A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week VOL. —NO. 44 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1953 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Yule Gifts Woodbridge Firemen In Tribute to Retiring, New Chief Teachers^ Plans to Retire Aaroe Now Stand Pay Scale At $1,281 Stabilized FromBoa: Fund to Help Needy Is Agreement Is Reached'to Reluctant to Seek ~Nt Growing, but Still Is Bar Further Boosts , Term, but Friends to $1,000 Short of Goal For the Next 3' Years Put Pressure on Him WOODBRIDGE — The Inde- WOODBRIDGE — Increases in WOODBRIDGE — A n d r e w pendent-Leader Christmas Fund teachers' maximum salaries were ranted by the Board of Educa- Aaroe, president of the Board of now stands at $1,281.15, -with ap- Education, revealed today lie proximately $1,000 more needed tion at a conference with'repre- to take care of the families now sentatives of the Teachers' Union does not intend -to run for re- an the list or to be added before and -Teachers' Association, Mon- election in February. the deadline. day, with the verbal promise no In making his surprise an- further increases in the maximum announcement, Mr. Aaroe said: ' To date 50 families throughout •¥'•* salary will be asked for three "I have served on the Board for .the Township have been investi- years. 18 years and.I believe I have da- gated and cleared lor help at served a. rest. With the growth of According to the agreement, the ANDREW AAROE ' Christmas time. maximum salary for those teach- the school system, there have been No clothing or toys will be ac- ers holding a bachelor's degree meetings night after night. My cepted after Friday, December 16, Wocslbridge Fire Company honored its retiring chief, James Ward, Rev. Msg-r. Charles G. MeCorristin, pastor of St. James' Church; will be $6,500 and $6,700 for those business has grown considerably tout cash donations will be ac- and its incoming chief, Meinert Hunt, at a dinner Saturday at Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, State Senator B. W. Vogel, former Mayor holding a master's degree. Previ- School Board Head since I first went on the Board, cepted until December 23 when The Pines, attended by over 500 persons. Left to right are: Rev. August F. Greiner, James Zehrer, Robert-A. Hirner, Ex-Chief ously the maximum salaries were and with all the meetings and the gifts and food packages will Earl Hannuin Bevanny, "pastor of First Presbyterian Chureh; Ward, Chief Hunt, William Van Tassel and Joseph Allgaier. Mr. $5,300 and $5,500. problems, I find that I cannot ' be distributed. Each food basket , Charles E. Gregory, publisher oif The Independent-Leader; Rft. Hirner is the oldest living former ebief. - The teachers' representatives .er take care of my business proper- had been negotiating with the ly." Board since last July," had asked PORT READING — Leonard A. However, Mr. Aaroe's friends Fund to Be Boosted $6,800 and $7,000. are hopeful that they will get him By Iselin Teen-Agers .e Suggests Probe Finds Poll All teachers will receive the Ciuffreda, chief of Port Reading to change his mind. Edwin C. yearly increment of $300 and Fire Company, will be honored at Casey, vice president cf the ISELIN — Iselin Teen-Agers Rumor is: Spiked by Mayor Wrongs in Iselin those teachers who have been in a dinner to be held at The Pines, Board, who had hoped to run with will sponsor a dance December 'enda- Additions continuous service in the Wood- Metuchen, Saturday. Mr. Aaroe in February, said yes- WOODBRIDGE—"There is ab- bridge system for 25 years or terday that he planned to "sit 18 in PersMsg- Avenue School RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The solutely no truth in that story," ISELIN. — Many irregularities Mr. Ciuffreda served as chief auditorium and turn over a sil- have been uncovered in voting in more will receive an additional down and talk to Andy over the president of the Raritan Township Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said to- $100 to bring them to their maxi- during the past year and will con- week-end." ver collection, which will be day in spiking reports Tuesday s.