University of Huddersfield Repository Allan, R.J. et al. The Science Case for 4GLS Original Citation Allan, R.J. et al. (2001) The Science Case for 4GLS. Research Report. Daresbury Laboratory. This version is available at http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/20020/ The University Repository is a digital collection of the research output of the University, available on Open Access. Copyright and Moral Rights for the items on this site are retained by the individual author and/or other copyright owners. Users may access full items free of charge; copies of full text items generally can be reproduced, displayed or performed and given to third parties in any format or medium for personal research or study, educational or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge, provided: • The authors, title and full bibliographic details is credited in any copy; • A hyperlink and/or URL is included for the original metadata page; and • The content is not changed in any way. For more information, including our policy and submission procedure, please contact the Repository Team at: [email protected]. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/ The Science Case 4GLS International Advisory Committee Prof Dr Gerd Materlik CEO DIAMOND UK (formerly DESY, Germany) Prof Gennady Kulipanov Deputy Director, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia Prof Ilan Ben Zvi NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory Dr Paul Dumas LURE, France Dr George Neil Deputy FEL Manager, Jefferson Laboratory Prof Ingolf Lindau MAXLAB,University of Lund, Sweden Dr Richard Walker Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy Prof Giorgio Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland Margaritondo Prof Peter Lindley Director of Research, ESRF Grenoble, France Prof Louise Johnson Oxford University, UK Prof Dr Uwe Becker Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-Planck Gessellschaft, Germany Prof John Sutherland East Carolina University, USA 4GLS Steering Group Prof Peter Weightman Director Surface Science Research Centre, The University of Liverpool Prof Wendy Flavell Department of Physics, UMIST Dr Andrea Russell Department of Chemistry, The University of Southampton Prof Elaine Seddon CLRC Prof Robert Donovan Department of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh Prof Pankaj Vadgama Queen Mary and Westfield College, The University of London Mr Mike Poole CLRC Prof Keith Codling Department of Physics, The University of Reading Prof John Wood Chief Executive, CLRC Dr Hywel Price Director Daresbury Laboratory and Deputy Chief Executive CLRC Prof Jian Lu UMIST Prof Henry Hutchinson Head Central Laser Facility, CLRC Prof John West CLRC Dr Martin McCoustra Department of Chemistry, The University of Nottingham Prof Bonnie Wallace Birkbeck College, University of London Prof Hilary Evans Liverpool John Moores University Dr Gareth Jones CLRC Dr Ben Murdin Department of Physics, The University of Surrey Prof Mike Chesters Department of Chemistry, The University of Nottingham Prof Harvey Rutt Department of Electronics and Computer Science, The University of Southampton The Science Case for 4GLS A World Leading Facility for UK Science Presented by The UK Scientific Community December 2001 Authors and Contributors 3 35 28 6 7 38 9 R J Allan , M P Allen , A S Alexandrov , M N R Ashfold , R Atkinson , L Avaldi , C D Bain , J Bancroft81, S D Barrett1, L D Barron32, S Bayliss25, U Becker39, L G Benning30, N Berrah40, C 24 34 22 3 3 83 75 4 Binns , R H Bisby , J M Bizau , R J Blake , M A Bowler , J Bowyer , J Brettle , D Briggs , 19 14 7 3 41 26 3 L M Brown , W A Brown , P G Burke , C Cacho , R Carter , R Catlow , R J Cernik , M Chesters4, S A Clark27, D T Clarke3, J A Clarke3, K Codling11, R Cogdell32, D Connaughton69, J 13 42 28 5 7 19 P Connerade , J T Costello , M D Crapper , C Creaser , F J Currell , P B Davies , M de Jong70, C Dessent23, V R Dhanak1, C M Dobson19, P J Dobson9, A J Doig2, R J Donovan67, P Dumas22, K Dunn7, O Dutuit22, J M Dyke8, D A Eastham3, R G Egdell9, J H D Eland9, D R Emerson3, M Eriksson80, P Erman10, A Evans29, H Evans72, S Evans30 , T Field7, H Fielding36, A Fisher14, W R Flavell2, R Ford2, L J Frasinski11, N Freeman73, J N Galayda78, P Gardner2, J Garside2, N J Gay19, T J Gay85, T Gejo43, M George4, M D Gray2, T J Greenshaw1, D Greig30, 2 2 13 3 11 63 M P Halsall , B Hamilton , N M Harrison , S S Hasnain , P A Hatherly , P Heathcote , J R Helliwell18, C M B Henderson18, J Hepburn44, J Hill51, G Hirst77, J D Hirst4, D M P Holland3, A B Horn23, P Horton55, M R C Hunt4, H Hutchinson77, J E Inglesfield31, V K Ivanov45, C A F Johnson21, L N Johnson9, D Jones3, F H Jones14, G R Jones3, L Jones3, M Kadodwala32, L Karlsson12 , E T Kennedy42, G C King18, M R F King3, I W Kirkman3, K Kleese3, P L Knight13, N Kylstra46, F P Larkins66, C