i g " fchfor 2 _ _ F T ^ K S Irrlgl®en t - A 7r l ^ j g jiM M P M — ^ § 2 5 ^ - - 'm a ' '< ■ » ma Friday. Ju ly IS. 1963 ! ■8th year. No. 196 ________...T w in .F a lls, Id ■ i-' m ;s s m <e j r a id m iiit j e > t^h p ca g e s tratlon who conductcd the B^ROBERTMACKA ---------------- ------------- no'law a irThe pages'.....‘T m sdriyiy'that I I rna’de a mistake'," CrCrane; ' Carter adminlstrat United Press IntemaUdnnl have leftle cSngrcMTand were notot identified,: who Is In hisis thirdtJ term In Congress, saidid In a committee's investvestigation. told reporters, ______________ B o s to;old i the committee they bearr nonc grudges, statement. ““H It happened three y ears ago.'0. I’m “The Improper sexulexual conduct which we have ■rornmittcc'also-sald-James-lerHowarth:— hunuuTamimdiiTrro'wayUlclTviolateTny-oa jatlrof uhcover^'tookTJlaiTJlacc-betwcen-three-and-10- --------- WASHINGTON - A .Ho'House" committee m ajorlty chief page In tJthe House office. I onlylly hopeI my wife and childrenm will years-ago." T hu rsd ay recom m ended twoM) <congressmen be • j a r T weeper’s Offlcc. had an a(fa(fair wltll a forgive m e." "Two members!rs •'o( the House and one reprimanded for "improperer £sexual conduct" RporKe< E 9 ^ > n ir-old female page underr Ihis direct C rane’s law;aw yer descritxHl the young wo/Oman current employeeie wwere involved In,separate ; w ith teenage congressional[pages. pa; 17-year- vision in 1980. There is evidence as "mature; bebeyon^her yeare" and shesasaWIn 'incidents. The pagelages Involved have testified ; — Rcp..Danlel-Cranc_Jl-lll.._ rth'purchascd cocaine inI llth«rHouse committee tctestimony she "found tho.’i. con- th a t th e relations!onships were consentual.” fem ale and Rep. G cn y Sludd:idds. D.MMS., wllh Howa™ c ratic cloakroom in 1980. it adcadded, gressm an, aas s jan older man. very attractlvIve." Califanosald. a male: the” commlttee -si ho Is single. Studds. In his dram atic speech to- gressmen admitted the affairs T ^ ;report said Sludds. 40. who 0 this,. Discussing thee lawsI of the District of V. " . 8 i sexual relationship In 1971973 with a colleagues ac>acknowledglng his sexual orie Studds acknowledged In1 a spcech on Uie “ rienta- Columbia, wherere Studds’J relationship oc- ir-old m ale page, who moy havehai been 16 Uon. said heie IIs not fitting the chargcs House floor he Is a homosexisexual and said h e - ‘’i)’' “r- curred. and Virginrglnia. where Crane’s took It also said bccausc thee “i“ right to privacy Is m ore im liii'- W " **made a “very serious error»r in1 ludgmcnl" 10 llthe relationship began. It place, he,said: "TheThese laws do not render the made sexual tanl that provroving In public the validity ol y e a rs ago.__________________ Studds.s. a 10-year House veteran, ms actions ol Represeiesentative Crane or Repre- \A% iC8s-in407^twaotbermal&p4 points I havo/o mn a de ^ — ^--------- t - -,r—“~7~ sentatlve Studds TTcrimer^'a cr ----------- :--------------------------------r Crane apologized for hisIs '"mistake" and male page testified-that-at-hls -first------But he call-:alled Ws action -"a very ser House Speakerir 1Thom as O’Neill said he said, “ I'm h u m an .... I only,r hohope m y wife and homose;iexual relationship was willvith Studds. e rro r In judgjdgm ent." He said it Involvt “ found the sexualll nmisconduct report "most children will forgive me." m eveningof.drinking Cape CoCodders-a brief, mutuallually voluntary relationshipP disturbing." b utL ncnoted the committee had ■ The Committee oh Standandards Of Official and cranbcrry juice mbcX ■— at the years ago. He said he would hardly call determined thatL alallegations'of widespread ' " \ 'fi Conduct, meeting in closedI se:session, voted ll-l congres:essm an's Georgetown apartnrtm ent. The “ sexual mlscoisconduct." • , sexual misconductict 1by members of Congress u to adopted the recommendatloItlons and report Of youui toldU the committee StuddsIs is a "In- “ It Is not asla simple task for any of us tod nS and pages were’‘gro‘groundless." special counsel Joseph Calll:allfano, who con- tclliaent 1 transcript adequately ththe obligations of cither pu nt.. witty, gentle m an," a I ie made the tacts public and _ductcd.a-ycarlonginvcstigatioatloo-of-allegatlons showed- •Ivale Ille, let alone both." StiJtudds committee n ^ 1 ' - olfice or prlva hat disciplinary action be -een teenage pages . j these challenges are made» :-yl. recommended thal ofol sexual misconduct between •committee said Crane. 