DOCUMENT RESUME ED 331 394 HE 024 451 TITLE Substance Abuse Curriculum Development in Family Medicine: An Instructors' Manual in Two Parts. INSTITUTION Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, Kansas City, MO SPONS AGENCY National Inst. on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (DHHS), Rockville, Md.; National Inst. on Drug Abuse (DHHS/PHS), Rockville, Md. REPORT NO PH275 PUB DATE 89 CONTRACT ADM-281-87-0002 NOTE 102p.; For relateC documents, see HE 024 447-452 PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055) EDRS PRICE mFo1/Pc05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Curriculum Development; Faculty Development; *Family Practice (Medicine); Higher Education; *Institutes (Training Programs); *Medical Education; Program Evaluation; *Substance Abuse ABSTRACT This -nstructor's manual is a practical guide to a faculty development taining program on substance abuse within family medicine emphasizing a meshing of individual curriculum projects by participants with group instruction and support. Organized into two parts the manual describes the training program in detail in Part 1 and provides 10 actual curriculum examples in Part 2. The training program description includes a section on how to use the manual, an exposition of the program's philosophy, suggestions for evaluation, a list of the faculty resources materials and fac:ilities needed to run the program, suggestions for adapting the program, and practical hints for a successful program. The curriculum examples in Part Two are grouped according to educational level including undergraduate (e.g., improving early diagnosis of substance abuse by medical students), residency (e.g., the impaired health professional), faculty (e.g., a curriculum in substance abuse for family practice faculty), and two applicable to all levels (e.g., how to stay sober and serene in dealing with alcoholic patients). Eych curriculum is outlined listing such elements as rationale, objectives, activity sequences, instructional resourCes, evaluation strategies, hints to the instructor, and an appendix of key materials 35) **************************************** ****** ********* ***** *********** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made 4 from the original document. *********************************************************************** SUBSTANCEABUSE CURRICULUMDEVELOPMENT IN FAMILYMEDICINE: AN INSTRUCTORS'MANUAL IN TWOPARTS !).EST COPY AVAILABLE U S DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATJON '. (Ito Mona, Rmwar, n and F ()II( ATIONAt E S)uRCES ORMAT,c CE NTF E Hs( r s 1 P OPP, fr.1.,,m),,, Oilat 0,,N1 pefsc, .tkcj,niong harups ha,p ,Woduf 1,or 1441, S. 41,114°0 It, 4.5%41,,,r The Society of Teachersof Family Medicine MO Ward Parkway Kansas City, Missouri64114 Based on work supported throughcontract #ADM 281-87-0002 from the National InstituMon Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholian and the National Institute on Drug Abuse P11275 um STFM PROGRAM PEOPLE PARTICIPANTS: WORKING COMMITTEE: Richard L. Brown, MD, MPH Anton J. Kurel, MD Jeffersen Medical College Department Faro Practice Director 1015 Walnut St., Suite 401 Medical College of Virginia Peter G. Coggan, MD Philadelphia, PA 19107 Fairfax Family Practice Center Department of Family Medicine (215).928-8363 3650 Joseph Siewick Dr.400 University of California - Irvine Fairfax, VA 22033 101 The City Drive South Lorne Campbell. Sr.. MD (703) 391-2020 Orange, CA 92668 Serenity Recovery Center (714) 634-5171 232 W. 25 St. Jerome Schulz. MD Erie, PA 16544 Family Practice Residency Train- Co-Director (814) 452-5556 ing Pfinram Rebecca Henry, PhD St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center Office of Medical Education Research and Development James N. Finch, MD 640 Jackson St. Michigan State University Duke University Medical Center St. Paul, MN 55101 A 202 East Fee Hall Department Comm/Family (612) 221-3540 East Lansing. MI 48824 Medicine (517) 353-2037 407 Crutchfield St. J. Paul Seale, MD Durham, NC 27704 Dept. of Family Practice Coordinator (919) 471-4421 Ext. 223 University of Texas Health Sci. Ardis Davis, MSW ence Center Department of Family Medicine RF-30 Michael F Fleming. MD. MPH 7703 Floyd Curl Drive University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Family Medicthe San Antonio, TX 78284 Sunk, WA 98195 University of Wisconsin (512) 270-3911 (206) 543-9425 777 South Mill Si. Madison, WI 53715 Administrator (608) 263-9953 Roger A. Sherwood, CAE Society of ibachers of Family Medicine Stephen P Flynn. MD 8880 Ward Parkway Family Practice Center PO Box 8729 Fairview General Hospital Kansas City, MO 64114 18200 Lorain Ave. (800) 274-2237 Cleveland, OH 44111 (216) 476-7086 Advbory Members Macaran A. Baird, MD, MS Robert H. Funke. MD Deportment of Family Medicine Kingsport Family Practice Center SUNY Health Science Center 201 Cassell Drive 750 E. Adams Street Kingsport, TN 37660 Syracuse. NY 13210 (615) 246-6202 (315) 473-4437 Benjamin Goodman. Jr., MD