Newsletter of Lordshill Road Runners (Lordshill RR affiliated to Sunday 14th July S.E.A.A.. A.A.A.E, A.UX and H.A.A.) New Pork Farm, Brockenhurst Whether you are running the New Forest 10or not, this event is , Tnside this issue: one not to miss! CHAIRMAN'S CHAT 2 Why? Becausewe are holding our annual Club Barbecue after the running is over and done with - and it is open to all members and Anniversary Tales 3-5 their families...and its free tool We will be providing food and drink to make the day complete. Rhayader 20 & Eas- 6 tleigh 10k Don't forget that in addition to the 'main evenf there are 3 shorter races, from 1/2 mile for under 10's to a 3 miler for 14 Prague Marathon 7 years and over - an ideal opportunity to introduce the smaller runners in the family to racing. Tough 10..& Steve 10 races Stateside This is the Club's chance to say 'thank you' for all the marshalling The Final HRRL Report 13 input during the various races through the year, including the re cently run Lordshill 10k ^>^ullEvents Diary 14 .Lordshill 10k, Sunday 30th June 2002 Despitethe fears that the clash with the World Cup Final would scupper any chance of a good turn out onthe day, the lateentries desk did good trade helped perhaps by the ideal weatherconditions., and of course Brazil's removal of England from the equation!! So, numberswere respectable with al most 200 entries by the start. The quality was certainly not lacking either, as Andy Morgan-Lee blitzed the courseandshookthe record (without breaking it) in 30.20. The women'swinner, Amy Styles also knocked on the door of the course record by crossingthe line in 34.42, just a few seconds short of the previous best. A full report will appear in the next issue, but Race Directors John McGarry and Graham Bungay would like to take the opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to al! the members, family and friends who turned out to make this race YET AGAIN an undoubted success]] Page 2 Chairman's Chat The goodnews continues to come in. Ourmen'sA team areholding4th place overall in the RR10 series after finishing 3rd at Itchen Valley Country Parkand4th at Westwood. The regular scorers arenow Rob Tanner, Mike Bisson, Tim Howell, Graham Bungay andDuncanBeck, with jostling for positionsamongst the five. The B team places arehotly contestedbetween aboutten men and there are further tight groups of Lordshill runners elsewhere in the field. Well done to everyone who is turningup! When you take into ac count that the team above us in the overall placings is Southampton Running Club B team and the league only used to count the first team from each club, we are really in 3rd place. The women's team is currently 6th overall, also with two Southampton Running Club teams counted ahead ofthem, so 5th really, but are not getting all the results they could because ofinjuries and non-availabilityofsome runners. Becky Life has managed two 1st places in her two outings but Hannah Turner and Sheila Fox are running regularly and are well up in the overall ratings. Well done to all the women as well. IVe not seen the latest position with the Hampshire Road Race League as the results come out sporadicallybut we have been scoring well in most races and are regularly fielding men's and women's teams. The London Marathon was a memorablerace, largely forthe brilliant run by Paula Radcliffe, andwas en- i^oyed bythe small Lordshill contingent who spectated and the even smaller contingent who ran. Two out of three ofourClub placerunners had to defer their runsto 2003 as they suffered injuries-good luck next year to Simon Bushell and Vicky Bandy - and Cynthia Feely also had to postpone her run. Steve Haggarty had a good run, followed in by Patrick Joseph and Mike Letheren, both sporting a colourful hair dye, with Bev Thompson making a welcome returnto marathon running. SorryifI missed seeing anyoneelse - it is very hard work trying to spot faces in the sea ofbobbing heads! The 20-year anniversary celebration ofLordshill RoadRunnerswas a successful evening,enjoyedby all who attended. There were a fair number ofold members amongstthe revellers, includingtwo ofthe found ersofthe Club - IanLawrence andDave Dilnot- who cut the suitably decorated cake. The original training run, with an extra mile or two, was followed by a select groupofold and new members before the quizzes, food and social chat, andit was good to seeKeith Langford backon his feetafterhis recent knee operation. Thanks are due to the organising committee forthe event; Dave Clothier, Roger Bradley, Jim Shepperdand the one who pulled it altogether, Janet McGarry (wife ofJohn!). Ourguest speaker, ColinGoater, talked abouthis coachingexperiencesandroadrunningin general, andmanagedto stir up some controversy with his comments on "runners rather thanjoggers" -1 did not think the comments were at all elitist although they appeared to