UCLA’s All-Americans 60 gymnasts have earned 303 All-America Honors (214 1st-Team) 2000 Mohini Bhardwaj AA, V, UB, BB (1st) Year Name Event Lena Degteva UB, BB (1st); AA, V, FX (2nd) 2014 Olivia Courtney V; AA*, V* (2nd) Heidi Moneymaker AA, V, UB, FX (1st) Sophina DeJesus UB* (2nd) Kristin Parker AA, UB (2nd) Danusia Francis BB* (1st) Onnie Willis V (1st); UB, FX (2nd) Samantha Peszek AA, UB, BB* (1st); V, UB*, FX (2nd) 1999 Mohini Bhardwaj UB (1st); AA (2nd) Sydney Sawa FX* (1st); FX (2nd) Lena Degteva AA, V, UB (1st); FX (2nd) 2013 Kaelie Baer V (1st) Kiralee Hayashi V, BB, FX (1st); AA (2nd) Olivia Courtney V, FX (1st); V* (1st) Heidi Moneymaker AA, V, UB, BB, FX (1st) Sophina DeJesus UB (2nd) Luisa Portocarrero V (1st), UB (2nd) Danusia Francis BB (1st); BB* (2nd) 1998 Mohini Bhardwaj V, UB (1st) Alyssa Pritchett FX (2nd) Lena Degteva V (1st); AA (2nd) Lichelle Wong V (1st) Susie Erickson BB (2nd) Vanessa Zamarripa AA*, V, V*, UB*, FX*(1st); AA, UB, FX (2nd) Kiralee Hayashi AA, UB (1st); V, BB (2nd) 2012 Olivia Courtney UB (1st); V, FX (2nd) Heidi Moneymaker AA, UB (1st); V (2nd) Aisha Gerber UB (1st) Stella Umeh BB, FX (1st); V (2nd) Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs BB, FX (1st) 1997 Lena Degteva V (1st); AA (2nd) Samantha Peszek BB (1st); UB (2nd) Kiralee Hayashi BB (2nd) Vanessa Zamarripa UB, FX (1st); V (2nd) Leah Homma AA, UB, BB (1st); FX (2nd) 2011 Olivia Courtney V, FX (2nd) Amy Smith V, FX (1st) Monique De La Torre UB (1st) Stella Umeh UB (1st) Tauny Frattone V (2nd) 1996 Corinne Chee BB (1st) Aisha Gerber BB (1st) Leah Homma UB (2nd) Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs AA, UB (1st); V, FX (2nd) Luisa Portocarrero BB (1st) Brittani McCullough V, FX (1st) Stella Umeh UB, BB (1st) Samantha Peszek BB (1st); V (2nd) 1995 Corinne Chee BB (2nd) Sydney Sawa FX (2nd) Leah Homma UB (1st) 2010 Aisha Gerber BB (2nd) Kareema Marrow UB, FX (1st) Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs V (1st); AA (2nd) Amy Smith FX (1st) Anna Li V, UB (1st); AA (2nd) Stella Umeh AA, UB, BB, FX (1st) Brittani McCullough FX (1st) 1994 Kareema Marrow AA, FX (1st) Vanessa Zamarripa AA, V, FX (1st); UB (2nd) Karen Nelson V (1st) 2009 Ariana Berlin AA, UB (1st); V, FX (2nd) Leah Homma AA, UB (2nd) Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs AA, V, UB, FX (2nd) 1993 Carol Ulrich BB (1st) Brittani McCullough FX (1st) Paula Rasmussen BB (1st) Niki Tom FX (2nd) Kareema Marrow V (1st), AA (2nd) Vanessa Zamarripa AA, V, BB, FX (1st); UB (2nd) 1992 Rhonda Faehn AA, BB (2nd) 2008 Kristina Comforte V, UB (1st); BB (2nd) Amy Thorne FX (2nd) Anna Li UB (1st) Karen Nelson V (2nd) Tasha Schwikert AA, V, UB, FX (1st) 1990 Jill Andrews AA, V (1st) 2007 Anna Li AA, BB (1st); V, UB (2nd) Carol Ulrich AA, BB (1st) Ashley Peckett V (2nd) 1989 Jill Andrews AA, V, BB (1st) Tasha Schwikert UB (1st); V, AA (2nd) Kim Hamilton V, FX (1st) 2006 Kristina Comforte AA, V (1st) Shawn McGinnis UB, FX (1st) Kate Richardson V, FX (1st); BB (2nd) Tanya Service AA, V, UB, FX (1st) 2005 Kristen Maloney AA, V, BB, FX (1st) 1988 Jill Andrews AA, V (1st) Kate Richardson BB, FX (1st) Renee Kelly FX (1st) Jordan Schwikert BB (2nd) Kim Hamilton AA, UB, FX (1st) Tasha Schwikert AA, V, UB, BB, FX (1st) Amy Lucena V (1st) 2004 Jeanette Antolin AA, UB, FX (1st); BB (2nd) 1987 Jill Andrews V (1st) Jamie Dantzscher UB (1st); FX (2nd) Kim Hamilton FX (1st) Kristen Maloney UB (1st); AA, V, BB (2nd) Amy Lucena V (1st) Kate Richardson AA, V, UB (1st); BB (2nd) Birgit Schier UB (1st) Yvonne Tousek BB (1st); FX (2nd) Tanya Service V, FX (1st) 2003 Jeanette Antolin V, UB (1st) 1986 Gigi Zosa AA, UB, BB (1st) Jamie Dantzscher AA, V, UB, FX (1st); BB (2nd) 1984 Donna Kemp AA, BB (1st) Kristin Parker V (2nd) Karen McMullin UB, BB (1st) Kate Richardson AA, UB, BB, FX (1st) Rhonda Schwandt V (1st) Yvonne Tousek UB (1st) 1983 Donna Kemp AA (1st) Onnie Willis AA, V, FX (1st); BB (2nd) 1982 Sharon Shapiro AA, V, BB (1st) 2002 Alyssa Beckerman BB (1st) Anne Kitabayashi UB (1st) Jamie Dantzscher AA, V, UB, BB, FX (1st) * Regular season All-American Doni Thompson UB (1st) Yvonne Tousek UB (1st); AA (2nd) NCAA competition only Onnie Willis AA, UB, FX (1st); V (2nd) 2001 Mohini Bhardwaj AA, UB, FX (1st) Jamie Dantzscher UB, FX (1st); V (2nd) All-America Leaders Malia Jones BB (2nd) Vanessa Zamarripa - 19 Kristen Maloney BB (1st) Onnie Willis - 16 Kristin Parker V (1st) Jamie Dantzscher - 15 Doni Thompson UB (1st); BB (2nd) Lena Degteva - 13 Yvonne Tousek AA, UB, BB (1st); FX (2nd) Kate Richardson - 13 Onnie Willis AA, UB, BB, FX (1st); V (2nd) 38 UCLA Gymnastics 2014 UCLA’s All-Americans Sharon Shapiro Anne Kitabayashi Donna Kemp Karen McMullin 1982 All-Around, Vault, Bars 1982 Bars 1984 All-Around, Beam 1984 Bars, Beam Rhonda Schwandt Gigi Zosa Jill Andrews Kim Hamilton 1984 Vault 1986 All-Around, Bars, Beam 1987 Vault; 1988 All-Around, Vault; 1989 All-Around, 1987 Floor; 1988 All-Around, Bars, Floor; Vault, Beam; 1990 All-Around, Vault 1989 Vault, Floor Amy Lucena Birgit Schier Tanya Service Renee Kelly 1987 Vault; 1988 Vault 1987 Bars 1987 Vault, Floor; 1989 All-Around, Vault, 1988 Floor Bars, Floor Shawn McGinnis Carol Ulrich Rhonda Faehn Amy Thorne 1989 Bars, Floor 1990 All-Around, Beam; 1993 Beam 1992 All-Around, Beam 1992 Floor 6-Time NCAA Champions - 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2010 39 UCLA’s All-Americans Karen Nelson Paula Rasmussen Kareema Marrow Leah Homma 1992 Vault; 1994 Vault 1993 Beam 1993 All-Around, Vault; 1994 All-Around, 1994 All-Around, Bars; 1995 Bars; 1996 Floor; 1995 Bars, Floor Bars; 1997 All-Around, Bars, Beam, Floor Corinne Chee Amy Smith Stella Umeh Luisa Portocarrero 1995 Beam; 1996 Beam 1995 Floor; 1997 Vault, Floor 1995 All-Around, Bars, Beam, Floor; 1996 Bars, 1996 Beam; 1999 Vault, Bars Beam; 1997 Bars; 1998 Vault, Beam, Floor Lena Degteva Kiralee Hayashi Mohini Bhardwaj Heidi Moneymaker 1997 All-Around, Vault; 1998 All-Around, 1997 Beam; 1998 All-Around, Vault, Bars, 1998 Vault, Bars; 1999 All-Around, Bars; 1998 All-Around, Vault, Bars; 1999 All-Around, Vault; 1999 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Floor; Beam; 1999 All-Around, Vault, Beam, Floor 2000 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Beam; 2001 Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor; 2000 All-Around, 2000 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor All-Around, Bars, Floor Vault, Bars, Floor Onnie Willis 2000 Vault, Bars, Floor; 2001 All-Around, Vault, Kristin Parker Susie Erickson Bars, Beam, Floor; 2002 All-Around, Vault, Bars, 2000 All-Around, Bars; 