USOO5809833A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,809,833 Newport et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 22, 1998 54 LINEAR ACTUATOR 5,461,935 10/1995 Hill .................................... 74/89.15 X 5,620,078 4/1997 Nakamura et al. ................. 192/142 R (75) Inventors: Samuel O. Newport, Beloit, Wis.; 5,655,636 8/1997 Lang et al. ......................... 74/89.15 X Charles H. Thompson, Stillman Valley, III. Primary Examiner-Charles A. Marmor Assistant Examiner Sail J. Rodriguez Assignee: Dana Corporation, Toledo, Ohio Attorney, Agent, or Firm MacMillan, Sobanski & Todd, LLC Appl. No.:718,878 57 ABSTRACT Filed: Sep. 24, 1996 A linear actuator includes a motor having a rotatable output Int. Cl." .............................................. F16H 25/20 shaft, a lead Screw having a worm gear thread, a forward end U.S. Cl. ..................................... 74/89.15; 74/424.8 R; and a rear end, a worm gear drive train connected between 192/141 the motor output Shaft and the lead Screw to convert the Field of Search ................................ 192/141, 142 R, rotary motion of the motor output Shaft into rotary motion of 192/143; 74/89.15, 424.8 R the lead Screw, an extension tube assembly mounted at the forward end of the lead screw, where the extension tube References Cited assembly includes an extension tube concentrically disposed around the forward end of the lead Screw, the extension tube U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS having a forward end for contacting a device requiring linear 3,951,004 4/1976 Heesch. motion, and a rear end, a nut connected to the rear end of the 4,241,814 12/1980 Masclet. extension tube and threadedly mounted on the lead Screw So 4,318,304 3/1982 Lang ...................................... 74/89.15 that rotation of the lead Screw moves the nut and the 4,602,520 7/1986 Nishikawa et al.. extension tube assembly axially along the lead Screw, and a 4,669,325 6/1987 Nishikawa et al.. mounting adapter positioned at the rear end of the lead Screw 4,679,457 7/1987 Nishikawa et al.. for rotatably mounting the lead Screw and for attaching the 4,790.201 12/1988 Gheddo. 4,858,481 8/1989 Abraham ................................ 74/89.15 linear actuator to a Support Structure. 5,090,513 2/1992 Bussinger ............. ... 74/89.15 X 5,388,471 2/1995 DeCampos et al. ........... 74/424.8 RX 20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1998 Sheet 1 of 5 5,809,833 U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1998 Sheet 2 of 5 5,809,833 O N N 4-4-444-444-444444 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ OS C A SN R N HilaiWSWWY,YYYRS 4,242.423 E%a. ae (e) 25 N E 2 2332 N 222 t S. N 2ar s 9 2P C 2e sarea e B 2.a statea C2. T N sedarea e I U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1998 Sheet 3 of 5 5,809,833 U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1998 Sheet 4 of 5 5,809,833 Es U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1998 Sheet 5 of 5 5,809,833 N N S SS I. TU 5,809,833 1 2 LINEAR ACTUATOR ing lubrication. The housing is mounted on the mounting adapter, and Substantially all of the axial forces along the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION lead Screw are transmitted through the mounting adapter and This invention relates in general to linear actuators and in not through the housing. All the large axial and radial forces particular to an improved Structure for a linear actuator are transmitted through and applied to the lead Screw, the which is relatively lightweight and inexpensive in extension tube assembly, and the mounting adapter. construction, yet which is capable of handling relatively Therefore, the housing which encloses the linear actuator heavy loads. can be made from a lightweight material, Such as plastic. A linear actuator is a device which is used to cause linear Various objects and advantages of this invention will movement, typically reciprocating linear movement, of a become apparent to those skilled in the art from the follow Workpiece along a desired path of movement. A typical ing detailed description of the preferred embodiment, when linear actuator includes an electric motor having a rotatable read in light of the accompanying drawings. output shaft. The output shaft of the electric motor is BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS connected through a gear train to a nut and lead Screw mechanism. Rotation of the output shaft of the electric motor 15 FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the exterior of a linear causes corresponding rotation of the lead Screw. The nut has actuator in accordance with this invention. an opening formed therethrough having an internal thread. FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the interior of the linear