View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE CASE REPORT provided by PubMed Central Laparoscopic Management of a Small Bowel Obstruction of Unknown Cause E´lan Burton, MD, John McKeating, MD, Kurt Stahlfeld, MD ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION With the expanding indications for minimally invasive Adhesive small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a common and surgery, the management of small bowel obstruction is frequently encountered problem. If initial conservative evolving. The laparoscope shortens hospital stay, hastens management fails, operative exploration, and lysis of ad- recovery, and reduces morbidity, such as wound infection hesions is required. In patients with multiple previous and incisional hernia associated with open surgery. How- surgeries and significantly dilated small bowel, surgical ever, many surgeons are reluctant to attempt laparoscopy access to the peritoneal cavity can be quite difficult and is in patients with significantly distended small bowel and a associated with significant complications. Traditional dic- history of multiple previous abdominal operations. We tum would state that laparoscopy is contraindicated in present the management of a patient with a virgin abdo- such patients. men who presented with a small bowel obstruction most likely secondary to Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome who was However, we are seeing an increased incidence of SBO in successfully managed with laparoscopic lysis of adhe- patients whose only previous abdominal surgery was via sions. the laparoscope. In these patients, and in those with virgin abdomens, the laparoscopic approach may be the pre- Key Words: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, Chilaiditi syn- ferred way to diagnose and treat SBO. The following case drome, Small bowel obstruction. presentation is of a patient with no previous abdominal surgery who presented with signs and symptoms of SBO. The patient was diagnosed and successfully treated using laparoscopy. We propose that laparoscopy is a viable option for diagnosis and treatment of patients with SBO and no history of abdominal surgery. CASE REPORT A 64-year-old female presented with 24 hours of nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. She denied any prior ab- dominal surgery or trauma. Her past medical history was significant only for hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and high cholesterol. An abdominal x-ray re- vealed multiple loops of dilated small bowel with air fluid levels consistent with a small bowel obstruction. Subse- quent computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis showed multiple dilated loops of small bowel consistent with SBO, but no obvious underlying cause (Figure 1). The differential diagnosis included internal hernia, neo- plasm, spontaneous adhesion, stricture, or congenital ab- normality. The patient was treated conservatively overnight with Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (all authors). bowel rest and nasogastric tube decompression. Her Address reprint requests to: Kurt Stahlfeld, MD, FACS, Program Director, Mercy symptoms did not improve with conservative treatment, Hospital of Pittsburgh, Department of Surgery, 1400 Locust St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA. E-mail: [email protected] and she was taken to the operating room for a diagnostic © 2008 by JSLS, Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. Published by laparoscopy. The peritoneal cavity was easily accessed the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, Inc. using an infraumbilical Hassan technique and pneumo- JSLS (2008)12:299–302 299 Laparoscopic Management of a Small Bowel Obstruction of Unknown Cause, Burton E et al Figure 3. Laparoscopic lysis of adhesion with Endoshears. remaining small bowel was examined. No other area of obstruction was found. Postoperatively, the patient did well and was discharged home on hospital day 4. Figure 1. Small bowel obstruction with an apparent suprahe- patic transition zone. DISCUSSION Small bowel obstruction is the most commonly encoun- peritoneum was established to 15 mm Hg. After the cam- tered surgical disorder of the small bowel.1 Frequently era was inserted, a loop of jejunum was found incarcer- encountered causes of small bowel obstruction include ated by adhesive bands in the right upper quadrant adhesions (67% to 93%), hernia (11% to 20%), neoplasm, (Figure 2). The intraoperative diagnosis was an adhesive inflammatory bowel disease, foreign body, volvulus (3%), SBO secondary to Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome. The adhe- intussusception (4%), and congenital abnormalities.1 The sions were easily taken down with endoscopic scissors, diagnosis of small bowel obstruction requires an accurate and the small bowel obstruction was released (Figure 3). history and physical. The