Page 38 TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, November 29, 1956 FORRANCE Y WIVES Amateur Show The Torrance Y Wives offer Larry Carlton, 8, and Patsy a charm course every Tuesday Heath, 14, guitar students of Ho iday Fashions to Spotlight Women morning, bridge games and ex­ ercise Tuesday afternoon, and Slim Edwards at the Mel-o-dee Club News Society News swimming on alternate Fridays. Music center, won first place They recently-sponsored a toy prize on the Bob Yeakel ama­ DURFEE PARKINS, Women's Editor party and luncheon for early teur show recently, it was an­ Ch ffon. Si k. Cotton, Brocade Christmas shoppers. nounced. Lionesses, Lions FAMILY NIGHT* Romance In WOMEN SET Plan Breakfast OBSERVED AT The newly formed North Tor- The Air a/ FOR STYLE ranee Lioness club will help I heir Lion husbands at: a benefit Approximately 100 members for Christmas breakfast, Saturday, December Christmas SHOW HERE 1, at McMaster park, 174th and and friends attended the first Yukon from 7:30 a.m. til noon. family night fellowship gather­ Girls, If you want to know Fair ladies from the Tor­ On October 15 this ambitious ing at the new Ascension Lu­ what your future husband will rance Woman's club and Tor­ group enjoyed dinner at an Ital­ theran church parish hall, 1&Q2 be like, follow rance the cues in some Junior woman's club ian restaurant followed by an Ferry avenue. of these ancient Christmas tra­ will gather Saturday, Decem­ evening at the Long Beach Fun ditions. ber 1, for the annual "Fair pier. A potluck dinner was served How accurate they are, no Lady" fashion show and They just recently returned by the ladies'of the church fol­ one can say - - but they are de­ luncheon. from the Lion's convention at lowed by games and singing. lightfully amusing. Mrs. L. A. McCoy, president Catalina island. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S c h u 1 k e Will that all-important "he" of the Woman's club, and showed films on the history of be young or old? Tf you heed Mrs. J. K. Lees, president of GRAND IDEAS FOB th« church. the old prescription, go to the the Junior Woman's club, will GRAND GIVING Family night will continue nearest sty on Christmas Kve receive the guests at the door For sure-to-be-welcomed once a month for members and and knock gilts loudly on the door. of t h e fabulous new Plush for everyone from infants to friends. If a great hog grunts first in Horse restaurant in Redondo senior citizens, depend on the ''(iply> your future man will be Beach. Gift-Spotter in Classified. This NEW ALPHA told. If instead, a little pig Mrs. R. J. Setting and handy popular gift directory PHI squeals, a young man will meet Mrs. T. J. McCutcheon, chair­ quickly tells you the what-and- Miss Alice Janel Beeman, you at the altar. men, have assembled models where of good gift-picking daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John CIIJCKKN IIOUSK iom both organi/ations who Fresh, items every day, so be W. Beeman, 1518 El Prado, has Now off to the fowl-house to will parade in outfits donated sure to check The Gift-Spotter pledged Beta Gamma Chapter learn how soon the great event Lady In Red by Joyce Brown at the Sport Fair Lady in Torrance Press Classified. of Alpha Phi Sorority at the will take place. Tap on the door. This flattering cotton and silk Shop, 1112 Crenshaw blvd. Mrs. D. J. Quinlivan i$ shown See. Page 51. University of Colorado. If the crowing of a cock an­ cocktail dress, designed along They will be Mmes. Robert in a paper taffeta, bouffant swer's, you will be married be­ Princess style lines, is being K. Schooley, H. R. Altermatt, creation by Natalyn Jr., which fore the end of the year. But the previewed by Mrs. Richard L. E. Alien. William Rogers, she will model at the Woman's outlook would not be promising Brundin for Robert Kerber, Frank Kelley, should a hen be the first to the fashion show club Fair Lady fashion »!iow, Saturday. Any woman would Jr., R. T. Brundin, R. M. Saturday, December reply. Clawson, I. The delight her friends F. P. Foley, J. P. varigated Go into the garden late on during the Montague, D. J. Quinlivan, J. plaid cocktail dress Christmas Eve, and at the stroke holiday season in this red, A. Eisenbrandt, Charles Sch- has an empire waistline offset of midnight, pluck twelve sage bouffant Natalyn Jr. Distinc­ uIt7, Jr., P. D. Loranger, R. by a striped cummerbund and leaves. Then, as you look up, tive features are the scalloped W. McNeil, G. C. Van Deven- accentuated with a sparkling you will see the shadowy out neckline bordered with tiny ter, Carl Steele, and Miss