FORUM What’s Happening http://www.salford.ac.uk/iti/rsa/ Computer Science Department Meetings ecai-ive.html Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-1906 ECAI-98: European Conference Tel: 864-656-2258 on Artificial Intelligence IPDS ’98: IEEE International Fax: 864-656-0145 August 23–28, 1998, Brighton, UK Computer Performance and Email: [email protected] Dependability Symposium The 13th biennial European Confer- September 7–9, 1998, Durham, North ence on Artificial Intelligence Carolina, USA PROLAMAT ’98: The (ECAI-98) will take place at the Globalization of Manufacturing in Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK on With the advent of parallel-process- the Digital Communications Era August 23–28, 1998. The aim of the ing computers and high-speed net- of the 21st Century: Innovation, conference is to serve as a forum for works, questions of the performance Agility, and the Virtual international scientific exchange and and dependability of computer sys- Enterprise presentation of AI research and to tems and networks have become September 9–11, 1998, Trento, Italy bring together basic and applied re- closely related. Both design and search. The Conference Technical evaluation methods must consider The PROLAMAT conference is an Program will include paper presenta- the relationships between the occur- international event for demonstrat- tions, invited talks, panels, work- rence of errors/failures and their ing and evaluating activities and shops, and tutorials. ECAI-98 will consequent impact on performance. progress in the field of discrete also host an exhibition of AI tech- Relating analytical techniques to manufacturing. Sponsored by the nology located in the heart of the simulations, actual measurements, International Federation for Infor- conference venue itself. and experiments will be the broad mation Processing (IFIP), For further information, contact theme of this symposium. Hardware PROLAMAT is organized by the the ECAI-98 Secretariat at and software issues in parallel and University of Trento School of Engi- Centre for Advanced Software distributed systems and networks neering and the Department of Applications will be emphasized. The conference Computer and Management Sci- is sponsored by IEEE Computer ences, in cooperation with Istituto University of Sussex Society Technical Committee on Trentino di Cultura, under the aus- Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK Fault-Tolerant Computing, and co- pices of the WG2 for ‘‘Computer- Email: [email protected] sponsored by IFIP Working Group Aided Design’’ and WG3 for ‘‘Com- Tel: 144(0)1273 678448 7.3 on Performance Evaluation, puter-Aided Manufacturing’’ of the Fax: 144(0)1273 671320 IFIP Working Group 10.4 on De- Technical Committee 5 for ‘‘Com- URL: http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/ pendable Computing and Fault Tol- puter Applications in Technology.’’ ecai98 erance, and IFIP Working Group The conference includes teams and For information on the ECAI-98 6.3 on Performance of Communica- virtual enterprises which come to- Workshop on Intelligent Virtual En- tion Systems, in cooperation with gether to develop new products and vironments, which will address the the Center for Advanced Computing bring them to global markets. There issues arising from combining artifi- and Communication at Duke Uni- will be three separate tracks at the cial intelligence and artificial life versity, Clemson University, and the conference: techniques with those of virtual en- University of Vienna. (1) Sharing experience gained vironments to produce Intelligent For more information, contact from telecommunication use in in- Virtual Environments (IVEs), see Robert Geist dustry for agility and innovation the website at Program Chair (2) Human and machine commu- WHAT’S HAPPENING 423 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/105474698565820 by guest on 23 September 2021 424 PRESENCE: VOLUME 7, NUMBER 4 nications, modeling, standard repre- tual environments; wheelchair Wendy Hall, General Chair sentations, and reuse navigation through virtual environ- Multimedia Research Group (3) Telecommunication and agil- ments; multi-user systems for user Department of Electronics and ity impact on software technology interaction; ambisonics (3-D sound) Computer Science for discrete manufacturing. and human-factors issues. The con- University of Southampton For more information, contact ference will be held in parallel with Southampton SO17 1BJ, Mara Gruber Mechatronics ’98. United Kingdom Prolamat 1998 For more information, contact Tel: 144 (0)1703 592388 Laboratorio di Ingegneria Infor- ECDVRAT ’98 Fax: 144 (0)1703 592865 matica Dr. Paul M. Sharkey Email: [email protected] via F. Zeni, 8 38068—Rovereto Department of Cybernetics URL: http://www.acm.org/ (TN) Italy University of Reading sigmm/MM98/ or Tel: 139.464.443.134 Whiteknights http://www.kom.e-technik. 