PRISM: A COMPETITIVE SMALL FISSION REACTORS MODULAR SODIUM-COOLED REACTOR KEYWORDS: spent/used nuclear fuel recycling, integral fast reac- BRIAN S. TRIPLETT,* ERIC P. LOEWEN, and BRETT J. DOOIES tor, pyroprocessing GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, 3901 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Received May 7, 2010 Accepted for Publication July 12, 2010 The Power Reactor Innovative Small Module (PRISM) ulatory Commission stated that “On the basis of the re- designed by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy is a small, mod- view performed, the staff, with the ACRS [Advisory ular, sodium-cooled fast reactor. The PRISM core is lo- Committee on Reactor Safeguards] in agreement, con- cated in a pool-type containment vessel and is fueled cludes that no obvious impediments to licensing the PRISM with metallic fuel. Each PRISM produces 311 MW of design have been identified.” PRISM is able to fission electricity. The PRISM is inherently safe due to its neg- electrometallurgically recycled used nuclear fuel (UNF) ative power reactivity feedback, large in-vessel coolant from light water reactors as well as weapons-grade ma- inventory, passive heat removal systems, below-grade sit- terials. PRISM, with the associated Nuclear Fuel Re- ing, and atmospheric reactor vessel operating pressure. cycling Center, represents a safe, diversion resistant, In NUREG-1368, “Preapplication Safety Evaluation Re- commercially viable technology for recycling UNF with port for the Power Reactor Innovative Small Module a small modular reactor. (PRISM) Liquid-Metal Reactor,” the U.S. Nuclear Reg- I. INTRODUCTION Department of Energy’s Global Nuclear Energy Partner- ship5 ~GNEP!. Under GNEP, GEH proposed the Ad- The concept of a liquid-metal–cooled reactor dates vanced Recycling Center ~ARC! as a commercial solution back to the genesis of nuclear energy. The first nuclear for nuclear fuel recycling. The ARC is composed of reactor to generate electricity was the liquid sodium- the Nuclear Fuel Recycling Center ~NFRC! and PRISM. potassium–cooled fast reactor Experimental Breeder Re- Together these two technologies are used to produce actor I ~EBR-I!~Ref. 1!. EBR-I’s successor, the sodium- electricity from recycled used nuclear fuel ~UNF!. The cooled fast reactor ~SFR! Experimental Breeder Reactor ARC consists of six PRISMs, each producing a net II ~EBR-II!, operated successfully for more than 30 311 MW of electricity. Two PRISMs are paired to- years, producing 20 MW of electricity via a sodium- gether in a power block to supply a 622-MW turbine- steam power cycle.2 Another SFR, S2G, supplied power generator. The total ARC electrical output is 1866 MW. to the United States’ second nuclear submarine, USS The fuel for the six PRISM reactors is supplied by a Seawolf ~SSN-575!, for two years of intensive Cold single NFRC, which is able to process light water reac- War operations. The S2G plant was designed and built tor ~LWR! UNF, PRISM UNF, and weapons-grade ma- by General Electric ~GE!. In the 1980s and 1990s, GE terial into PRISM fuel. led an industrial team that pursued commercial deploy- At end of life, LWR UNF is composed of ;95% ment of an SFR called Power Reactor Innovative Small uranium, 1% transuranics, and 4% fission products.6 Many Module ~PRISM! as part of the U.S. Advanced Liquid of these transuranic isotopes have long half-lives, which Metal Reactor ~ALMR! program administered by the can create long-term engineering challenges for geologic U.S. Department of Energy.3,4 disposal.7 The Integral Fast Reactor ~IFR! concept pro- In 2006, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy ~GEH! revi- poses the recycling of the 96% of the fissionable material talized the PRISM engineering efforts as part of the ~uranium and transuranics! remaining in LWR UNF ~Ref. 8!. In this process, the uranium and transuranic *E-mail: [email protected] material is continually recycled via electrometallurgical 186 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY VOL. 178 MAY 2012 Triplett et al. PRISM: A SMALL MODULAR Na-COOLED REACTOR processing ~pyroprocessing! in a metal-fueled, sodium- ucts. The fission product waste requires a few hundred cooled fast reactor. The ARC is the commercialization of years of repository management time as opposed to the this IFR concept. Through PRISM and the NFRC, the tens of thousands of years required for mixed-oxide re- ARC is designed to generate electricity by fully re- processed UNF and0or weapons-grade materials. The re- cycling the usable fissionable material in UNF and re- sulting metallic and ceramic waste forms from the ARC formed weapons-grade material.9 process are significantly more resistant to corrosion and are less susceptible to leeching into the environment than I.A. NFRC Overview untreated UNF ~Ref. 10!. The NFRC uses the century-old electrometallurgical I.B. PRISM Overview separations process employed by the aluminum industry for separating aluminum from alumina. This electromet- The