initial radiographic study fre- The incarcerated portion of bowel was viable, and the quently is an abdominal series. Computed tomography has become the definitive radiographic study, as the scan will demonstrate the point of obstruction in addition to any other underlying pathology. Enteroclysis or a small bowel follow through is occasionally used to evaluate the small bowel mucosa or, less frequently, for therapeutic value. Initial treatment of SBO without associated fever, elevated white blood cell count, or abdominal pain is conservative. Definitive treatment of a small bowel ob- struction is directed towards the cause. Surgical interven- tion traditionally consisted of a laparotomy, although more surgeons are opting for a minimally invasive ap- proach.1 Few surgeons eagerly anticipate the fourth “lap and lysis” for recurrent SBO. Entry into the peritoneal cavity, small bowel enterotomy, ventral hernia, and enterocutaneous fistulae are all very real issues, and the postoperative Figure 2. Loop of jejunum incarcerated in adhesive bands be- course is rarely smooth. Despite hyaluronate-based tween the liver and anterior abdominal wall. bioresorbable membranes, the fifth exploration seems to 300 JSLS (2008)12:299–302 be inevitable. Aggressive minimally invasive surgeons are conservative treatment fails, laparoscopic colopexy or co- attempting laparoscopy in these patients, with entry in the lectomy may be required.8 left upper quadrant where adhesions are frequently less Small bowel obstruction secondary to Fitz-Hugh-Curtis dense. However, conversion rates remain high (43%). syndrome and Chilaiditi syndrome is a rare occurrence. Frequent causes of SBO in a virgin abdomen are inguinal With the increasing numbers of advanced laparoscopic hernia, internal hernia, gallstone ileus, malignancy, for- surgeries, especially bariatric procedures, a significant eign body, spontaneous adhesion, Meckel’s diverticulum, number of patients are presenting with SBOs without intussusception, congenital remnants, and inflammatory prior laparotomy. These patients, along with those who bowel disease. If the patient is afebrile and without peri- have had no previous surgery, are ideal candidates for the toneal irritation, initial management is conservative with laparoscopic approach. The peritoneal cavity can be en- decompression, hydration, and observation. Computed tered with minimal risk, the diagnosis made, and not tomography is helpful in the diagnosis of underlying pa- infrequently the underlying pathology can be addressed thology, although frequently the patients that require sur- with advanced laparoscopic skills. Patients benefit not gical decompression lack a definitive preoperative diag- only from the reduced hospital stay, accelerated return of nosis. As with our patient, laparoscopy is an excellent bowel function, early recovery, and fewer wound infec- option in diagnosing and treating these patients. Although tions, but they also form fewer adhesions postoperatively. the minimally invasive costs are similar to those of the Recent literature supports the reduced incidence of sub- open procedure, the patients benefit from quicker recov- sequent SBO following laparoscopy versus open surgery ery, decreased morbidity, reduced hospital stay, and for the same procedure.2 fewer subsequent adhesions. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is a localized fibrinous inflam- mation affecting the anterior surface of the liver and ad- CONCLUSION jacent peritoneum in conjunction with acute salpingitis. It The laparoscopic approach is ideal in patients with SBO occurs in 1% to 10% of patients with pelvic inflammatory who do not have extensive prior abdominal surgeries. The 3,4 disease. Although historically associated with gonococ- cause can be confirmed, and frequently unexpected pa- cus, Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent infec- thology can be addressed using advanced laparoscopic 3 tious agent. As part of the inflammatory response, fibrous skills. Our patient exhibited obstructive symptoms from adhesive bands may form between the liver and the dia- right upper quadrant adhesions most likely due to Fitz- phragm or anterior abdominal wall. Patients with this Hugh-Curtis syndrome, although the definitive cause of syndrome typically present with right upper quadrant her SBO remains undetermined. Unfortunately, many of 3 pain that mimics cholecystitis. The diagnosis is typically these patients have no documented history of pelvic in- made incidentally during laparoscopy or laparotomy. An- flammatory disease, and the diagnosis is made at explo- tibiotics should be administered during the acute infec- ration by finding adhesions between her diaphragm and tion. In the chronic phase, if the patient is symptomatic, liver. In any case, the successful laparoscopic manage- 5 lysis of adhesions is required.
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