Scene: Hart's War—Page 13 Sports: Baseball Home Opener—Page 20 JJBMBBi San Francisco FOGHORN THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO FEBRUARY 14,2002 WWW.FOGHORNONLINE.COM VOLUME 98, ISSUE 11 Sexual Battery in Phelan Hall Reported Victoria Leon Guerrero lowed her to her room and com­ the man, whom she met in front and they searched the entire area." ing me, so there are always mul­ FOGHORN STAFFWRITER mitted a sexual battery on her," of the hall, into her dorm room, JJ Thorp, director of the Office tiple people who will respond." A University of San Francisco stu­ said Wight. He explaine that sexual Wight said. of Residence Life, said this is the first Heidi Prestegard, senior, said dent reported that she was sexually battery is the unwanted touching The student's roommate reported incident of sexual assault she has always felt safe living in the battered in her Phelan Hall dorm of another person's private parts. showed up in time to prevent the occurring in a residence hall since residence halls. room two weeks ago, said Ted Wight, "There's some questions here as to sexual battery from escalating he became director seven years ago. "You have the people in the director of Public Safety. what really happened and how this and the man left. "This is a great example of why front desk that are always there, "We haven't really finished the transpired and we're still working "He just walked away," Wight it is important for people to sign in and definitely some people get by investigation and we're not really on that." said. "We didn't get the call until their guests and to use the services that don't live in the dorms, but for sure of exactly what happened, but A big part of the investigation awhile after the incident happened of the (front) desks that are there," the most part, it's safe," she said. "If basically what we have is a report that needs to be cleared up is and so by the time the officers got Thorp said. "We have several levels anything, most assaults are going from a young lady that a man fol­ whether or not the student invited there, he had already left the area - of staff on-call at anytime, includ­ Sexual Battery: Page 6 A Tierce' Valentines Day Students Suspicious of V.P.'s Resignation Nelson Toriano between administration and stu­ FOGHORN STAFFWRITER dents about Bush's resignation "de­ David Bush, associate vice values our education," she said. president for student affairs, who Bush declined to comment on held various positions in the de­ his resignation. partment for 17 years, resigned It is too early to know if the from his position move will have a negative impact last month. on the De- Some students partment of Student Af­ said they are sus­ "It's a conspiracy...We picious about fairs (DSA) why Bush sud­ have to voice our according to denly resigned. opinions." Alison "Something's Richardson, -Christopher Tarusan director for afoot," senior SOPHOMORE _ J e n n i c a student ac Sherwood said. i tivities. "It's a con­ Bush spiracy," sophomore Christopher worked under Carmen Jordan- Tarusan said. He said that since Cox, the vice president of student many students have on-campus affairs who resigned before the Fall jobs, he feels that administration 2001 semester. "I basically took her should notify their employees job," Andrew Thomson, acting vice about departmental changes. "We president for student affairs, said. have to voice our opinions as well. He was hired on Aug. 1. KIMIKO BARBOUR/fOGHORN Financial aid will be dramatically "If both vice-presidents re­ signed, then there's something go­ Freshman Monica Corbin and John Young make a "fierce" valentine from the heart, in the Phelan affected, as well as employment and clubs," he said. ing on," junior Michelle Kayda Hall sixth floor lounge on Feb. 11. Sixth floor resident advisors and the Phelan Hall Council provided said. "It's our school, and we "Obviously something weird is the tmterials and candy, and students brought their creativity to make cards for their valentines. should do something, especially if going on," freshman Jennifer Quitevis said. Miscommunication V.P. Resignation: Page 6 Columbinelike Incident Unlikely to Happen at University Recent poll findings show University students think an incident is possible, but not likely Jessica Robles Ofthe 50 USF students polled, through periods of idealism and teased by their peers for being about anyone or themselves. This FOGHORN STAFFWRITER 96 percent said that they did not cynicism. I think we're on a down­ strange, weird, or non-conforming. could result in someone that just A nation-wide poll conducted by think that an incident like Colum­ turn now, we're losing our idealism." They have no close communica­ explodes, someone that maliciously CNN recently found that 33 percent bine was likely to happen at the Associate professor of education tion with anyone, and are usually plans to hurt somebody." of students believe it is likely that an University. and psychological counselor, Elena very depressed." Flores said that she believes there incidentsimilar to Columbine High . However, many students did Flores, said that it's assumed that This month Al DeGuzman, a needs to be more of an effort to School in Littleton, Colorado, can offer reasons why they thought people in college "have more ma­ student from De Anza College in reach out and get students involved occur at their school. school violence may occur. turity and are more able to cope Cupertino, will be going to trial for and communicating with other There have been 235 school-as­ Stress might be a major cause with their problems, but that's not plotting an act similar to Colum­ people. "The problem is that they sociated deaths between 1992 and of violence in schools, freshman always true. Life in college can bine, over a year ago. DeGuzman's have all this psychological distress, 1999, according to the National Deanna Lane said. be...distressing in developing." story has sparked an in-depfh fea­ and no support system," she said. School Safety Center, and many Uni­ "Stress is a big problem, espe­ Flores said that while it is a bad ture in San Jose's Metro newspaper, However, it is often difficult to versity of San Francisco students cially in college," Lane said. "A lot idea to generalize, teenagers who and has renewed concerns about the detect students who need help, psy­ think that it may be possible for of people start smoking, or what­ commit violent acts against fellow phenomenon of school violence. chology professor Maureen O' an incident like Columbine to oc­ ever, but maybe others who can't students and teachers in school are Since the recent publicity con­ Sullivan said. "It's very, very difficult cur on campus. handle it would want to bomb usually "not in the mainstream." cerning violence in school, more to predict," she said. "Of course that could happen the school." Students who have perpetrated or efforts have been made to reach O'Sullivan said most people have here," sophomore Kimiko Barbour "I think the problem is 80 per­ attempted violent action against out to children and teenagers who not dealt with disturbed individu­ said. "No matter what time, what cent nature and 20 percent nur­ schoolmates have been described seem depressed, but Flores said that als before, so they have no experi­ place, it can always happen." ture," freshman Richard Javier as isolated, quiet and with­ not enough is being done. ence about what to look for. She also But most USF students don't said. "You start out with a certain drawn, she said. "Schools need to pay more at­ said that people process informa­ think it is likely that another stu­ predisposition, and then nature "These kids tend to have very tention to these kids," Flores said. tion about others primarily through dent would actually commit a vio­ and society give you that extra few friends and tend to have had "These people are depressed and verbal disclosure and even if some­ lent act against a number of push. I think the trends in history problems at home," said Flores. have this inability to cope. Basically one looks very upset or distressed, if students or faculty. show that as a society we go "They have often been bullied and they are suicidal, they don't care School Violence: Page 5 San Francisco Foghorn N EWS February 14, 2002 By Victoria Leon Guerrero What do you think about Bush's Executive Order banning public access to Presidential files? "I think it is a violation of On November 1,2001, "I think for Bush it's a our rights because we're never power trip and I don't think going to know what's going President George W. it's right for him to take away on unless someone goes in Bush passed the access to those files because I there and sees. He's basically think that those are things hiding behind the war to save "Further that the public needs to know, himself and his constituents Implementation of the certainly with the Enron case and it definitely needs to be Presidential Records right now. It's also something addressed and it looks like it's Nixon tried to do with not going to be because I've Act Executive Order," Watergate when he tried to been reading the news and I in which he has denied take access to files away and I can't find any information definitely think that's some­ about this, it's just all about public access to thing I don't agree with and I terrorism." Presidential records think that it shouldn't be -Crystal Golightly, reflecting "military, done.
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