Aden Bowman Collegiate GREEN AND GOLD At Aden Bowman Collegiate, what we value most, what we are all about, is implicit in our school colours—green and gold. Green represents engagement with our community, our school’s focus on environ- mental sustainability, and social jusce. We are home to unique curricular offer- Paul Humbert ings such as Collecve Voice and Integrated Programming, along with extracurricu- Principal lar clubs and acvies that emphasize acve cizenship and social responsibility. Marnie Ross Vice Principal Gold signifies Aden Bowman’s proud tradion of excellence in academics, fine arts, and athlecs. Our students perform at the highest levels in all three areas, and our alumni connue to contribute their me and talents to benefit this city, this prov- ince, and beyond. Guidance Counsellors Kristy Soper Green and Gold – our colours say it all! Shane Wingert TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducon 2 Extra‐Curricular Programs 3 Enrichment through Integraon 4 Level Changes 4 Grade 9 Program 5 Secondary Course Offerings 8 Core Requirement Graduaon Plan 9 Secondary Level Subject Areas Collecve Voice 7 English 10 Fine Arts 12 Mathemacs 15 Physical Educaon 18 Praccal and Applied Arts 19 Science 23 Second Languages 25 Social Sciences 27 Praccal and Applied Arts 18 Online Learning 29 Program Opportunies Offered‐Saskatoon Public Schools 30 Post Secondary Informaon 31 INTRODUCTION • Make referrals to community agencies and professionals as needed This booklet provides informaon on the curricular program at Aden Bowman Col‐ A teacher, parent, administrator, friend or legiate for the 2018‐2019 school year. agency may refer students to a counsel‐ The courses listed are those that the lor, or a student may self‐refer. school is prepared to offer at the me of prinng. Our actual 2018‐2019 schedule A posive relaonship between school of courses will be determined by student and home fosters the academic, social, enrolment numbers and available re‐ and emoonal growth of students. Coun‐ sources. Courses with low enrolment sellors invite parents to meet with them may be cancelled. Certain programs may concerning their children. have restricons in terms of enrolment if A School with a Mission: resources are limited. School Counsellors • Involve parents STUDENT SERVICES • Inform parents or guardians of situa‐ Aden Bowman Collegiate has a ons or behaviours that may harm The Student Services program is designed their child or others tradion that encourages students to promote academic, educaonal, per‐ • Obtain parenng skills informaon and staff to pursue excellence in all sonal, social, and career development. As • Provide referral informaon about things. The academic, athlec, and an integral part of the secondary pro‐ community resources performing arts programs are rec- gram, counselling and guidance builds a Protect the privacy of informaon ognized in our city and province foundaon for learning based on: shared by parents and students • Posive atude toward school and for outstanding performances on learning FINE ARTS the part of Aden Bowman Colle- • Personal responsibility giate students. The achievements • Respect for self and others Aden Bowman has a tradion of excel‐ of our students range from awards • Knowledge and skills for employment lence in the arts. This excellence is the such as the Rhodes Scholarship for result of many factors including the op‐ Research indicates that counselling and portunity to enrol in full courses in Art, academic excellence, to numerous guidance programs: Band, Choir, and Drama in grade 10, 11 provincial championships in ath- • Improve academic achievement and 12. Our students have the opportuni‐ lecs and award winning perfor- • Enhance educaonal and career plan‐ ty to use excellent facilies. Hordern Hall mances in music and drama. In ning and school‐to‐work transion is the center of our music acvies, while order to meet the needs of such a • Foster posive atudes toward Robert Hini Castle Theatre is home to talented and diverse student body, school, learning, and work our Dance and Drama Department. All • Increase acquision and applicaon student performances are held in Robert the school’s program is enriched of conflict resoluon skills Hini Castle Theatre – one of the finest each year through the ideas and • Decrease dropouts high school theatre facilies in Western energy of our professional staff. Canada. The most important contribung The curricular and extra-curricular School counsellors: factor to our tradion of excellence is our programs, as well as the teachers • Help resolve problems that interfere students, many of whom are acvely in‐ with learning volved in performing arts groups through‐ who lead them, assist all Aden • Counsel individuals and groups out the community. Bowman Collegiate students in • Conduct guidance learning acvies their pursuit of excellence. • Facilitate educaonal planning Many fine musicians have graduated from • Provide career planning and vocaon‐ Aden Bowman. The reputaon of excel‐ al educaonal opportunies lence established by the music program Make available informaon on finan‐ should be seen as both an ongoing com‐ cial aid and college planning mitment to serve students and a reflec‐ Support students with special needs on of the spirit and enthusiasm of the Offer crisis intervenon and preven‐ many talented young musicians in curric‐ on ular and extra‐curricular music. 