-Lucas Heads •Woodbridge Oaks North in -Ise- taken in lien of a set admis- League of Women Voters, Mrs. lin, Mrs.. George S. Applegate, mum sooner. However, no teacher tinue as head fire-fighting officer It is definite, however, there will sion price, to The Independent- that six men wiH be promoted to will reach the maximum salary for the ensuing year. H. E. Hooley of 1750 Lincoln High- the rank of lieutenant in the Po- Jr.,-.president of the Middlesex for three years. be two tickets at the Board elec- Leader Christmas Fund. The way. Haven Village, announced lice Department—three on a per- Fire Auxiliary County Board of Elections, said Mayor Hugh B. Quigley and tion. Winfield Finn, who also seeks affair will be supervised by the yesterday. The maximum salary for princi- former Mayor August F. Greiner reelection, is expected to get two today that her group has made manent; basis and three on a tem- pals has been set at $8,000 and Recreation Committee. porary status. RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — At a Of the 250 homes investigated, will serve as installing officers. running mates as he has had con- All Iselin Teenagers will be several recommendations to the meeting held Tuesday night in the principals will continue to re- Other new officers to be inducted siderable differences with Mr. "•Why, that would be like hav- residents of '147 had registered ceive the regular $300 increment welcome. Children under 12 National League of Women Voters. the Amboy Avenue firehouse, Mrs. and voted in-November, although into office include Louis Decibus, Casey and Mr. Aaroe. • Several years of age will be admitted' ing all chiefs and no Indians-;"' the yearly. Previously, there were two first assistant chief and Thomas names have been rumored as pos- These are items which the local mayor declared. "We have plenty Peter Lucas was elected president they had not lived there for the sets of maximum, salaries—$6,300 only when accompanied by required five months "In the coun- Karpinski, second assistant chief. sible candidates, but so far no an- someone older, but will be sent League feels should 'be included in of superiors. What we "need is of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Raritan for principals of schools with 12 Joseph Rizzo, who was the first nouncements have been made. the National Agenda of the or- more men on foot to patrol the Engine Company No. 2. ty, ©reliminary investigation has (Continued on Page 6) home at 9 P. M. Dancing for revealed. assistant chief during 1953, will If Mr. Casey succeeds in getting: those over 1Z will be held from ganization for the 1953-54 period. populated areas which have prac- Other officers named were: Miss be retiring in that capacity since 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Entertain- tically sprung up over night in "We now have two men work- he no longer resides in the Port Mr. Aaroe to change his mind, A committee, headed by Mrs. the Township." Helen Madger, first vice president; ing, checking those who voted to it will mean that they will only ment and carol singing will Walter MeAndrew of 83 Schuyl'er Mrs.: John Kearstan, second vice determine if they had resided in Reading Fire District. have to get one "man to complete complete the evening's activi- The mayor went on to say only Plans Progressing Drive, 'Haven Village, the program president; Mrs. George Dudics, this county or some other county Andrew Aaroe, president of the their ticket. Mr. Casey would not ties. Music for dancing will be three men passed the written ex- treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Ne- before -coming to Woodbridge Board of Education, will be the say whether or not he has a pos- furnished by" Guzzo Brothers chairman, drew up these recom- amination for lieutenant-Elmer principal speaker and Charles Orchestra. meth, secretary: Oaks North," Mrs. Applegate sible candidate in mind. mendations, which are teased on Krysko, Nels Lauritsen and Frank said. •• - . McGettigan, president of the fire Miller—and all three took their Mrs. John Onder who will re- Meanwhile; the election cam- the history of League interests tire as head of the auxiliary, was However, she revealed the pre- WOODBRTDGE. — Tickets for company, will serve as toast- paign has started in earnest with, will contain turkey and all the Dhysicals Tuesday. The final rat- liminary facts reveal most of the testimonial dinner for Chief master. and in the light of current events. ings have not been announced presented with a gift, and- mem- Mr. Finn, accompanied by his fixings that' go to make a real The recommendations, and the bers exchanged gifts and sang those who voted came from other George E. Keating to be held Feb- supporters on the board, Lester Christinas dinner. as yet. Three men failed in the counties, particularly E s s s e x , ruary 18 at The Pines, will go on reasons why they are considered written examination and there- carols at a Christmas party that Neary, Harry Burke and James -New donors 'this week were as followed the business meeting. Hudson and Union. sale next week, according to an Mulle, attended a meeting: of the important by the Raritan Town- fore did not take the physical. announcement by Frederick M. Fuse Hows Out; follows: In charge of arrangements -were Queried about a statement Better Schools Association at the $56.00 ! ship League for further study by "If we appointed three men on s made by the Township Republi- Adams, ticket chairman, to the home of Mrs.
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