47. who is said. "B ut thi the commlUee report as and House members. ad a sexual _stantlaljyjTionlo re complex when one is. as a m i laken. I accept thi . m arriedsd and has six children, had ^------- :— a c c u ra te and 1 conslionslder.lls recommendations Califano*8 report said both p relatioin n ^ ip with a 17-year-old femalnale page In both an electediteupuwic'offlctalandgay:"— ------------------------ ca n rE m rro"ror i mcrC a b tn c t socnTtary iIn-the----------------------Seei»AQ n >AQESea-Page-A2 ■, ------------------ [enrigtht& U u n H r <- ^ W ^ b S uH! p H i HM m W H f f l I conttract iset : IS- |i Helps SB]etile Swan ^F //s issue _ Ij By United Press Intematnational - . purposesi dduring the peak summer IfiHgflHnncinspnson. __________ ' - -TheutllUlllly, in an effort lo protect B O I S E - llie I d a tio0 PowP er Co. and t h a t r i ^ tt: ; tthen filed sull on M arch 29 . 7,500 w ater users It claimed tbe state reached tentatl^atlve agreement against 7,9 ■ • 1 Thursday on a water-rijvrighta contract werejnfrinj•iriglpg on its w ater right. --------T iS a n ^ a ’assrusflTffljTBMCSHrsbOQt UuUfiT'th•the contract'**-"the-neBotia-— 8;000 tiTlgators from a1 la'lawsuit filed by Uons for whwhich were authorized by thee ■ r ••• - tbe utility. U ^ s la tulire r* this year — the utilllyy : ' it---------- __ s i l t th e prbp6fledajgre<aeem ent. which' w o u ld d n■qp ^ from.its sultallbutrabout— coyerg th e uye of SnakeJce R lver w ater.' 2.200 Irrigalgat6re.'Taney"5ald.. ---------- i'-ir'vT'' ^ still mu^ be approveQved by idaKo inciudSTsronthe'rosterorthose-who- 0--------- ^ ^ P o w e r's board of dlrect<ectors and Gov. will be exeixempt from the suit are those'c (.■t'';’- — -i-JohnEvanaji«l.cl^sMXMV. who havee 1been pumping river waterr frr~ .' Preliminary approval.ral w as reached since beforIore"tKeTap»iwrCourt-nil* 1= ---------;.: v , ). diving a meeting Thursursday between... Ing. as wdl■dl a s those who already have substantial.InvestmenL in a_ ...;... utUlty.and state attorneyneys. said Idaho .. mode a su .... „ ; PowerqwtesmanJlmTi(iTaney. pumpings)'system , officials say. •; :v • 'I*.. hange. the s tate would agree _ j ____ ?^>g,a f f i S 6 a e n L t ea ^ res^tof an In excha •; Idaho Siqireme CourtJrt rulbig fast to protectSriaaHo -Power frohrany- ■ .1 November. The courtt ddedsioa gave complaintsnts the utmiy's customers ■ Idaho P ow er Co. the iigbig h t to use 8.400 m ight file,Ue. accusing the utility of cubic feet 0^ water perer Isecood at ils giving awa;Aray its waler. Swan Falls dam forr Ihydroelectric «See^3WAN FALLS 00 Page Ail' I R p e l iine i prolblems — --------- ------------------ B ffnd irusIS f e l i n e 1 actors Kiff Is R esidents there tootlook “ trust walks” this weekK . w hile leading them throuutHigh the downtown and , W hat looks lUaIke a gnmft ol bllndmao’s bufi Hope;=^as=a=way^of=learaurning=to=trusU.oU}enc^De= e— back J he-wnlks are-dta-riealgneri-to-Twitore a .. =*W3«HINOTON"=( UPU Pn-«>-^he reauuir la t— ------- -«^actuaUypartDiDftreatrooitattbePortofHo gave directions to two otherss sense of trust that alcoholQboUsm destroys. Nuclear Regidatory/ <Commission power can y off Secood AiAvenue North, to Twlo FaFalls, resident, center, ga\ •niursday ordered, five9 ninuclear power $s00,000toS:o$l million a day. ! plants shut down becausause of growing T he coirommisalonera ordered the’ I evldebctf of pipe crackicks lo crucial shutdownsis after a highly.technical - reactorcooUngwaterllDClines. - ■ - brieftngbyiby staff experts on the history.. E . r-lb e -p la n ts -m ust uwundergo costly ' and curre:Tent status of the pipe-I Ruraliinteressts winI battle againssttime ilerep^ofthe cracklbgpr[problem. li^ectlons and possible I lildren would be placed inIn last Sunday In April. CClocks would prominentnt rural law m akers sup- sm s tb at could T he five/e plants ordered closed forr WASHINGTON (UPIP l) - The school chllc 1. maaslve piping systemi al lawmakers, jeopardy wwaiting in the predawnvn continue to be turned baitack on the last ported thee:le extended time, ■ i take several months. Inspectionin a re : Quad Cities 2. C o^•• House, bowing to rural never had a calf come to me ; T hu rsd ay defeated le.legislation to darkness iand farm ers would be Sunday in Oclobor — thiLhe same as at "I've nevi A t least 11 o ther plant!m ts. all of them dova. Hi.; IBrowns F erry 3, Decalur. and opposeMsc daylight-saving time." ; extend daylight-saving[time tl an extra harmed. present, ^ bolUog water reactors,s. alsoi have ex- Ala.; Brununsw lck 2, Southport. N.C.; se d 221-187 an replied RepRep. G.V. Montgomery. D- two months each year. •’D airy ftfarm ers resent having loto The Houso llrst passe pertaoradp6tent^y dadangerous co^ Dresden3.13, M orris, 111.; and Pilgrim 1, Dan Coats.
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