2 We expect music students to develop out the city. Along with the regular pro‐ EAL—English as an Addional their potenal through effort and perse‐ grams, we offer an Art Club for those Language Program verance. Courses challenge students to students who wish to design and create learn in different ways, to develop their artwork beyond the regular curriculum. skills and intellect, and to become keen Aden Bowman offers support to stu‐ observers and careful listeners. They Some Art Club projects may include dents who are learning English. The should develop musical literacy, sensi‐ school murals and sculptures, the BRIT goal of supporng English language vity, judgement, and creavity. mural, and community painng pro‐ learners is to enable them to succeed jects. As well, some current students academically and complete gradua‐ The study of drama allows a very thor‐ are highlighted at the Mendel Art Gal‐ on requirements. ough development of students’ skills lery in the COOL ART Show every year. Support to learn English may be pro‐ and knowledge, as well as a broad base vided through: direct instrucon of varied experiences. Besides the obvi‐ EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES classes and EAL support classes. Spe‐ ous presentaon skills and background, cific course offerings will depend on students develop social and personal Acve parcipaon in appropriate extra enrolment and student need at each values. Much of their work requires ‐curricular acvies is important in the large and small group effort, developing development of mature, parcipang collegiate. interpersonal relaonship skills. Stu‐ members of society. Students are en‐ Direct instrucon classes are focused dents must listen, empathize, compro‐ couraged to carefully consider not only on language proficiency: the ability mise, and collaborate. The scripts and their academic choices for next year, to speak, read, write and listen with other materials that they create them‐ but also their extra‐curricular acvies. comprehension. The direct instruc‐ selves, or that they discover in already on class may take these from con‐ published literature, help them to devel‐ Parcipang in school acvies outside tent classes such as social studies, op greater acceptance and understand‐ of the classroom gives students oppor‐ math, science or English language ing of themselves and others and en‐ tunies to meet other students and en‐ arts in an effort to build the vocabu‐ courages them to explore challenging hance the enjoyment of their high lary and academic skills necessary for issues with open and responsible minds. school years. Clubs that are open to all students to be fully integrated into students at Aden Bowman includes: the regular classroom. Some direct All Aden Bowman students may audion Bear Ambassadors, Inter‐School Chris‐ instrucon classes may provide an for roles in our very extensive extra‐ an Fellowship, Jazz Ensemble, Drama, elecve credit. They may be offered curricular program, or apply to work Book Club, Outdoor Educaon, H.U.E. at all levels of language proficiency backstage in producon and business. (Human Rights, Unicef, Environment), Our shows include a senior producon Fitness Club, Yearbook Club, Games and for all grades. each fall of a popular full‐length play. Club, Visual Art Club, and G.S.A.(Gender An EAL support class is a period in Oen staged in spring, our one act play Sexuality Alliance) as well as many oth‐ which a student can receive addion‐ fesval allows select senior students to ers. al me and assistance to complete design, cast, and direct plays of their course work from his/her classes. own choice, working with students from Students in Aden Bowman’s Creave There is no credit for this class. any grade. Our third producon each Wring courses provide most of the Language learning is a process that school year is either a major musical or material for the Collegiate’s acclaimed takes a lot of me and hard work. a play for children (Youth Theatre). annual publicaon, Inkslinger. The speed at which a student learns Both projects involve large numbers of Extra‐curricular athlec programs have the language is affected by many fac‐ students from all grades and play to resulted in several City and Provincial tors. Students should consult with large audiences. Bowman students are Championships over the years. Athlec the guidance counsellor and/or EAL encouraged to get involved on stage, programs are available in soccer, foot‐ teacher to choose their classes. backstage (or both), and to aend all of ball, golf, volleyball, curling, cross coun‐ our producons. try, basketball, wrestling, badminton, track and field, and cheerleading. Visual Arts is also offered in every grade. All three major disciplines are covered at each grade level: drawing, Other educaonal opportunies involve: painng, and sculpng.
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