Planning Applications Report Planning Committee 09 July 2009 Bolton Council has approved a Guide to Good Practice for Members and Officers Involved in the Planning Process. Appendix 1 of the Guide sets down guidance on what should be included in Officer Reports to Committee on planning applications. This Report is written in accordance with that guidance. Copies of the Guide to Good Practice are available at www.bolton.gov.uk Bolton Council also has a Statement of Community Involvement. As part of this staement, neighbour notification letters will have been sent to all owners and occupiers whose premises adjoin the site of these applications. In residential areas, or in areas where there are dwellings in the vicinity of these sites, letters will also have been sent to all owners and occupiers of residential land or premises, which directly overlook a proposed development. Copies of the Statement of Community Involvement are available at www.bolton.gov.uk The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol ● to show where a letter of objection has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol % to show where a letter of support has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in the report are for location only and are not to scale. The application site will generally be in the centre of the plan edged with a bold line. The following abbreviations are used within this report: - UDP The adopted Unitary Development Plan 2005 RSS Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West of England 2008 PCPN A Bolton Council Planning Control Policy Note PPG Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Guidance Note MPG Department of Communities and Local GovernmentMinerals Planning Guidance Note SPG Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Guidance SPD Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Document PPS Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Statement TPO Tree Preservation Order EA Environment Agency SBI Site of Biological Importance SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest GMEU The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The background documents for this Report are the respective planning application documents which can be found at:- www.bolton.gov.uk/planapps INDEX Ref. No Page Item Ward Location 81876/09 7 1 BRCR 86 CHAPELTOWN ROAD, BROMLEY CROSS, BOLTON, BL7 9NE 81845/09 31 2 CROM LAND BETWEEN 7-10 & 15 EAGLEY BROOK WAY, THE VALLEY LEISURE PARK, BOLTON, BL1 8TS 82244/09 45 3 CROM 290 HALLIWELL ROAD, BOLTON, BL1 3QB 82206/09 55 4 FARN 73 HALL LANE, FARNWORTH, BOLTON, BL4 7QE 82257/09 63 5 GRLE 5 WALKER AVENUE, BOLTON, BL3 2DU 81639/09 69 6 HALL EGYPTIAN MILL, SLATER STREET, BOLTON, BL1 2HP 82187/09 85 7 HALL 43 ST ANN STREET, BOLTON, BL1 3SU 82050/09 93 8 HELO 9 ALBERT ROAD, BOLTON, BL1 5HE 82139/09 107 9 HELO REGENT PARK GOLF CLUB, LINKS ROAD, LOSTOCK, BOLTON, BL6 4AF 82119/09 127 10 HOBL 18 WATERHOUSE NOOK, BLACKROD, BOLTON, BL6 5UY 82294/09 137 11 HOBL HORWICH RMI, HILTON CENTRE, OFF NUTTALL AVENUE, HORWICH, BOLTON, BL6 5XX 82147/09 145 12 HONE WILDERSWOOD COTTAGE, OLD RAKE, HORWICH, BOLTON, BL6 6SJ 81944/09 169 13 HONE BRAZLEY PARK, AINSWORTH AVENUE, HORWICH, BOLTON. 82176/09 179 14 LLDL 50 MARKET STREET, LITTLE LEVER, BOLTON, BL3 1HN 82101/09 187 15 RUMW 200 / 202 DEANE ROAD, BOLTON, BL3 5DP 82192/09 195 16 RUMW 70A-72 ST HELENS ROAD, BOLTON, BL3 3NR 82157/09 205 17 WNCM ARMOR HOLDINGS FACTORY, BOLTON ROAD, WESTHOUGHTON, BOLTON. 82174/09 219 18 WNCM MERCURY GARAGE, MANCHESTER ROAD, WESTHOUGHTON, BOLTON, BL5 3JP 231 19 BRAD CONFIRMATION OF THE LONGSIGHT CEMETERY, LONGSIGHT LANE, HARWOOD TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2009 Date of Meeting: 09 July 2009 Item Number: 1 Application Reference: 81876/09 Type of Application: Full Planning Application Registration Date: 13/03/2009 Decision Due By: 12/06/2009 Responsible Helen Williams Officer: Location: 86 CHAPELTOWN ROAD, BROMLEY CROSS, BOLTON, BL7 9NE Proposal: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING AND ERECTION OF FOUR DETACHED DWELLINGS AND A THREE STOREY BUILDING COMPRISING TEN APARTMENTS Ward: Bromley Cross Applicant: Bekko Ltd Agent : Sedgwick Associates Officers Report Background This application was deferred at the last Committee meeting due to letters having been sent to residents informing them of the wrong recommendation to Committee, and also to allow residents to attend this meeting. The application was previously deferred at the Committee meeting of 11th June for the Applicant to look into the following: * Retaining the tree labelled T3 on the site layout plan, which was noted by Members on site as being a tree of visual amenity value; * Converting the existing building (86 Chapeltown Road) into apartments rather than demolishing it and erecting a new building. An amended plan was received from