i NCDOT HWY 2006-09 NC Truck Network Model Development Research John R. Stone, PhD Professor Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7908 Bing Mei, MS, PE Senior Research Associate Triangle Regional Model Service Bureau Institute for Transportation Research & Education North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8601 Alixandra Demers, PhD Bharath Paladugu, MS Research Associate Graduate Research Assistant Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7908 Prepared for the North Carolina Department of Transportation February 2009 Final Report ii iii Report No. Government Accession No. Recipient’s Catalog No. NCDOT 2006-09 …leave blank… …leave blank… 4. Title and Subtitle Report Date NC Truck Network Model Development Research September 2008 Performing Organization Code …leave blank… Author(s) Performing Organization Report John R. Stone, Bing Mei, Alixandra Demers, Bharath Paladugu No.…leave blank… Performing Organization Name and Address Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, …leave blank… NC State University, Raleigh NC 27695-7908 Triangle Regional Model Service Bureau, ITRE, NC State University, Raleigh NC 27695-8601 Contract or Grant No. …leave blank… Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Type of Report and Period North Carolina Department of Transportation Covered Final Report Transportation Planning Branch July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2008 1 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Sponsoring Agency Code NCDOT Project HWY 2006-09 Supplementary Notes:…leave blank… Abstract This research develops a validated prototype truck traffic network model for North Carolina. The model includes all counties and metropolitan areas of North Carolina and major economic areas throughout the U.S. Geographic boundaries, population and employment define the study areas. The network is based on the National Highway Planning Network and it includes Interstates, US Highways, and secondary roads. The North Carolina network attributes include highway type, speed, and terrain. The base year long haul truck data is based on FHWA Freight Analysis Forecasting origin-destination data for North Carolina including origins and destinations outside North Carolina. Short haul traffic and back haul truck traffic are generated using simplified trip generations rates and adjustments to the FAF data. Base year 2006 truck traffic estimates for North Carolina are validated by over 450 truck traffic counts throughout the state. Only ADTT (average daily truck traffic) is estimated by the network model, not total vehicle traffic including automobiles. Since the model does not include automobile trips and truck-only traffic is usually far below roadway capacity, the current network model is not built with a capacity-constrained traffic assignment feature. The network is sensitive to input speed but not to traffic volumes on the highway. Consequently any network changes for scenario testing have to be expressed in terms of speed changes to the network links affected. Key Words Distribution Statement Truck network model, transportation …leave blank… planning, travel demand modeling Security Classif. (of this Security Classif. (of this page) No. of Pages Price report) Unclassified Unclassified 102 …leave blank… Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized iv Disclaimer The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the University. The authors are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the North Carolina Department of Transportation at the time of publication. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. Preface This report contains the results of the research project NCDOT HWY 2006-09. The report describes the development, data, calibration and validation of a truck network model to estimate truck traffic to, from and within North Carolina. The network includes major and minor highways within North Carolina and major highways to other states in the U.S. Within North Carolina the traffic analysis zones are based on counties and sub-regions of metropolitan areas. As the network extends beyond North Carolina the traffic analysis zones increase from county size at the North Carolina border to economic districts in distant states. The base year for which the model is calibrated is 2006. The data used for model development and calibration mainly include the truck traffic classification count data collected by NCDOT in 2006 and 2007 and the 2002 Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) data. Another important data source is the 2002 Freight Analysis Framework (FAF2) data for North Carolina, which was provided by the USDOT Federal Highway Administration. This data set provides commodity truck flows from, to, and within North Carolina, which were mainly developed from the 2002 Commercial Flow Survey (CFS). Adjustments of the origin-destination data have been made for internal, short-haul, and empty truck trips. The resulting model provides an excellent foundation for future truck modeling and logistics analysis in North Carolina. Acknowledgements The NCSU research team recognizes the vision, professionalism, and constant support of Alpesh Patel (NCDOT Transformation Management Team) and Kent Taylor (Head, Traffic Surveys Unit). As project manager Mr. Patel guided this research through the intricacies of NCDOT and identified important contacts and sources of data at FHWA. Kent Taylor and his staff provided hundreds of truck traffic counts that were vital to the successful calibration and validation of the NC truck network model. We also appreciate the contributions of the NCDOT Steering and Implementation Committee: Dr. Judith Corley- Ley, Mike Bruff, Dr. Moy Biswas, Dennis Pipkin, Loretta Barren, Bob Foyle, Stephanie Ayers, Stephen Piotrowski, Shirley Williams, Warren Beatty, Roberto Canales, Pamela Davis, Bill Finger, Joseph Geigle, and Mike Koslosky. NC Truck Network Model v Table of Contents NCDOT HWY 2006-09..........................................................................................................................I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................IX BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................................... IX THE NC TRUCK NETWORK MODEL PROJECT (NCDOT HWY 2006-09)............................................ IX LIMITATIONS OF THE MODEL ............................................................................................................... X FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... X RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................................ XI MODEL APPLICATIONS........................................................................................................................... XI NETWORK IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................................................................... XI NETWORK LINK SPEEDS........................................................................................................................ XII TRUCK ORIGIN-DESTINATION DATA ..................................................................................................... XII NC TRUCK TRIP ASSIGNMENT .............................................................................................................. XII NC TRUCK TRIP GENERATION RATES .................................................................................................. XIII FUTURE YEAR FORECASTS................................................................................................................... XIII CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................1 PROBLEM STATEMENT...........................................................................................................................3 SCOPE.....................................................................................................................................................3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................4 OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH ..............................................................................................................4 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT ...........................................................................................................4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................5 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................5 FACTORS AFFECTING TRUCK TRAFFIC DEMAND..................................................................................5 TRUCK TRAFFIC MODELING METHODS ................................................................................................7
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