2001 Vault; 2003 Vault Malia Jones 1998 Beam Floor; 2003 All-Around, Vault, Beam, Floor 2001 Beam 40 UCLA Gymnastics 2014 UCLA’s All-Americans Doni Thompson Jamie Dantzscher Yvonne Tousek Kristen Maloney 2001 Bars, Beam; 2002 Bars 2001 Vault, Bars, Floor; 2002 All-Around, 2001 All-Around, Bars, Beam, Floor; 2002 All- 2001 Beam; 2004 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor; 2003 All-Around, Around, Bars; 2003 Bars; 2004 Beam, Floor Beam; 2005 All-Around, Vault, Beam, Floor Vault, Bars, Beam Floor; 2004 Bars, Floor Alyssa Beckerman Jeanette Antolin Kate Richardson Tasha Schwikert 2002 Beam 2003 Vault, Bars; 2004 All-Around, Bars, 2003 All-Around, Bars, Beam, Floor; 2004 All- 2005 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor; Beam, Floor Around, Vault, Bars, Beam; 2005 Beam, Floor; 2007 All-Around, Vault, Bars; 2008 All-Around, 2006 Vault, Beam, Floor Vault, Bars, Floor Jordan Schwikert Kristina Comforte Ashley Peckett Anna Li 2005 Beam 2006 All-Around, Vault; 2008 Vault, Bars, 2007 Vault 2007 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Beam; 2008 Beam Bars; 2010 All-Around, Vault, Bars 6-Time NCAA Champions - 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2010 41 UCLA’s All-Americans Ariana Berlin Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs Brittani McCullough Niki Tom 2009 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Floor 2009 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Floor; 2010 2009 Floor; 2010 Floor; 2011 Vault, Floor 2009 Floor All-Around, Vault; 2011 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Floor; 2012 Beam, Floor Vanessa Zamarripa Aisha Gerber Olivia Courtney Monique De La Torre 2009 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor; 2010 Beam; 2011 Beam; 2012 Bars 2011 Vault, Floor; 2012 Vault, Bars, Floor; 2011 Bars 2010 All-Around, Vault, Bars, Floor; 2012 2013 Vault, Floor; 2013 regular season Vault; Vault, Bars, Floor; 2013 All-Around, Vault, 2014 Vault; 2014 regular season All-Around, Floor; 2013 regular season All-Around, Vault, Vault Bars, Floor Tauny Frattone Samantha Peszek Sydney Sawa Kaelie Baer 2011 Vault 2011 Vault, Beam; 2012 Bars, Beam; 2014 2011 Floor; 2014 Floor; 2014 regular season 2013 Vault All-Around, Vault,, Bars, Floor; 2014 regular Floor season Bars, Beam 42 UCLA Gymnastics 2014 UCLA’s All-Americans National Coach of the Year 2001 Valorie Kondos Field 2000 Valorie Kondos 1997 Valorie Kondos 1996 Valorie Kondos 1989 Jerry Tomlinson National Asst. Coach of the Year 2004 Chris Waller 2000 Randy Lane AAI Award (National Senior of the Year) 2013 Vanessa Zamarripa 2004 Jamie Dantzscher 2001 Mohini Bhardwaj Sophina DeJesus Danusia Francis Alyssa Pritchett 1984 Donna Kemp 2013 Bars; 2014 regular season Bars 2013 Beam; 2013 regular season Beam; 2013 Floor 2014 regular season Beam Honda Award Winners 2005 Kristen Maloney 2003 Onnie Willis 2001 Mohini Bhardwaj 1990 Jill Andrews 1981 Sharon Shapiro Lichelle Wong 2013 Vault 6-Time NCAA Champions - 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2010 43 UCLA Gymnastics - Decades of NCAA Excellence Since its inception in 1974, UCLA gymnastics has been among the greatest gymnastics teams The Bruins achieved a breakthrough year in 1996.
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