139.464.443.140 Reading RG6 6AY, UK tu-darmstadt.de/pr/workshop/ Fax: 139.464.443.141 Tel: 144(0)118 931 67 04 chair/ACMMM98/ Email: [email protected] Fax: 144 (0)118 931 82 20 ACM Multimedia ’98 is scheduled URL: http://prolamat.cs.unitn.it Email: to take place in the week following [email protected] IDMS ’98, which is being held in URL: http://www.cyber. Oslo, Norway, September 9–11, reading.ac.uk/people/pms/ 1998. For information on IDMS The 2nd European Conference WWW/ecdvrat/call98.htm ’98, please see the website http:// on Disability, Virtual Reality, and www.unik.no/,idms98/. Associated Technologies Middleware ’98 will take place a (ECDVRAT ’98) few days later in the Lake District in September 9–11, 1998, Skovde, ACM MULTIMEDIA ’98 the north of England. Watch the Sweden The 6th ACM International website http://www.comp.lancs. Multimedia Conference ac.uk/computing/middleware98/ The Second European Conference September 12–16, 1998, Bristol, UK main.html. on Disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technologies is designed Sponsored by ACM SIGMM, to provide a forum for international SIGCOMM, SIGGRAPH, and experts and researchers to present SIGMIS, in cooperation with SIGBIT, HFES 1998 Annual Meeting and review how advances in the gen- SIGCHI, SIGI, and SIGOIS (tenta- October 5–8, 1998, Chicago, Illinois, eral area of virtual reality can be used tive list), the sixth ACM Multimedia USA to assist people with disability. This Conference will be devoted to pre- conference will encompass all aspects senting and exploring technological The HFES annual meeting is an im- of technology used in VR systems, and artistic advancements and inno- portant event for all who are inter- and it is intended to act as a focus for vations in the field of multimedia. ested in the latest developments in international collaboration. Topics Technical issues, theory and practice, the field of human-factors engineer- to be covered include virtual and business, artistic, and consumer mar- ing and ergonomics. The HFES will enhanced environments; input de- ket applications will be presented hold its 42nd annual meeting Octo- vices, sensors, and actuators; training and discussed. The conference will ber 5–8, 1998 at the Hyatt Regency tools for personnel assisting people bring together researchers, artists, Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. Hosted with disability and for people with developers, educators, performers, by the Chicago Metropolitan Chap- disability for rehabilitation; aug- and practitioners of multimedia. ter of HFES, the annual meeting mented reality for people with dis- For more information on ACM offers opportunities to discuss new ability; cognitive processing and vir- Multimedia ’98, contact formats in presenting human-factors Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/105474698565820 by guest on 23 September 2021 WHAT’S HAPPENING 425 efforts. Case studies, debates, dem- Swiss Federal Institute of Technol- MoMuC ’98: Fifth International onstrations, competitive product ogy (EPFL) Workshop on Mobile Multimedia designs, videotapes, new method- Tel: 141-21-693-5214 Communication ologies, on-site experiments, and Fax: 141-21-693-5328 October 12–14, 1998, Berlin, posters will be included, as well as Email: [email protected] Germany traditional lecture and panel ses- URL: http://ligwww.epfl.ch/ sions. ,thalmann/mmm98.html This is the fifth in a series of interna- For more information, see the tional workshops aimed at stimulat- website at ing technical exchanges in the http://www.hfes.org/Meetings/ The First Workshop on emerging field of mobile multimedia Menu.html Embodied Conversational communications. The scope of the or contact Characters workshop includes broadband wire- Human Factors and Ergonomics October 12–15, 1998, Granlibakken less networking for data and multi- Society Conference Center, Tahoe City, media, mobile multimedia systems P.O. Box 1369 California, USA and applications, together with asso- Santa Monica, CA 90405-1369 ciated mobile computing terminals, Tel: 310-394-1811 Recent advances in several core soft- video processing, and software. Fax: 310-394-2410 ware technologies have made pos- MoMuC is an IEEE Communica- sible a new type of human-computer tion Society-sponsored workshop. interface: the conversational charac- The workshop targets experts in ter. Unlike textual natural language multimedia systems, mobility issues interfaces, conversational characters in network protocols, and communi- MMM ’98: The International have the ability to perceive and pro- cation systems, to provide an effec- Conference on Multimedia duce the verbal and nonverbal sig- tive forum for original and funda- Modeling nals that identify discourse
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