Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 30, 2018 OUR 128th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 35-2018 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR Kehler Stadium Work to Start In Spring After Bid Objection By SARAH McGRAIL later than planned, there would have Extensive work on the district’s Specially Written for The Westfield Leader been a risk of losing the stadium for 10 schools has been carried out over WESTFIELD — Work will start the spring season as well as the fall. the summer. in the spring of 2019 to replace the Ms. Sullivan said there were some Superintendent of Schools Mar- field and the athletic track at Kehler advantages to carrying out the work garet Dolan, Ed.D., said, “Mainte- Stadium as the weather allows. in the spring. nance workers and custodians It will be possible to do inside “That was a tight time frame and, worked throughout the summer work, such as the bathrooms, over to be honest, with the rain we had cleaning, repairing and updating the winter, Business Administrator this summer, I don’t think that over 900,000 square feet in our Dana Sullivan told board of educa- project would have been done,” she buildings.” tion members Tuesday night. said. Floors in the cafeterias at the high Ms. Sullivan reminded the board She added that Westfield High school and both middle schools were that the project to renovate Kehler School Athletic Director Sandy replaced and all classrooms in ev- was put out for bids in March 2017 Mamary “felt it was easier to move ery school now have air-condition- and was due to start when school and accommodate the spring sea- ing, Ms. Sullivan told the board. finished for the summer. son than the fall season.” At the high school, the boilers However, the company that was Board member Charles Ostroff currently are being replaced; the awarded third place launched a le- asked whether third-party users of last school in the district that needs gal objection to the winning bid, the stadium had been informed, and this done. Additionally, the com- which resulted in the work being Board President Gretchan Ohlig plete renovation of a science lab delayed so long that Ms. Sullivan agreed it was important to keep them will be completed this week and the said, “we did not think it would be in the loop. lobby to the auditorium has been a prudent way to go” to start the There could possibly be increased repainted. work at that stage. costs if some of the basic materials, Superintendent Dolan went on to Had the work started so much such as steel, have increased in price. list the improvements made to all David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader the elementary schools in the dis- SOCCER STARTS UP...The soccer season has begun as these two players fight for the ball at the first scrimmage of the pre- season on Saturday when Westfield High School Girls Blue Devils played Hunterdon Central Red Devils at Gary Kehler trict, from painting to the replace- Stadium. The regular season will begin Thursday, September 6, with an away game against Summit. ment of stage curtains. Another major change over the summer has been the introduction of the new website, which Board Garwood Southside Water Line Vice-President Peggy Oster, tech- nology representative, said had been well received. Upgrades to be Completed In Nov. “It is a positive change for our district,” she said, “but it is a work By MICHAEL BONACCORSO “Cleaning and lining is the process Second Avenue, Third Avenue, the in progress and we are looking for Specially Written for The Westfield Leader of removing sediment from inside the eastern stretch of Fourth Avenue, Fifth feedback.” GARWOOD — New Jersey Ameri- water main, then lining the inner sur- Avenue, Anchor Place, Winslow Parents from McKinley Elemen- can Water field operations manager face with a cement sealant,” said Mr. Place, Oak Street, Cedar Street, Wal- tary School attended the meeting to Michael Bange told the borough coun- Bange as he described the rehabilita- nut Street and a small portion of Maple express their concern about in- cil Tuesday night that the southside tion process. Avenue. creased class sizes, with four classes water main restoration project’s ex- He said American Water’s on-site Councilman Marc Lazarow said having been condensed into three. pected completion date is Friday, employees will work on Saturdays, the 2019 project date is something he Cheryl Bishop, who has twins in November 9, 2018. New Jersey allowing the project to be completed supports versus waiting until 2020 to fourth grade, told the board, “We American Water has invested more in November versus an initial pro- provide better water quality and wa- have questions about how the teach- than $3 million into rehabilitating jected December completion date. ter flows to north-side residents. The Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader ers are going to differentiate in- over 13,000 feet of water lines in The 2018 south-side revitalization scheduling decision is pending Ameri- HUNTING FOR BARGAINS...Shoppers walk through Downtown Cranford struction and handle anything from Garwood, stated Mr. Bange. project includes water mains servic- can Water’s scheduling and budget- during Sunday’s street fair. 23 to 27 kids in a class. The kids American Water is planning to re- ing Locust Avenue, Pine Avenue, ing. Council members unanimously with special needs get additional vitalize all the water mains supplying Center Street, Spruce Avenue, Myrtle agreed through verbal commitment help, the gifted kids get pulled out, water to the borough’s northside in Avenue, New Street, Beech Avenue, to allow the project to commence but how will all those kids in the 2019 or 2020, stated Mr. Bange. He Hazel Avenue, Hickory Avenue, East sooner than later, stated Mr. Bange. Bid to Convert One-Family middle be challenged in a meaning- said the water main restoration helps Street and Oak Street. He said the project will not cost the ful way?” reliability, improving water flows and The 2019 or 2020 rehabilitation borough any money. American Water Home Is Denied By Board CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 water quality. project on the north side includes CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 By FRED T. ROSSI Mr. Hughes said he did not believe Specially Written for The Westfield Leader so but described the property as a MOUNTAINSIDE – The borough “unique situation” that “lends itself Cranford BOE Hears of board of adjustment on Tuesday de- to this type of use.” nied an application that sought to Board member Theodore Zawslak convert a single-family home into a expressed concerns about density Safety Procedures at Schools two-family residence. on the quarter-acre property, noting By ROBYN ORR-GIOFFRE allow each individual to show proper Maxwell Court LLC, which owns that borough regulations permit up Specially Written for The Westfield Leader credentials. Additional protocol has the three-bedroom home at 614 to six units per acre and pointing CRANFORD — Safety issues were been set in place, which would re- Sherwood Parkway near the inter- out that the two units on the the main focus of Monday night’s quire guests to make an appointment section with Mountain Avenue, Sherwood Parkway lot “extrapo- regular meeting of the Cranford Board prior to their arrival at school. Ad- sought to turn the home into two lated” to eight per acre. of Education (BOE). vance notice of the arrival of the guest units — one with one bedroom and When board member Jon School Safety Specialist Curt involves a phone call and use of the the other with two bedrooms. Pro- Younghans asked Don Maxwell, the Fogas, Ed.D., gave a presentation buzzer. fessional planner Keenan Hughes owner of the property, why he sought highlighting the enhancements and There also has been a non-visita- told the board it was an “opportu- to convert the home into a two-unit upgrades that will be in place district- tion schedule established for each of nity to enhance” the building, which building, he replied he wanted to do wide for the 2018-2019 school year. the buildings providing time frames also has four garages situated un- so for “marketability” reasons. Prior to the presentation, Superin- during which visitors should try to derneath the living space. Mr. Tomaine said an argument tendent of Schools Scott Rubin, Ed.D., avoid stopping by the school. Board Chairman John Tomaine that the revamped home would be reminded audience members, “we Bins have been placed in the safety asked whether Mountainside’s land- located near other residential de- obviously can’t tell you all of the vestibule for forgotten items needed use ordinances or master plan sup- velopments was not entirely valid enhancements and upgrades that were by students. Parents should “call in” port the creation of multi-family because none of the other homes done with protocols because that, in that they are leaving an item, and then dwellings located in a business zone. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 and of itself, would compromise drop the clearly-labeled item in the safety.” bins available in the vestibule. A staff Each of the eight schools in the member will retrieve the item and district will have an electronic double- give it to the student. door entry system. The first point of Each school will be equipped with entry will be into a safety vestibule. additional cameras, some of which Guests will be buzzed into the vesti- are visible. bule and will be credentialed.
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