the Applicant following Members' request that the tree labelled as T3 on the plans be retained. In order to retain tree T3, the visibility splays at the proposed access have been amended to 4 metres by 90 metres and the footway has been diverted from the carriageway edge to minimise the impact of construction in the root protection zones of the trees. The amended access however results in the loss of the tree labelled T4, though Members considered this tree to be of less visual amenity value than T3. The Council's Highways Engineers consider the amended visibility splays to be sufficient. With regard to whether the existing building (86 Chapeltown Road) could be converted into apartments rather than demolishing it and erecting a new building, the Applicant has stated that the building, although large, does not lend itself to conversion due to its irregular shape and internal layout. The Applicant also has reiterated that an application for prior notification for the demolition of the dwelling was deemed permitted development in August 2008 (80590/08). 7 Cllr. Greenhalgh had enquired as to whether the resident at 88 Chapeltown Road had been notified of the Committee site visit before the Committee meeting of 11th June. Planning Control's records show that a letter was sent to this resident (along with all other residents who had commented on the application) on 3rd June informing her of both the Committee meeting and the advanced site visit. This letter advises the reader to contact the Democratic Services Team to find out the time Members are expected to visit the site. It was asked at the meeting of 11th June whether a bat survey had been provided with the application and whether this survey covered the trees within the site. An ecological survey, containing a bat survey and undertaken by a qualified ecologist, was indeed submitted with the application. The house, outbuildings and vegetation within the site were all investigated for bat habitats as well as habitats for other wildlife. This survey has been checked by Greater Manchester Ecology Unit as part of the consultation process of the application and conditions 17 to 19 have been requested by the Unit following the findings of the study. With regard to the trees along the boundary with Holkar Meadows, the Applicant has confirmed that trees T1, T2, G6 and T32 will be retained and that only A3 (classed as a Class C area in the Tree Survey, and therefore poorer quality) will be removed. Proposal This application is a resubmission of application 80655/08, which was for the demolition of the existing dwelling on site and the erection of seven houses and twelve apartments. Application 80655/08 was refused under delegated powers in September 2008 for four reasons; design and loss of trees, sub-standard access, substandard carriageway width, and insufficient information regarding sustainable design and construction. This new application seeks to address the previous reasons for refusal and the amount of development has been reduced from 19 units to 14 units (four houses and ten apartments). Three houses and two apartments have therefore been removed from the scheme. A three storey apartment building (second floor accommodated within the roofspace) is proposed at the front of the site and will replace the existing dwelling at 86 Chapeltown Road. Four five-bedroom detached dwellings are proposed at the rear of the site, at the end of the proposed cul-de-sac. The two central dwellings are proposed at two storeys and the two end dwellings are proposed at three storeys, the second floors being accommodated within the roofspace. Vehicular access into the development is proposed off Chapeltown Road at the south western corner of the site. 13 car parking spaces are proposed at the front of the apartment building and each house has its own garage and driveway. A number of trees will be felled to accommodate the proposed development. Site Characteristics The application site measures approximately 0.64 hectares and comprises a two storey, mock Tudor and redbrick Edwardian dwelling and its substantial landscaped curtilage. The dwelling and a couple of outbuildings (including a garage and a greenhouse) are located in the north western quarter of the site. The dwelling is currently vacant and boarded up and the garden has been left to overgrow. The trees in the southern half of the site and the trees grouped in the north western and north eastern corners of the site are protected under a Tree Preservation Order which was 8 made in 2006. The protected trees within the site consist of silver birches, limes, sycamores, pines, cypresses, cherries and beeches. The site has two vehicular accesses off Chapeltown Road, one at the north western corner of the site and a central one at the front of the site.
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