rhinestone pin. A distinctive line of your future mate emerg­ rosettes and the tiny bow in Gerry Wood. bow in the back and the sa- ing from the darkness. Take the back. Press Photo. Miss Helene Heigh., fashion brina nepkline add stylish notes care not to break the stems of coordinator at the University (lie sage leaves, or the spell will to the overall effect. Press of Southern California, and Photo. be broken. YW COMMITTEE motion picture and television If your're not an "outdoor" actress, will be the commenta­ girl and prefer to stay by the MEETS HERE tor. She is affiliated with Beau Jardin Club fire on Christmas p]ve, you may Carolyn Leonetti who not bake a dough cake, mark it Mis. A. K. Palmer presided only has her own school of Hears Holiday with your initials and leave il at the Torrance Branch, c o m - charm but. has taught charm, by the fire. At twelve o'clock mittee meeting on administra poise, and grace at Marymont Decoration Talk your future husband will walk tlon of the YVVCA, Monday, No College, West Los Angeles. in and mark his initials beside vember 12. Devotions were Miss Heigh will describe A regular meeting of the Beau your own. given by Mrs. Mabel Speck. t h e predominately holiday Tardin club was held at the. Should these magic formulas Reports were made by Mrs. pastels in brocade, chiffon, home of Mrs. Philip Rice, 25515 fail, a girl can always deck her Rufus Sandstrom. Y Teen chair­ silk and light weight wool. Warmside, with Mmes. L. D. holiday dress in ntand-out taffeta 7*99 home with plenty of mistletoe! man, concerning the departure Black and white combinations Burt and Donald Drorbaugh as The festive season begins with the soft rustle of of Miss Judy Wolf for the con­ will also be featured as the co-hostesses. models preview sport ensem­ taffeta, aglow with a colorful print design. The MOOSE INITIATION vention in Washington and New Mrs. Albert Yackle was the Beautiful Line of York. Mmes. Thomas West fall, bles, afternoon cottons, and speaker for the evening. Her __* California beauty we show has a billowing skirt and WELCOMES FOUR Victor Benard, Hernia Tillim, cocktail dresses. topic was, "Sophisticated Tur­ Clothes for cowl collar in a feminine and festive mood. Minnie Solomon, and Lee The fashions will bear lab­ It's only George T. Spaulding, James key Fruit Holder." -Everyone SUB TEEN GIRLS one from a big Christmas collection. Sizes 12-18. Stamps also reported. els from Natalyn Jr., Miss agreed that the turkey made an O. McVay, Gail E. Morrill and Klliott, California Girl, Jane SIZES 6-14 Sam R. Dugan were initiated In January classes in ball nchanling Thanksgiving cen­ room and square dancing, and And re. and Corette. terpiece made simply from a into the Torrance lodge of Loyal Working with Mrs. Lees Order of Moose, Monday, No­ evenings bridge lessons will be special kit of wire, tape, ribbon, offered Mrs. B. Mangold will and Mrs. Setting on the pro­ glue, and an adorable chenille mOD O DflV vember 26. Edward Price, ritual grams are Mmes. George chairman, led the new members be in charge of the bridge les luffed head. The completed sons. Blahnik, C. L. Briner, J. P. turkey was filled with grapes in the oath of membership. Bay, Jack Warnick, R. V. Rus­ ORIGINAL NAPPIES 2.50 - Governor Daniel Desmond On December i;i, 7:.*V) p.m., nestled in dried leaves. CORNER SARTORI and POST sell, H. G. Stephens, B. Bryan, JR. and REGULAR SIZES welcomed the initiates who the annual Christmas party of and Miss Jerry Wood. Reports were givftn by Mmes. DOWNTOWN TORRANCE were guests-of-honor at a buffet the World Fellowship commit­ Mrs. John McVey, Mrs. H. I/»o Hayes, L. D. Burt and supper that followed the meet tee will be held. Mrs. K. J. L. Kenneth Moe on the district BOYS' IVY LEAGUE SHIRTS & TROUSERS ing. Milchell and Mrs. A. F. R. Hosking is coordinator. Ewalt are in charge of the 2 A meeting held at the Premier JUST LIKE DAD'S! several door pri/es which will Cafeteria. October 2fi. be given away at the fashion Mrs. Burt, president an­ LOMITA FOOD show. nounced that a new office of PARTY DRESS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Horticulture Chairman had been Publicity has been handled by ONE YEAR through 12 SALE SATURDAY Mmes. R.* J. Triplitt, A. F. R. created and Mrs. William Ad- Ewalt, kins \\ill be the first, to hold The Ladies of George Blahnik, and St. Anthony's William Rogers. this office. LAYAWAYS, of course guild of St. Margaret Mary's The door pri/e, a sweet pea parish, Lomita, are sponsoring bush, was won by Mrs.
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