I Mina’Trentai Kuåttro Na Liheslaturan Guåhan APPOINTMENTS CMTE PUBLIC HEARING DATE DOCUMENT NO. APPOINTEE POSITION AGENCY APPT. DATE TERM LENGTH DATE REFFERED CMTE REPORT FILED NOTES REFERRED DATE CONFIRMED Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military Director Department of Military Affairs 4/16/19 4/22/19 35GL-19-0243 Esther Joan C. Aguigui 3/18/19 To serve at the pleasure of the Governor and Veteran Affairs, Mayors Council, Infrastructure, 3/20/19 The Adjutant General Guam National Guard 6:45 p.m. 10:24 a.m. and Public Transit Clerks Office Page 1 of 1 10:31 AM 4/22/2019 Sinadot Jose "Pedo" Terlaje 1 I Mina 'trentai Singko na Liheslaturan Guahan • 35 " Guam Legislature Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military and Veterans Affairs, Mayors' Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit April 17,2019 The Honorable Tina Rose Mufi.a Barnes Speaker I Mina 'trentai Singko na Liheslaturan Guahan ~6:g~~=l~=-t~6~~~a CJ ' J VIA: The Honorable Regine Biscoe L~ Chairperson, Committee on Rules RE: Committee Report on the Appointment of Lt. Col. Esther Joan Cruz Aguigui Hafa Adai Speaker Mufia Barnes: Transmitted herewith is the Committee Report on the appointment of Lt. Col. Esther Joan Cruz Aguigui to serve as The Adjutant General, Guam National Guard; and as Director, Department of Military Affairs, which was referred to the Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military and Veterans Affairs, Mayors' Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit. Committee votes are as follows: TO CONFIRM TO NOT CONFIRM TO REPORT OUT ONLY TO ABSTAIN TO PLACE IN INACTIVE FILE . I l RECEiVED erlaje 140 Aspinall Ave. Bridge Pointe Suite 202 Hagatna Guam, 96910 email: se11a/01pedo@,senato1jpterlaje.com Tel: (671) 989-530l/ 3218 Sinadot Jose "Pedo" Terlaje I Mina 'trentai Singko na Liheslaturan Guahan • 35111 Guam Legislature Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military and Veterans Affairs, Mayors' Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit COMMITTEE REPORT Nomination of Lt. Col. Esther Joan Cruz Aguigui as The Adjutant General, Guam National Guard and as Director, Department of Military Affairs, to serve at the pleasure of I Maga'Hagan Guahan 140 Aspinall Ave. Bridge Pointe Suite 202 Hagatna Guam, 96910 email: senatorpedo@senato1jpter/aje.com Tel: (671) 989-530l/ 3218 Sinadot Jose "Pedo" Terlaje I Mina 'trentai Singko na Liheslaturan Guahan • 35111 Guam Legislature Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military and Veterans Affairs, Mayors ' Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit April 17, 2019 MEMORANDUM To: All Members Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, Military and Veterans Affairs, Mayors' Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit From: Subject: Transmitted herewith for your consideration is the Committee Report on the appointment of Lt, Col. Esther Joan Cruz Aguigui to serve as The Adjutant General, Guam National Guard; and as Director, Department of Military Affairs. This report includes the following: • Copy of COR Referral of the Appointment • Copy of the Appointment Letter to the Speaker • Copy of the Appointment Packet & Supporting Documents • Notices of Public Hearing & Other Correspondence • Copy of the Public Hearing Agenda • Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet • Submitted Written Testimonies & Supporting Documents • Committee Report Digest • Committee Vote Sheet Please take the appropriate action on the attached vote sheet. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si Yu'os Ma'ase' 140 Aspinall Ave. Bridge Pointe Suite 202 Hagatna Guam, 96910 email: se11ato1pedo@senat01jpter/aje.com Tel: (671) 989-530113218 Senator Amanda L. Shelton. Senator Joe S. San Agustin, Vice Chairperson Membet Speaker nno Rose Muna Barnes. Senator Jose T. Tertaje. Member Member Vice Speaker Telena Cruz Nelson, 8 Senator Therese M. Terloje, Member COMMITTEE ON RULES Member Senator Kelly Morsh (Taitano). Ph.D •. SENATOR REGINE BISCOE LEE, CHAIR Senator Jomes C. Moylan, Member I MINA'TRENTAI SINGKO NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN Member Senotor Sabino Flores Perez 35™ GUAM LEGISLATURE Senator Mary Comacho Torres, Member · Member and Choir, Subcommittee on Protocol Senator Clynton E. Ridgell March 20, 2019 Member MEMO To: RennaeMeno Clerk of the Legislature Attorney Julian Aguon Legislative Legat Counsel From: Senator Regine Biscoe lee Chairperson. Committee on Rules Re: Referral of Appointment Buenos yon Hafa adoi. As Chairperson of the Committee on Rules. I am forwarding the referral of the following appointment: Appointee: Esther Joan C. Aguigul PosHion: Director, Deportment of Mmtary Affairs / The Adjutant General, Guam NaHonal Guard Term length: To serve at the pleasure of the Governor The appointee's nomination packet may be referenced on the Guam Legislature's website at htto:l/quomleqislature.com/35th mess comms.htm. Please refer to the following document: "35Gl-19-0243 - Office of the Governor of Guam - Appointment and Supporting Documents for Esther Joan C. Agulgui, Director, Department of Miiitary Affairs I The Adjutant General, Guam NaHonot Guard." Please ensure that the aforementioned appointment is referred to Senator Jose T. Terlaje, Chairperson of the Committee on Public Safety, Border Safety, MDltary and Veteran Affairs, Mayors Council, Infrastructure and Public Transit. If you have any questions or concerns. please feel free to contact Mary Maravilla. Committee on Rules Director at 472-2461. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Respectfully, ""· j - .~.---- GUAM CONGRESS l\Ull.DING • 163 CllAl..AN SANTO PAPA • HAG.i.T"'A, GUAM 96910 T..lcphou .. : C67l) '472-2461 • Em.ail a<!.lr.,••: [email protected] 1 .111-· rm1rd&U<ltu.,"t11l~'"ttC111111•1111 Al'l"OIN l'Ml!NTS ,..,.,Clr•k• Offn.,, , .. ~lllCl(la l t SINA I OFFICE LOURDES A GUERRERO JOSHU/1 , TENORIO MAGA'HAGA •GOVERNOR SlGVNOO MAGA'tAH! • GOVEHNOR March 18, 2019 Honorable Tina Rose Muna Barnes Speaker I Mina'trentai Singko Na Liheslaturan Guahan Guam Congress Building 163 Chalan Santo Papa Hagatna, Guam 96910 RE: Cabinet Appointment Dear Madame Speaker: By virtue of the authority vested in me pursuant to the Organic Act of Guam and the local laws applicable to the following position, I am pleased to transmit the following appointment and supporting documents for: w APPOINTEE: Esther Joan C. Aguigui w ~ POSITION: Director, Department of Military Affairs/ The Adjutant General, Guam National Guard TERM LENGTH: To serve at the pleasure of the Governor The appointment is subject to the consent of I Liheslaturan Guahan. Please schedule a hearing at your earliest convenience. Senseramente, LOURDES A. LEON GUERRERO l Maga'hdgan Guahan Governor of Guam 0243 96910 COMMITTEE COPY. Doc. No. 35GL-19-0243. 3/18/19. UflSlNAN I 1\ltA<..~A'HAGA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR LOURDf:S A. LEON GUERRE.RO J0SHll/\ f. TENORIO !'.MCA.HAGA • GOVERNOR SlGUNDO MACA'tAHI ~ LIEUTLNANT COVERNOR January 28, 2019 VIA HAND DELIVERY LIEUTENANT COLONEL ESTIIER J.C. AGUIGUI Guam National Guard 430 Army Drive, Building 300 Barrigada, Guam 96913 -4421 Re: Appointment as The Adjutant General and Department ofMilitary ofAffairs Director Dear Lieutenant Colonel Aguigui: The People of Guam, Lieutenant Governor Tenorio and I want to thank you for your thirty (30) years of service to Nation and the Territory. I note that during your service, you have deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Fort Magsaysay, Republic of the Philippines in support of the Balikatan 2011 Exercise and Louisiana to assist with Hurricane Katrina. I also note you have been awarded, among many other medals, a Bronze Star, two (2) Meritorious Service Medals, the Army Commendation Medal, the Air Force CommendatiQn Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service (Expeditionary) Medal. 1 understand your military career started as an enlisted Service Member in the Air Force Reserve. You then transferred to the Air National Guard, become the first female First Sergeant in that organization, and then subsequently became an officer in the U.S. Army I Guam Army National Guard. I am also aware that you are the first woman to command a battalion level unit in the Guam National Guard and the first female from the Guam National Guard to graduate from the U.S. Army War College. It is because of the foregoing and your many other achievements that Lieutenant Governor Tenorio and I have the utmost trust and confidence in you to serve as the next Adjutant General and as the next Director of the Department of Military Affairs. NOW THEREFORE, I, Lourdes A. Leon GuerrerG, i Maga'Hligan Gull/ian, Governor of Guam, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Organic Act of Guam, as amended, do hereby appoint you The Adjutant General for the Guam National Guard effective, January 28, 2019. I hereby order the Guam National Guard to facilitate this appointment without delay. Furthermore, you are hereby appointed Director of the Department of Military Affairs, effective January 28, 2019. &nsi:::w~ LOURDES A. LEON GUERRERO I Maga 'Hagan Guahan Governor of Guam ·\ .. ,.. _,.; '. ·1 COMMITTEE COPY. Doc. No. 35GL-19-0243. 3/18/19. OATH I, ESTHER J.C. AGUIGUI, do solemnly swear that 1 will support and defend the Constitution of the United Stares and the Organic Act of the Territory of Guam against alt enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and of the Governor of Guam, that I will make this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties of the Office of the Adjutant General in the National Guard of the Territory of Guam upon which I am abollt to enter, so help me God. Executed at Adel up, Guam on January 28, 2019. Administered by: LOURDES A. LEON GUERRERO l lvfaga 'hag an Guahan Governor of Guam COMMITTEE COPY.
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