PRISM is a pool-type, metal-fueled, small mod- allurgical process has been proved and deployed on a ular SFR. PRISM employs passive safety, digital instru- laboratory and engineering scale for nuclear materials by mentation and control, and modular fabrication techniques both Argonne National Laboratory ~ANL! and Idaho Na- to expedite plant construction.14–17 The PRISM has a tional Laboratory10 ~INL!. Separations are accomplished rated thermal power of 840 MW and an electrical output by dissolving UNF in a molten salt bath and applying an of 311 MW. Each PRISM has an intermediate sodium electrical potential across the solution. The uranium and loop that exchanges heat between the primary sodium transuranics plate out on an anode and are subsequently coolant from the core with water0steam in a sodium- removed from the solution. water steam generator. The steam from the sodium-water With the NFRC process, nonproliferation concerns steam generator feeds a conventional steam turbine. A are alleviated by the intrinsic diversion resistance of the diagram of the PRISM nuclear steam supply system electrometallurgical process.9,11 All transuranics ~Np, Pu, ~NSSS! is shown in Fig. 1. Am, Cm! are separated en masse in one step of the elec- Two PRISMs are paired to form one power block. A trometallurgical process. These transuranics are contin- PRISM power block is shown in Fig. 2. The power block ually recycled in the PRISM until they are fissioned supplies steam for one 622-MW turbine-generator. The completely.12,13 commercial PRISM plant achieves a high capacity factor The waste that results from the NFRC process is the by utilizing six reactor modules and their associated steam genuine waste from nuclear processes, the fission prod- generating systems arranged in three identical power Fig. 1. PRISM NSSS. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY VOL. 178 MAY 2012 187 Triplett et al. PRISM: A SMALL MODULAR Na-COOLED REACTOR Fig. 2. PRISM power block. blocks. An unplanned outage in one PRISM module or TABLE I power block does not impact the plant electrical output as Nominal ARC Parameters dramatically as it does in a large single-unit site. Plant electrical output can be tailored to utility needs Overall plant by the modular addition of power blocks. This modular- Electrical output 1866 MW Thermal efficiency 37% ity allows expansion from one power block to as many as Number of power blocks 3 desired by the utility on one site. The nominal ARC with ~per plant! three power blocks has a total electrical output of Number of reactor modules 6 1866 MW. The nominal system parameters of the refer- ~per plant! ence ARC with three power blocks are summarized in Power block Table I. Number of reactor modules 2 The remainder of this paper focuses on the PRISM ~per block! Net electrical output 622 MW component of theARC. It presents a design overview and Number of steam generators 2 a summary of the commercialization plan for the ARC. Steam generator type Helical coil Information concerning the balance of plant interfaces is Steam cycle Superheated steam provided as necessary to provide clarity of the reactor Turbine type 3600 rpm, tandem compound, description. four flow Turbine throttle conditions 14.7 MPa ~2135 psia!0 4528C ~8468F! Main steam flow 2738 Mg0h ~6.024 ϫ 106 lb0h! II. DESCRIPTION OF PRISM Feedwater temperature 2168C ~4208F! Reactor module Thermal power 840 MW A PRISM module, pictured in Fig. 3, consists of the Primary sodium inlet0outlet 3608C ~6808F!04998C ~9308F! reactor vessel, reactor closure, containment vessel, inter- temperature nal structures, internal components, reactor module sup- Primary sodium flow rate 5.4 m30s ~86 000 gal0min! ports, and reactor core. The reactor vessel outer diameter Intermediate sodium inlet0 3268C ~6198F!04778C ~8908F! can be fabricated in sizes of 6.6 m ~Mod A! or 10 m outlet temperature Intermediate sodium flow rate 5.1 m30s ~80 180 gal0min! ~Mod B! depending on customer shipping constraints. The Mod A core has a smaller thermal output of 425 MW but is shippable by rail, whereas the Mod B has an 840-MW thermal output and is shippable by barge and overland transportation. The power levels of the associ- II.A. Containment Vessel and Reactor Internals ated cores are primarily limited by the shutdown heat removal capabilities of the passive safety systems. A de- The outermost structure of the reactor module is the tailed discussion of the cost-benefit of reactor vessel0 containment vessel. The containment vessel contains the thermal power sizing is presented in Ref.18. Mod B vessels reactor vessel and internals and is sealed with a reactor are considered as the nominal configuration for the pur- closure. The inside of the reactor vessel is filled with poses of this work. liquid sodium and a helium cover gas. The helium cover 188 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY VOL. 178 MAY 2012 Triplett et al. PRISM: A SMALL MODULAR Na-COOLED REACTOR Fig.
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