Latimer7, K P Lawley67, G J Leggett2, R A Lewis3, K Lindsey46, J R Lu2, F M Lyng47, M A Macdonald3, A Malins3, J P Marangos13, G Margaritondo48, M Marsi49, G Marston11, S R Martin52, M L Martin-Fernandez3, N J Mason14, J A D Matthew23, M R S 4 33 33 1 62 22 2 McCoustra , J McGilp , I T McGovern , R McGrath , R A Meldrum , M Meyer , T J Millar , D Mitchell51, S P Møller53, F J Molster50, P Moriarty4, P Morin22, I H Munro2, B N Murdin20 , L Nahon22, W R Newell14, C J Noble3, E J Nordgren12, P R Norman76, P O’Brien18, P O’Neill59, P O’Shea4, H Owen3, R Pain16, M Papiz3, A Parker77, J Parker21, A Parr15, R Pattrick18, M E Pemble34, M Picardo71, C R Pidgeon21, T J T Pinheiro35, E D Poliakoff54, M W Poole3, A 36 46 4 14 3 30 10 Potts , R Potvliege , I Powis , S D Price , F M Quinn , S Radford , E Rachlew-Källne , R Raval1, F H Read18, T J Reddish16, P A Ridley3, G Roberts16, A E Russell8, A J Ryan55, A Sapelkin25, S Sato84, A Schneider77, E A Seddon3, D A Shaw3, T Shen34, P Sherwood3, L Šiller16, A D Smith3, D A Smith30, I Smith79, S L Smith3, K Snowdon16, T P Softley9, E Sokell56, S H Southworth57, G P Srivistava58, M Stankiewicz17, J Sule-Suso61, J C Sutherland60, M Surman3, S Svensson12, A O Taylor34, W M Temmerman3, A Thomas2, G J Tiddy2, M Tobin3, E Towns-Andrews3, M Towrie77, G Truscott82, R P Tuckett62, T S Turner3, M V Twigg74, P Vagdama63, H W van der Hart7, M Volk1, M J J Vrakkring37, I C Walker21, A Wander3, S P Wasserman68, M Watanabe84, P Weightman1, T Welton13, J B West3, C W Wharton62, J C Whitehead18, G P Williams64, H Winick78, R Withnall65, D P Woodruff35, A Zayats7 1. University of Liverpool 58. University of Exeter 2. UMIST 59. MRC, Radiation and Genome Stability Unit, 3. CLRC Daresbury Laboratory Harwell 4. University of Nottingham 60. NSLS, USA 5. Nottingham Trent University 61. North Staffordshire Hospital, NHS 6. University of Bristol 62. University of Birmingham 7. Queen’s University Belfast 63. Queen Mary, University of London 8. University of Southampton 64. Jefferson Lab, USA 9. University of Oxford 65. University of Greenwich 10. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 66. University of Melbourne, Australia Sweden 67. University of Edinburgh 11. University of Reading 68. Medichem, USA 12. Uppsala University Sweden 69. DDA, Nelson, Lancashire 13. Imperial College, London 70. Canadian Light Source Inc. 14. University College London 71. Manchester Innovation Ltd. 15. NIST, USA 72. Liverpool John Moore’s University 16. University of Newcastle 73. Farfield Sensors Ltd., Salford 17. Jagiellonian University, Poland 74. Johnson Matthey, Royston 18. University of Manchester 75. Pilkington, Ormskirk 19. University of Cambridge 76. Dstl, Porton Down 20. University of Surrey 77. CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 21. Heriot Watt University 78. SSRL, Stanford, USA 22. LURE, France 79. Pharmhouse, Liverpool 23. University of York 80. MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden 24. University of Leicester 81. QinetiQ, Malvern 25. De Montfort University 82. University of Keele 26. Royal Institution 83. Royal Holloway and New Bedford College, 27. Sheffield Hallam University London 28. University of Loughborough 84. Tohuku University, Japan 29. University of Wales, Aberystwyth 85. University of Nebraska, USA 30. University of Leeds 31. University of Cardiff 32. University of Glasgow 33. University of Dublin, Ireland 34. University of Salford 35. University of Warwick 36. King’s College London 37. FOM, The Netherlands 38. CNR, Rome, Italy 39. Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Germany 40. Western Michigan University, USA 41. University of Lancaster 42. Dublin City University, Ireland 43. UVSOR, Japan 44. University of British Columbia, Canada 45. St Petersburg State Technical University, Russia 46. University of Durham 47. Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland 48. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland 49. Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy 50. ESTEC/ESA, The Netherlands 51. Royal Preston Hospital, NHS 52. MRC, NIMR, Mill Hill 53. University of Aarhus, Denmark 54. Louisiana State University, USA 55. University of Sheffield 56. University College Dublin 57. Argonne National Laboratory, USA Executive Summary This document is presented by over 200 members of the UK Scientific Community and contains the scientific case for the establishment of the 4th Generation Light Source (4GLS) at CLRC Daresbury Laboratory. It forms a part of the proposal to establish a National Centre for Accelerator Science Imaging and Medicine (CASIM) at the laboratory which was first submitted to the North West Science Review Committee in 2000. The proposal for 4GLS will be assessed through the ‘Gateway Process’, with peer review organised by EPSRC on behalf of OST.
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