be interpreted as such! The barwas kept runningby Roger and the last stragglers eventu ality were poured down theroad some timeafter closing. The next events coming up arethe Lordshill 10k race(see elsewherein this issue) and the New Forest 10 andClubbarbecue. The clash ofthe 10krace with the (association football) WorldCup Final is unfortu nate,but who would rather watch Brazil vs Germany(?) than help with the 10k? I hope to see you all there, doing yourbit forthe Race Directors and the Club. The barbecue afterthe New Forest 10racewill be open to all members and their families, as usual, andwe can only prayfor some better weatherthan we are hav ing at the beginning ofJune. I understand entries for the 10 mile raceare filling up quite quickly so, ifyou need to build up an appetite forburgers andbeer, get your entry in quickly. Good luck with all your runningand dont forgetthe sunburn protection. I have discovered on two long runs this yearthat the white stripeson Helly-Hansen tops let in the sunshinethat the main blue fabric does not -as a result I have had zebra stripes on my shoulders! Derek Page 3 LORDSHILL ROAD RUNNERS TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY LORDSHILL RR - THE EARLY BEGINNINGS.... by Founding Member, Ian Lawrence The first club run started from Lordshill Libraryin May 1982. It was led by Jill Standerwick, who guided us through some basic stretching exercises in the Meetings Room, where we left our things before walking through the libraryto our startingpoint outsidethe front door. We turned left out ofthe lobbyand ran down through the underpassinto Pegasus Close. Then we turned right, through the underpassthat runs be neathLordshill Way, past the schoolfield and on roundFairisle. We turned rightalongOrkney and Lundy beforecrossing Cromarty to go pastthe pondand on to the fieldat the cornerofBakers Drove andRomsey Road. Wedid a couple of lapsor so of the fieldbefore retracing our steps backto the library. Andthat was it: the firstclubrun ofLordshill RoadRunners. I'm not surehowmany of us therewere exactly thateven ing - probably no more than four or five - but one ofour number was a doctor. You never know. Because there was a large glass display casein the library andwewere a bit short of things to putin it t^ometimes, I decided one month to fill it with running stuff. I had been running fora few years - mainly orienteering - when I moved to the library, andI had alsodonesomething calledtheMasters andMaidens Marathon in Surrey. Arthur Toomer loaned us loads ofkit from hisshop, andalong with some books and photographs thatwas ourdisplay. Because I thought thatLordshill, with all those footpaths, was a great place to run, I puta note in the display case inviting any local people interested in running tocontact me. Several did, andwetook ourfirst tentative steps to becoming a club. With thehelpofDave Dilnot of Southampton City Council, who gave invaluable advice onhow to geta club going, and Rennie Johnstone ofOaklands School, who provided a more suitable base than thelibrary could offer, we were upand liter ally running within a very short time. I seem to remember thatat the very start, and forabout two weeks, we called ourselves Lordshill Library Road Runners. Many names come back tomefrom those early days - thepeople concerned know who they are- andit is due to their enthusiasm anddetermination that theClub negotiated various early teething problems (not to mention personality clashes) and went ontobecome what it is today. I don'tthink were then, orpossibly arenow, many clubs whose name represents nota cityor a town, buta relatively small andordinary suburb ofa city. Ata runinanother county we heard, in the changing room afterwards, about a small local league which (y^^onsisted ofa series offree, informal, off-road midweek races organised with the minimum offuss by the clubs in the league. The idea ofthe RR6 (now RR 10) series was sown inthat changing room. We ar ranged to meetSouthampton Road Runners fora drink in a pub inEastStreet andtogether weworked out how we could start ourown local version. That, too, I gather from what I see inthe Echo, has gone from strength to strength. My own running days areregrettably over. First I hada crash on my bike andbroke mypelvis; then I had anotherone and did a 'Gazza' to my right knee. But it is a sourceofconsolation to knowthat our idea all those years ago hasproved sodurable andsobeneficial to thehealth of so many people. Ian Lawrence We are looking to put together a special issue of LORDSHILL NEWS before the year is out, to commemorate our 20th Anniversary. If you have any.memories, stories or recollections of our Club that could be included in this Special Edition, please dont keep them to yourself! Please pass them on to Editor Roger Brad ley, or Publisher Jim Shepperd.
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