faces and faces victims’ showing defenders, policy drug our alert complacent and naive citizens to the massive fed- massive the to citizens naive and complacent alert We take these stories and turn them into indictments of indictments into them turn and stories these take We tion in the United States due to current drug laws. We laws. drug current to due States United the in tion of informants and the building of a culture of mistrust. of culture a of building the and informants of public about the destructive increase in prison popula- prison in increase destructive the about public of a system completely dependent on the massive use massive the on dependent completely system a of organization which, since 1997, has been educating the educating been has 1997, since which, organization same, sad tale of a criminal justice system ‘gone bad’; ‘gone system justice criminal a of tale sad same, The November Coalition is a non-profit, grassroots non-profit, a is Coalition November The most named in drug conspiracy indictments, tell the tell indictments, conspiracy drug in named most see drug war casualties rising in horrific proportions. horrific in rising casualties war drug see of victims of injustice. Prisoners with long sentences; long with Prisoners injustice. of victims of and concerned citizens; each of us deeply troubled to troubled deeply us of each citizens; concerned and lition website ( website lition .org) highlight the plight the highlight .org) .November www aunts, uncles and cousins. Some of us are dear friends dear are us of Some cousins. and uncles aunts, newspaper and the November Coa- November the and newspaper The Razor Wire Razor of those incarcerated, wives, sisters, brothers, children, brothers, sisters, wives, incarcerated, those of every community in which members are found. are members which in community every government’s drug policies. We are prisoners, parents prisoners, are We policies. drug government’s take sorrow and grief and plow it into citizen activism in activism citizen into it plow and grief and sorrow take zens whose lives have been gravely affected by our by affected gravely been have lives whose zens sent against drug war injustice. An early goal was to was goal early An injustice. war drug against sent The November Coalition is a growing body of citi- of body growing a is Coalition November The prisons and other public places, mounting visible dis- visible mounting places, public other and prisons Who is The November Coalition? November The is Who Who is The November Coalition? November The is Who almost 60% of the prison population. prison the of 60% almost Conspiracy United States is serving time for a drug law violation. In the federal system, these people make up make people these system, federal the In violation. law drug a for time serving is States United Drug people sent to jail or prison for drug law violations has increased tenfold! One in four prisoners in the in prisoners four in One tenfold! increased has violations law drug for prison or jail to sent people It is no secret that punitive drug laws fueled this terrible rush to imprisonment. The number of number The imprisonment. to rush terrible this fueled laws drug punitive that secret no is It 12 years 12 percent of the world’s population, the U.S. holds 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. world’s the of percent 25 holds U.S. the population, world’s the of percent Guanipa Guanipa decades than any other period on record. There are now over two million incarcerated. With only five only With incarcerated. million two over now are There record. on period other any than decades our people’s history. More people began a prison or a jail term in the United States in the last three last the in States United the in term jail a or prison a began people More history. people’s our Yraida Yraida Upon entering the new millennium, our nation marked the end of the most punishing decades in decades punishing most the of end the marked nation our millennium, new the entering Upon Petition for Relief from Drug War Injustice AlvaAlva MaeMae GrovesGroves In the mid 1980s Congress abolished parole and passed harsh drug sentencing laws. Many states followed, creating was sentenced to 24 years in a tenfold increase in the number of drug offenders incarcer- ated. We have lost cherished legal traditions and endured federal prison many other unintended consequences due to a destructive, anti-drug policy. It is illogical to spend tax dollars on long imprisonment when other means have proved far more effective in address- ing the social problems of drug abuse and addiction. State leaders across the U.S. are reforming sentencing guideline, drug and parole policies. We urge federal leaders to do the same. Provide prisoners with an incentive to maintain exem- plary behavior in prison and earn early release. Earned, early release would foster incentives toward co- operation, study, and learning skills that would create a safer The November Coalition and Common Sense environment for staff and prisoners alike. Families could be for Drug Policy are organizing a series of Jour- reunited earlier, with better prospects for successful reentry neys for Justice nationwide to highlight alarming into society. High costs of incarcerating drug of fenders — drug war facts, and urge our fellow citizens to $9.4 billion annually — would be dramatically reduced. In- support us in demanding relief from drug war in- humane prison overcrowding would be relieved; the federal system is 31% over capacity , and growing more than 9% justice.
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