Antonnette V. Graham, RN, MSW Medical Am Clinic University Hospitals Health Center 24 Second Ave. NE Case Western Reserve University Hickory, NC 28601 Department of Family Medicine (704) 328-2231 2078 Abington Road Cleveland, OH 44106 (216)844-3791 Al J. Mooney, MD 311 Jones Mill Rd. Statesboro, GA 30458 (912) 764-6236 CONSULTANTS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Carole J. Bland, PhD Sincere thanks and appreciatimi are mended to the staff of theSociety of Department of Family Practice and Community Health Teachers of Family Medicine whose work assured the smoothrunning of 6-240 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg. the program. Of particular note is Chris Malang. whospearheaded the 516 Delaware St. SE innunseable circulations of materials, and Julie Mierau, whocoordinated Box 381 UMHC the editing and typesetting. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 624-9143 Raymond C. Anderson. MD Anns Acres PO Boa X Cannel, NY 10512 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Page LIST OF APPENDICES AND FIGURES FOR PART I ...2 INTRODUCTION 3 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL 3 Replication of Entire Program Modified Version of Program Replication of Selected Elements of Program Specific Curriculum Examples in Substance Abuse Practical Advice on Tough Curriculum Issues UNDERLYING PHILOSOPHY OF TRAINING PROGRAM 4 THE TRAINING PROGRAM 4 Overview Working Committee Program Objectives Participant Characteristics and Selection Process Program Implementation EVALUATION OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM 9 FACULTY, RESOURCES, MATERIALS AND FACILITIES NECESSARY TO RUN THE PROGRAM I I Resources Materials Facilities ADAPTING THE TRAINING PROGRAM I I FURTHER HINTS FOR A SUCCESSFUL PROGRAM 12 REFERENCES 12 Part II SUMMAICY OF CURRICULUM EXAMPLES 19 PRACTICAL ADVICE ON TOUGH CURRICULUM ISSUES 19 TEN CURRICULUM EXAMPLES (grouped by educational level of learners) UNDERGRADUATE Funke, Robert H. "Promoting Medical Student Recognition of Chemical Dependency" 21 Brown, Richard L. "improving Early Diagnosis of Substance Abuw by Medical Students" 27 RESIDENCY Flynn, Stephen P. 33 "Alcoholism: Diagnosis and Inteivention for Family Physicians" Goodman, Benjamin W. Jr. 43 "The Impaired Health Professional: A Curriculum for PGY-I Residents" Seale, I. Paul 53 "Planning and Implementing a Pan-Time PG-I Resident Rotation in Substance Abuse" Campbell, Lorne It Sr. 65 "A One-Week Packaged Flexible Module for Family Practice Residents" FACULTY Finch, James 75 "A Curriculum in Substance Abuse for Family Practice Faculty" Kum!, Anton J. 85 "A Brief Intervention Strategy for Faculty Development in Chemical Dependency Syndrome" ALL LEVELS Schulz, Jerome E 93 "How to Stay Sober and Serene in Dealing with Alcohvlic Patients" Fleming, Michael F 101 "Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal: Medical Management" Substance Abuse Curriculum Development in Family Medicine PART I: A FACULTY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAMIN SUBSTANCE ABUSE LIST OF FIGURES ANDAPPENDICES FOR PART I Page LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Overview of Training Program 4 figure 2. Objectives of 'Raining Program 5 figure 3. Instructional Elements of Training Program 6 Figure 4. Training Program Objectives Met Through Instructional Elements 7 figure 5. Working Cominee (WC) Activities 8 Figure 6. Participants' Activities 9 Figure 7. Program Objectives Assessed Through Evaluation Elements 9 Figure 8. Specific Evaluation Strategies and Outcome Measures 10 APPENDICES A. Sample Format for Final Curriculum 13 Project Write-Ups B. Sample Activity Sequence for Group 14 Instructional Meeting #1 C. Willingway Hospital 15 D. References for Learning Materials and 15 Tbaching Resources INTRODUCTION This manual was developed through a federal contract to the Society of Teachers of Family Modiciee (STFM), the purpose of which was to increasing faculty development activities at the individual home institu- demonstrate a model substance erre faculty development training tions of participants. Moreover, it enables participants to describe their program in family medicine. It was developed from a combinatioe of curriculum development vvork in a scholarly manner, the end product of this being separate curriculum .1xamples bound into a manual for use by what worked well in STFM's initial experience with the training program in conitination with suggested changes to enhance the success of future each other and by educators elsewhere . programs based on the underlying model. A description of the STFM pilot test of this model training ptogram can be found in a separate The major characteristics of the training program are a meshing of document submitted as one of the final repom to the National Institute cm individual curriculum projects by participants with group instruction and Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug support to
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