The lead Screw extends through the opening and has an actuator illustrated in FIG. 1, wherein the various external external thread formed which cooperates with the internal housing components have been removed for clarity. thread formed on the nut. The nut is mounted on the lead FIG. 3 is a side elevational view similar to FIG. 2. Screw in Such a manner as to be restrained from rotating with the lead Screw when the lead Screw rotates. As a result, FIG. 4 is an exploded side elevational view of the rear rotation of the lead Screw causes linear movement of the nut portions of the linear actuator illustrated in FIG. 2. axially along the lead Screw. The direction of Such axial FIG. 5 is a side elevational view similar to FIG. 4 showing movement of the nut (and the workpiece connected thereto) 25 the rear portions of the linear actuator partially assembled. is dependent upon the direction of rotation of the lead Screw. FIG. 6 is a side partial elevational view showing the Linear actuators are widely used in a variety of applica position Sensing potentiometer and limit Switches in relation tions ranging from Small to heavy loads. To accommodate to the lead Screw used in the linear actuator assembly. heavy loads, known linear actuator Structures have been FIG. 7 is a front partial elevational view of the same formed from relatively large and heavy metallic compo components shown in FIG. 6. nents. Consequently, linear actuator Structures currently in use are relatively heavy and expensive. Thus, it would be DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE desirable to provide an improved linear actuator Structure PREFERRED EMBODIMENT which is relatively lightweight and inexpensive to produce, 35 Referring now to the drawings, there is illustrated in and yet which is capable of handling heavy loads. FIGS. 1 and 2 a linear actuator, indicated generally at 10, in accordance with this invention. The illustrated linear actua SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION tor 10 includes a hollow housing 11 for protectively enclos The above object as well as other objects not specifically ing most of the components thereof to prevent the entry of enumerated are achieved by an improved structure for a 40 dirt, water, and other contaminants from the environment. linear actuator in which the rotary motion from a motor is The housing 11 includes a main housing portion 12. A rear converted to rotary motion of a lead Screw by use of a worm panel 14 is connected to the rear open end of the main gear drive train. In turn, the rotary motion of the lead Screw housing portion 12, while an elongated hollow cover tube 16 is converted to linear motion of an extension tube by use of extends forwardly from a forward opening formed through a nut which is threadedly mounted on the lead screw. The 45 the main housing portion 12. linear actuator includes a motor having a rotatable output The forward end of the cover tube 16 is closed by an end shaft, and the lead Screw has a forward end and a rear end. cap 18. The end cap 18 has an opening 20 formed A worm gear drive train connected between the motor output therethrough, for a purpose which will be described below. shaft and the lead screw converts the rotary motion of the Thus, the housing 12, the rear panel 14, the cover tube 16, motor output shaft into rotary motion of the lead Screw. An 50 and the end cap 18 cooperate as shown in FIG. 1 to provide extension tube assembly is mounted at the forward end of a protective enclosure for the linear actuator 10. The main the lead screw for movement axially of the lead screw and housing portion, the rear panel, the cover tube, and the end for engaging the workpiece or device to be moved linearly. cap are preferably formed from a relatively lightweight, The extension tube assembly includes an extension tube rigid material. For example, these components may be concentrically disposed around the forward end of the lead 55 formed from glass-filled nylon, aluminum, Zinc, aluminum/ Screw. The extension tube has a forward end for contacting Zinc alloys, StainleSS Steel, polyvinyl chloride, high or low a device requiring linear motion, and a rear end. A nut is density polyethylene. connected to the rear end of the extension tube and is As shown in FIG. 2, the linear actuator 10 includes a threadedly mounted on the lead screw so that rotation of the Source of rotational power, Such as an electric motor 22 lead Screw moves the nut and the extension tube assembly 60 having a rotatable output Shaft or worm gear drive shaft 24. axially along the lead Screw. A mounting adapter is posi The motor 22 can be of any type depending on the type of tioned at the rear end of the lead screw for rotatably application in which the linear actuator 10 is to be used.
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